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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
*Kikuri heard her before she went over to her and hugged her*
''something wrong?''
Myuki quickly wraped around her and squeezed tighrly bringing her to the ground as Myuki laughed and held her tighrly. "Nope." She said childishly
Mayyflower said:
"Why? What happened" she asks crossing her arms
Ayen looked at her "I'm not sure what it is just yet, but something is trying to possess Rin and it hurt her, so i made this barrier to keep it out and away from her, it also lets me know whenever any power is used and by what, and it stop teleportation." he said bluntly.
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi nodded before taking a bite of her own food "Maybe I might come back here sometime~" she said with a smile. "Now that I think about it, I haven't really been many places other than the school since I got here, I should probably go more places" she said with a small laugh.
Luke nods. "Me too" he says before finishing his food
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Myuki quickly wraped around her and squeezed tighrly bringing her to the ground as Myuki laughed and held her tighrly. "Nope." She said childishly

*Kikuri blushed but giggled as she replied*

Entirely spent, he stops running and collapses on the nearest bench. He was breathing pretty hard, and he let his bags fall to the ground as weariness tried to seduce him into a deep slumber. However, he wanted to be back in class, wanted to make more friends, and most of all, wanted to just be normal, or as close to it as his path in life will allow. Drawing his tea canteen, he pours himself a cool cup of Oolong tea and sips it as he regains his stamina. Magic could easily clear up his condition, but there was nothing worse that a magic user who abused his powers for simple things. "It sure is pretty today." he spoke out loud to nobody in particular.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Mine mine mine." Myuki said drunkenly as she hugged kikuri tightly a happy smile on her face

*KIkuri giggled as she said to herself in her head*

'yep...she's still drunk'
HimeragiSeiker said:
*KIkuri giggled as she said to herself in her head*
'yep...she's still drunk'
"Kiiiiikuuuuriiii issss miiine and no one can do any thing about iiiiit." She sang to her self as she squeezed kikuri more
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Kiiiiikuuuuriiii issss miiine and no one can do any thing about iiiiit." She sang to her self as she squeezed kikuri more

*Kikuri kept giggling just listening how Myuki was still drunk*
Daniel reaving]Lana quickly got up and nodded before looking behind her and waving a hand before three bright glowing arrows where shot up into the air before the distant figures of bodies launched tiwards the city as they went to search for his wife and child along with the ones that took them. "Any idea where we should start looking lord thorin?" Lana asked him seeing what had made him the way he was and finding it a good enough reason to fight for her lord [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16433-weirdprincess/ said:
...♅Akira replied as he slowly vanished, reappearing ontop of the high school's main building and manifesting a couch to sit on. He sat there, looking out toward the half destroyed city and waited♅...

“ I don't care. Search the entire world or something, I just want the ones responsible. ”
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji thought for a moment before replying, his smile remainingΨ...
“ If I am recalling what father told me correctly, Sanctums are paired with non-sanctums so that they experience a love not out of each other's power, but of genuine compassion. In most cases, their pair someone who is gentle and compassionate. We're a race of warriors, so we sometimes need our pair to drag us back to reality, to teach us how to be kind and so on~ ”

Lumina blinked, listening to Kenji. So it was that way on purpose, huh..? She never would have thought about it like that. Looking at Kenji and his smile, sometimes it was way to forget that Sanctums were a combat race. He was always so kind to her, kind of like how he described how a Sanctums pair usually is. But, considering his shape after fighting Akira, she needed to keep the fact in her head that somebody like Kenji was literally born to fight, whether he did or not.

"Well then, I suppose I'll have to try my best to do that, then."

Lumina gave a small smile before taking another drink, trying not to show her uneasiness at thinking of "dragging him back to reality", as he said.
Lumina said:
Lumina blinked, listening to Kenji. So it was that way on purpose, huh..? She never would have thought about it like that. Looking at Kenji and his smile, sometimes it was way to forget that Sanctums were a combat race. He was always so kind to her, kind of like how he described how a Sanctums pair usually is. But, considering his shape after fighting Akira, she needed to keep the fact in her head that somebody like Kenji was literally born to fight, whether he did or not.
"Well then, I suppose I'll have to try my best to do that, then."

Lumina gave a small smile before taking another drink, trying not to show her uneasiness at thinking of "dragging him back to reality", as he said.
...ΨKenji laughed lightly and replied as he looked at Lumina, his irises focusing on her'sΨ...

