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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
*Uno Hound soon spotted Kioko and decided to attack her as Victor Tank was rampaging around the group of students*
...✿Kioko yelled out in surprise and ran before she hastily grabbed a weapon from the ground. It was a pistol gun, which probably wouldn't do much damage. Turning around as she ran, Kioko shot at the Uno Hound in the chest a few times before shooting it in the head✿...
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji released his grasp on Lumina to allow Asuka some room. He suddenly turned around and spoke quietly to himselfΨ...

That's weird. Where did that presence come from..?

WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka's gaze shifted over to Kenji for a moment and she lifted a hand, soon waving before her gaze focus on Lumina once more. She was happy to see her friend after such a long time and she had so much to tell her, though now didn't seem like that right time. Moving closer to the pair, Asuka squatted down and moved a hand to Lumina's back, soon rubbing her back in a soothing motion as she spoke❦...
"Lumina... You need to calm down and take a few deep breaths. It's okay now... I don't know what happened between the two of you and though things may or may not be fixed... I'm here for you Lumina. You'll be okay... the pain will pass eveentually..."
...♤For a brief moment, despite calling out for Asuka, panic gripped Lumina as Kenji stepped back to her give Asuka some room. She felt her heart beating way faster, her mind working on overdrive for only a moment until Asuka came and kneeled next to her, and in this instance, Asuka's touch worked like Kenji's normally did in calming her down. The panic from moments earlier faded, and she was able to zero in on Asuka's words. Lumina followed directions, albeit slowly from trying to get over her messy breathing, doing everything that she remembered Asuka having told her in the past about her panic attacks from just feeling her hand on her back. It took some time, but soon Lumina's breathing returned to normal and she sat there, breathing deeply but looking dazed. The lightheadedness was starting to recede, but it placed her on the cusp of passing out, so her body was looking exhausted for the time being. Her hands were on the ground in front of her and her head and wings hung limply down, though she remained upright and kneeling. Things were slightly hazy as she raised her head to look at Asuka first, and then Kenji♤...
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Lumina said:
...♤For a brief moment, despite calling out for Asuka, panic gripped Lumina as Kenji stepped back to her give Asuka some room. She felt her heart beating way faster, her mind working on overdrive for only a moment until Asuka came and kneeled next to her, and in this instance, Asuka's touch worked like Kenji's normally did in calming her down. The panic from moments earlier faded, and she was able to zero in on Asuka's words. Lumina followed directions, albeit slowly from trying to get over her messy breathing, doing everything that she remembered Asuka having told her in the past about her panic attacks from just feeling her hand on her back. It took some time, but soon Lumina's breathing returned to normal and she sat there, breathing deeply but looking dazed. The lightheadedness was starting to recede, but it placed her on the cusp of passing out, so her body was looking exhausted for the time being. Her hands were on the ground in front of her and her head and wings hung limply down, though she remained upright and kneeling. Things were slightly hazy as she raised her head to look at Asuka first, and then Kenji♤...
...ΨKenji squinted his eyes as he attempted to sense this unusual presence. He spoke to himself as he did so, unsure of it's identityΨ...

Who.. is that..?
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko yelled out in surprise and ran before she hastily grabbed a weapon from the ground. It was a pistol gun, which probably wouldn't do much damage. Turning around as she ran, Kioko shot at the Uno Hound in the chest a few times before shooting it in the head✿...
*Uno Hound didnt seem to be affective. Due to it being strong and all. Neo only stuck a shot gun into the eye hole of his armor and shot his head. Maybe is Kioko did the same thing, it would die*
Lumina said:
...♤For a brief moment, despite calling out for Asuka, panic gripped Lumina as Kenji stepped back to her give Asuka some room. She felt her heart beating way faster, her mind working on overdrive for only a moment until Asuka came and kneeled next to her, and in this instance, Asuka's touch worked like Kenji's normally did in calming her down. The panic from moments earlier faded, and she was able to zero in on Asuka's words. Lumina followed directions, albeit slowly from trying to get over her messy breathing, doing everything that she remembered Asuka having told her in the past about her panic attacks from just feeling her hand on her back. It took some time, but soon Lumina's breathing returned to normal and she sat there, breathing deeply but looking dazed. The lightheadedness was starting to recede, but it placed her on the cusp of passing out, so her body was looking exhausted for the time being. Her hands were on the ground in front of her and her head and wings hung limply down, though she remained upright and kneeling. Things were slightly hazy as she raised her head to look at Asuka first, and then Kenji♤...
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji released his grasp on Lumina to allow Asuka some room. He suddenly turned around and spoke quietly to himselfΨ...

