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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka made a face before turning back around and getting back to cooking breakfast. Seeing the look of worry on Lumina's face, made her worried about the dream. She didn't ask what was in the dream or even what happened, but from the look on her face it probably wasn't something good❦...
"That's strange... Even if it was a dream, it could be telling you something."

...❦Having been thinking about how to help Lumina, she ended up burning the food that was on the stove. Smoke rose into the air and set of the smoke alarm, causing Asuka to yelp and grab a towel, soon waving it over the alarm. Well there went breakfast. All because Asuka couldn't pay much attention to two things at once. The alarm stopped going off and she reached to grab the pan, forgetting that the fire was still on and the handle was hot. Her fingers burned as she touched the handle, but Asuka quickly pulled her hand away and stared at her throbbing hand. She turned off the burner with her free hand and tossed the now burnt food away, soon sighing and looking at the hand she burned. It was red and was beginning to sting now, so she ran it under cold water to try and ease the pain. Asuka spoke as she looked back at Lumina, her hand still running under the faucet❦...

"Angry? He's usually never angry from when I use to see him... The only time I think he'd be angry really... is if you were harmed. I think he'd go Lost at that point, if I remember correctly."
Lumina stared at her hands a moment longer, still thinking it over. Maybe Asuka was right. Maybe it did mean something. That would explain why she felt so uneasy. Before she could think too much on it she smelled food burning and suddenly Asuka had burned herself. She started to get up to help her, but Asuka had gotten her hand underneath the sink. Lumina relaxed back, still looking at her friend. But her eyes widened when Asuka began to speak again.

"Lost? But... I'm fine... I'm okay..."

She looked at Asuka, her worry only growing. Was that why she was so on edge? If he was Lost, then...

"Asuka... we have to... we have to do something..."

There was a hint of urgency in her voice, looking at Asuka with more worry than she had seen in a long time.
Lumina said:
Lumina stared at her hands a moment longer, still thinking it over. Maybe Asuka was right. Maybe it did mean something. That would explain why she felt so uneasy. Before she could think too much on it she smelled food burning and suddenly Asuka had burned herself. She started to get up to help her, but Asuka had gotten her hand underneath the sink. Lumina relaxed back, still looking at her friend. But her eyes widened when Asuka began to speak again.
"Lost? But... I'm fine... I'm okay..."

She looked at Asuka, her worry only growing. Was that why she was so on edge? If he was Lost, then...

"Asuka... we have to... we have to do something..."

There was a hint of urgency in her voice, looking at Asuka with more worry than she had seen in a long time.
...?Asuka finished running her hand under the water and turned off the faucet before grabbing a long white bandage she kept in the kitchen. She tended to hurt herself a few times when she was in the kitchen, so she always kept bandages around. Wrapping it around her hand, Asuka turned to face Lumina as she spoke?...

"He doesn't know that though. Something must have happened to you before you came here, which most likely triggered him going Lost."

...?Seeing her looking even more worried then before, she knew she had to help Lumina. The only thing they could do was go to Euphoria, which was mostly like where Kenji resided. Thinking about going there and possibly seeing Akira made her stomach queasy. She wasn't sure she was ready to face him or not. Asuka shook her head, this wasn't about her. This was about Lumina at the moment and she was going to help her anyway she could. If that meant going to Euphoria, then so be it. Now a determined look, Asuka spoke as she took a step away from the sink and towards Lumina, soon holding a hand out towards her?...

"We're going to Euphoria then. I can go there at will, but I'll have to grant you access so you're allowed in. We'll help Kenji... or you will anyways, you understand what I mean. If you're ready to go, give me your hand~"

(i was waiting for lumina but ill continue on.)

"So Rini, im totes digging the antlers, so what, are you a monster girl?" she asked in her normal curious way. Meaning no ill will, she just loves monster girls. "What kind of sweets do you like?" she asked some more, trying to learn about her new friend.

WeirdPrincess said:
...☾Neko nodded eagerly, she couldn't deny the food that was given to her. It would be rude, plus she didn't want to put it to waste. Picking up one of the rolls with her chopsticks, Neko moved it towards her mouth before eating the whole thing. Her eyes widened a bit as her taste buds exploded. It truly was the most delicious thing she'd ever had, mostly because she's never had this dish before☽...
"It's so good! I've never had this before~"
"Same! Mostly because they don't make any seafood from where I came from."

Isaac chuckled slightly. It was very true. He only had mostly meat and related in his realm. Soon enough he finished the last of the sushi. He sighed with refreshment. Isaac slowly wiped his mouth with a napkin.
Deus smiled a few minutes after Emiko ran off.

"Ahhh, you still think you can run..." He said, as his aura began to manifest around his body. It slowly took the form of an Egyptian like figure with a stoic expression on its face. Behind them, the giant creature laid beaten and broken on the ground.

"You'll learn soon enough that all of this is useless...useless,useless,useless!" He said, charging off towards Emiko.

@Himeragi Seiker
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](i was waiting for lumina but ill continue on.)
"So Rini, im totes digging the antlers, so what, are you a monster girl?" she asked in her normal curious way. Meaning no ill will, she just loves monster girls. "What kind of sweets do you like?" she asked some more, trying to learn about her new friend.


