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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
((I am... But I don't think Ansom would be interested in talking to any of my peeps :3))
Mari: Plant Goddess((Daughter of Celia... Who is now dead >.<))

Yuto: Dark Exceed God

Dex: Tyler's smartass brother/Arcane Fire Spirit/Master Wizard
(any of them is fine. It's up to you really.)

Ansom strolled through the streets of the city, looking up at the buildings and smelling the aromas of bad street food. He sighed in content and continued forward, pushing his way through the crowd of people.
Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu blinked as Miyaka talked about making Misafune blush. He definitely seemed the type of guy who might get easily flustered. Not that Chiharu would do that on purpose, of course. She really didn't have a desire to, really. But she supposed she'd keep it in mind anyways? Aside from that, Chiharu looked at Miyaka with a bit of a confused look when she said that she'd help her☼...
"Help me...? With what?"

"You are so cute. Help you with whatever you lost, silly. Ever since I emerged, you looked like a lost kitten in the rain. So fess up and tell Auntie Miyaka what's keeping you from smiling." she turned on Chiharu, with genuine concern. "Besides, I have this feeling there is more to you than your letting on." she finished as she threw a rock at the school gate across the street. (they really have not made any progress, but crossed a destroyed street.)


Lumina said:
...♤Lumina hung her head, listening to his explanation. She supposed his logic made sense... but without that initial pain from her, there would have been no reason for him to get angry at his brother. Her body trembled a bit, her wings shaking, as more tears threatened to come to her eyes. She moved her arms up, fists still balled, and placed them on his chest, almost like she wanted to hit him. Her eyes were still closed, with Lumina unable to look at him even with the kiss on her cheek♤...
"But that pain... was from me. If I would have been able to control myself better then maybe..."

...♤Lumina's hands shook, now, like they were unsure of what to do. There was so much anger, so much hurt, that was just sitting in her heart and in her head and body, that it was physically confusing, taking a toll on her body from being unable to properly express it♤...

"If I could've... controlled myself better... Asuka would be okay... you would have been okay... it's all my fault... I... I'm just...."
...ΨKenji placed his arms around Lumina's waist and spoke as he leaned closer to her ear, whispering as if telling a secretΨ...

“ It is up to the Sanctum to deal with the pain of their pair, so long as their pair doesn't leave their side. I wouldn't know love if it wasn't for you, I'd say feeling some pain whenever you get hurt is a good deal for a lifetime of love and happiness. ”
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I never thought you would say yes " he said softly to her

"Why wouldn't I" she asks
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi puffed out her cheeks, which were still pink "N-No, its just not an accurate statement" she said as she continued to walk, twiddling her thumbs a bit.

Rini tilted her head at Miyaka "That must be awful..yknow since he dosent know you're there he can't really help you be your own person..." Rini tapped her chin in thought for a bit, trying to ignore the crumbling city that was in the backdrop of where she walked "I mean i have alot of spell books...Even super old ones...but i dunno if i could find a spell to fix your problem..I could still try though?" she offered, trying her best to help


Camilla stared at him for a bit before laughing, she liked this side of him that loved to joke around, and was glad he was beginning to show it more often, It meant he was happy, which was one of the things she wanted most, for him to be smiling and to be happy. She then uncurled herself from the position she was in as she then sat up straight, fixing her hair as she did so.
Luke laughed lightly. "Okay then" he says
NeoClassical said:
(any of them is fine. It's up to you really.)
Ansom strolled through the streets of the city, looking up at the buildings and smelling the aromas of bad street food. He sighed in content and continued forward, pushing his way through the crowd of people.
((Hmm... I think Mari would be easiest to use...))

