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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
Rin glared at ayen. "Get... Out" she breathed
"You heard the lady... Get out" he whispered
Ayen stayed silent as an darker aura came out of him 'Not till i take the whisperer with meee' a deep voice rang from the darker aura as it closed in on the whispering voice.
Mayyflower said:
Raven chuckled. "Jasper I'm not stupid you would still be paying for the food, how about I pay for it this time and you pay for it next time" she says
"Stubborn girl." Jasper said playfully before nodding to her agreeing with her idea
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Ayen stayed silent as an darker aura came out of him 'Not till i take the whisperer with meee' a deep voice rang from the darker aura as it closed in on the whispering voice.

Rin stood up on her bed. "Ayen get out" she growled

The voice smiled at Amaya
TheDragoon said:
Order started protesting against being dragged around angrily. "Unhand me you foul creature! I demand that you free my hand! Hdhdhduriwjlajfhjfs!" He began blabbing on endlessly.
@Daniel reaving
Liara stopped and glared back at order with a evil death glare before continuing forward still not leting go of him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Liara stopped and glared back at order with a evil death glare before continuing forward still not leting go of him

Order shivered a bit before he sulked a bit, clearly upset he was being dragged around by some GIRL.
TheDragoon said:
Yuzu shrugged a bit. "Well, that's cool I guess. I'm a Exceed, a human with powers that surpass a normal humans... Like super strength, super speed, and super everything. Anything a human can do we can do twice as good... No offense to them..." She said. "We come from a different dimension as well."
"my mom is the christian god's pet the original phoenix and my dad was a shade" drea says almost grim-faced
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"my mom is the christian god's pet the original phoenix and my dad was a shade" drea says almost grim-faced

Yuzu now felt a little uncomfortable, considering the change in atmosphere now. She laughed nervously and smiled nervously. "Is that so?" She asked him.
Mayyflower said:
Rin stood up on her bed. "Ayen get out" she growled
The voice smiled at Amaya
Ayen's eyes went red "I'm sorry Ayen isn't available right now, he was less steadfast then usual, so i'm in control till i lock myself back up with the thing effecting my kin" it said gleefully as it look exactly where the voice was and smiled almost evilly.
TheDragoon said:
Order shivered a bit before he sulked a bit, clearly upset he was being dragged around by some GIRL.
Liara eventualy got them to her and tylers house and went inside and let go of him then went over to the couch and sat on the couch with her hands balled into fists on her knees as she sat there thinking about tyler
Mayyflower said:
"We'll because you humans want to kill our kind because they think we are dangerous" she says nervously
Ryu immediately shook his head, "No, I'm not like that. I want all beings to live in peace and harmony. That way I can have the peace and quiet I desire so much."
shortyshot8 said:
Tel blinked "They twitched"
Yuna stared at him "Yeah, they do that all the time..." she said looking a bit confused.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Liara eventualy got them to her and tylers house and went inside and let go of him then went over to the couch and sat on the couch with her hands balled into fists on her knees as she sat there thinking about tyler

Order just stood near the door, thinking about his master Akira. He wondered what he was up to nowadays, and if he was doing well. He also wondered what the girl was thinking about... Girls were perplexing creatures to him, for he was a male. He was strangely intregued by them, but at the same time, scared of them... How strange.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Ok what would you guys like to do after this?" Thana asked them all as she looked at satoshi and aya before a waiter walked over and set a glass of wine next to her and she gladly took it and took a drink before sloely swirling the wine around in its glass

Satoshi smiled and looked at Thana, "How about a movie? Or maybe we can go to the beach. I suggest the beach."
TheDragoon said:
Yuzu now felt a little uncomfortable, considering the change in atmosphere now. She laughed nervously and smiled nervously. "Is that so?" She asked him.
"ya their powers can be interesting from time to time" he thinks of the times he let the spirits take control and the mess they made "so why is this town so hostile two people have tried to kill me already" he said trying to get his mind off the subject
TheDragoon said:
Order just stood near the door, thinking about his master Akira. He wondered what he was up to nowadays, and if he was doing well. He also wondered what the girl was thinking about... Girls were perplexing creatures to him, for he was a male. He was strangely intregued by them, but at the same time, scared of them... How strange.
Liara eventually looked over at order. "Can you give my Tyler back now?" She asked him waiting for his awnser even though she knew it was a no
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"ya their powers can be interesting from time to time" he thinks of the times he let the spirits take control and the mess they made "so why is this town so hostile two people have tried to kill me already" he said trying to get his mind off the subject