That's weird. Where did that presence come from..?

...❦Asuka breathed a sigh in relief as Lumina's breathing calmed and she gave a small smile, one she hadn't shown in a whole year. She rarely ever smiled nowadays. Having lost nearly everything did that to her and she wasn't the same happy, cheery person she use to be. Asuka had grown emotionless and kept to herself the majority of the time. Having Lumina here had brought back the smile that she had lost. Her gaze shifted over to Kenji for a moment, wondering what he was doing before her eyes trailed back to Lumina. With her hand still on her back, Asuka spoke as she moved the hand to her shoulder❦...

"Maybe we should have you rest... you look particularly tired from all the hyperventilating."

...ΨKenji continued to looked ahead of him, attempting to sense the presence with all of his might. He spoke to himselfΨ...

This is irritating. It seems familiar, but it's not. I've never felt anything this.. malicious before..

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WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka breathed a sigh in relief as Lumina's breathing calmed and she gave a small smile, one she hadn't shown in a whole year. She rarely ever smiled nowadays. Having lost nearly everything did that to her and she wasn't the same happy, cheery person she use to be. Asuka had grown emotionless and kept to herself the majority of the time. Having Lumina here had brought back the smile that she had lost. Her gaze shifted over to Kenji for a moment, wondering what he was doing before her eyes trailed back to Lumina. With her hand still on her back, Asuka spoke as she moved the hand to her shoulder❦...
"Maybe we should have you rest... you look particularly tired from all the hyperventilating."

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji continued to looked ahead of him, attempting to sense the presence with all of his might. He spoke to himselfΨ...
This is irritating. It seems familiar, but it's not. I've never felt anything this.. malicious before..


...♤Lumina tiredly tore her gaze away from Kenji, who she partly wanted to just fall or lean against, to look at Asuka now, feeling her hand on her shoulder. She really did feel awful... though her panic attacks started after Kenji left, she hadn't actually had one in a while. So it was really taking a toll on her already pain-wracked body. At this point, it was taking most of her willpower to stay awake and not unconscious. Lumina's eyes glassed over a bit as she nodded, her eyes finding Kenji again. She heard him talking... what was he talking about?♤...
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Uno Hound didnt seem to be affective. Due to it being strong and all. Neo only stuck a shot gun into the eye hole of his armor and shot his head. Maybe is Kioko did the same thing, it would die*
...✿Kioko threw the pistol and looked around for a shot gun like Neo had used to kill the beast. She found one not so far away, but another student was trying to pick it up so what did she do? Kioko simply pushed them aside and caused them to fall on the ground, yelling insults at her. Picking up the shot gun, she called back to them as she ran✿...


...✿Kioko thought back to what Neo did and looked back at the thing that was chasing her. She was a little scared because the thing was so large for her small size. Taking a deep breath, Kioko suddenly turned around and changed at the beast before doing the same thing Neo had done to kill it✿...
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko threw the pistol and looked around for a shot gun like Neo had used to kill the beast. She found one not so far away, but another student was trying to pick it up so what did she do? Kioko simply pushed them aside and caused them to fall on the ground, yelling insults at her. Picking up the shot gun, she called back to them as she ran✿...

