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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Upon Asuka leaving Celia's apartment, she noticed that it was raining outside. An umbrella manifested in her hands before she walked down the steps of the apartment building, soon opening it and stepping out into the rain. The drops of water splashed off of the orange patterned umbrella and hit the ground beside her. It was raining a little hard, but the wind wasn't blowing that harshly so she was fine. Asuka's heels clicked as she walked the quiet streets of the city, it was strange really. To not see many people around. Maybe they were all inside because it was chilly and it was raining, no person would be out in the rain. People were usually cozied up in their house, sitting by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. Though it seemed less quiet then normal and she wondered why. Asuka glanced around at the different building and shops, peeking inside and noticing that even though it showed that the shop was open, no one was inside. It worried her a bit, not seeing anyone. Asuka whispered to herself quietly, still venturing off towards home?...
"I wonder where everyone is..."


...?Asuka decided to take a detour through the park, humming a little to herself. Even if it was raining and there weren't many people around, she still thought it was beautiful. The way the drops of water fell on to the plant life and glistened slightly before sliding off of the leaves. The flowers that lined the park were just lovely, though Asuka didn't know what kind of flowers they were. They were such a beautiful color though, she knew that much?...


...?A faint meow was heard from up in a tree, causing Asuka to stop and look up towards the sound. A tabby cat sat high up on the branch on the tree, pushing itself up against the trunk of it. It was shivering and continued to meow in distress. She frowned a little, wondering how to help the poor creature before a smile graced her lips. Her body glowed a bright blue before she levitated upwards towards the tabby kitten. It cowered as it saw Asuka, pressing itself more into the tree. She only reached her hand out and gave it an inviting smile, the cat staring at her hand for a while before easing towards her. The fluffy creature purred under her touch, the cat brushing under her hand that was still outstretched. Asuka giggled quietly as her hand stroked the back of the kitten, soon picking up the soft creature. It meowed and nuzzles into her touch, Asuka slowly levitating back to the ground. She opened up her bag, gently putting the cat inside, it soon making itself nice and comfortable. Asuka chuckled before she continued walking, soon stopping to look at a snail that was on a leaf. She stilled her head a little, staring at the slimy creature?...


...?Asuka then took out her phone with her free hand, still holding her umbrella. She wanted to take a picture of it, it looked beautiful enough to her. Scrolling through her phone, she found the camera before snapping a picture. Her stomach then proceeded to growl, causing her cheeks to warm a bit and put her phone away. Even though she had eaten at Celia's house, Asuka was still pretty hungry. She didn't really eat much, though she knew she should have. Stuffing her phone back into her pocket, Asuka turned and exited the park before heading off towards a convenient store for food. The cat in her bag meowed quietly, causing Asuka to look down at her bag and smile before continuing on her way?...


...?Lucky, Asuka was walking through the part of the city that wasn't completely destroyed, so she didn't know what was going on nor did she have to wonder what happened. If she ever saw a scene like that, she'd most likely be a little scared and probably find the source of the destruction. Suddenly, a bright glowing arrow flew by and landed beside her, causing Asuka to yelp and jump back. Where on earth had this arrow come from? And why did it land by her? Asuka looked at the arrow a little cautiously before continuing towards the convenient store, soon nearing the small building. Her stomach growled again as she thought about all the delicious food that was inside. It made her mouth water just at the thought. Once Asuka was in front of the store and under the awning, she closed the umbrella and made it disappear. The automatic doors opened for her and she smiled before walking inside, looking for something to eat?...



(( Zenya's clone already killed all the people who were in the lab and the ones who experimented on both Asuka and Celia xD ))
Another blue glowing arrow was shot up into the air and directly turned to a convenient store and peirced its self to the window right behind a girl making a blue haired neko that had shot the arrow look over at the place and stare directly at the girl before she took another arrow out and aimed up drawing back slowly as the arrow started to glows a bright red before she shot it up like a beacon for where she was before she looked over at the convenient store and at the girl
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Another blue glowing arrow was shot up into the air and directly turned to a convenient store and peirced its self to the window right behind a girl making a blue haired neko that had shot the arrow look over at the place and stare directly at the girl before she took another arrow out and aimed up drawing back slowly as the arrow started to glows a bright red before she shot it up like a beacon for where she was before she looked over at the convenient store and at the girl

...?Asuka's back was turned, so she didn't noticed the arrow in the window. Her main focus was the food in front of her and she stared at it for a while before she smiled, her smile soon widening and her eyes gleaming with joy as she stared at her favorite food in front of her?...

"They have it! No way... I'm gonna take all of it!"

[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]It began to rain. He rather enjoyed the rain, as he diverted the raindrops from him and his belongings. his magical and spiritual pressure cutting through the rain like a blade, keeping him dry as he sipped his tea. It was quite peaceful, despite most of the city was in ruins. He would try to fix it, but not knowing when it exactly happened would prove to make the task nearly impossible. So he watched the perversely serene scene as a lone butterfly tried to fly to safety.

Chiharu sat in her dorm, sitting next to her window. Next to her sat a package of pocky, and she picked one up, placing it in her mouth. Chewing it, she looked upwards, with a blank/bored expression on her face.