A small girl sat in the middle of the crowd, being pushed around by the onslaught of people that were passing by. "O-Ow!" She yelped each time she was pushed.
TheDragoon said:
((Hmm... I think Mari would be easiest to use...))
A small girl sat in the middle of the crowd, being pushed around by the onslaught of people that were passing by. "O-Ow!" She yelped each time she was pushed.
Ansom walked through the crowd, heading for no where in particular. He tilted his head when he heard a faint yelp. It was quiet so Ansom wasn't entirely sure he actually heard it. He continued moving until he heard it again. He eventually tacked the noise to a small girl who seemed to be having trouble getting through the crowd. He laughed at her constant struggle before shaking his head and walking to her direction. Once he got there he waved his hand and the people closest to them disappeared, leaving a wide open space.
NeoClassical said:
Ansom walked through the crowd, heading for no where in particular. He tilted his head when he heard a faint yelp. It was quiet so Ansom wasn't entirely sure he actually heard it. He continued moving until he heard it again. He eventually tacked the noise to a small girl who seemed to be having trouble getting through the crowd. He laughed at her constant struggle before shaking his head and walking to her direction. Once he got there he waved his hand and the people closest to them disappeared, leaving a wide open space.
The small girl looked scared, looking up at the man with big fearful eyes. "S-Stay away...! Momma told me not to talk to strangers..." She said in shaky voice. She was thankful for the mans help, but the man that had confronted her reminded her of that man who had killed her mother... A man with golden hair and powerful aura that could crush anybody like a bug. For some reason, she felt a powerful aura coming off of this man.
TheDragoon said:
The small girl looked scared, looking up at the man with big fearful eyes. "S-Stay away...! Momma told me not to talk to strangers..." She said in shaky voice. She was thankful for the mans help, but the man that had confronted her reminded her of that man who had killed her mother... A man with golden hair and powerful aura that could crush anybody like a bug. For some reason, she felt a powerful aura coming off of this man.
((( Referencing Akira... Akira killed her mother, Celia. Just had to clarify XDD )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Referencing Akira... Akira killed her mother, Celia. Just had to clarify XDD )))

((I knew that, but I guess Neo didn't know that xD ))
TheDragoon said:
The small girl looked scared, looking up at the man with big fearful eyes. "S-Stay away...! Momma told me not to talk to strangers..." She said in shaky voice. She was thankful for the mans help, but the man that had confronted her reminded her of that man who had killed her mother... A man with golden hair and powerful aura that could crush anybody like a bug. For some reason, she felt a powerful aura coming off of this man.
"Well I didn't say anything....and I'm pretty sure you just talked to me, a stranger." Ansom laughed. "I saw you were having trouble. It was quite comical actually but I decided to help you." He waved his hand. "No need to thank me."
NeoClassical said:
"Well I didn't say anything....and I'm pretty sure you just talked to me, a stranger." Ansom laughed. "I saw you were having trouble. It was quite comical actually but I decided to help you." He waved his hand. "No need to thank me."
Mari thought the way she was acting was rude so she slowly stood up, straightening her cute little sailor hat before bowing a bit. "I'm sorry for being rude, my name is Mari." She said shyly. "Thank you for helping me."
TheDragoon said:
Mari thought the way she was acting was rude so she slowly stood up, straightening her cute little sailor hat before bowing a bit. "I'm sorry for being rude, my name is Mari." She said shyly. "Thank you for helping me."
Ansom frowned. "I'm pretty sure I said there was no need to thank me." He slowly shook his head. "You don't listen very well, do you?" He chuckled. "My name is Ansom. I appreciate your lack of listening skills. It makes second meanings go unnoticed."
NeoClassical said:
Ansom frowned. "I'm pretty sure I said there was no need to thank me." He slowly shook his head. "You don't listen very well, do you?" He chuckled. "My name is Ansom. I appreciate your lack of listening skills. It makes second meanings go unnoticed."
Mari seemed a bit angered by his sarcasm, but just shook it off. "S-Sorry..." She said softly, now frowning a bit. "I'll try to pay better attention..."
TheDragoon said:
Y thought once more. "I'll be it, so better hurry and hide~" He said before he closed his eyes and started counting down from 10
Sora smiles, thinking for a moment if he should use his powers but decided against it. "I kno teh purfect sput!" He says quietly and starts running towards the school.
TheDragoon said:
Mari seemed a bit angered by his sarcasm, but just shook it off. "S-Sorry..." She said softly, now frowning a bit. "I'll try to pay better attention..."
Ansom laughed. "You shouldn't say sorry to me. I'm not someone you should respect unless I tell you to." He shrugged. "Honestly, I don't care if you listen or not. Lately, people really haven't been listening to what I say. It's the price of being heartless I guess."
NeoClassical said:
Ansom laughed. "You shouldn't say sorry to me. I'm not someone you should respect unless I tell you to." He shrugged. "Honestly, I don't care if you listen or not. Lately, people really haven't been listening to what I say. It's the price of being heartless I guess."
Mari blinked a few times before shaking her head. "That isn't true, how could you be heartless if you decided to help me right now? Someone without a heart wouldn't be able to feel anything. You felt that it was funny how I was being pushed around, so you must have a heart deep down inside... Don't you?" She asked, hoping she was right. After all, she was only 8 years old so how was she supposed to know this stuff?
Slaxt said:
Sora smiles, thinking for a moment if he should use his powers but decided against it. "I kno teh purfect sput!" He says quietly and starts running towards the school.
After Y reached 10, he began his search for Sora, wondering where he went. He decided to check the school first, since Mika had only showed him around there...
...?Asuka reappeared to Ecrilia, where she and Lumina had stayed when they disappeared. It seemed to be her new home now and would continue to reside there until she ever felt the need or passion to return to earth. With every step she took, her heart pounded and her feet screamed in agony. Having ran then walked almost everywhere in Euphoria, her legs and feet were aching. Somehow, that feeling masked the pain that was in her heart. She hated the fact that she left and wished she tried to talk to him more. To persuade him at the very least to not take away their accesses to Euphoria. Asuka didn't like how things had felt when she was walking away, the air felt heavy and the tension was so incredibly thick that someone could cut it with a knife. Her gaze dropped down to the ring, which she had moved back to the proper finger. It was probably all over, so why was she still wearing the ring? She had messed up by moving it to a different finger, she didn't do much as deserve to wear it. Even still, she refused to move or remove it. There was still that last bit of hope that Asuka held within her, telling her things weren't over. That it wasn't going to last forever and he would be back. So she held on to that feeling, she grasped it for dear life, refusing to let it go?...

