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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Annabel nodded at her responce before continuing to make her sandwich as she turned the massive tv that sat over a huge fire place that the main couch faced on and flipped it to a type of news that was multi dimensional

Yumi wandered around the castle, taking in the various sights and its layout.

(Sorry, I just got back from my fiefdom.)
TheDragoon said:
Y thought for a moment, then proposed something. "How does hide and go seek sound?" He asked.
Sora nods quickly. "Yis les pley hied and gu sek!" He chuckles and starts running around Y. "Who ish going tu be et?"
Metaphysics said:
Yumi wandered around the castle, taking in the various sights and its layout.
(Sorry, I just got back from my fiefdom.)
(Got back from you fiefdom?)

Annabel eventually finshed the sandwich and gave it a nodd of acomplishment before calling out. "Heyyy your sandwhich is done!!!" She called knowing the echoes would reach the little girl
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I'm fine with that, then that will mean you would just be helping me to not be a jerk." He said as he glanced at her and gave her a warm smile before they finaly arrived at the school

Kyoko was right behind him, when they arrived she peeked at the school then up at him and back at the school.
Slaxt said:
Sora nods quickly. "Yis les pley hied and gu sek!" He chuckles and starts running around Y. "Who ish going tu be et?"
Y thought once more. "I'll be it, so better hurry and hide~" He said before he closed his eyes and started counting down from 10
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Tag!!" Shara said happilt to him

Ken's eyes brightened when he heard tag. "Tag?! Can I play?!" He asked even more excitedly. His enthusiasm and energy seemed to have no limits.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Wow it looks fine." He said to her

Kyoko nodded "yeah, either they did a good job of protecting it or nobody bothered to battle it out around here" she say's.
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TheDragoon said:
Ken's eyes brightened when he heard tag. "Tag?! Can I play?!" He asked even more excitedly. His enthusiasm and energy seemed to have no limits.
Katie noddes to him quickly

Shara happiky stuck her hand out and gave him a thumbs up. "Yeah we where gonna go play at our home." She sait to him
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko nodded "yeah, either they did a good job of protecting it or nobody bothered to battle it out around here" she say's.
"I think nobody bothered to fight here. Weird." He said as he started into the gates of the school before looking back at her and smiling
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I think nobody bothered to fight here. Weird." He said as he started into the gates of the school before looking back at her and smiling

Kyoko followed "your wanting to go in?" she ask's and glances at him.
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko followed "your wanting to go in?" she ask's and glances at him.
"Well I live here so I kinda have to." He said before smiling then holding out a hand for her to take. "Come on itl be ok. And if it's not I'll do my best to protect you and get you out of here even if I'm just a lousy human ok." He said giving her a reassuring and gently smile
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well I live here so I kinda have to." He said before smiling then holding out a hand for her to take. "Come on itl be ok. And if it's not I'll do my best to protect you and get you out of here even if I'm just a lousy human ok." He said giving her a reassuring and gently smile

"..." she stayed quiet for a second before nodding "alright..." she said quietly and grabbed his hand.
LunaCrosby said:
"..." she stayed quiet for a second before nodding "alright..." she said quietly and grabbed his hand.
River smiled at her before nodding and starting into the school while walking with her, her hand being held aoftly by his
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River smiled at her before nodding and starting into the school while walking with her, her hand being held aoftly by his

Kyoko walked with him, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, it was just the way she was. "where are we going again?" she ask's and stares straight ahead.
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko walked with him, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, it was just the way she was. "where are we going again?" she ask's and stares straight ahead.
River shrugged before speaking. "Well I was hopping we could stop by my dorm real quick IVE been meaning to grab a couple things then maybe we could go hang out more?" He suggested to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River shrugged before speaking. "Well I was hopping we could stop by my dorm real quick IVE been meaning to grab a couple things then maybe we could go hang out more?" He suggested to her

"alright, if you don't mind me asking what exactly are you going to grab?" she ask's and tilt's her head.
LunaCrosby said:
"alright, if you don't mind me asking what exactly are you going to grab?" she ask's and tilt's her head.
"W-well I was wanting to get a change of clothes on before we did anything else." He said hopping she didn't take it the wrong way or anything
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"W-well I was wanting to get a change of clothes on before we did anything else." He said hopping she didn't take it the wrong way or anything