Sighing, the pocky was soon finished and she reached for another one, only to find she had just eaten the last one. "I guess I have to go get more." Standing up slowly, she made her way toward the door, and quietly exited the dorm. Upon coming outside she noticed it wad raining, and frowned a little bit. It was starting to make her hair damp, and now that she had all this hair it was going to take forever to dry. Well... whatever. She walked a bit before noticing somebody who seemed to be unaffected by the rain. As in, there seemed to be no rain falling around him. She moved her hands around her eyes like binoculars, her brow furrowed in concentration. She wasn't sure if she was really seeing what she thought she was seeing.

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?"


Only having met Jojo, she wasn't used to seeing people using or showing their powers. So this was intriguing to the small girl. Out of curiousity, she made her way toward him, but due to the rain and a lack of focus she ended up tripping, falling on her face, landing somewhat near this man's position.
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WeirdPrincess said:
...?Asuka's back was turned, so she didn't noticed the arrow in the window. Her main focus was the food in front of her and she stared at it for a while before she smiled, her smile soon widening and her eyes gleaming with joy as she stared at her favorite food in front of her?...
"They have it! No way... I'm gonna take all of it!"

After the neko had shot the arrow up she had quickly jumped off the building landing gracefully on her feet and ran for the convenient store having stoped just before the door and composed her self before slowlt walking in and looking at the girl. "Excuse me." She said politely as she stood there her bow in hand as she waited for the girl to look over before asking her next question. "Who are you?" She asked with a sort of blank and calm expression on her face

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.9cf992c9b8c2497c0e8a5cc8b476f7c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81694" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.9cf992c9b8c2497c0e8a5cc8b476f7c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Whatever you say raven." He said before he moved his head and kissed her fourhead

Raven smiles and kisses his cheek
Scanning the area, he noticed a little girl try to approach him but fall forward on her face. Stifling the urge to laugh he calmly gets up and walks over to her, offering her his hand. Using a little more power, he extends his pressure out to encompass her. However, if she had no powers it would feel tremendously heavy to her. Trying to limit his output he attempts to pick her up.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Jasper smiled at her before starting to get up to leave. "Shall we

Raven nods. "Yea" she says
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]After the neko had shot the arrow up she had quickly jumped off the building landing gracefully on her feet and ran for the convenient store having stoped just before the door and composed her self before slowlt walking in and looking at the girl. "Excuse me." She said politely as she stood there her bow in hand as she waited for the girl to look over before asking her next question. "Who are you?" She asked with a sort of blank and calm expression on her face
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...?Asuka was still looking at the food before she heard a voice behind her, causing her to turn around in surprise and gaze back at her. She soon spoke, a look of surprise still evident on her face?...

"I'm Asuka... Why?"

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WeirdPrincess said:
...?Asuka was still looking at the food before she heard a voice behind her, causing her to turn around in surprise and gaze back at her. She soon spoke, a look of surprise still evident on her face?...
"I'm Asuka... Why?"

The neko just noddes before she looked around. "Would you

Mind if I asked you a question, do you know some one named akira?" The neko asked her
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]Scanning the area, he noticed a little girl try to approach him but fall forward on her face. Stifling the urge to laugh he calmly gets up and walks over to her, offering her his hand. Using a little more power, he extends his pressure out to encompass her. However, if she had no powers it would feel tremendously heavy to her. Trying to limit his output he attempts to pick her up.

Chiharu sat up, wincing a bit. Her face was slightly dirty and a little scratched up, but trying to sit up she realizing she had really done a number on her hand. In an effort to catch herself she had stuck out a hand, and it took the brunt of the fall and the friction as she had slid a bit as she fell.

"Ow... well, that's great."


Chiharu was trying to think of ways to possibly fix up her hand (considering all of the cuts and bruises and stuff were now covered in dirt and mud) when she suddenly felt a very heavy pressure on her. Out of surprise she nearly dropped back down to the ground, but she caught herself in time to see a man extending his hand toward her, suggesting he was offering his hand to help. Still trying to combat the pressure some she reached her non injured hand out, taking his.
"Are you okay?" He asked her as he helped her up. his free hand in his pouch on his belt removing a strip of cloth and some herbs. He holds her hand as he offers to bandage her hurt hand. "It is okay, we all trip and fall, sometimes." he tried comforting the girl. He diverted the rain from around her, for it to dance around her, sparkling in the dim light. He hoped to raise her spirits, but noticed she was almost crushed by his presence. A tear formed in his eye at the thought of hurting a delicate, cute girl.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]The neko just noddes before she looked around. "Would you
Mind if I asked you a question, do you know some one named akira?" The neko asked her

...❦Asuka didn't mind at all if she asked questions, though she did want to know what for. As curious as she was, she just decided she'd ask after the questions were over❦...

"Yes, I do know someone named Akira."
...♅Akira's form slowly changed as he looked out at the city, his anger only building. His hair shortened and turned a yellow-green colour, and his irises seemed to turn a dark, baby blue colour. His body also bulked up, becoming more toned and defined, this change forced his clothes to change. Akira spoke as a light green ball formed in hi hand, shortly before throwing it towards a distant mountain, causing a large, light green explosion to occur, completely annihilating it from existence.♅...

