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Fandom The End


Senior Member
If you haven't noticed it by now, let me get you up to speed. It's the end, and... It's not a good ending at that... As you hopefully HAVE noticed, you aren't where you were before. You probably see some people (and things) you have never seen before. Don't worry, they're here for the same reason. You're probably wondering what that reason is though, right? Well, I'm gonna keep this short for you all. You are all here to kick some ass! Why? Because someone wants you, your friends, your family, and everything that has ever existed dead. No, deader than dead, destroyed. Worse than that even! Point is, someone wants us gone, and another person doesn't. So, due to all of your skills and traits, you have been chosen to defend... Well, everything. Unfortunately, we are all still pretty much on the screwed side... But hey, if we're all gonna die, we might as well go down fighting, right?
Ryan looked all around. Something was wrong. He could feel it. Hell, he could see it. It was happening, just as it had happened in all the other universes that had been hit. It was finally time. Ryan wasn't sure if he was ready; if he had gotten enough help... It didn't matter though. It was here. It was here and it brought its own help. If this was gonna be the end, Ryan was gonna make it the best damn ending there ever was. Taking out a small, stone disk with a glowing red symbol on it. He held it in his palm and, as he was told to do, smashed it with his other fist. All around him, in the deserted town he was standing in, large red symbols, much like the one on the disk, began to carve into the ground, all of them in different sizes. Most likely, they were all across the world. In the large symbols, different people, creatures, and even cybernetic organisms began to form. Just as he expected. This was his army. They wouldn't follow him blindly into battle like pawns in a game, he expected that much. He didn't even expect them all to like him. He had pulled them away from their homes, their families... Despite this, he knew they'd fight. Maybe not by his side, but at this point in time, they'd fight all the same. It was, after all, the end... And in the end, everyone would soon find, that all their differences, all their deeds, and all their progress... Means nothing... What will you do when all you are is down to nothing more than your actions now? Ryan couldn't help but think about that. He couldn't remember who said it to him but he remembered it so vividly now. Ryan watched as the large glowing symbols disappeared, and the dazed people around him began to look around. "Guess this is it then... Let's kick some ass..." Ryan said quietly to himself, waiting to see how the group around him would react.
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"FUCK YOU, BITCH!" Ralph screamed as he slashed at the large winged reptile in front of him with his twin red lightsabers. The creature apparently took offence to this, and breathed a stream of fire at his face. A normal person (except essential NPCs) would have been reduced to cinders within seconds, for the flames enveloped him completely. However, Ralph was not a normal man. No, he was a Dragonborn, a mortal born with a soul of a dragon, a professional dragon slayer and certified badass. But more specifically, he was the last Dragonborn, the one prophesied by some ancient dudes who wore samurai armour and used katanas called the Akaviri or some weird Japanese name like that. The Dragonborn whose destiny it was to defeat the god dragon, Alduin the World Eater. He had to travel all the way up to the Nordic afterlife of Sovngarde just to kick his ass. The stupid dragon went down surprisingly easy and blew up like he was filled with several kilos of TNT. That was that. He killed a god. That automatically made him a badass.

So why was Ralph having so much trouble with this normal, admittedly rare, dragon? Maybe it was because it had an absurd amount of health. It had even more fucking health than Alduin. A non-god Legendary Dragon had more health than the final boss of the game. He remained standing even after the flames dissipated, but dived out of the way of another blast of fire. "Fuck!" The Dragonborn cursed as he got up. He took in a breath of air. "FO KRAH DIIN!" A cloud of frost was suddenly produced by Ralph, smashing into the dragon and inflicting heavy frost damage for five seconds. The dragon stumbled back, before recovering and roaring directly at its hunter's face.

"Oh hell no I ain't having that shit." Ralph said as he shotgunned a dozen potions of minor health. As the familiar yellow healing glow surrounded his body, he shouted again. "WULD NAH KEST!" He dashed forwards in a blur of blue and red, the cape of his outfit flapping from the breeze. As he stopped right in front of the Legendary Dragon's face, he slashed it once before climbing onto it. "I!" He stabbed his blade into its rigid scales. "FUCKING!" Several chunks of meat flew off. "HATE!" The dragon roared in pain. "DRAGONS!!!" Ralph finished with a cry of unbridled rage as he drove both glowing blades into the dragon's neck. He hopped off as the winged reptile gave a final screech of agony before it slumped over, dead. The body of the dragon seemed to burn with a golden glow as its very soul left its body and swirled around Ralph for a few seconds, before the violet-white aura was seemingly absorbed into his body, accompanied by some strange chanting. Ralph wiped his hooded forehead with his sabres still in his hands. "Well that just took fucking forever." He said to no one else but the now skeletal corpse of the dragon, sheathing/deactivating his weapons.

