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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]

...♅Akira appeared within his throne room, standing on the balcony. He stood on the balcony looking down at his people. His spoke as his red irises soon began glowing, blood falling from his left eye in a single stream♅...

“ So it's over.. Did I cause this? I left Euphoria open so that she may come.. I left Earth to protect her and everyone else.. yet.. it was all for nothing.. ”



...ΨKenji shifted slightly within Lumina's grasp, giving the signal that he was regaining consciousness. He slowly opened his irises and smiled slightly, albeit tiredlyΨ...

“ H-hi.. Lumi-chan.. ”

...♤Lumina opened her eyes, looking down at the now-awake Kenji. He seemed alright, but tired, and between sobs that were starting to slow down she exhaled a very obvious sigh of relief, though it was a bit sputtered from the sobbing. To see him be alright and looking up at her like he used to put her at ease. That nagging sinking feeling melted away as he spoke, and she felt whole once more. But, as she looked down at her pair, Lumina couldn't help but have mixed feelings. In truth, she didn't really know how she was feeling about the situation. On one hand, she was extremely grateful and happy, both that Kenji was okay and that she actually got to see him again. On the other, the hurt was still there, now more than ever before, seeing the same smile on his face that he had back at the park, the same face that meant goodbye, and would have been goodbye for good had she not come back. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hug him and never let go again or if she wanted to get up and leave. But, right now, she didn't matter. She had come here to help Kenji and make sure he was okay, and that's what Lumina was gonna do. So for now, she put on a brave face and smiled back. It's not like the smile was a total lie, really. She was happy to be able to talk to him again, though it hid more than she'd ever admit♤...

"H-hey there..."
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina opened her eyes, looking down at the now-awake Kenji. He seemed alright, but tired, and between sobs that were starting to slow down she exhaled a very obvious sigh of relief, though it was a bit sputtered from the sobbing. To see him be alright and looking up at her like he used to put her at ease. That nagging sinking feeling melted away as he spoke, and she felt whole once more. But, as she looked down at her pair, Lumina couldn't help but have mixed feelings. In truth, she didn't really know how she was feeling about the situation. On one hand, she was extremely grateful and happy, both that Kenji was okay and that she actually got to see him again. On the other, the hurt was still there, now more than ever before, seeing the same smile on his face that he had back at the park, the same face that meant goodbye, and would have been goodbye for good had she not come back. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hug him and never let go again or if she wanted to get up and leave. But, right now, she didn't matter. She had come here to help Kenji and make sure he was okay, and that's what Lumina was gonna do. So for now, she put on a brave face and smiled back. It's not like the smile was a total lie, really. She was happy to be able to talk to him again, though it hid more than she'd ever admit♤...
"H-hey there..."
...ΨKenji smiled and placed his hand onto Lumina's cheek, talking to her as he did soΨ...

“ S-sorry for leaving you back then.. Akira and I had a plan that if one of us did something too drastic, we'd both return here. I missed you everyday, and I always asked Akira if I could return.. I love you, and I never wanted to leave you. ”

...ΨKenji then continued as he laughed lightlyΨ...

“ Plus I miss my bird~ ”
Lugh drank deeply. He emptied his mug in one go. Again. He slammed it down on the bar counter. "Another!" He cried. The bar man refilled his mug. Lugh downed it all again. He then placed a golden coin in front of the bar man. He then stood up, grabbed his scabbard, and walked out of the bar. He was ready for the future. Namely, kicking ass. He already had a few names lined up.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji smiled and placed his hand onto Lumina's cheek, talking to her as he did soΨ...
“ S-sorry for leaving you back then.. Akira and I had a plan that if one of us did something too drastic, we'd both return here. I missed you everyday, and I always asked Akira if I could return.. I love you, and I never wanted to leave you. ”

...ΨKenji then continued as he laughed lightlyΨ...

“ Plus I miss my bird~ ”

...♤Lumina looked down at him, eyes watery as she listened to his explanation. Feeling his hand on her cheek brought back a flood of good memories associated with his touch, and her cheeks warmed under his hand. But, her mind was thinking differently. Hearing his explanation made sense, but if that was the case, why did he leave without a word? Right in front of her at that? Thinking about him leaving and why he left sent a shot of pain through her chest, and her eyes closed tightly as more tears streamed down her face, some landing on Kenji's face under hers♤...