((Sorry was watching a movie))

Chiharu was about to respond with her own name, but they had already continued on with the conversation. She sat silently, listening to their interactions, kicking her feet off the side of the bench. She didn't want to be rude and interrupt after all. A small breeze blew the hair off her neck, as the rain had cleared and left a dampness in the air that left it sticking to her neck. She couldn't help but let her mind wander to her only other friend, but she shook her head, trying not to think too much on it. Besides, he didn't want to see her anyways. He made that very clear. So instead she forced a smile as she listened to Rini and Miyaka.
Ansom glazed at the lake that was in the middle of the park. Its blue surface reminded him of a land of peace and tranquility. He hated it. With a snarl, he snapped his fingers and the lake instantly drained. "Much better." Anson chuckled.
Chiharu was about to respond with her own name, but they had already continued on with the conversation. She sat silently, listening to their interactions, kicking her feet off the side of the bench. She didn't want to be rude and interrupt after all. A small breeze blew the hair off her neck, as the rain had cleared and left a dampness in the air that left it sticking to her neck. She couldn't help but let her mind wander to her only other friend, but she shook her head, trying not to think too much on it. Besides, he didn't want to see her anyways. He made that very clear. So instead she forced a smile as she listened to Rini and Miyaka.

"Hey, little girl blue, whats your name?" she looked at the girl kicking her feet. She seen his work on her, but silently cursed him. "So whenever you ladies are ready, we should go, before something else happens." she suggested as she really felt something weird in the air.
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
"Same! Mostly because they don't make any seafood from where I came from."
Isaac chuckled slightly. It was very true. He only had mostly meat and related in his realm. Soon enough he finished the last of the sushi. He sighed with refreshment. Isaac slowly wiped his mouth with a napkin.

...☾Neko finished the last of her fish before taking a sip of her drink, smiling happily. She soon wiped at her mouth with a napkin before taking another sip of her orange juice☽...

"I only eat fish and a few other things! Wait, where are you from?"
TheDragoon said:
Ken heard the hell over the TV, pausing what he was watching and rushing to the door and opening it. He saw a injured girl in front of her, kneeling down. "Whoa! Are you ok?" He asked, looking a bit concerned, but still holding his loving gaze. He was perplexed by the people who had arrived at the door.
Anna looked up at the man then nodded sulently a slight blish forming over her cheeks at his worry

Shara quickly ran over and practiacly slid on her knees to Anna. "You ok sissy." She said childishly

Katie quickly ran up and stood behind Anna and shara as they all looked at the man
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]
Anna looked up at the man then nodded sulently a slight blish forming over her cheeks at his worry
Shara quickly ran over and practiacly slid on her knees to Anna. "You ok sissy." She said childishly

Katie quickly ran up and stood behind Anna and shara as they all looked at the man

((He's 8 xD ))

Ken looked around to see if there was anybody other than those 3. When it was confirmed there was no one else in sight, he looked back to the girls. "Umm... I can go get a band-aid for that if you like." He said with his sweet and caring smile.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Yup, to bad I'm not magical." He said with a chukle

Kyoko looked at him "I didn't sense any magic inside of you so I didn't say anything about it" she said.
shortyshot8 said:
Tel walked into the craft shop and looked around "Hello?"
Roland was in the back off the shop working on an old mustang and the sounds of electric tools could be heard from the service counter.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland was in the back off the shop working on an old mustang and the sounds of electric tools could be heard from the service counter.

Tel continued walking and looking around
TheDragoon said:
((He's 8 xD ))
Ken looked around to see if there was anybody other than those 3. When it was confirmed there was no one else in sight, he looked back to the girls. "Umm... I can go get a band-aid for that if you like." He said with his sweet and caring smile.
Anna just softky shook her head while her sisters hugged her and looked at the other boy hopping he didn't say anything about there dirty clothes and dirty faces
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko looked at him "I didn't sense any magic inside of you so I didn't say anything about it" she said.
"It's fine to say some thing, I know of the other world so it's not like I'm going to flip out." He said as he scratched the back of his head and chukled a little
shortyshot8 said:
Riley finished eating and came back out and hugged Sam and kissed her cheek and did the same to Marcus. "Night mommy.. Night daddy" she says

Sam smiled. "Night sweetheart" she says
Mayyflower said:
Riley finished eating and came back out and hugged Sam and kissed her cheek and did the same to Marcus. "Night mommy.. Night daddy" she says
Sam smiled. "Night sweetheart" she says
"Night baby"
shortyshot8 said:
Tel continued walking and looking around
Roland wiped some sweat off his face causing a smug on oil to get on his face before getting out from underneath the mustang.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland wiped some sweat off his face causing a smug on oil to get on his face before getting out from underneath the mustang.

"Oi! Anyone here!?"
shortyshot8 said:
"Night baby"
Riley went up to her room and layed down

Sam looked over at Marcus. "So I heard that you accidentally killed me... Wanna explain how and why?" She asks
Mayyflower said:
Riley went up to her room and layed down
Sam looked over at Marcus. "So I heard that you accidentally killed me... Wanna explain how and why?" She asks
Marcus's eyes drifted down a little not speaking

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