Of course, that was when he noticed strange runes appear beneath him. "Huh?" He lifted his foot, the glowing symbols dancing below his form. "What's this? Some achievement after defeating enough dragons?" Ralph asked, when his body suddenly seemed to glow. He examined the glow on his arms, feeling a slight tingling sensation. "What the..." Was the last thing he said before he vanished from the face of Nirn, and his vision replaced with the black void and flowing mist of a loading screen.
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(Btw, just so you all know, it's around sundown and shadows are like, 4x darker and the sky is kind of a dark orange color. Everything is basically modern day in technology and architecture. By night time, everything turns into a tint of a red and shadows are pitch black, so hiding in them is extrmely easy as long as your enemy doesn't have night vision)
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Appearing from red symbols, three figures; two males and a female jolted awake.

"What the..." A Young man wearing a purple Japanese middle school uniform bearing a purple haired pompadour and holding what appears to be a school bag behind him.His name is Higashikata Josuke, most people call him Jojo in his universe.However, He didn't recognize this place, but it looks like something bad's about to go down. "What the hell's going on?"Josuke asked to himself, dropping his school bag on the ground of this deserted town in which he didn't recognize. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He asked loudly, hoping for someone to hear him.

"Where am I?" Tai wearing black clothing and an orange mask asked, waking up from his supposed slumber. All he remember is that he was fighting with his two partners; both wielding a spear and a bow and has special abilities of their own. Tai was one of them, with his ability to protect those whom he considered as allies. This town doesn't look familiar to him. Is this earthend? If so, then earthend's a gloomy place that needs purification. If there were creatures of darkness that lurk around, Tai was sure to fight them. After all, that's the reason why he survived until the end. Tai noticed another girl, she who wore a green blouse and white polo. Her hair was short and colored orange, accompanied by a pink bow. She was shivering...Scared, confused. "What's wrong, young one?" He asked, approaching the girl.

"I-i..." The girl turned around, seeing the masked man. "I'm...Supposed to be dead...But...Why am I still...Alive?" The girl quivered, looking at her hands. "Where...am I?" She muttered, causing her to fall on her knees. This scene made Tai recall the beginning of his journey. He and his partners were supposed to be dead when Kami descended to the earth as Heropon to free them from the curse and fight the archfiends.

"That is a question I cannot answer." Tai replied,drawing out his red shield. "However, It appears we must band together if we were to survive...I am Tai Taterazay." Tai introduced, lending a hand. "What art thou name, young lady?" He asked nicely. The girl took it, as Tai helped her stand up.

"Penny...I am Penny Polendina." She introduced, finally calming down. "I'm sorry...I usually don't act like this, it's just that..." Penny paused, taking a deep breath. "I felt like I died recently..."

"Is that so?" Tai said, placing his free hand in his pocket. "All I remember is that I am fighting thousands of hideous beasts with my partners when my vision suddenly went black...I have yet to know if they're fine." He sighed, "Maybe I, too, am supposed to be dead."

@Ryan Ports
The moments Ralph's vision returned to normal, his eyes immediately widened. He was in a massive city. Even bigger than Solitude and even Markarth. "What in the name of Sheogorath's cheesy fishysticks and Todd Howard?!" He cried out loud. He immediately opened up his map and his eyes widened even more when the rest of the area appeared to be obscured by a black, unexplored fog of war. He quickly closed it and tried to remember if he had downloaded any mods or DLCs lately.

He hadn't.