“ Don't worry, you don't have to try, just be yourself~ ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji laughed lightly and replied as he looked at Lumina, his irises focusing on her'sΨ...
“ Don't worry, you don't have to try, just be yourself~ ”

Lumina laughed a bit, taking another drink. Her eyes moved away from his and down to the ground in front of her. She dropped her hand, setting the bottom of the glass on her leg as she held it, her eyes on the liquid inside, studying how in moved inside the glass.

"That would be easier if I knew who I was."

She laughed softly once more, deciding on finally eating, leaning forward to grab a sandwhich from the basket.
...?Upon Asuka leaving Celia's apartment, she noticed that it was raining outside. An umbrella manifested in her hands before she walked down the steps of the apartment building, soon opening it and stepping out into the rain. The drops of water splashed off of the orange patterned umbrella and hit the ground beside her. It was raining a little hard, but the wind wasn't blowing that harshly so she was fine. Asuka's heels clicked as she walked the quiet streets of the city, it was strange really. To not see many people around. Maybe they were all inside because it was chilly and it was raining, no person would be out in the rain. People were usually cozied up in their house, sitting by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. Though it seemed less quiet then normal and she wondered why. Asuka glanced around at the different building and shops, peeking inside and noticing that even though it showed that the shop was open, no one was inside. It worried her a bit, not seeing anyone. Asuka whispered to herself quietly, still venturing off towards home?...

"I wonder where everyone is..."


...?Asuka decided to take a detour through the park, humming a little to herself. Even if it was raining and there weren't many people around, she still thought it was beautiful. The way the drops of water fell on to the plant life and glistened slightly before sliding off of the leaves. The flowers that lined the park were just lovely, though Asuka didn't know what kind of flowers they were. They were such a beautiful color though, she knew that much?...


...?A faint meow was heard from up in a tree, causing Asuka to stop and look up towards the sound. A tabby cat sat high up on the branch on the tree, pushing itself up against the trunk of it. It was shivering and continued to meow in distress. She frowned a little, wondering how to help the poor creature before a smile graced her lips. Her body glowed a bright blue before she levitated upwards towards the tabby kitten. It cowered as it saw Asuka, pressing itself more into the tree. She only reached her hand out and gave it an inviting smile, the cat staring at her hand for a while before easing towards her. The fluffy creature purred under her touch, the cat brushing under her hand that was still outstretched. Asuka giggled quietly as her hand stroked the back of the kitten, soon picking up the soft creature. It meowed and nuzzles into her touch, Asuka slowly levitating back to the ground. She opened up her bag, gently putting the cat inside, it soon making itself nice and comfortable. Asuka chuckled before she continued walking, soon stopping to look at a snail that was on a leaf. She stilled her head a little, staring at the slimy creature?...


...?Asuka then took out her phone with her free hand, still holding her umbrella. She wanted to take a picture of it, it looked beautiful enough to her. Scrolling through her phone, she found the camera before snapping a picture. Her stomach then proceeded to growl, causing her cheeks to warm a bit and put her phone away. Even though she had eaten at Celia's house, Asuka was still pretty hungry. She didn't really eat much, though she knew she should have. Stuffing her phone back into her pocket, Asuka turned and exited the park before heading off towards a convenient store for food. The cat in her bag meowed quietly, causing Asuka to look down at her bag and smile before continuing on her way?...


...?Lucky, Asuka was walking through the part of the city that wasn't completely destroyed, so she didn't know what was going on nor did she have to wonder what happened. If she ever saw a scene like that, she'd most likely be a little scared and probably find the source of the destruction. Suddenly, a bright glowing arrow flew by and landed beside her, causing Asuka to yelp and jump back. Where on earth had this arrow come from? And why did it land by her? Asuka looked at the arrow a little cautiously before continuing towards the convenient store, soon nearing the small building. Her stomach growled again as she thought about all the delicious food that was inside. It made her mouth water just at the thought. Once Asuka was in front of the store and under the awning, she closed the umbrella and made it disappear. The automatic doors opened for her and she smiled before walking inside, looking for something to eat?...



Daniel reaving][FONT='Times New Roman'][COLOR=#ff99cc][B]"Yes my lord." Lana said as she had brough a hand to her heart and bowed her head then launched twoards the city a cold and determined look on her face as she started running through the woods. "I will accomplish the task my lord has provided." She said to her self as she searched[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [/QUOTE][QUOTE="Daniel reaving][FONT='Times New Roman'][COLOR=#ff99cc] [/COLOR][/FONT][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16433-weirdprincess/ said:

(( Zenya's clone already killed all the people who were in the lab and the ones who experimented on both Asuka and Celia xD ))

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HimeragiSeiker said:
''C-Celia if you need to breathe just breathe....''
*She said worried a little*
...❤︎Celia opened her mouth and gasped for breath, soon speaking❤︎...

