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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nonalaka said:
Kairassi nodded "Hmm, Yeah, well as they say, time flies when youre having fun" she said before giggling softly "But yeah, Ive been enjoying hanging out with you..." she said as she looked over at him. "and i guess im a little annoyed time flew as well." she admitted
Luke chuckled and nods. "I've enjoyed hanging out with you too" he says
LunaCrosby said:
"well alright, ever chase your tail in that form?" she said jokingly.
Amaya blushed in embarrassment. "Oh my gosh" she says embarrassed "okay only once or a few times" she says
TheDragoon said:
Mari blinked a few times before shaking her head. "That isn't true, how could you be heartless if you decided to help me right now? Someone without a heart wouldn't be able to feel anything. You felt that it was funny how I was being pushed around, so you must have a heart deep down inside... Don't you?" She asked, hoping she was right. After all, she was only 8 years old so how was she supposed to know this stuff?
Ansom sighed. "It's an expression. I do, in literal terms, have a heart." He chuckled. "You're funny for a little kid. You've made me laugh twice since I met you. Good on you." He gave a thumbs up. "What are you doing out here anyway....all on your lonesome?" He asked.
LunaCrosby said:
"oh amaya" she said and laughed "well dog's can't help but do it" she said.
Amaya chuckled and nods. "Yea" she says "what have you been up too? Are you still living in a dorm?" She asks
Lumina said:


...?Since originally coming here, Asuka had helped Lumina through many a panic attack, as she learned to get a hold of herself for a while after Kenji left. If anything, Asuka would be able to calm her down, even though she figured Asuka probably wouldn't want to see her?...


...?A year had passed since Asuka came back to Ecrilia and somewhere along the way, she had lost her child. She didn't know how or much less why, but it devastated her. She remembered the day when she had gone to the doctors to get an Ultrasound. The feeling of the cold blue gel being rubbed on to her stomach, sent shivers through her spine. The one thing she remembered was the doctor explaining that her baby was dead and that it would have to be removed. Asuka cried for days, having to bare such a thing alone had almost pushed her over the edge. It was agony going through every day, every hour, every minute not knowing what had caused her to lose the child. She deduced that maybe it had something to do with when she was experiment on. It was a struggle to go through each day as if everything was fine... because it wasn't it. Her hatred stemmed from the ones who took her and the scientist that had experimented on her. Asuka went through months angry at those people and if someone so much as glanced her way, she'd glare at them. Even if they didn't do anything wrong, she seemed to resent everyone. She eventually shut herself away in her house and refused to leave, much less eat. Asuka practically starved herself to the point where she got a headaches frequently from not eating and seemed to reduce to nothing but skin and bones. She was like a walking stick, though most days she couldn't so much as leave the bed. Eventually, Asuka had finally gotten to eat through the help of a clone of herself, which she had learned how to do when Lumina had come and trained. She regained her ability to move and continue to eat, but she moved through life as a zombie?...


...?There seemed to be nothing worth living for anymore. She had lost her mother, lost Akira and had given up all hope on ever seeing him again (though she still kept the necklace and ring on), and on top of all of that she had lost her unborn child. Was anything worth it anymore? All she wanted to do was die... though she never did take that extra step to taking her own life. Asuka never tried to because she knew she couldn't go through with it. She lived most days in a daze, rarely ever fully there. She ate when she had to, slept when it was necessary, bathed when needed, but never really did anything fun for herself. Asuka just stayed in the comfort of her home, curled up into a ball as she stared blankly at the tv that was in front of her. It was never on, it just showed a blank screen. She would stay there for most of the day until she got hunger or thought she needed to take a bath. It was hard... not having anyone around her and going through all of it alone. Asuka seemed to feel nothing but pain during the times she had left?...

"I should never have existed! I just want to die! Why did I have to go through this? What... did I do... to deserve any of this..."


...?It was on the day that she could sense Lumina and Kenji coming to Ecrilia, that Asuka sat on a train, staring blankly out of the window beside her and watching as they seemed to go through a tunnel. She was making a trip to the grocery store, mainly because she had run out of food and she was starving at this point. The train soon came to a stop and Asuka stood up, soon getting off and walking up the steps to reach the surface. Her stomach growled and she looked down at her stomach for a moment, tears forming in her eyes before she quickly looked away. She quickly walked up the rest of the steps and resurfaced from the underground before Asuka turned and walked towards the store. She suddenly stopped in her tracks at seeing two familiar people lying on the floor in Ecrilia and she walked a little closer before speaking in a slight happy tone, though she still looked a little dull?...

"Lumina? You're back?"