Shaking his head and managing to convince himself that this was just a mod like Falksaar, he noticed that there were three other people. A small ginger girl, a guy wearing purple all over, and some two-dimensional black line... thing. "Uh, hey there!" He waved to them, figuring out that he had to talk to NPCs to begin his new quest. "Anyone know where I am?" Ralph began walking to them, his boots crunching on the dusty road as a gentle breeze caused his dark blue cape to flow majestically in the wind. His hood was still covering most of his face, though it was high enough to show his glistening green eyes and well-structured face that was adorned with scars al over.
"Halt." Tai drew his reddened blade, it's color symbolizing it's fire affinity; heated through the many battles he fought. "Are you a friend or foe?" he demanded, knowing that if he was there the whole time, he could be working for the archfiends...Or something even worse. The man's eyes didn't sit well with him. Well, Penny's eyes didn't quite sit well with him too. He's just used to seeing one eye as an ally, you know? Tai must've noticed that the approaching man's eyes were glistening green. The only race with two eyes that were green are the Bonedeth, and this man has danger written all over him. "No matter. I do not where we are, nor do I know the reasoning behind it."

Ralph stopped and raised an eyebrow, then raised his arms in front of him in mock surrender. "Ooh, look. We got a badass over here." He stated with a roll of his eyes, lowering his arms and letting them fall to his sides. "Just so you know, I've been called many things. Listener. Companion. Hero. But one title stood above all else," He paused dramatically a few seconds. "Dragonborn." He finished. "I like to call myself a fucking badass, see? I'm a professional dragonslayer."

He walked closer to study them. The one who had tried to stop him appeared to be nothing more than a black stickman with fiery orange decals. The small girl wore a plain green and white dress with stockings, and a large pink bow on her head. The last one was... purple. He had weird hair. "Whatever. Let's get to introductions, shall we?" Ralph asked, preparing to give a full introduction. "I'm Ralph. Ralph the Dragonborn. I'm Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, a member of the Circle in the Companions, a student in the College of Winterhold, a bard in the Bards College, a Thieves' Guild member, member of the Dawnguard, thanes of both Morthal and Whiterun, Champion of Hermaeus Mora, respected by Sanguine, and basically a celebrity where I come from. So yeah, Drem Yol Lok, I guess."
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"Salutations! I am Penny!" Penny introduced herself in a cheerful way, trying to let her forget how she died. "A pleasure meeting you Sir Dragonborn!" She bowed in respect.

"They call me Tai. Tai Taterazay." Tai introduced, lowering his blade. "Tell me, have you encountered a dragon that breathes poison? or perhaps a dragon that has a chilly breath? Either way...Pleasure meeting you."

"Well...This is strange..." Josuke muttered to himself as he watched the hooded man approach the group. For once, he had encountered someone else in this lands. three, in fact. "I'm Higashikata Josuke. Nice meeting you!" He bowed in respect. It's a tradition, deal with it.

The Dragonborn gave a casual wave to Penny. "Hey." He turned to Tai next. "Well, yeah. I've fought frost dragons, blood dragons, ancient dragons, named dragons, and a dragon god. Killed all of them and ate their souls for breakfast. Well, maybe not the last one." Finally, he took a look at Higashikata. He didn't really know to pronounce it. "Yeah. Sup." He carefully scrutinised the purple guy's look. "What is up with your outfit? I've seen Sheogorath wear less purple than you!" He said, exasperated. Just then, a small buzzing from a fly interrupted him from any other observation. He quickly waved the annoying insect away, only for it to return. "Ugh. Stupid flies." He waved it away once more, and this time it flew back into his ear. "Dammit! That does it!" Shaking his head, he saw the fly leave and fly around in front of him. "YOL!" A blast of fire suddenly came out of his mouth, incinerating the pest. "Better."

Colette checked her phone for what must have been the tenth time in the last three minutes, sighing once more, her shoulders drooping.
He’s forty five minutes late… What’s the proper amount of time to wait before you’ve been officially stood up? Gripping her phone tightly she smiled at the waitress, politely asking for the check. All she’d been nursing for the past hour was a single drink and some water, and she wanted to pay for it and be on her way. Her date hadn’t contacted her, and she had a feeling he wasn’t planning on contacting her ever again; this wasn’t the first time it had happened to her, after all.

