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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:
Lumina laughed lightly, nodding at his response. Now that made more sense in her mind. She wondered what Euphoria would be like. She knew she had been there once, for Akira's wedding, but she didn't really explore much. She just saw the city, and by trying to explore she ended up getting lost, but she ended up in the right place anyways. So really she didn't even explore anywhere. It seemed like a nice place, from what she remembered and from how Kenji explained it. Her eyes wandered out to the sky in front of her, getting lost in thought about Euphoria and Sanctums and everything.
...ΨKenji continued to walk until they reached a specific spot. He manifested a rug, as well as a medium-sized basket. He spoke as he took a seatΨ...

“ Here we are~ ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira stared at the Humans as they seemed to tremble in fear. He raised his hand into the air as purple power began to form above his finger tips♅...
“ Mankind is truly pathetic.. Die! ”


...♅Suddenly, multiple Combat-class Sanctum appeared infront of the Humans, seemingly protecting them. One of them spoke♅...

“ Who.. are you? You aren't our ruler.. ”

Who am I? Have you forgotten so easily? I am you. I am the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. I am what you fight to kill every night. I am what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where I cannot tread.

...♅Akira grinned and brought his hand over to face the Sanctums. Suddenly, multiple blasts shot from his hand, moving too quickly for them to dodge. It struck them, instantly disintegrating half of their bodies. Akira didn't stop, however, and continued firing his blasts, removing the rest of their bodies, as well as killing multiple Humans. Akira spoke as he fired each blast, the air swinging past him♅...

“ What? Over already? ”


...♅Akira stood still as one of the humans picked up a sword and charged towards him. He showed no mercy and instantly cut him apart using nothing but his hands♅...


wonder if i should place a character right there...)))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira stared at the Humans as they seemed to tremble in fear. He raised his hand into the air as purple power began to form above his finger tips♅...
“ Mankind is truly pathetic.. Die! ”


...♅Suddenly, multiple Combat-class Sanctum appeared infront of the Humans, seemingly protecting them. One of them spoke♅...

“ Who.. are you? You aren't our ruler.. ”

Who am I? Have you forgotten so easily? I am you. I am the madness that lurks within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. I am what you fight to kill every night. I am what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where I cannot tread.

...♅Akira grinned and brought his hand over to face the Sanctums. Suddenly, multiple blasts shot from his hand, moving too quickly for them to dodge. It struck them, instantly disintegrating half of their bodies. Akira didn't stop, however, and continued firing his blasts, removing the rest of their bodies, as well as killing multiple Humans. Akira spoke as he fired each blast, the air swinging past him♅...

“ What? Over already? ”


...♅Akira stood still as one of the humans picked up a sword and charged towards him. He showed no mercy and instantly cut him apart using nothing but his hands♅...


(Are any of our characters around to see this?)
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
"Keep the gates open... Until morning..."
Kano rubbed his eyes and wiped away the tears. He went inside his house and then to his room. He skipped dinner and lied on his bed. His bed was next to the window facing the gate. He looked out the window, staring at the open gates.

By the time Layla was returning to her place of sleep, it was dark. A feeling of uneasiness began to dwell inside of Layla, though she did nothing to hide this. In her hands were one briefcase, and a bag was tossed onto her right shoulder. She made a her silent trip down the road by herself, not even bothering to look up at the houses that were aligned along the streets. There were little to no lights to guide her way, thus Layla had to remain alert. Soon enough, Layla reached the gates. To her surprise, they were left open. Staring at the gate for a few moments, Layla lifted her head only slightly when she made up her mind.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Because you never seemed to be doing your job unlike the other deaths that I've seen." She said to him

"I've never wanted to really do it....Death....Terrifies me"
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji continued to walk until they reached a specific spot. He manifested a rug, as well as a medium-sized basket. He spoke as he took a seatΨ...
“ Here we are~ ”

Lumina stopped to look around the area for a moment. It was really nice here, and definitely seemed perfectly suited for a picnic. Not that she doubted Kenji or anything like that, of course not! A smile found her face as the food appeared, and as she sat down next to him she could feel her mouth start to water.

"It still amazes me how you can just make stuff appear like this."

Lumina reached forward, opening the basket to see what was inside.
Lumina said:
Elyse nodded, snuggling against him almost jokingly. She was surprised how energetic he was and how exhausted she was. Thinking back to the last time she did it, she didn't remember being so drained. Maybe it was because it wasn't as good, or something? Well whatever. It didn't really matter. "I mean... we probably should though." They were pretty messy and covered in... stuff.
"Then I know just where we can go."

Kili stood, is lifted Elyse into his arms. Leaving their blanket behind, he made his way deeper into the garden. Eventually, the sound of what must have been rushing water reached their ears.

"It's been a while since I've been here. But I think it would be perfect for us, right about now" He said, motioning his head towards a waterfall that had just come into view.
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well Do you know any one that does know where they are?" Daniel asked him worriedly hopping he did

"Well, I would suggest Han, but he doesn't do that work. I can tell you some of the gods, and goddess have some, but I doubt they'd take your kid. I can keep an eye for you if you'd like?"

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
"Then I know just where we can go."
Kili stood, is lifted Elyse into his arms. Leaving their blanket behind, he made his way deeper into the garden. Eventually, the sound of what must have been rushing water reached their ears.

"It's been a while since I've been here. But I think it would be perfect for us, right about now" He said, motioning his head towards a waterfall that had just come into view.