...✿Kioko thought back to what Neo did and looked back at the thing that was chasing her. She was a little scared because the thing was so large for her small size. Taking a deep breath, Kioko suddenly turned around and changed at the beast before doing the same thing Neo had done to kill it✿...
*Uno Hound soon died the same way Neo killed it. So all was left was Victor Tank*

''alright...thats a kill for Kioko...i guess she cant fight with her powers yet...maybe i should just spawn F class dimensional beasts, since im really trying to dig out the combat skill in the students.....''

*Nanase said before pressing a button making more weaker Dimensional Beasts spawn. Victor and Uno were only C Class Dimensional beasts*

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LunaCrosby said:
"all right then yeah i'lll move in, and you are such an impatient child rin" she say's
Rin was looking down at her hands but looked at ally. "So I've been told" she says

Amaya stood and pulled Rin up. "Let's go" she says
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina tiredly tore her gaze away from Kenji, who she partly wanted to just fall or lean against, to look at Asuka now, feeling her hand on her shoulder. She really did feel awful... though her panic attacks started after Kenji left, she hadn't actually had one in a while. So it was really taking a toll on her already pain-wracked body. At this point, it was taking most of her willpower to stay awake and not unconscious. Lumina's eyes glassed over a bit as she nodded, her eyes finding Kenji again. She heard him talking... what was he talking about?♤...
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji continued to looked ahead of him, attempting to sense the presence with all of his might. He spoke to himselfΨ...
This is irritating. It seems familiar, but it's not. I've never felt anything this.. malicious before..


...❦Asuka stood up a little and held a hand out for Lumina to take so she could help her up. Her eyes darted over towards Kenji once again, now hearing him talk. She couldn't get word for word what he was saying, just a few bits and pieces here and there. Mostly just the words familiar and malicious. Asuka was wondering what he was going on about before letting out sigh. It didn't matter much anyways, so why should she care. Her gaze shifted back to Lumina, seeing that her eyes had glossed over before shaking her head. A lot had probably happened before she showed up in Ecrilia and even though she did want to ask, Asuka didn't think she would want to talk about it❦...

"We're gonna go back to the house... You'll be able to rest once we get there. We're a little ways away so we'll have to take the train... or teleport but I'm not one for doing that anymore."
Mayyflower said:
Luke chuckled and nods. "I've enjoyed hanging out with you too" he says
Kairassi smiled at him "Thats good to know~" she said happily "To be honest, no-one has hung out with me this long before" she said with a small laugh "I guess thats from just not knowing anyone really"


HimeragiSeiker said:
*Uno Hound soon died the same way Neo killed it. So all was left was Victor Tank*
''alright...thats a kill for Kioko...i guess she cant fight with her powers yet...maybe i should just spawn F class dimensional beasts, since im really trying to dig out the combat skill in the students.....''

*Nanase said before pressing a button making more weaker Dimensional Beasts spawn. Victor and Uno were only C Class Dimensional beasts*

Elaena gave herself a shake to wake up, since the simulation had started again, she searched the ground for a weapon, eventually picking up some kind of gun...(it was an assault rifle but obviously she didnt know that) which was hard to do considering all the students trying to rush for it aswell, one student infact tried to pull itout of her hands, but as soon as they pulled her arm, they gasped and let go, she had sent a scary illusion to them, not severe, just enough to make them back off a bit, like self defence in a way, she felt a bit cruel but they did grab her arm pretty hard, it even had left a mark.
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Nonalaka said:
Kairassi smiled at him "Thats good to know~" she said happily "To be honest, no-one has hung out with me this long before" she said with a small laugh "I guess thats from just not knowing anyone really"