"I just suck... at life. I only brought pain by showing up... I'm sorry... I wish it ended differently... I wish you were here... but I guess... forever was a lie..."


...?Asuka trudged the rest of the way home and as she walked inside, it was cold and dark. The smell of burnt food still whirled around in the air, it was as if they had left only seconds ago and not hours. She never felt more alone in her life, she didn't have anyone now. Asuka glanced around the empty home, soon letting out a sigh before walking towards the bathroom. Now she felt guilt for leaving Lumina behind, though she was probably busy with Kenji. She'd isn't know how things were going between the two, it's not like she could go back... no matter how much she wanted to. Asuka wanted nothing more then Lumina's company at the moment, she felt terrible and she thought that at any second she might burst into tears. She was trying her best to hold it in, but it was beginning to get harder. The pain in her heart only grew stronger and overthrew the pain from her legs and feet. Asuka slowly made her way inside the bathroom, soon closing the door behind her. She was going to take a long shower to clear her mind, to at least try and think. Her feet dragged her over towards the shower, where she stripped herself of her clothes and set her glasses on the counter before tossing them to the side and turning on the water. It was hot and it scorched her skin, but she didn't mind the slight pain she felt from it. It drifted her mind away from the pain that resided in her. Asuka didn't know if it would ever go away or if it would stay there forever. She stood motionless, staring at the floor blankly as the water rained down on her head, sliding along her face and skin?...

"This pain... will it ever go away? It hurts... but I'm the only one to blame..."


...?Standing to long began to hurt her feet again, so she turned off the shower and filled up the bath instead. Once the bath was full, Asuka stepped into the tub and sat down. Her hands glided along the top of the water as she retreated to her thoughts again. She thought about when Akira left and how desperate she had been to find him, though she didn't go to the obvious place. Even if she didn't want to admit it, a small part of her was scared that day. Mostly because she thought she was going to die. Then she thought about today, how she seemed to display the same type of desperate behavior. Asuka smiled in spite of the pain, tears soon forming in the corner of her eyes as she spoke. Her hands moved out of the water and on to the side of the tub before her hands tightly gripped the side, her eyes soon squeezing shut. A barrier soon formed around the house, preventing anyone from ever coming in... and for her ever coming out. Asuka didn't want anyone near her anymore, she just wanted to be left alone in her pain and misery. This was how it was suppose to be, whether she wanted it this way or not?...