Yuzu shrugged. "Beats me..." She said, not really knowing. "I'm a human like them so... It's not really hard for me to blend in..."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Liara eventually looked over at order. "Can you give my Tyler back now?" She asked him waiting for his awnser even though she knew it was a no

Order sighed. "It isn't that SIMPLE. I'm a fusion of 2 powerful beings. I can't just turn it off when I want to. Tyler and Dark Tyler are still in perfect sync..."
Roman said:
Satoshi smiled and looked at Thana, "How about a movie? Or maybe we can go to the beach. I suggest the beach."
"I like the thought of the beach." Thana said happiky to them before looking to hayate to see what he thought while aya nodded excitedly at the beach
TheDragoon said:
Order sighed. "It isn't that SIMPLE. I'm a fusion of 2 powerful beings. I can't just turn it off when I want to. Tyler and Dark Tyler are still in perfect sync..."
Liara just looked down in her lap before getting up. "I'm going to go to bed, don't leave." Liara said as she went to her room trying to contain her anger at Tyler for leaving her with this jerk that didn't seem to care that she couldn't live without him.
TheDragoon said:
Yuzu shrugged. "Beats me..." She said, not really knowing. "I'm a human like them so... It's not really hard for me to blend in..."
"well im in my human form and i closed my mind off to hide and i still get attacked"

(did you see where i tagged you in the rp i made?)
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]
"well im in my human form and i closed my mind off to hide and i still get attacked"
(did you see where i tagged you in the rp i made?)

(Nope, sorry, I didn't >.<)

Yuzu nodded. "I see... That's sad to hear..." She said as she stirred her glass of water, obviously bored of the subject they were currently on.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Liara just looked down in her lap before getting up. "I'm going to go to bed, don't leave." Liara said as she went to her room trying to contain her anger at Tyler for leaving her with this jerk that didn't seem to care that she couldn't live without him.

Order suddenly slipped into her bedroom and snuck into the bed, wrapping his arms around her as he looked away, as if Tyler was still in there deep down. "You'll be ok..." He said softly, knowing it might not do anything, but hoping it might help.
Lumina said:
Lumina smiled as he took the bird from her, her wings fluttering happily on her back. His reaction made her happier than she could explain, and seeing his smile helped to melt away the nervousness gathering in the pit of her stomach. It was a silly little bird stuffed animal, who wouldn't want that? Especially from someone you care about. If it was Lumina on the recieving end, she'd never forget the gesture or probably go anywhere/do anything without it.
"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it."
...ΨKenji couldn't help but laugh lightly as he placed the stuffed animal infront of him, his large smile remaining on his face. He spoke as he looked over at LuminaΨ...

“ Red's my favourite colour, so this makes the bird even better, especially since it's from you~ I love it!~ ”
TheDragoon said:
Mari's stomach started growling. "Oops... I'm hungry... Mama Natsumi hasn't fed me yet..." She mumbled.
Han smiled and stood up, quickly dusting himself off, "I can help. I am a very good cook and I feel you'd enjoy my cooking." He said, looking down at his daughter.

Roman said:
(( I can work with it xD ))
Cecil had finished setting up the firewood, soon starting the fire. Once he finished that, he turned to Moriko, only to see... Two of her. "Uh.. Uh... M-Moriko... Did I miss something?" He asked, looking confused as ever
Moriko went pale "u-uhm w-w-well I-I-" she stammered trying to find her words.

The Moriko that had just arrived tilted her head "Who are you?" She asked looking between them both a bit confused.

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