NeoClassical said:
Ansom sighed. "It's an expression. I do, in literal terms, have a heart." He chuckled. "You're funny for a little kid. You've made me laugh twice since I met you. Good on you." He gave a thumbs up. "What are you doing out here anyway....all on your lonesome?" He asked.
Mari looked around. "O-Oh... I decided to see the world for myself and... It isn't very nice..." She said, looking down. "It's very mean..."
LunaCrosby said:
"hah yep, still living in a dorm" she said and smiled.
Amaya shook her head. "You know you can move in with us we have an extra room.." She says "plus it was our home when we were little so why not" she says
TheDragoon said:
Mari looked around. "O-Oh... I decided to see the world for myself and... It isn't very nice..." She said, looking down. "It's very mean..."
Ansom nodded in agreement. "Yes, the world is a cruel place filled with cruel people." He shrugged. "To survive, you can't be nice. It's all about being the cruelest."
Mayyflower said:
Amaya shook her head. "You know you can move in with us we have an extra room.." She says "plus it was our home when we were little so why not" she says
"hmm alright, I just hope I won't cause you any trouble." she say's.
...♅It had been one year in Euphoria, the once beautiful landscape had turned desolate. The beautiful blue skies had turned black, blocking out the sun and sending the realm into darkness. The once warm atmosphere was cold, causing the ground to be cascaded in a snowy white coating. The Sanctums didn't go outside, and instead, remained in their homes♅...

...♅Akira sat in the corner of his room, staring at the ground. His two pet Dryos hung over each shoulder from the darkness which loomed overhead. He spoke, shortly before manifesting both of his pistols, Dusk and Dawn within his hands♅...

What use is there in being alive. Living is just a chore now..



Lumina said:
...♤The longer Lumina sat in Kenji's embrace, the tears seemed to slow, though it was most likely from being dehydrated. Her body seemed to twitch as if she was still crying, despite the slowing amount of tears coming to her eyes. Feeling this, Lumina tried to control her breathing and bring it back to normal, but considering she had never cried so hard in her entire life she was having a hard time with it. Despite this, she slowly realized where she was and that it wasn't Euphoria anymore. It was Ecrilia. With this in mind, Lumina managed to raise her head, still gasping for breath, to look at Kenji♤...

...♤Since originally coming here, Asuka had helped Lumina through many a panic attack, as she learned to get a hold of herself for a while after Kenji left. If anything, Asuka would be able to calm her down, even though she figured Asuka probably wouldn't want to see her♤...

WeirdPrincess said:
...❦A year had passed since Asuka came back to Ecrilia and somewhere along the way, she had lost her child. She didn't know how or much less why, but it devastated her. She remembered the day when she had gone to the doctors to get an Ultrasound. The feeling of the cold blue gel being rubbed on to her stomach, sent shivers through her spine. The one thing she remembered was the doctor explaining that her baby was dead and that it would have to be removed. Asuka cried for days, having to bare such a thing alone had almost pushed her over the edge. It was agony going through every day, every hour, every minute not knowing what had caused her to lose the child. She deduced that maybe it had something to do with when she was experiment on. It was a struggle to go through each day as if everything was fine... because it wasn't it. Her hatred stemmed from the ones who took her and the scientist that had experimented on her. Asuka went through months angry at those people and if someone so much as glanced her way, she'd glare at them. Even if they didn't do anything wrong, she seemed to resent everyone. She eventually shut herself away in her house and refused to leave, much less eat. Asuka practically starved herself to the point where she got a headaches frequently from not eating and seemed to reduce to nothing but skin and bones. She was like a walking stick, though most days she couldn't so much as leave the bed. Eventually, Asuka had finally gotten to eat through the help of a clone of herself, which she had learned how to do when Lumina had come and trained. She regained her ability to move and continue to eat, but she moved through life as a zombie❦...


...❦There seemed to be nothing worth living for anymore. She had lost her mother, lost Akira and had given up all hope on ever seeing him again (though she still kept the necklace and ring on), and on top of all of that she had lost her unborn child. Was anything worth it anymore? All she wanted to do was die... though she never did take that extra step to taking her own life. Asuka never tried to because she knew she couldn't go through with it. She lived most days in a daze, rarely ever fully there. She ate when she had to, slept when it was necessary, bathed when needed, but never really did anything fun for herself. Asuka just stayed in the comfort of her home, curled up into a ball as she stared blankly at the tv that was in front of her. It was never on, it just showed a blank screen. She would stay there for most of the day until she got hunger or thought she needed to take a bath. It was hard... not having anyone around her and going through all of it alone. Asuka seemed to feel nothing but pain during the times she had left❦...

"I should never have existed! I just want to die! Why did I have to go through this? What... did I do... to deserve any of this..."