Elaena gave herself a shake to wake up, since the simulation had started again, she searched the ground for a weapon, eventually picking up some kind of gun...(it was an assault rifle but obviously she didnt know that) which was hard to do considering all the students trying to rush for it aswell, one student infact tried to pull itout of her hands, but as soon as they pulled her arm, they gasped and let go, she had sent a scary illusion to them, she felt a bit cruel but they did grab her arm pretty hard, it even had left a mark.
*Nanase observed. Uno Hound was already killed by Kioko. Though she did also hog a shot gun, she killed Uno Hound. All there was left was Victor Tank. She watched the rest of the students with disappointment. Clearly, they couldnt work together if they were not equipped with any weapons. Neo only used her own skill which was summoning weapons out of nowhere. Nanase began to evaluate the students' performance in combat. They cannot start from scratch, they lack teamwork, they do anything even if it means to used their own power against them. She sighed when too much chaos was happening and the simulation ended*

''thats enough. see me in the resting room upstairs''

Nonalaka said:
Kairassi smiled at him "Thats good to know~" she said happily "To be honest, no-one has hung out with me this long before" she said with a small laugh "I guess thats from just not knowing anyone really"

Elaena gave herself a shake to wake up, since the simulation had started again, she searched the ground for a weapon, eventually picking up some kind of gun...(it was an assault rifle but obviously she didnt know that) which was hard to do considering all the students trying to rush for it aswell, one student infact tried to pull itout of her hands, but as soon as they pulled her arm, they gasped and let go, she had sent a scary illusion to them, not severe, just enough to make them back off a bit, like self defence in a way, she felt a bit cruel but they did grab her arm pretty hard, it even had left a mark.
Luke smiled. "Well before th I've only really hung out with my sisters" he says
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Nanase observed. Uno Hound was already killed by Kioko. Though she did also hog a shot gun, she killed Uno Hound. All there was left was Victor Tank. She watched the rest of the students with disappointment. Clearly, they couldnt work together if they were not equipped with any weapons. Neo only used her own skill which was summoning weapons out of nowhere. Nanase began to evaluate the students' performance in combat. They cannot start from scratch, they lack teamwork, they do anything even if it means to used their own power against them. She sighed when too much chaos was happening and the simulation ended*
''thats enough. see me in the resting room upstairs''

Elaena sighed a sigh of relief when she heard that it had ended, she looked at her arm for a bit, what the heck was all that?, werent they supposed to be all working together? this school really was brutal, with people just physically harming her over a stupid weapon, if they really needed it from her they could of just asked she supposed. she was really going to fall behind at this class...
Nonalaka said:
Elaena sighed a sigh of relief when she heard that it had ended, she looked at her arm for a bit, what the heck was all that?, werent they supposed to be all working together? this school really was brutal, with people just physically harming her over a stupid weapon, if they really needed it from her they could of just asked she supposed. she was really going to fall behind at this class...
now to wait for WP's reply))
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Nanase observed. Uno Hound was already killed by Kioko. Though she did also hog a shot gun, she killed Uno Hound. All there was left was Victor Tank. She watched the rest of the students with disappointment. Clearly, they couldnt work together if they were not equipped with any weapons. Neo only used her own skill which was summoning weapons out of nowhere. Nanase began to evaluate the students' performance in combat. They cannot start from scratch, they lack teamwork, they do anything even if it means to used their own power against them. She sighed when too much chaos was happening and the simulation ended*
''thats enough. see me in the resting room upstairs''

...✿Kioko put the gun down on the ground and sighed. Now she felt bad for pushing someone over just to get a weapon. She could have easily asked for the one they had or just found another one. This class seemed a lot harder then it was worth and she didn't even know if she was ever going to pass this class. Kioko hung her head a bit in shame before going up towards the resting room✿...
Mayyflower said:
Luke smiled. "Well before th I've only really hung out with my sisters" he says
"Ohh, I see" she nodded "your sisters seem really nice" she said with a smile


[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](did anyone get my last post, i have a feeling my posts are selectively coming through.)

