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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Jasper just shrugged before actually making it sunny for once instead of cloudy. "No reason." He said sodtly to jee

Raven scooted over and let jasper go and stood up.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji sighed lightly and replied as he looked towards Asuka's stomach, his previous, more familiar form returningΨ...
“ That'd explain why the heartbeat is weak. Normal baby scanners can't pick up a Sanctum baby's heartbeat while within the womb. This is because the skin on a Sanctum woman is thicker than a Humans and doesn't mix well with the gel. The reason pregnant Sanctum women stay off the battlefield isn't because the child will be harmed, it's because the Sanctum would be too heavy and unaccustomed to her temporary weight, making her less effective at fighting. Sanctum babies are as strong as a God while they're developing. Sanctums also can't lose unborn children, as losing a child during pregnancy is because a fault occurred within the womb, however as Sanctums are perfect in every way, there'd be no possibility of a miscarriage. Basically, your baby is slowly dying from hunger because you believed it to be dead, and as a result, have been hardly eating. ”

...ΨKenji suddenly realized that the way he was talking was reminiscent of a lecture, and as a result, leaned back while bring his arms over his chest, waving them frantically from left to rightΨ...

“ B-but I'm not scolding you! I was just informing! ”


...❦Asuka could only stare at him in shock as he relayed the news to her. She soon spoke in a quiet tone, in a daze of sorts❦...

"What? Really? I didn't realize..."


...❦Asuka blinked as Kenji spoke, now mimicking him and waving her hands in front of her chest. She honestly didn't think that he was scolding her, he was just simply informing her was all❦...

"N-No I wasn't thinking that at all! T-Thank you for telling me. I'll probably go somewhere to eat after I take you and Lumina to the house."
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka could only stare at him in shock as he relayed the news to her. She soon spoke in a quiet tone, in a daze of sorts❦...
"What? Really? I didn't realize..."


...❦Asuka blinked as Kenji spoke, now mimicking him and waving her hands in front of her chest. She honestly didn't think that he was scolding her, he was just simply informing her was all❦...

"N-No I wasn't thinking that at all! T-Thank you for telling me. I'll probably go somewhere to eat after I take you and Lumina to the house."
...ΨKenji laughed lightly and spoke as he yawned involuntarilyΨ...

“ I thought it was weird because I could sense and hear two heart beats coming from you. Anyway, I can sense your presence's culmination at a house, so I can go alone and meet you there, so you two can get food~ I'm just way too tired to eat~ ”
Mayyflower said:
"I like your house" he says looking around the living room
"Ah, Thank you" she said as she put away the first aid kit, realising what she said she laughed softly "I said it again"
Mayyflower said:
( xD )
Rin shrugged. "I don't care about dad" she says before she was outside "I don't want to hurt you Len but you leave me no choice" she says before slamming her back into the wall and grabbing his arm and throwing him over her shoulder, she then warped herself across the street, under the tree and disappeared

Amaya jolted outside and looked at Len. "What happened?" She asks looking around for Rin
Len stood up and looked at Amaya "She took something from the attic and i tried to stop her." he said as he pointed towards the tree Rin disappeared under.
Nonalaka said:
"Ah, Thank you" she said as she put away the first aid kit, realising what she said she laughed softly "I said it again"
Luke chuckled and nods. "Yea" he says "and your welcome" he says kindly
Roman said:
Akane sighed a little before she chuckled, "I doubt it. With his attendance record, I'd be surprised if he knew anyone." She said, sorta disappointed about it. "His name is Roman. He's a senior, and should be graduating soon, if they look pass his attendance."
Yumi giggled a little, "They'll probably pass over it. A lot of students graduated before without so much as attending school that often."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Blake smiled a little more at her before speaking. "So what do you wish to do?" He asked her

''just hang around here a little longer. i wanna...get to know you better actually..''

*She said with a slight blush*
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len stood up and looked at Amaya "She took something from the attic and i tried to stop her." he said as he pointed towards the tree Rin disappeared under.