...❦It was on the day that she could sense Lumina and Kenji coming to Ecrilia, that Asuka sat on a train, staring blankly out of the window beside her and watching as they seemed to go through a tunnel. She was making a trip to the grocery store, mainly because she had run out of food and she was starving at this point. The train soon came to a stop and Asuka stood up, soon getting off and walking up the steps to reach the surface. Her stomach growled and she looked down at her stomach for a moment, tears forming in her eyes before she quickly looked away. She quickly walked up the rest of the steps and resurfaced from the underground before Asuka turned and walked towards the store. She suddenly stopped in her tracks at seeing two familiar people lying on the floor in Ecrilia and she walked a little closer before speaking in a slight happy tone, though she still looked a little dull❦...

"Lumina? You're back?"

...ΨKenji looked away from Lumina and towards Asuka, calling out as he attempted to smile, only before deciding against itΨ...

“ Oh.. hey Asuka-chan. ”
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NeoClassical said:
Ansom nodded in agreement. "Yes, the world is a cruel place filled with cruel people." He shrugged. "To survive, you can't be nice. It's all about being the cruelest."
Mari looked even sadder. "But... I don't want to be mean... I at least want to give them a chance... I'm so stupid... I won't be able to survive..." She said softly.
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi blinked "You looked sad or something for a second" she said as she looked at him, perhaps she imagined it?

Elaena blinked, did they have to fight those things again? she sighed a bit. she guessed there was no escaping this class huh.
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko inwardly groaned, she wasn't ready to get back to this lesson. If anything, she just wanted to go home and big out on a bunch of snacks. Plus, Kioko didn't want to look like an idiot running around looking for a weapon to kill these weird virtual beasts✿...
*Uno Hound soon spotted Kioko and decided to attack her as Victor Tank was rampaging around the group of students*
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina heard both Asuka's voice and Kenji addressing her, still trying to control her breathing. She was on the verge of hyperventilating, her breath shaky and slightly sputtery as she gasped air into her lungs. Asuka was here... thank god. A feeling of lightheadedness overcame Lumina and she instinctively leaned into Kenji, clutching on to him, still trying to breathe normally♤...

...♤It was a feeble cry for help, but all she could manage at the moment♤...
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅It had been one year in Euphoria, the once beautiful landscape had turned desolate. The beautiful blue skies had turned black, blocking out the sun and sending the realm into darkness. The once warm atmosphere was cold, causing the ground to be cascaded in a snowy white coating. The Sanctums didn't go outside, and instead, remained in their homes♅...
...♅Akira sat in the corner of his room, staring at the ground. His two pet Dryos hung over each shoulder from the darkness which loomed overhead. He spoke, shortly before manifesting both of his pistols, Dusk and Dawn within his hands♅...

What use is there in being alive. Living is just a chore now..



...ΨKenji looked away from Lumina and towards Asuka, calling out as he attempted to smile, only before deciding against itΨ...

“ Oh.. hey Asuka-chan. ”

...❦Asuka's gaze shifted over to Kenji for a moment and she lifted a hand, soon waving before her gaze focus on Lumina once more. She was happy to see her friend after such a long time and she had so much to tell her, though now didn't seem like that right time. Moving closer to the pair, Asuka squatted down and moved a hand to Lumina's back, soon rubbing her back in a soothing motion as she spoke❦...

"Lumina... You need to calm down and take a few deep breaths. It's okay now... I don't know what happened between the two of you and though things may or may not be fixed... I'm here for you Lumina. You'll be okay... the pain will pass eveentually..."
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina heard both Asuka's voice and Kenji addressing her, still trying to control her breathing. She was on the verge of hyperventilating, her breath shaky and slightly sputtery as she gasped air into her lungs. Asuka was here... thank god. A feeling of lightheadedness overcame Lumina and she instinctively leaned into Kenji, clutching on to him, still trying to breathe normally♤...

...♤It was a feeble cry for help, but all she could manage at the moment♤...
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka's gaze shifted over to Kenji for a moment and she lifted a hand, soon waving before her gaze focus on Lumina once more. She was happy to see her friend after such a long time and she had so much to tell her, though now didn't seem like that right time. Moving closer to the pair, Asuka squatted down and moved a hand to Lumina's back, soon rubbing her back in a soothing motion as she spoke❦...
"Lumina... You need to calm down and take a few deep breaths. It's okay now... I don't know what happened between the two of you and though things may or may not be fixed... I'm here for you Lumina. You'll be okay... the pain will pass eveentually..."
...ΨKenji released his grasp on Lumina to allow Asuka some room. He suddenly turned around and spoke quietly to himselfΨ...

That's weird. Where did that presence come from..?

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