"alright then, whatever you want to do is up to you" she say's and glance's at him
LunaCrosby said:
"alright then, whatever you want to do is up to you" she say's and glance's at him
River took a quietl sigh of releife before nodding. "Ok we can head to my dorm for a little bit so I can change then we could go do something." He said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River took a quietl sigh of releife before nodding. "Ok we can head to my dorm for a little bit so I can change then we could go do something." He said to her

"right, i'll wait outside your room while you change though" she say's.

LunaCrosby said:
"right, i'll wait outside your room while you change though" she say's.
"Oh well my dorm is baciacly like a small apartment so you could wait in the living rolm area if you want." He said not wanting her to have to wait outside in the hall of the dorms building
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
"Hm... Maybe... It depends. Want to go bavck to the Arcade? Or maybe something else?"
Isaac recommended with a brightening grin. He had a faint redness to his face since Neko leaned towards him, closing the distance between them.

...☾Neko wondered what it depended on, but didn't ask. She leaned back out and tapped her foot on the floor in thought before speaking, soon raising a fist in the air☽...

"Nyah, let's go do something else! What's more fun then an arcade?"
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka stood there, staring at Akira with a saddened expression. She didn't know what to do... or who to feel. Part of her was happy that she saw him, another part sad, and then there was a sense of... regret. But for what? As she gazed at him, Asuka lifted a hand and had barely reached it out towards him before she saw Akira's eyes move to her ring. Her gaze followed and she stared at it for a moment. Asuka had moved it when she disappeared and never bothered to move it back to her ring finger, mostly because she wasn't sure if he would return or if somehow... it meant that things were over. Having left without a goodbye hurt her and even though she knew she could have come to Euphoria... she didn't. It wasn't a place she could call home or stay for that long. Asuka could only watch as he walked away before vanishing... and then she heard it. The sound of her already fragile heart shattering into a million pieces. It was her own fault really, for moving the ring❦...

...❦Asuka stood there for a moment, her hand still reached out towards where Akira use to be before it slowly fell to her side. Her fault. It was her fault for the broken heart she had just received. The words repeated themselves over and over in her head, until Asuka began to believe them. Her gaze had lowered to the floor as her world turned white, nothing else was around her. It was completely bare and... empty. Just as Asuka was feeling empty. She was all alone... again. Never mind that Lumina was standing next to her or that she had other friend, it wasn't what she wanted. Who she wanted. Now she knew where the regret had come from... Asuka regretted moving the ring. She wished she hadn't or else none of this would have happened. She wouldn't be feeling so alone and empty inside... her fault. This was all her fault. Those words continued to repeat themselves in her head, never seeming to fade away❦...


...❦Suddenly, all the pain came rushing back at once. Asuka gasped and grasped her chest tightly as her heart beat quickened. She fell to her knees as tears streamed down her cheeks, soon grasping her chest even tighter. It hurt so much, that Asuka had to grit her teeth from making any sound. Though it began to become so unbearable, that she screamed and lowered her head into her lap. It was aching, her heart. She wanted the pain to go away, for Akira to come back. She wanted to find him and apologize for moving the ring. Though to her, she had moved it for a valid reason. Asuka gasped for breath before another pain shot to her heart, causing her to scream again. It hurt so much. Why wouldn't it go away? She just wanted it all to stop, she wanted things to return to how they were. But it wasn't... nor did it seem like it was going to... and it scared her to the core❦...


...❦Even through all the pain, Asuka managed to smile though it was fake. It didn't last long because another sharp pain came to her heart, causing her to let out another scream. The pain seemed to be more frequent now, with no signs of letting up. She gritted her teeth as she pushed herself upwards, now sitting as tears streamed down her face and on to her lap. It was a struggle really, trying to sit up. Every part of her body screamed at her to stay the way she was, but she didn't. Instead Asuka lifted her head up towards the sky as her hands balled into fists. She wanted to move the ring back now, but she was positive it would do any good. Asuka had already done enough damage as it was... and it wasn't like moving the ring was going to fix anything. Maybe things were really over this time... but she wasn't going to take off the ring and toss it. She'd never do that, even if her life depended on it. Asuka wanted to keep it with her forever, even though it would probably bring her pain. It was at this point, that she didn't know what to do. She was lost and alone again... and she wasn't sure she could be pulled back this time❦...