"I'm pathetic... thinking I could just go there and fix everything by talking... I just don't want to be alone... but I already am... It's funny really... The one thing I hate the most... is being alone... but I am alone... I deserve this... forever..."


...?After spending a few hours in the bath, Asuka eventually got out and put her pajamas on before heading to bed. She laid in bed, her hand lifted above her head as she stared at the ring before her hand dropped down and began to toy with the necklace instead. She wore it everyday and hadn't taken it off since receiving it, she didn't want to part with this as much as she didn't want to part with the ring. Asuka looked down and lifted the necklace to read the engraving, smiling a little before it slowly dropped. She moved the necklace so it was hidden under her pajama shirt before moving her arms beside her head, soon speaking. Her arms moved to cover her face in shame before Asuka moved them back and down to her side. A sudden pain shot to her ring finger and she winced, lifting the hand and staring at the glowing red item. She stared at it in confusion, wondering why it had given off the red glow. Asuka thought about taking off the ring, just for the night but the glowing seemed to stop and it returned to normal. She didn't know what exactly it could mean, so she just shrugged it off, closed her and and drifted to sleep?...

"Why am I here? I have kids, I should be with them. Instead, I'm here... away from them and everyone. I shouldn't be here, but I don't want to leave. I'm sorry everyone... for whatever pain I'm causing or have caused."

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Asuka reappeared to Ecrilia, where she and Lumina had stayed when they disappeared. It seemed to be her new home now and would continue to reside there until she ever felt the need or passion to return to earth. With every step she took, her heart pounded and her feet screamed in agony. Having ran then walked almost everywhere in Euphoria, her legs and feet were aching. Somehow, that feeling masked the pain that was in her heart. She hated the fact that she left and wished she tried to talk to him more. To persuade him at the very least to not take away their accesses to Euphoria. Asuka didn't like how things had felt when she was walking away, the air felt heavy and the tension was so incredibly thick that someone could cut it with a knife. Her gaze dropped down to the ring, which she had moved back to the proper finger. It was probably all over, so why was she still wearing the ring? She had messed up by moving it to a different finger, she didn't do much as deserve to wear it. Even still, she refused to move or remove it. There was still that last bit of hope that Asuka held within her, telling her things weren't over. That it wasn't going to last forever and he would be back. So she held on to that feeling, she grasped it for dear life, refusing to let it go?...
"I just suck... at life. I only brought pain by showing up... I'm sorry... I wish it ended differently... I wish you were here... but I guess... forever was a lie..."


...?Asuka trudged the rest of the way home and as she walked inside, it was cold and dark. The smell of burnt food still whirled around in the air, it was as if they had left only seconds ago and not hours. She never felt more alone in her life, she didn't have anyone now. Asuka glanced around the empty home, soon letting out a sigh before walking towards the bathroom. Now she felt guilt for leaving Lumina behind, though she was probably busy with Kenji. She'd isn't know how things were going between the two, it's not like she could go back... no matter how much she wanted to. Asuka wanted nothing more then Lumina's company at the moment, she felt terrible and she thought that at any second she might burst into tears. She was trying her best to hold it in, but it was beginning to get harder. The pain in her heart only grew stronger and overthrew the pain from her legs and feet. Asuka slowly made her way inside the bathroom, soon closing the door behind her. She was going to take a long shower to clear her mind, to at least try and think. Her feet dragged her over towards the shower, where she stripped herself of her clothes and set her glasses on the counter before tossing them to the side and turning on the water. It was hot and it scorched her skin, but she didn't mind the slight pain she felt from it. It drifted her mind away from the pain that resided in her. Asuka didn't know if it would ever go away or if it would stay there forever. She stood motionless, staring at the floor blankly as the water rained down on her head, sliding along her face and skin?...

"This pain... will it ever go away? It hurts... but I'm the only one to blame..."


...?Standing to long began to hurt her feet again, so she turned off the shower and filled up the bath instead. Once the bath was full, Asuka stepped into the tub and sat down. Her hands glided along the top of the water as she retreated to her thoughts again. She thought about when Akira left and how desperate she had been to find him, though she didn't go to the obvious place. Even if she didn't want to admit it, a small part of her was scared that day. Mostly because she thought she was going to die. Then she thought about today, how she seemed to display the same type of desperate behavior. Asuka smiled in spite of the pain, tears soon forming in the corner of her eyes as she spoke. Her hands moved out of the water and on to the side of the tub before her hands tightly gripped the side, her eyes soon squeezing shut. A barrier soon formed around the house, preventing anyone from ever coming in... and for her ever coming out. Asuka didn't want anyone near her anymore, she just wanted to be left alone in her pain and misery. This was how it was suppose to be, whether she wanted it this way or not?...