"I... I was... I was right there... you c-could've... why didn't you say anything? You just left... a-and I was alone... I thought y-you'd never... you c-could have..."

...♤The pain she had been feeling for the last few months were starting to show through, both in her actions and her voice, which was coming out in broken sentences. Lumina didn't know what she wanted to say to him, or what she could say, considering she was still trying to figure out how she felt about everything♤...
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina looked down at him, eyes watery as she listened to his explanation. Feeling his hand on her cheek brought back a flood of good memories associated with his touch, and her cheeks warmed under his hand. But, her mind was thinking differently. Hearing his explanation made sense, but if that was the case, why did he leave without a word? Right in front of her at that? Thinking about him leaving and why he left sent a shot of pain through her chest, and her eyes closed tightly as more tears streamed down her face, some landing on Kenji's face under hers♤...
"I... I was... I was right there... you c-could've... why didn't you say anything? You just left... a-and I was alone... I thought y-you'd never... you c-could have..."

...♤The pain she had been feeling for the last few months were starting to show through, both in her actions and her voice, which was coming out in broken sentences. Lumina didn't know what she wanted to say to him, or what she could say, considering she was still trying to figure out how she felt about everything♤...
...ΨKenji's joking attitude as he saw Lumina tearing up. He spoke as he sighed lightly, attempting to comfort his pairΨ...

“ It was an instant thing. We had to leave right that moment, as were the terms of us going to Earth. We had pretty strict guidelines, be it with interacting with Humans and causing damage. I'll never leave you like that again.. ”
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]

...♅Akira appeared within his throne room, standing on the balcony. He stood on the balcony looking down at his people. His spoke as his red irises soon began glowing, blood falling from his left eye in a single stream♅...

“ So it's over.. Did I cause this? I left Euphoria open so that she may come.. I left Earth to protect her and everyone else.. yet.. it was all for nothing.. ”



...ΨKenji shifted slightly within Lumina's grasp, giving the signal that he was regaining consciousness. He slowly opened his irises and smiled slightly, albeit tiredlyΨ...

“ H-hi.. Lumi-chan.. ”

...❦Asuka stared up at the sky for a moment longer before her gaze shifted to her ring. Even if it wasn't going to fix anything, much less have any type of affect, she was still going to move it back. It probably didn't make any difference, but at least it was something. Once she moved it back into place, Asuka struggled to stand up, still feeling immense pain. It hurt like hell and she was trying to suppress the pain as best she could, though she made little sounds here and there as she walked forward. Where was she going? To look for Akira, of course. Asuka didn't want to leave things the way they were, she didn't want to leave before she could apologize or at least explain herself. This was all just one big mess that she wanted to fix. So Asuka trudged forward, walking around Euphoria as she searched❦...


...❦As Asuka walked around with a quick pace, she wondered if he even wanted to see her. Maybe he didn't. Maybe he hated her now, she didn't know. Another pain came and Asuka stopped momentarily, gripping her chest and gasping for breath. It hurt so much more then the last one, god did she just want it all to go away. All Asuka could think was that it was her fault, that she didn't deserve Akira or really anyone for that matter. Even as those thoughts ran through her head, she continued to walk, searching almost everywhere before she reached the throne room. Asuka stared at the large door for a moment, debating on whether she should go in or just turn around and leave, but her legs seemed to make the decision for her. The doors to the throne room were pushed open and Asuka walked inside, her eyes shifting all over the place before they fell on a figure who stood out on the balcony. Her stomach felt queasy and she was nervous as she gazed at his back. What was she going to say? What was she going to do? Asuka didn't really know... the only thing she could do was hope for the best❦...



...❦Asuka had walked a little closer, but still kept her distance as she spoke. It was faint, so she wasn't sure if he had even heard her or not. Asuka made no move to speak again though, she just stood there silently and stared at him with the same sad gaze she had from before❦...
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji's joking attitude as he saw Lumina tearing up. He spoke as he sighed lightly, attempting to comfort his pairΨ...
“ It was an instant thing. We had to leave right that moment, as were the terms of us going to Earth. We had pretty strict guidelines, be it with interacting with Humans and causing damage. I'll never leave you like that again.. ”

...♤Lumina's eyes opened as he explained why he left so quickly, but that didn't seem to offer any relief. Thinking that such an agreement caused her enough pain to disappear not of her own accord only seemed to make her more upset♤...