Once she was done paying she stood up and smoothed out her dress, pulling her purse over her shoulder and walking briskly out the door and into the cool evening air. Shivering slightly, she turned and headed down the street, her heels clicking on the sidewalk. She didn’t get far though, before a strange glowing symbol appeared below her, causing her to jump up, startled. “W-what…?” She tried to walk away, but found herself stuck firmly in place as the glowing grew brighter. Panic began to well up inside her, and a scream ripped from her throat as she was bathed in light and teleported away to the deserted town. Her scream continued, and finished, as she appeared, and she promptly fell over as she regained the ability to walk. Her heart beating rapidly she clutched her purse to her chest, looking around frantically.


Clem sighed and shoved her fingers in her hair, ruffling it in frustration. She had been working on this particular article for the better part of four hours and she couldn’t seem to get the words to come. Normally she could force it, possibly starting in the middle and working her way backwards or forwards, but tonight? Nothing. And her client wanted it by the morning, further adding to her irritation. “God damn, self-important blog, with ridiculous fucking timelines…”

She stretched, throwing her arms in the air and arching her back, unfurling her legs from beneath her. They tingled, having fallen asleep a while ago. She rubbed them, waiting a moment before standing up. She’d made the mistake of leaping to her feet once while they were asleep and was gifted a sprained ankle. She never made that mistake again.

She pulled on the jacket that had been discarded over the back of the love seat when she had come home, and slipped on her ankle boots. Sitting here and staring at the screen wasn’t getting her anywhere, and she was hungry. But there was no food in the house; she’d checked the fridge multiple times in the past few hours hoping some would appear, but no luck. So, why not go for late night Chinese food? Food and some fresh air might do the trick, helping jog her from her slump.

She slung her purse across her body, locked the door behind her as she left, and set off in search of a place near her crappy apartment that might still be open this late. She had been within the line of sight of her favorite place on the corner when she noticed the glow start to form beneath her, freezing her in place. Irritated, and the slightest bit worried, she tried to force herself to move, but failed miserably. The light grew more intense, and Clem grew more irritated. “What the-“ she started to say before she disappeared completely, the light engulfing her body and whisking her away. Reappearing in the abandoned town, she finished her sentence quite loudly, “FUCK?!” She stopped herself from saying more as she took a look around, a scowl on her face, and her arms crossed across her chest.
"Really? Those kinds of dragons were a pain in my ass..." Tai commented, "I think we'll be a great team together against dragons now." He nodded, sheathing his blade as he crossed his arms. "I wonder if there are anymore people here..." He sighed, remembering the times when he and his partners were just starting out. Truthfully, he was considered the strongest defense out of the bunch, due to him being able to protect the group with his energy field.

"Sorry, it's just that my highschool uniform's supposed this purple..." Josuke replied, as the badges which adorn his shirt shone for a bit; a gold peace symbol and a gold heart; "Well, I do wear a yellow shirt...Does that count?" He chuckled sheepishly, standing straight once more. What's more surprising is, the man...Ralph, was it? Can breath fire. Strange, but not bizarre enough. Hey, if you lived in a town where you've been fighting a lot of strange people with strange powers, you get used it.

It was the chest shot that finally got him. For all of the augs the Institute had given him, they had never got around to those organ reinforcements; that's why he was currently nursing a chest wound (sucking, judging by how blood was bubbling out of the entry hole. He was pretty certain the round expanding had probably blown out most of his lung, anyways), leaned up against a desk in some old military base in the middle of Boston, while a familiar gun was pointed at his head (.45-70, his mind automatically supplied. Not that it would do any good at this point). The most resilient man in the Commonwealth had proven to be a match for the most resilient walking corpse; he hadn't been truly alive for a long time, not since Sarah, and Ma- he cut off that train of thought.

He didn't want to die crying.

He defiantly looked into the eyes of the avenging specter, a man who should not be, and said "I guess the curtain clos-"

He didn't even feel the bullet.

@Thepotatogod @Corrosion

He didn't expect to wake up. He didn't expect that he would feel anything again; yet the unmistakable texture of pavement clearly bled through his jacket. He opened his eyes slowly, seeing an orange sky. He cracked a small grin, and whispered "Looks like The Man Below caught up to me...". He got up to his feet, noticing that the pain was gone. That didn't worry him though; his attention was focused more on the...interesting group of people in front of him. A young girl, a guy wearing some sort of cloak, a...woman, he thinked...and some sort of fucked up little black creature with a ridiculously oversized sword.