Amaya closed her eyes and sighed. "And this is why your my favorite" she huffs. "I'll uh be right back have ally or your father make dinner me and Rin well we might not be there for dinner" she says before running towards the area Rin disappeared before disappearing herself
Nonalaka said:
Ariel looked at the woman "My Grandmother?...Why am I here? Why did I get taken from my mommy and daddy?"
"Your father doesn't know im your grandmother and hed never let me see you when he found out" she said softly
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka shook her head as she shifted her gaze towards Kenji and spoke❦...
"No, not really. After finding out a lost the child... I stopped eating for a long period of time. I barely just started eating and I'm already out of food."
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji sighed lightly and replied as he looked towards Asuka's stomach, his previous, more familiar form returningΨ...
“ That'd explain why the heartbeat is weak. Normal baby scanners can't pick up a Sanctum baby's heartbeat while within the womb. This is because the skin on a Sanctum woman is thicker than a Humans and doesn't mix well with the gel. The reason pregnant Sanctum women stay off the battlefield isn't because the child will be harmed, it's because the Sanctum would be too heavy and unaccustomed to her temporary weight, making her less effective at fighting. Sanctum babies are as strong as a God while they're developing. Sanctums also can't lose unborn children, as losing a child during pregnancy is because a fault occurred within the womb, however as Sanctums are perfect in every way, there'd be no possibility of a miscarriage. Basically, your baby is slowly dying from hunger because you believed it to be dead, and as a result, have been hardly eating. ”

...ΨKenji suddenly realized that the way he was talking was reminiscent of a lecture, and as a result, leaned back while bring his arms over his chest, waving them frantically from left to rightΨ...

“ B-but I'm not scolding you! I was just informing! ”


...♠Up until this point Lumina had been listening to the conversation between Asuka and Kenji, standing quietly off to the side rather than actually participating. There wasn't really much input that she could really give into the conversation anyways. They were Sanctums talking about things relating to Sanctums, what could she really add to the conversation? Her eyes did widen as Kenji explained that Asuka's baby was indeed alive, rather than dead like Asuka initially thought. Which was great! So she hadn't lost the baby after all! A small smile found Lumina's lips as she looked between the two before another wave of lightheadedness came over her, and she wobbled before bringing a hand to her head in an attempt to stable herself. But now wasn't the time to be worrying about herself, they were talking about Asuka and her unborn child. She forced the smile back on to her face as she looked at her friend♠...

"..so your baby is okay after all.. that's great to hear..."
Lumina said:
...♠Up until this point Lumina had been listening to the conversation between Asuka and Kenji, standing quietly off to the side rather than actually participating. There wasn't really much input that she could really give into the conversation anyways. They were Sanctums talking about things relating to Sanctums, what could she really add to the conversation? Her eyes did widen as Kenji explained that Asuka's baby was indeed alive, rather than dead like Asuka initially thought. Which was great! So she hadn't lost the baby after all! A small smile found Lumina's lips as she looked between the two before another wave of lightheadedness came over her, and she wobbled before bringing a hand to her head in an attempt to stable herself. But now wasn't the time to be worrying about herself, they were talking about Asuka and her unborn child. She forced the smile back on to her face as she looked at her friend♠...
"..so your baby is okay after all.. that's great to hear..."
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka shook her head as she looked at Lumina, soon speaking as she looked back at Kenji❦...
"Lumina looks tired at the moment, so she should go with you. I'll be fine on my own."


...ΨKenji nodded at Asuka and looked at Lumina, talking to Asuka as he did soΨ...

“ Okay.
But, I may not be able to hold myself back~

...ΨKenji then laughed lightly as he blushed, talking to Lumina as he did soΨ...

Just kidding~ Shall we go?~

Yuto was taking a lonely stroll through the park when suddenly a man with dual blades equipped to both of his arms slammed his foot into Yuto as he crashed down from the sky, crushing Yuto's head with his foot. Yuto teleported away, wiping some blood off his face as he wobbled. "W-" He began saying before he was blindsided again, being stabbed in the back out of nowhere by the same man. Yuto's eyes widened as he stumbled forward before being kneed in the gut with amazing force, sending him flying before he was slashed to death. It... Wasn't supposed to end... Like this... Ken... Noir... Lily-San... We're his last thoughts before a large explosion occurred, causing a massive rain of blood to fall on the city that day. And just like that, the man was gone in a instant. Yuto was dead... He was with his brother, in a better place... "Tell Lily... That she's going to do amazing things one day... The same goes for Ken-Kun... *cough cough* As for Noir... My Noir... I love you the most of all. I will always be with you... Even in death. Bring.... Smiles... To... Everyone's faces..." We're his last words. And then there was silence. Nothing but silence.