"But... t-that doesn't mean you... you don't just leave people like that!"

...♤All the hurt was converting itself into anger, the only way Lumina's mind seemed to be able to handle all the hurt in her chest at the time. The moment Kenji vanished, she had never felt so abandoned and alone in her entire life. And it was all over some stupid agreement. Didn't see mean more to him than that? Irrational thoughts clouded her mind, and she moved her hands from around Kenji's head to grasp at her own, her head leaning down as she curled into herself a bit♤...
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka stared up at the sky for a moment longer before her gaze shifted to her ring. Even if it wasn't going to fix anything, much less have any type of affect, she was still going to move it back. It probably didn't make any difference, but at least it was something. Once she moved it back into place, Asuka struggled to stand up, still feeling immense pain. It hurt like hell and she was trying to suppress the pain as best she could, though she made little sounds here and there as she walked forward. Where was she going? To look for Akira, of course. Asuka didn't want to leave things the way they were, she didn't want to leave before she could apologize or at least explain herself. This was all just one big mess that she wanted to fix. So Asuka trudged forward, walking around Euphoria as she searched❦...

...❦As Asuka walked around with a quick pace, she wondered if he even wanted to see her. Maybe he didn't. Maybe he hated her now, she didn't know. Another pain came and Asuka stopped momentarily, gripping her chest and gasping for breath. It hurt so much more then the last one, god did she just want it all to go away. All Asuka could think was that it was her fault, that she didn't deserve Akira or really anyone for that matter. Even as those thoughts ran through her head, she continued to walk, searching almost everywhere before she reached the throne room. Asuka stared at the large door for a moment, debating on whether she should go in or just turn around and leave, but her legs seemed to make the decision for her. The doors to the throne room were pushed open and Asuka walked inside, her eyes shifting all over the place before they fell on a figure who stood out on the balcony. Her stomach felt queasy and she was nervous as she gazed at his back. What was she going to say? What was she going to do? Asuka didn't really know... the only thing she could do was hope for the best❦...



...❦Asuka had walked a little closer, but still kept her distance as she spoke. It was faint, so she wasn't sure if he had even heard her or not. Asuka made no move to speak again though, she just stood there silently and stared at him with the same sad gaze she had from before❦...
...♅Akira continued to stare out at his people as he heard the throne room's door opening. He didn't make any attempt to turn and face the sound, and soon heard Asuka's voice calling his name. Yet, he didn't turn around. The blood that streamed from his eye began to drip onto the marble floor, casting a small puddle of blood to stain the beautifully multicoloured ground. He spoke as he continued to look ahead of him♅...

“ What? Have you come to return the ring, or are you going to throw it off of the balcony? It's nothing more than a hand decoration to you now anyway.. ”
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina's eyes opened as he explained why he left so quickly, but that didn't seem to offer any relief. Thinking that such an agreement caused her enough pain to disappear not of her own accord only seemed to make her more upset♤...
"But... t-that doesn't mean you... you don't just leave people like that!"

...♤All the hurt was converting itself into anger, the only way Lumina's mind seemed to be able to handle all the hurt in her chest at the time. The moment Kenji vanished, she had never felt so abandoned and alone in her entire life. And it was all over some stupid agreement. Didn't see mean more to him than that? Irrational thoughts clouded her mind, and she moved her hands from around Kenji's head to grasp at her own, her head leaning down as she curled into herself a bit♤...
...ΨKenji sighed lightly and slowly sat up, replying to Lumina as he did soΨ...

“ The agreement was if one of us went Lost, we'd return to Euphoria. There's one reason for that. When a Sanctum goes Lost, and then returns to their senses, it will take less and less for that same Sanctum to become ‘Lost’. For instance, just say you were badly hurt, I'd go ‘Lost’. The next time, you'd only have to be hurt. After that, you'd only have to be in pain. The state you'd have to be in for me to become ‘Lost‘ will gradually lessen, until eventually, you could cut your finger while making dinner and I would go ‘Lost’. It's the reason why me and Akira were always with one another. ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji sighed lightly and slowly sat up, replying to Lumina as he did soΨ...
“ The agreement was if one of us went Lost, we'd return to Euphoria. There's one reason for that. When a Sanctum goes Lost, and then returns to their senses, it will take less and less for that same Sanctum to become ‘Lost’. For instance, just say you were badly hurt, I'd go ‘Lost’. The next time, you'd only have to be hurt. After that, you'd only have to be in pain. The state you'd have to be in for me to become ‘Lost‘ will gradually lessen, until eventually, you could cut your finger while making dinner and I would go ‘Lost’. It's the reason why me and Akira were always with one another. ”

...♤As more irrational thoughts entered her mind, Lumina's gaze moved back up to Kenji, listening to him talk about going Lost. It was horrible to think about to say the least. To constantly have that burden would be so awful. But even still♤...