For the first time in his life, Kellogg was absolutely speechless. He just stood there, hand barely hovering over his gun, before saying "...what."

  • Red and gold seemed to swirl in my hand, forming a map-like imagery with armor as land and rivers of blood. One of my eyes grew , gazing down upon the holed-up corpse that led this story. Where to next? Not that she put up much of a fight. It was always a quick job with these childish characters. One frail woman and seven chibis, I could have beaten them without even using any of my powers. But that would be too slow. Slow and easy are two words that should never describe the same thing. I bent down, to grab my souvenirs. What should I add to my collection this time? Where to next? They didn't seem to have anything of real value. Mining picks, a little jewelry and the clothes on their bodies. Nothing of particular interest.

    "What..." An elderly voice whispered behind me, nearly chocking at the sight. As I turned to see the witch in black clothing, she turned nearly as white as the protagonist had formerly been. So, THERE was the prize.

    Where to next?


    I threw away the old black rags that I used to polish the apple with my freshly-cleaned gauntlet into the interdimensional void. I hummed a little as I pondered upon the next location yet again. Normally, I might have a clue or a hunch about what to pick next, but this time , it just wasn't coming to me. Antagonists's block? Was that even a thing? Not that there was nothing I had in mind, though: I wanted a challenge. Something refreshing. I wanted soemthing special.

    A hunch caused me to stop midvoid and raise a hand. The turbulence ahead was almost like an answer to my pleas. If nothing else , the confusion it induced on me even from the void was too striking on my curiosity for me to refuse.

    I raised a hand, smirking inside as my body felt itself enveloped by some shining (litterally) pressure. In the void, it seemed to become flaming dust, similar to the one that exploded around me as I popped into that world.

    I was flying above a large bunk of steel, a huge city perhaps. It didn't seem to be crawling with inhabitants, nor like the best of all places to live, but that was an unrelated matter. I had gotten what I wanted, a challenge. As it appeared, the story had multiple protagonists, yet none. It was hard to tell who was what. Investigation would be necessary.

    I headed down, landing among a bunch of ruined brownish buildings. How should I approach my future enemies?

The wind was fighting against the falling man as he brought his sword down with such a force he cut through a machine several stories tall. Even with all of the friction acting against his body it was easy for him to slice through anything as though it was butter. Raiden didn't even have to break a swea fighting this time, although he was annoyed. "How did these damn metalgears become so common?" Raiden only had one goal in life, and this time it was to take down who ever had order the attacks on Washington dc. It seemed as though no matter what he did there was always someone causing problems. He whipped the oil off of his sword and on to his arm, cleaning the blade but at the same time making his arm dirty. Then when he turned around three cyborgs where approaching him. They didn't seem to learn that Raiden was the most bad ass cyborg and could reduce them into nothing quicker then the time it would take for them to draw their swords.

His sword cut through one of them serval hundred times before he went to his next target doing the same. Soon the third met the same fate. Looking at them you would have noticed any cuts but after a few seconds the fell to the ground in pieces. Seeing what he had accomplished Raiden was wearing a sadistic smile as he was slightly getting pleasure in killing them. BEEP, BEEP. BEEP, BEEP. "Raiden, we just got word that the master mind behind these attacks is going to hold a press conference at three, you have four minutes..." Suddenly Raiden saw a strange light as he was being given important information from one of his informants and an old friend, Snake but it was cut short. He rubbed his eyes as he saw a strange deserted town surrounding him. "Damn, where am I?" For some strange reason he wasn't able to contact anyone using his nanobot technology.
Hitomi said:


An young boy was looking through the streets of an unknown area. He definitely was not in the place he was before. He pondered on his own location, as he wasn't here before. He was going to school when this sudden symbol stopped him and teleported him here. He was still thinking, before his attention was adverted to the squirrel. " Aww ! Come here little fella ! I'm not going to hurt you... " He said, trying to pick him up with one hand. The squirrel was able to successfully get out of his way. He sighed, before a fly was around him. He wanted to get it really badly, so using one hand, he caught the fly and examined it, not harming it or squishing it. He learned to value life, but very well knew how to take it as well, though that was usually done by his split personality. His split personality was more than willing to kill and take life than he was, and was known by his alias K . The young boy continued to walk through the deserted town, before somehow stumbling upon an female there, known as Clementine . Due to his small stature, he was knocked over by the impact of walking into her. He rubbed the back of his head, saying: " Ouchie. Sorry...Oh ! Hello there ! I'm Alex ! " He said, jumping to his feet in happiness.