@Lumina @Roman @WeirdPrincess @Daniel reaving @everyone, I don't have the time to tag everyone xD
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Mayyflower said:
Luke chuckled and nods. "Yea" he says "and your welcome" he says kindly
"I gotta stop repeating myself huh" she said with a small giggle "So, do you want tea or coffee or anything?" she asked as she was about to stand up to go to the kitchen.


[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Your father doesn't know im your grandmother and hed never let me see you when he found out" she said softly

Ariel tilted her head a little "He wouldnt?, well why not?...youre not bad are you?"
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji nodded at Asuka and looked at Lumina, talking to Asuka as he did soΨ...
“ Okay.
But, I may not be able to hold myself back~

...ΨKenji then laughed lightly as he blushed, talking to Lumina as he did soΨ...

Just kidding~ Shall we go?~


...❦Asuka spoke with a slightly angered expression❦...

"You're being unpleasant!"


...❦Asuka then leaned closer towards Kenji and spoke a little quieter so only he could hear before she handed Lumina to him, soon leaving to go get food❦...

"And if you do anything... at least be safe."

TheDragoon said:
Mari looked even sadder. "But... I don't want to be mean... I at least want to give them a chance... I'm so stupid... I won't be able to survive..." She said softly.
Ansom shook his head. "I may have worded that incorrectly...." He sighed. "What I meant to say was that you need to be...." He frowned as he tried to think of the word. "Assertive." He smiled. "You don't need to be mean." He patted the girl's head. "And you're not stupid, Mari. Quite the opposite actually."
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka spoke with a slightly angered expression❦...
"You're being unpleasant!"


...❦Asuka then leaned closer towards Kenji and spoke a little quieter so only he could hear before she handed Lumina to him, soon leaving to go get food❦...

"And if you do anything... at least be safe."

...ΨKenji clasped his hands together as he replied, bowing his head apologeticallyΨ...

“ I-I'm sorry! ”

...ΨKenji leaned slightly closer as Asuka leaned in so that he could hear her. He suddenly released a heavy blush and attempted to speak as he watched Asuka leave, stutteringΨ...

“ Wh-wh-wha..? ”

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WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka spoke with a slightly angered expression❦...
"You're being unpleasant!"


...❦Asuka then leaned closer towards Kenji and spoke a little quieter so only he could hear before she handed Lumina to him, soon leaving to go get food❦...

"And if you do anything... at least be safe."

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji nodded at Asuka and looked at Lumina, talking to Asuka as he did soΨ...
“ Okay.
But, I may not be able to hold myself back~

...ΨKenji then laughed lightly as he blushed, talking to Lumina as he did soΨ...

Just kidding~ Shall we go?~


...♤Lumina looked at Kenji, just a tad too dizzy to really comprehend what he was saying, and felt Asuka move her to him as she walked away to get food. She noticed she told him something but she couldn't hear, and didn't really feel like trying to listen in. Lumina's hand still rested on her head, which was the only thing really keeping her stable at the moment♤...

"...y-yeah... let's go..."
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko nodded and spoke✿...
"That would probably be good..."
Nonalaka said:
Elaena blinked "We can?" she nodded "Alright" she said excited to learn it,
''alright...both agree. we can learn it here''

*She said before she turned to enter the simulation room again*
HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright...both agree. we can learn it here''
*She said before she turned to enter the simulation room again*
Elaena simply nodded before following in behind her to the simulation room.
NeoClassical said:
Ansom shook his head. "I may have worded that incorrectly...." He sighed. "What I meant to say was that you need to be...." He frowned as he tried to think of the word. "Assertive." He smiled. "You don't need to be mean." He patted the girl's head. "And you're not stupid, Mari. Quite the opposite actually."
Mari blushed lightly but then shook it off. "T-Thank you mister Ansom!" She said with a bright smile. She had changed her mind. Ansom wasn't like the golden haired man at all... He was quite kind really... And he had already learned so much about her. It was like he was reading her like a book. She found it strange... But amazing. She had to get going soon, Natsumi and Han would worry. "I need to go now sir, it was nice meeting you! I hope we get to see each other again!" She said, hugging him before she ran off to Himeragi's/Roman's mansion.
Nonalaka said:
"I gotta stop repeating myself huh" she said with a small giggle "So, do you want tea or coffee or anything?" she asked as she was about to stand up to go to the kitchen.

Ariel tilted her head a little "He wouldnt?, well why not?...youre not bad are you?"
"Tea would be nice" he says smiling.

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