"So, as long as I'm here... I'll always cause you pain..."

...♤Rationally, Lumina's statement didn't make any sense. But in her mind, listening to his explanation on him going Lost was getting twisted and lost in translation in her pain-drunk mind. From the feeling of abandonment his departure had given her, she had been feeling like maybe she didn't have anywhere that she really was meant to be, if even Kenji didn't want to be with her. Thus why she was feeling like maybe it'd be better if she was alone. So she wouldn't cause Kenji to go Lost anymore, especially with how he was explaining it. In reality none of this really made any sense, but it was how the phoenix was processing his words. Which caused more stress on her mind considering she wanted to never leave his side again or never have him leave her side again♤...
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira continued to stare out at his people as he heard the throne room's door opening. He didn't make any attempt to turn and face the sound, and soon heard Asuka's voice calling his name. Yet, he didn't turn around. The blood that streamed from his eye began to drip onto the marble floor, casting a small puddle of blood to stain the beautifully multicoloured ground. He spoke as he continued to look ahead of him♅...
“ What? Have you come to return the ring, or are you going to throw it off of the balcony? It's nothing more than a hand decoration to you now anyway.. ”

...❦Asuka flinched back from what seemed to her, a cold tone. It shocked her, but what else could she expect. She brought this on to herself, so she shouldn't have been as shocked as she was. Asuka closed her right hand into a fist and brought it to her chest, her head down as she tried to hold back her tears❦...

"I would never do that! If it didn't mean anything, I would have taken it off. It's not just some pretty decoration Akira... it may seem like that to you, but it's not to me. I only moved it because you left! You didn't bother with telling me you were leaving nor did you even say goodbye. Moving the ring doesn't mean I love you any less..."

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Blake sat there the hole night next to her the hole night and theoigh the mourning

*Emiko soon woke up. She soon began to sit up and look around*
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka flinched back from what seemed to her, a cold tone. It shocked her, but what else could she expect. She brought this on to herself, so she shouldn't have been as shocked as she was. Asuka closed her right hand into a fist and brought it to her chest, her head down as she tried to hold back her tears❦...
"I would never do that! If it didn't mean anything, I would have taken it off. It's not just some pretty decoration Akira... it may seem like that to you, but it's not to me. I only moved it because you left! You didn't bother with telling me you were leaving nor did you even say goodbye. Moving the ring doesn't mean I love you any less..."

...♅Akira sighed and continued to face ahead of him, replying to Asuka as the blood pool's circumference began to increase, soon moving past his feet♅...

“ Moving the ring means that you don't love me, or your feelings have changed. Why else would you move it, the one thing we use to show our love to one another? I left to protect you and everybody else, because I seem to only be able to destroy. I never said goodbye because I was too ashamed to face you in that moment. I left Euphoria open to you, yet you never came. ”


Lumina said:
...♤As more irrational thoughts entered her mind, Lumina's gaze moved back up to Kenji, listening to him talk about going Lost. It was horrible to think about to say the least. To constantly have that burden would be so awful. But even still♤...
"So, as long as I'm here... I'll always cause you pain..."

...♤Rationally, Lumina's statement didn't make any sense. But in her mind, listening to his explanation on him going Lost was getting twisted and lost in translation in her pain-drunk mind. From the feeling of abandonment his departure had given her, she had been feeling like maybe she didn't have anywhere that she really was meant to be, if even Kenji didn't want to be with her. Thus why she was feeling like maybe it'd be better if she was alone. So she wouldn't cause Kenji to go Lost anymore, especially with how he was explaining it. In reality none of this really made any sense, but it was how the phoenix was processing his words. Which caused more stress on her mind considering she wanted to never leave his side again or never have him leave her side again♤...
...ΨKenji sighed lightly and and pulled Lumina into a hug, replying as he did soΨ...