"Why... why am I crying? I have no one but myself to blame... It's my fault... It's all my fault... I... don't deserve this ring... I don't deserve anything but loneliness and pain... I'm sorry I hurt you... I didn't mean to... I didn't want to... my own stupid actions caused you pain... I'm so sorry Akki... I... never deserved you..."


...♅Akira appeared within his throne room, standing on the balcony. He stood on the balcony looking down at his people. His spoke as his red irises soon began glowing, blood falling from his left eye in a single stream♅...

“ So it's over.. Did I cause this? I left Euphoria open so that she may come.. I left Earth to protect her and everyone else.. yet.. it was all for nothing.. ”



Lumina said:
...♠Lumina's eyes widened and she felt her stomach drop upon seeing Akira about to kill Kenji, but thankfully he stopped, turning to look at them. Her relief didn't disappear, however, and the tension only seemed to increase as Akira looked at them. He really didn't seem to look that happy as his eyes fell on Asuka... if anything they seemed to get sadder. But, that wasn't why she was here. Not caring about what Akira would do, Lumina ran over to Kenji, kneeling down next to him. Tears collected in her eyes as she looked at his battered form, not really knowing what to do. Her eyes widened and for a moment her breath hitched as his body went limp and fell unconscious. All Lumina could think to do was cradle his head, holding it against her♠...



...♠Lumina didn't really notice Akira leaving, or him talking to Kenji, she was just focused on the fact that Kenji was here and that he was okay. She had seen him in a form that she had never seen before... it hit her that he really had gone Lost after all. More tears found her eyes and she leaned over Kenji's head, still gingerly holding it. It was all her fault that he ended up in this situation, that he ended up losing himself. The tears in her eyes streamed down her face, falling on to Kenji, as she tried and failed to hold back the sobs that were overcoming her body. They were filled with relief at getting to see Kenji after so long, all the hurt that he had caused her (which really was a lot), and just general sadness at the current situation. She never meant to cause Kenji so much sadness that he would go Lost. She never meant to hurt Asuka by bringing her here, which she was sure she did. She never meant to cause any of it. She never meant to hurt Akira by bringing Asuka here. All she seemed to do lately was bring sadness and hurt people. Which is the exact opposite of what she ever wanted. She just wanted others to be happy. Hell, all she wanted for herself to be happy. But apparently that wasn't the case. As she cried her form changed to her original blonde haired one. It was in this form that she originally met everybody that she cared about, the form she felt most vulnerable in. Realizing how all she seemed to do was hurt people wore down on her, bringing her to such a fragile state♠...

"I'm... so sorry..."


...♠Lumina choked this out between sobs, her wings hanging limply on her back. Maybe it had been best after all for her to have disappeared. She began to understand why the old man had kept her hidden away from the world for so long. All she did was bring unhappiness, it only made sense he'd want to hide her away. Her gaze fell down to Kenji, still trying and failing to keep her sobs at bay. Why did such a lovely person like him have to be paired with someone so awful? He deserved better than her. Even if she did love him from the bottom of her heart, with her whole soul and body, she couldn't help but think that maybe he'd be happier without her around. While that might not be actually true, it was Lumina's thought process. But for now, she held on to Kenji, tightly but not too tight, like she was scared he'd leave from right under her again♠...

...ΨKenji shifted slightly within Lumina's grasp, giving the signal that he was regaining consciousness. He slowly opened his irises and smiled slightly, albeit tiredlyΨ...

“ H-hi.. Lumi-chan.. ”
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]
Katie noddes to him quickly
Shara happiky stuck her hand out and gave him a thumbs up. "Yeah we where gonna go play at our home." She sait to him

Ken blinked a few times in curiosity. "Your house? Where is your house?" He asked, smiling at them.

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