He does not know Clementine's name... I just put that to differentiate between others.


Character Status:



Other info

His facial expression when K takes over:



Not having said a word yet, Clementine had chosen instead to stay silent and observe the people around her. She had no idea what was going on, and the people all looked quite strange and different to her, and it seemed like none of them had any clue as to what was going on either. She uncrossed her arms, and took a step forward, fully intending on asking a few questions when she felt a rough bump against her back. She stumbled forward a bit, letting out a startled yelp before whirling around and glaring down at the one who bumped into her. "Hey, watch it! This is a wide open area, how the hell did you manage to bump into me?" She stopped there, taking in the appearance of the person who bumped her. Is... he a child? Awe shit, what's a kid doing here? Sighing, she held out her hand to the boy, "C'mon, lemme help you up. Seriously though, watch where you're going. You're gonna hurt yourself, or someone else."


Colette had not yet bothered getting up from her spot on the ground; she wasn't sure she would have been able to had she tried. Purse still clutched to her chest she gasped and brought her had to her face to shield her eyes as several more people appeared around her in flashes of bright light. A younger looking boy had promptly run himself into the woman who seemed to have been transported at the same time as her. The two older men, on the other hand, looked to be just as confused as she was feeling, though one of them seemed to be ready to pull his firearm, and that was making her even more nervous. I...I should talk to them, shouldn't I? Maybe if we all put our heads together, we can figure this out? Clearing her throat, she called out to the two men, her voice a little higher pitched and shakier than she would have liked, "Uhm, e-excuse me! Are you two alright? Do you know how you got here?"

@ChoasMaker @Hazeron
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Shirou Emiya // Archer

"Hmm..." Shirou hummed underneath her breath as she appeared from within a runic circle, observing the world around her with a critical eye. The Counter Guardian knew she had been summoned, and while it was highly difficult for the Beast of Alaya to be called upon by a mortal, it has happened before, although it had been only once. Looking around, her eyes scanned over the multitude of people surrounding her, before landing on a particular man that stood out from the rest. "It's him." She muttered as her body began moving on it's own, approaching the mortal with a steadily quickening pace.

Soon enough, Shirou was right in front of the man, and she studied him with a hawk-like gaze, her iron grey eyes piercing into his soul. Satisfied with her findings, she knelt down before the man, her head bowed to the ground.
"I ask of you, are you my Master?" She asked him, her voice bellowing as a contract began to form between them. Now, all the man had to do was finish the deal between them. All he had to do was say yes and that would be the end of it.

@Ryan Ports
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@Ryan Ports[/URL]
Seeing that some of the people had begun talking and, overall, getting along, Ryan couldn't help but smile a little. He was kind of expecting them all to be at each others throats. "Guess that makes the next step a little simpler..." Ryan thought. He was just about to get everyone's attention before a woman came up to him, staring him down with a steely gaze. Suddenly, she knelt down, asking if he was her master. Ryan thought about it, wondering if it was a loaded question. He decided to play it safe. "Unfortunately, I can't say I am... But, I can say I'm a friend, and hope you will still fight by my side. I will explain everything in a minute, but first, why do you ask such a question?" Ryan asked, feeling he may have spoke a bit too formally. He didn't quite feel like himself today. Probably just nervousness...

Shirou Emiya // Archer

At the man's words, Shirou let a hint of a smile spread across her lips, however, that had disappeared as fast as it came. She supposed that she could come to like this Master, someday at least. "It was you who had summoned me, correct?" She asked rhetorically, quirking up an eyebrow. "The Command Seal on your hand is proof of our contract." While the man had not exactly said yes, he had told her that he was her friend, and that he hoped for her to fight by his side. That was good enough for her to let the seal form. Now, he was officially her Master, even if he didn't mean to be. Hopefully he wouldn't find out about that.