“ I'd have to go Lost ten more times before it begins to lessen. As long as you're here by my side, you could never cause me pain, only happiness. ”
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Nonalaka said:
....Cataclysm magic? wait what subject was this again? Elaena had long since forgotten, she really needed to pay more attention to such things, her gaze eventually trailed off toward the window as she yawned a little.

Kairassi smiled "Youre welcome~" she chimed happily as they headed towards the door to leave.
''alright so...first assignment is pretty much the basics alright? of course i will teach you the basics on how to fight. we're gonna move to the Combat Training Simulation Room pretty soon. im sure you guys are excited i know, but dont get TOO excited. if you do, its likely that your gonna get your butt kicked by a hologram of some kind of beast. the beast we'll fight is a Victor Tank''

*She said before the lights dimmed and an image appeared on the board*

''think of this beast as an over sized wrestler who can pretty much pummel you. so if you keep you distance from him while you fight him...your gonna be alright. those who know ranged attacks will have an advantage. the ones that dont, ehhh...not so much. and cuz the administration is forcing me to, we're gonna test out a new mock-beast hologram we recently just got information about called the Uno Hound''

*She said as another image was projected beside the current image on the board*

''it may have some glitches to it, but if it does, evacuate the room as fast as possible, then the staff like myself will take care of the problem..and think of this bad boy as just a...berserker. all it knows is charge and swing. it may pound the ground a couple of times to stun you but thats pretty much it. this may be a hard assignment due to Uno Hound capable of stunning you while ground pounding and Victor Tank just ramming through you. so thats our assignment. are we clear?''

@WeirdPrincess - Kioko is gonna in for this assignment xD
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira sighed and continued to face ahead of him, replying to Asuka as the blood pool's circumference began to increase, soon moving past his feet♅...
“ Moving the ring means that you don't love me, or your feelings have changed. Why else would you move it, the one thing we use to show our love to one another? I left to protect you and everybody else, because I seem to only be able to destroy. I never said goodbye because I was too ashamed to face you in that moment. I left Euphoria open to you, yet you never came. ”


...ΨKenji sighed lightly and and pulled Lumina into a hug, replying as he did soΨ...

“ I'd have to go Lost ten more times before it begins to lessen. As long as you're here by my side, you could never cause me pain, only happiness. ”

...❦Her blood began to boil as he made the accusation that Asuka no longer loved him. That was no where along the lines true and it angered her that he would think that. There were other ways to show you cared for someone, she had thought. People could be love each other without so much as getting married if they so pleased. Shaking her head, Asuka shook those thoughts from her mind and clenched her fist even tighter, her nails digging into her palm as she spoke❦...

"You're wrong! If I didn't still love you, I wouldn't be here right now. I would have left the minute you told me to leave. Only I'm not gone, I'm here. Trying to fix the stupid mistake I made by moving the ring. I looked for you, i went back to the house and searched everywhere. The moment I found out that you had left, I was hurt. I knew that maybe you had went to Euphoria and I could have gone too... but I didn't. I was to shocked from the pain you left behind to venture here. Even if I did come, what was I going to say when I saw you? I didn't know! I had no idea what I was going to do or say. So... I left Earth, mostly because I wanted to be alone and because I wanted to figure out what I was going to say if be when I ever saw you again. I'm sorry I didn't come right away. I thought that somehow, you leaving meant that it was over. I couldn't face you right away if that was how it was... So I didn't come. I stayed away from Euphoria and kept to myself."

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HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright so...first assignment is pretty much the basics alright? of course i will teach you the basics on how to fight. we're gonna move to the Combat Training Simulation Room pretty soon. im sure you guys are excited i know, but dont get TOO excited. if you do, its likely that your gonna get your butt kicked by a hologram of some kind of beast. the beast we'll fight is a Victor Tank''
*She said before the lights dimmed and an image appeared on the board*

''think of this beast as an over sized wrestler who can pretty much pummel you. so if you keep you distance from him while you fight him...your gonna be alright. those who know ranged attacks will have an advantage. the ones that dont, ehhh...not so much. and cuz the administration is forcing me to, we're gonna test out a new mock-beast hologram we recently just got information about called the Uno Hound''

*She said as another image was projected beside the current image on the board*

''it may have some glitches to it, but if it does, evacuate the room as fast as possible, then the staff like myself will take care of the problem..and think of this bad boy as just a...berserker. all it knows is charge and swing. it may pound the ground a couple of times to stun you but thats pretty much it. this may be a hard assignment due to Uno Hound capable of stunning you while ground pounding and Victor Tank just ramming through you. so thats our assignment. are we clear?''