I hate waiting for their killers. Hurry up and bring them to me!

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Asuka didn't mind at all if she asked questions, though she did want to know what for. As curious as she was, she just decided she'd ask after the questions were over?...
"Yes, I do know someone named Akira."
The nekos eyes immediately lit up as she grabed asukas wrist and turned to the door. "Come on!" She said as another boy with black hair walkes in a cold look on his face

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.b3379c45352b2de9066cad9a3b1e2fa6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.b3379c45352b2de9066cad9a3b1e2fa6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Is it her?" He asked the neko before she nodded quickly. "Call for lana immediately tell her we need lord thorons location." She said before looking at Asuka to make sure she was comming



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[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]"Are you okay?" He asked her as he helped her up. his free hand in his pouch on his belt removing a strip of cloth and some herbs. He holds her hand as he offers to bandage her hurt hand. "It is okay, we all trip and fall, sometimes." he tried comforting the girl. He diverted the rain from around her, for it to dance around her, sparkling in the dim light. He hoped to raise her spirits, but noticed she was almost crushed by his presence. A tear formed in his eye at the thought of hurting a delicate, cute girl.

Chiharu looked at the man, the same one that she had seen deflecting the rain from before. The pressure was still there, but she didn't notice it as much. Perhaps it was because she watched the rain dance around her now instead of falling on her like it had been before. It almost made her forget about her hand, until she accidentally moved it and felt the dirt and salt and everything move into the already sore and almost bloody wound. Wincing again she noticing he held out what looked to be materials to make a bandage. Slightly hesitantly she held out her hand, looking at him. She noticed he looked like he was on the verge of crying, but since it could very well have been the rain she didn't say anything about it. "Thank you." She said instead, standing awkwardly covered in scratches and mud.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira's form slowly changed as he looked out at the city, his anger only building. His hair shortened and turned a yellow-green colour, and his irises seemed to turn a dark, baby blue colour. His body also bulked up, becoming more toned and defined, this change forced his clothes to change. Akira spoke as a light green ball formed in hi hand, shortly before throwing it towards a distant mountain, causing a large, light green explosion to occur, completely annihilating it from existence.♅...
I hate waiting for their killers. Hurry up and bring them to me!


Lana jumped at the exploding mountain before she quickly made her way for her lord to try and calm him down as the rest searched
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Myuki quicklt stopped and looked at her. "Kikuri do you love me?" She asked randomly

''of course i love you''

*Kikuri replied as she smiled at her*
WeirdPrincess said:
...❤︎Celia opened her mouth and gasped for breath, soon speaking❤︎...
"I-I know... I just... wanted to see... how long I could... hold my breath... Sorry!"
''i-its fine..''

*Celia said as she smiled slightly before sitting on the couch*
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]The nekos eyes immediately lit up as she grabed asukas wrist and turned to the door. "Come on!" She said as another boy with black hair walkes in a cold look on his face
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"Is it her?" He asked the neko before she nodded quickly. "Call for lana immediately tell her we need lord thorons location." She said before looking at asuna to make sure she was comming

...❦Asuka yelped in surprise as her wrist was grabbed before running slightly behind the girl. She didn't understand who Lord Thorin was or why these people needed to know this persons location. Were they going to bring her there? Obviously, she couldn't put two and two together, so Asuka was essentially lost. She soon spoke as she stopped beside the Neko, breathing a little heavily❦...

"C-Can you tell me what's going on?"
"You are welcome." he said as he wiped the tear away and began to clean and bandage her wounds. It was a simple fix, using a small part of his magic to overlay the wound, then remove the salt and mud from it, leaving a vibrant pink wound. He could turn back time on the wound, but then again, he could fail and cost her, her arm. So he began dressing the wound, while cleaning her up slowly. Removing all the moisture and dirt from her clothes. Once he was finished, he reached into his stash inside his robe, and pulled out a European style lollipop. Not being one for stick candy, he offered it to her, hoping to make her smile.
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka yelped in surprise as her wrist was grabbed before running slightly behind the girl. She didn't understand who Lord Thorin was or why these people needed to know this persons location. Were they going to bring her there? Obviously, she couldn't put two and two together, so Asuka was essentially lost. She soon spoke as she stopped beside the Neko, breathing a little heavily❦...
"C-Can you tell me what's going on?"
"Some ones Been missing you." Was all the neko said with a smile before she let go of asuka and grabed her now then aimed it up at the sky again and a glowing pink arrow appeared then launched into the sky bright enough for lana to see telling her they found her beforethe neko smiled at asuka. "Our lord will be happy to see you again." She said to her not carring if she figured it out yet or not
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i-its fine..''
*Celia said as she smiled slightly before sitting on the couch*
...❤︎Celia finally caught her breath and smiled back at Zenya before flopping down on the couch so she was laying on it❤︎...

"I'm so exhausted... and full. Today, or was it yesterday, was rough."

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