@Ryan Ports
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Ralph turned when he noticed some lady kneeling before a guy, so it had to mean he was important. "Hey, man." He waved, walking over to him but ignoring the kneeling lady for the time being. "I take you're important?" He asked. Ralph wasn't sure, the guy didn't have a quest marker hovering over his head, and none of his long list of uncompleted sidequests were active. "So uh, where are we? This doesn't look like Skyrim or anything." He stopped, when another idea came to his head.

"Are you the mod author?" Authors usually left little notes to thank people for downloading their content, and though it wasn't that common to see an author avatar NPC, it was still a little fun to suddenly see one in the lands of Skyrim. But Ralph was pretty sure he wasn't even near Skyrim. He glanced at the lady next, seeing her long white hair and dark black dress. "Nice outfit." He muttered. It was more offhanded than anything else. He was still pretty confused about what the balls was going on.

@Ryan Ports

@Maiza Avaro
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=------------------------------------------------------Eddie The Head------------------------------------------------------------=

Eddie awoke with a groan "That Motherfucking bitch must have shanked me in the brain while we shagged" he quietly muttered as he rose from the ground. he rubbed his forehead and stopped when he felt the staples that kept his head in one piece still in their rightful place, Eddie let out a quiet growl of frustration before swearing "Shit! that puts that fucking theory down like a rapid dog" He looked around himself while fumbled through his pockets looking for his cigarettes or flask,

he didn't recognize anyone or anything here which all considering wasn't in anyway unusual for the heavy metal mascot, he grinned at the fact that at least their were some nice looking "birds" that he could spend his time here getting to know "better" to often has been sent to some weird dimension where all the men in it where trying to plow his fields.

his grin widened when he found his cigarettes, he placed one of the I'm uncultured between his lips then snapped his fingers and the tip of his middle finger was tipped by a small flame that he used to light the I'm uncultured.

he took a drag of his I'm uncultured as he looked through the potential winners of having the honor of being chatted up by the undead rockstar, he immediately looked to a white haired woman and just as quickly decided not too, cause she seemed like someone who would just as quickly tear his cock off then to having to deal with someone like him. he looked over to a red-haired girl dressed in some kind of futuristic dress, she looked a little too young for him so she was a no go.

their was another red-headed chick and she seemed to have one the amazing prize. He walked up to her and quickly pinched her rear "Hey baby ever had the pleasure of banging interdemensional traveling Rockstar?" he said to her with a cheeky grin and also keeping his eyes firmly planted on her assets @heartshapedsprinkles

Shirou Emiya // Archer

At the other man's words, Shirou turned her attention to him, her piercing eyes taking the man apart piece by piece until he was completely bare before her gaze. "I suppose I should be thanking you for the compliment, even if it was offhanded." She commented once her inspection had finished with satisfying results. This man seemed like a trustworthy fellow, but she wasn't about to throw caution to the wind just yet, not until he had proved himself.

That is, until she caught sight of the weapons the man wielded, and like always, Shirou was bombarded with information, her eyes flashing to their original color, a molten gold, before just as quickly returning to their usual iron grey.
'So, this man is a Hero.' She thought, reevaluating the man, whom was now known as Ralph, within her mind. "I can tell you have been through a lot, Dragonborn." She stated, crossing her arms underneath her ample chest as she waited for the other to make a move.

@Corrosion @Ryan Ports
Ralph the Dragonborn

This time, Ralph turned, a mild look of surprise and joy on his face. "Finally! 'Bout damn time I've had some recognition for saving the world three times." He said, realising that they might just get along. But he found something odd with her eyes, them flashing a bright gold for a second before returning back to normal. "Hey, what's with that weird eye thing?" He asked, his own emerald-green eyes glowing an ethereal violet-white from the dozens of souls he had consumed combined with his own dragon soul in the slowly setting sun.

It was strangely dark right now, even though Skyrim was already pretty dark without any light pollution. He took a quick glance to the sky, seeing several stars above. Ralph had to admit, it was strange seeing constellations with no stars that had gone supernova every time he unlocked a new perk. Rather boringly, the stars were just tiny twinkling specks in the vast empty void of space. He looked back down and folded his arms, his brilliant green orbs meeting the lady's own grey ones. "So, uh, what was your name again?"

@Maiza Avaro
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