((i got it but im waiting for Lumina to reply))
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko put the gun down on the ground and sighed. Now she felt bad for pushing someone over just to get a weapon. She could have easily asked for the one they had or just found another one. This class seemed a lot harder then it was worth and she didn't even know if she was ever going to pass this class. Kioko hung her head a bit in shame before going up towards the resting room✿...
Nonalaka said:
Elaena sighed a sigh of relief when she heard that it had ended, she looked at her arm for a bit, what the heck was all that?, werent they supposed to be all working together? this school really was brutal, with people just physically harming her over a stupid weapon, if they really needed it from her they could of just asked she supposed. she was really going to fall behind at this class...
*When everyone got in the resting room, Nanase had her arms crossed with a disappointed look on her face*

''im disappointed. not one of you can even work together to kill either of them. even though, Uno Hound was killed, someone had to push someone over off a shot gun. and a student grabbing someone's arm but that someone showing a scary illusion to him. im heavily disappointed. tomorrow we're gonna have a test on this again, but everyone will do it solo''

*The students soon mumbled and groaned before one student yelled at Nanase*


*The other students agreed before yelling at Nanase. Nanase just sighed again before speaking*

''ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. if you want me to fight that badly, how about i show you a demonstration for your tomorrow's assignment!''

*She said before she started the simulation again and a screen appeared for the students to watch. Nanase left the resting room and went into the simulation as Uno and Victor charged at her in the same way. Even dimensional beasts that are C classed were there too as they all charged at Nanase as she only just stood still*
Nonalaka said:
"Ohh, I see" she nodded "your sisters seem really nice" she said with a smile

((i got it but im waiting for Lumina to reply))
"Nymph she's not nice to others maki is kinda"

He says
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]"Well, with some well placed monies in whatever clothing stores still exist, or good looting of what stores fell to rubble, we ladies will transform into maneaters!" she said to her friends. She too was feeling unsure of her charms, as her group was giving off the same feelings in their body language. "With the right gear, we will own trouble." she happily said as she tried searching through the ruined blocks for standing stores, food, tools, and anyone else alive.

...☼Chiharu was content simply walking quietly alongside the girls, listening to their conversations. She didn't really have much to contribute to the conversation, especially not about becoming a "maneater". With her current form, nobody would take her seriously, not that Chiharu would want them to anyways. She didn't need new clothes - this dress fit her appearence nicely, she thought. So for now she stood off to the side, watching Miyaka dig through the rubble☼...

[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](did anyone get my last post, i have a feeling my posts are selectively coming through.)

Nonalaka said:
"Ohh, I see" she nodded "your sisters seem really nice" she said with a smile

((i got it but im waiting for Lumina to reply))
((Sorry, sorry, I just replied!))
HimeragiSeiker said:
*When everyone got in the resting room, Nanase had her arms crossed with a disappointed look on her face*
''im disappointed. not one of you can even work together to kill either of them. even though, Uno Hound was killed, someone had to push someone over off a shot gun. and a student grabbing someone's arm but that someone showing a scary illusion to him. im heavily disappointed. tomorrow we're gonna have a test on this again, but everyone will do it solo''

*The students soon mumbled and groaned before one student yelled at Nanase*


*The other students agreed before yelling at Nanase. Nanase just sighed again before speaking*

''ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. if you want me to fight that badly, how about i show you a demonstration for your tomorrow's assignment!''

*She said before she started the simulation again and a screen appeared for the students to watch. Nanase left the resting room and went into the simulation as Uno and Victor charged at her in the same way. Even dimensional beasts that are C classed were there too as they all charged at Nanase as she only just stood still*
She saw that? Elaena rubbed the side of her face with her hand, she was already ashamed enough about it already without it being addressed about, she didnt mean it, she was just startled, she let out a small sigh, being disappointed in herself. Her attention then turned to the screen as she began to watch, maybe she could learn something from watching.


Mayyflower said:
"Nymph she's not nice to others maki is kinda"
He says
Kairassi blinked "Really?, they seemed nice to me, i mean they were being rude to those bad guys, but for good reason" she said glancing at her upper arm again, which had since been bleeding a bit more through the fabric that was wrapped around it, puffing her cheeks for a moment, she fixed her jacket to keep it covered.

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