"I'm pathetic... thinking I could just go there and fix everything by talking... I just don't want to be alone... but I already am... It's funny really... The one thing I hate the most... is being alone... but I am alone... I deserve this... forever..."


...?After spending a few hours in the bath, Asuka eventually got out and put her pajamas on before heading to bed. She laid in bed, her hand lifted above her head as she stared at the ring before her hand dropped down and began to toy with the necklace instead. She wore it everyday and hadn't taken it off since receiving it, she didn't want to part with this as much as she didn't want to part with the ring. Asuka looked down and lifted the necklace to read the engraving, smiling a little before it slowly dropped. She moved the necklace so it was hidden under her pajama shirt before moving her arms beside her head, soon speaking. Her arms moved to cover her face in shame before Asuka moved them back and down to her side. A sudden pain shot to her ring finger and she winced, lifting the hand and staring at the glowing red item. She stared at it in confusion, wondering why it had given off the red glow. Asuka thought about taking off the ring, just for the night but the glowing seemed to stop and it returned to normal. She didn't know what exactly it could mean, so she just shrugged it off, closed her and and drifted to sleep?...

"Why am I here? I have kids, I should be with them. Instead, I'm here... away from them and everyone. I shouldn't be here, but I don't want to leave. I'm sorry everyone... for whatever pain I'm causing or have caused."

((Poor Asuka... ;-; I wish I kept Kaito alive now so that he could come over and help her... :( Not that he would know this was happening to Asuka anyway...))
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]"Hmm...We have to fix that!" she said with a cheshire grin. Miyaka turned to the girls and spoke mischeivously, "Wanna watch a boy get flustered?" she asked with a sheepish grin. "Since I can't be there, you both should come onto Misafune really hard. His reaction is priceless. I bet you can get him to carry your books also. a totes win-win, no?" she suggested to her new friends. "Of course, you both wouldn't really mean any of it, so it wouldn't be manipulation, just a flex of your womanly charms muscles." she spoke and smiled devilishly. "And of course no favor goes unrepaid...Chiharu, I will work from within to see if Misafune can help you. And Rini....is there anything you could need in return for assisting me on this awesome venture?" she asked sincerely.

Rini stared at Miyaka, "Flexing our womanly charms?" she questioned, looking rather confused before she shrugged a little "I don't really need anything...and I don't think I would be any good at that..." it was true though, she had never tried to make anyone flustered on purpose before.


Mayyflower said:
Luke laughed lightly. "Okay then" he says
Kairassi nodded in agreement as her faint blush faded, smiling over at him, she wasnt cute, not in her opinion anyways.
TheDragoon said:
((Poor Asuka... ;-; I wish I kept Kaito alive now so that he could come over and help her... :( Not that he would know this was happening to Asuka anyway...))
(( Even if he was alive and he did know what was going on, Kite wouldn't be able to get to where she is xD Its gonna get worse though >~> ))
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Neo was just saying hello to people and meeting them, since no one had paper or a pen. though she was just saying hi to peopl*
...✿Kioko hummed to herself as she stood off to the side. She wasn't going to go over and greet the Neo girl, mainly because she didn't really want to. For the time being, she'd just sing a little tune to herself until there was another lesson✿...
Nonalaka said:
Rini stared at Miyaka, "Flexing our womanly charms?" she questioned, looking rather confused before she shrugged a little "I don't really need anything...and I don't think I would be any good at that..." it was true though, she had never tried to make anyone flustered on purpose before.

Kairassi nodded in agreement as her faint blush faded, smiling over at him, she wasnt cute, not in her opinion anyways.
Luke looked over at kairassi and smiled back
WeirdPrincess said:
(( Even if he was alive and he did know what was going on, Kite wouldn't be able to get to where she is xD Its gonna get worse though >~> ))
((( Yeah. It is going to get worse.. but for who? > :) )))

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