"I-I know... I just... wanted to see... how long I could... hold my breath... Sorry!"
WeirdPrincess said:
...?Upon Asuka leaving Celia's apartment, she noticed that it was raining outside. An umbrella manifested in her hands before she walked down the steps of the apartment building, soon opening it and stepping out into the rain. The drops of water splashed off of the orange patterned umbrella and hit the ground beside her. It was raining a little hard, but the wind wasn't blowing that harshly so she was fine. Asuka's heels clicked as she walked the quiet streets of the city, it was strange really. To not see many people around. Maybe they were all inside because it was chilly and it was raining, no person would be out in the rain. People were usually cozied up in their house, sitting by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. Though it seemed less quiet then normal and she wondered why. Asuka glanced around at the different building and shops, peeking inside and noticing that even though it showed that the shop was open, no one was inside. It worried her a bit, not seeing anyone. Asuka whispered to herself quietly, still venturing off towards home?...
"I wonder where everyone is..."


...?Asuka decided to take a detour through the park, humming a little to herself. Even if it was raining and there weren't many people around, she still thought it was beautiful. The way the drops of water fell on to the plant life and glistened slightly before sliding off of the leaves. The flowers that lined the park were just lovely, though Asuka didn't know what kind of flowers they were. They were such a beautiful color though, she knew that much?...


...?A faint meow was heard from up in a tree, causing Asuka to stop and look up towards the sound. A tabby cat sat high up on the branch on the tree, pushing itself up against the trunk of it. It was shivering and continued to meow in distress. She frowned a little, wondering how to help the poor creature before a smile graced her lips. Her body glowed a bright blue before she levitated upwards towards the tabby kitten. It cowered as it saw Asuka, pressing itself more into the tree. She only reached her hand out and gave it an inviting smile, the cat staring at her hand for a while before easing towards her. The fluffy creature purred under her touch, the cat brushing under her hand that was still outstretched. Asuka giggled quietly as her hand stroked the back of the kitten, soon picking up the soft creature. It meowed and nuzzles into her touch, Asuka slowly levitating back to the ground. She opened up her bag, gently putting the cat inside, it soon making itself nice and comfortable. Asuka chuckled before she continued walking, soon stopping to look at a snail that was on a leaf. She stilled her head a little, staring at the slimy creature?...


...?Asuka then took out her phone with her free hand, still holding her umbrella. She wanted to take a picture of it, it looked beautiful enough to her. Scrolling through her phone, she found the camera before snapping a picture. Her stomach then proceeded to growl, causing her cheeks to warm a bit and put her phone away. Even though she had eaten at Celia's house, Asuka was still pretty hungry. She didn't really eat much, though she knew she should have. Stuffing her phone back into her pocket, Asuka turned and exited the park before heading off towards a convenient store for food. The cat in her bag meowed quietly, causing Asuka to look down at her bag and smile before continuing on her way?...


...?Lucky, Asuka was walking through the part of the city that wasn't completely destroyed, so she didn't know what was going on nor did she have to wonder what happened. If she ever saw a scene like that, she'd most likely be a little scared and probably find the source of the destruction. Suddenly, a bright green arrow flew by and landed beside her, causing Asuka to yelp and jump back. Where on earth had this arrow come from? And why did it land by her? Asuka looked at the arrow a little cautiously before continuing towards the convenient store, soon nearing the small building. Her stomach growled again as she thought about all the delicious food that was inside. It made her mouth water just at the thought. Once Asuka was in front of the store and under the awning, she closed the umbrella and made it disappear. The automatic doors opened for her and she smiled before walking inside, looking for something to eat?...



(( Zenya's clone already killed all the people who were in the lab and the ones who experimented on both Asuka and Celia xD ))
(Well akira doesn't know that does he xD so SHES still going to look for her)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Well akira doesn't know that does he xD so SHES still going to look for her)

(( Okay xDD ))
It began to rain. He rather enjoyed the rain, as he diverted the raindrops from him and his belongings. his magical and spiritual pressure cutting through the rain like a blade, keeping him dry as he sipped his tea. It was quite peaceful, despite most of the city was in ruins. He would try to fix it, but not knowing when it exactly happened would prove to make the task nearly impossible. So he watched the perversely serene scene as a lone butterfly tried to fly to safety.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Is it ok for me to send lana or some other Heroes to her?)

(( Yeah it's fine. She's just at a convenience store ))

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