Elyse, being as comfortable as she was, wasn't quite expecting Kili to lift her up like he did. Out of surprise she clung to him for a moment as he rose vertically, only relaxing when he started walking. She shivered being in the open air, her skin not being used to being exposed rather than warm under the blanket.


She lifted her head, which she had rested against his chest once again, to look where they had ended up, and her eyes widened as she saw the waterfall. It was definitely a sight to behold. She had never seen something like that before.
TheDragoon said:
Mari shrugged. "What was your best memory of her?" She asked him, her small hat slightly out of place.
Han rubbed his chin, soon placing a hand on Mari's hat, fixing it for her. "The time when I went out for dinner with her once, but that actually went kind of downhill.. We mostly had small run-ins her ex... He ruined a lot of our memories."
Roman said:
Han rubbed his chin, soon placing a hand on Mari's hat, fixing it for her. "The time when I went out for dinner with her once, but that actually went kind of downhill.. We mostly had small run-ins her ex... He ruined a lot of our memories."
Mari tilted her head. "Ex...? What's an ex...?" She asked him.
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing](so is this starting yet?)

((I guess... Give me a minute while I know who I'm using but I don't know where to start him out...))
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
"Well... What would you want to do or what do you like doing? I can help you from there."
Kano was looking through the menu and it seemed they had a whole page of sushi. He licked his lips in hunger. He waited for the waiter and put the menu open on the table.

...?Neko went silent, thinking about the things she liked. There was a lot of things she liked doing, mostly eating and taking naps. Those wouldn't really help for a job, so those were out of the question. Neko had never really thought about what she wanted to do either, so that was hopeless. Looking at Isaac, she shrugged her shoulders as she spoke?...

"I don't know. Eating and taking naps? Oh and helping people!"

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HimeragiSeiker said:
*She replied as she watched them, since she had already ate*
...❤︎Celia continued eating the burger, soon finishing and wiping her mouth with a nearby napkin❤︎...

"Do you want any of the food? There's plenty to go around!"

...❦Asuka nodded as she continued to eat the various foods that were on Celia's table. She soon finished as well and wiped her mouth with a napkin before leaning back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling lost in thought❦...
Lumina said:
Elyse, being as comfortable as she was, wasn't quite expecting Kili to lift her up like he did. Out of surprise she clung to him for a moment as he rose vertically, only relaxing when he started walking. She shivered being in the open air, her skin not being used to being exposed rather than warm under the blanket.

She lifted her head, which she had rested against his chest once again, to look where they had ended up, and her eyes widened as she saw the waterfall. It was definitely a sight to behold. She had never seen something like that before.
"Hehe, I'm guessing this is a first for you, Elie." Kili said as he slowly stepped into the water. It was warmer than the open air, so it felt more like a bath. He let out a light sigh, enjoying the warmth on his skin.

Slowly, Kili lowered Elyse's feet into the water, until she was standing on her own. He held Elyse close to him. Taking water in his hand, he used a short spell, and a light flower scented foam permeated it. He then proceeded to wash her back with it.
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Roman said:
"Well, I would suggest Han, but he doesn't do that work. I can tell you some of the gods, and goddess have some, but I doubt they'd take your kid. I can keep an eye for you if you'd like?"
"Please roman. She was just born, so please if you find any sign of her. Follow it and give any angel you see hell." He asked him before turning back to euloria and walking to her taking her hand in his and looking back at roman wondering what had happened to there friendship

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Lumina said:
Lumina stopped to look around the area for a moment. It was really nice here, and definitely seemed perfectly suited for a picnic. Not that she doubted Kenji or anything like that, of course not! A smile found her face as the food appeared, and as she sat down next to him she could feel her mouth start to water.
"It still amazes me how you can just make stuff appear like this."

Lumina reached forward, opening the basket to see what was inside.
...ΨKenji laughed lightly and replied as he reached inside the basket and began placing the drinks on the mat, along with two glassesΨ...

“ What can I say? It runs in the family~”
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Then why don't you pass your rank on to another, I heard they could do that." She said to him as she took her headphones out

Jack sighed and looked her in the eyes "Atrio. If I hand you this role....Do you know what will happen? I will also be passing my situation onto you. A man named Hallson is hunting all three holders of the Dragon Aspect of Death. Marcus, Me and Al. He already has Al. All he needs is me...Erm....You and Marcus. Once he gets all three he can form....It"
shortyshot8 said:
Jack sighed and looked her in the eyes "Atrio. If I hand you this role....Do you know what will happen? I will also be passing my situation onto you. A man named Hallson is hunting all three holders of the Dragon Aspect of Death. Marcus, Me and Al. He already has Al. All he needs is me...Erm....You and Marcus. Once he gets all three he can form....It"
"Then he will be fighting the most feared race in the world and a dragon aspect of death if he comes for me." she said not detoured by this at all
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Then he will be fighting the most feared race in the world and a dragon aspect of death if he comes for me." she said not detoured by this at all

Jack sat down "Atrio. You are not ready....However it is indeed not possible for me to get those powers back.....So I shall take you under my wing. For the days to come you will learn what you can do."
shortyshot8 said:
Jack sat down "Atrio. You are not ready....However it is indeed not possible for me to get those powers back.....So I shall take you under my wing. For the days to come you will learn what you can do."
"I can learn on my own you know. But if you insist." She said before she looked at him then sat up and stretched as a dove made of shadow appeared out of no where and flew around the room gracefully
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I can learn on my own you know. But if you insist." She said before she looked at him then sat up and stretched as a dove made of shadow appeared out of no where and flew around the room gracefully

Jack smiled a little "Beautiful..." He muttered

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