@WeirdPrincess - Kioko is gonna in for this assignment xD
(( She's screwed xD Kioko doesn't know how to fight, much less use her powers xD ))
HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright so...first assignment is pretty much the basics alright? of course i will teach you the basics on how to fight. we're gonna move to the Combat Training Simulation Room pretty soon. im sure you guys are excited i know, but dont get TOO excited. if you do, its likely that your gonna get your butt kicked by a hologram of some kind of beast. the beast we'll fight is a Victor Tank''
*She said before the lights dimmed and an image appeared on the board*

''think of this beast as an over sized wrestler who can pretty much pummel you. so if you keep you distance from him while you fight him...your gonna be alright. those who know ranged attacks will have an advantage. the ones that dont, ehhh...not so much. and cuz the administration is forcing me to, we're gonna test out a new mock-beast hologram we recently just got information about called the Uno Hound''

*She said as another image was projected beside the current image on the board*

''it may have some glitches to it, but if it does, evacuate the room as fast as possible, then the staff like myself will take care of the problem..and think of this bad boy as just a...berserker. all it knows is charge and swing. it may pound the ground a couple of times to stun you but thats pretty much it. this may be a hard assignment due to Uno Hound capable of stunning you while ground pounding and Victor Tank just ramming through you. so thats our assignment. are we clear?''

@WeirdPrincess - Kioko is gonna in for this assignment xD
Elaena stared at the image of the beast...They had to fight?, how the heck was she going to do that?!, she had never used a weapon before, she had her illusions and mind tricks, but they wouldnt work on a hologram, Elaena sighed somewhat in defeat as she slumped on her chair leaning her head on the desk, this was hopeless...looks like she would have a whole lot to learn, she really was just an apple she thought to herself.
Nonalaka said:
Elaena stared at the image of the beast...They had to fight?, how the heck was she going to do that?!, she had never used a weapon before, she had her illusions and mind tricks, but they wouldnt work on a hologram, Elaena sighed somewhat in defeat as she slumped on her chair leaning her head on the desk, this was hopeless...looks like she would have a whole lot to learn, she really was just an apple she thought to herself.
''alright. make your way to the Combat Training Simulation Building. il meet you there''

*She said as the student got up and started to head over there*

HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright. make your way to the Combat Training Simulation Building. il meet you there''
*She said as the student got up and started to head over there*

Elaena somewhat begrudgingly stood up from her chair to follow the other students to their destination, stretching a bit she began following them hoping she wouldnt get lost a second time.
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Her blood began to boil as he made the accusation that Asuka no longer loved him. That was no where along the lines true and it angered her that he would think that. There were other ways to show you cared for someone, she had thought. People could be love each other without so much as getting married if they so pleased. Shaking her head, Asuka shook those thoughts from her mind and clenched her fist even tighter, her nails digging into her palm as she spoke❦...
"You're wrong! If I didn't still love you, I wouldn't be here right now. I would have left the minute you told me to leave. Only I'm not gone, I'm here. Trying to fix the stupid mistake I made by moving the ring. I looked for you, i went back to the house and searched everywhere. The moment I found out that you had left, I was hurt. I knew that maybe you had went to Euphoria and I could have gone too... but I didn't. I was to shocked from the pain you left behind to venture here. Even if I did come, what was I going to say when I saw you? I didn't know! I had no idea what I was going to do or say. So... I left Earth, mostly because I wanted to be alone and because I wanted to figure out what I was going to say if be when I ever saw you again. I'm sorry I didn't come right away. I thought that somehow, you leaving meant that it was over. I couldn't face you right away if that was how it was... So I didn't come. I stayed away from Euphoria and kept to myself."
...♅Akira sighed and spoke as he looked up at the sky, the blood that rested at his boots soon flowing down the indentations of the floor♅...

“ Just.. leave me. I need to think. ”
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HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright. make your way to the Combat Training Simulation Building. il meet you there''
*She said as the student got up and started to head over there*

...✿Kioko was now just dreading this assignment and didn't so much as want to par take in it, but what choice did she have? Letting out a sigh, she got up and followed the rest of the students✿...

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