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Fandom The End

Shirou Emiya // Archer

"Hmm." Shirou hummed in acknowledgement at the young woman's words, appreciating her contribution, though small, despite the fact that she had yelled at her Master just a while go. While she my not seem like it, the Counter Guardian was actually quite forgiving of others when it comes down to it, but that was probably something left over from her past, before she had become the Beast of Alaya. The Magus practically felt the newfound energy coursing through her veins, causing a savage smirk to grace her lips yet again. "Now this is more like it."

Holding Kanshou and Bakuya tightly within her callous hands, Shirou almost eagerly charged towards the sea of monsters, a dangerous shine gleaming within her iron grey eyes.
"I am the bone of my sword." She began her incantation, immediately sharpening her skills as she sliced down one enemy after another with practiced ease. "Steel is my body and fire is my blood." Shirou continued the poem of her life, immersing herself into the battle, projecting Kanshou and Bakuya every time they had dissolved into the air.
Ralph the Dragonborn

"Vaaz ahrk luv!" Ralph continued to scream, switching to Dovahzul to sound more badass. He was basically a dragon in human form, after all. He dashed forwards, slicing and dicing with his sabres. "WULD NAH KEST!" He suddenly boosted forwards, escaping several creatures closing on him. That was when he ran into Shirou, gracefully massacring multiple enemies. "Oh hey there!" He called out, kicking one of the creatures in the face. "So how're you holding up?" The Dragonborn asked, staying several metres away from her.

"RII VAAZ ZOL!" This time, a purple light exploded out of his mouth and spiralled towards a random hostile creature. The moment the Thu'um hit it, its soul was violently ripped out of its body and flew towards Ralph, filling up a soul gem, its body falling to the floor. The soulless husk then reanimated and promptly turned on its former comrades, ripping apart several. "Hey Archer!" Ralph pulled out a Philter of the Warrior and tossed it over to her. "You might need this!"

@Maiza Avaro
Ryan formed a ball of fire in his hands and quickly blasted the wounded creature to bits, sending it in every direction. He turned around to see everyone was now in combat, brutally massacring the beasts. "We may actually have a good chance at surviving this after all..." Ryan said to himself, eyes wide in surprise. He soon noticed he began to glow and moments afterwords, heard Clem's voice explaining the glowing. Ryan's eyes quickly turned green and his lips formed into a smirk. "Let's get messy then..." Ryan blasted up into the air at an insane speed, looking down to see a group of five of the blue beasts moving towards everyone else. Ryan quickly shot straight down, sending a shockwave of rock spikes in every direction, impaling all of them almost instantly.

As Ryan got up, he heard a loud howl, similar to the one he heard from the beast he first killed. Moments after the howl, another blue creature popped up on top of a roof. Then another. Then three more. "This can't be good..." Ryan mumbled. He jumped up into the air, flying in place after making it about fifty feet up. Ryan nearly lost concentration and fell to the ground after seeing what he saw, but was able to keep cool.

Hundreds of the blue creatures and many other things were trudging towards everyone. He turned around and saw the same thing. They'd be there within minutes... "Guys, we've got company! And a hell of a lot of it!" Ryan yelled down at the group as he began firing off a flurry of large ice crystals, hitting multiple targets. He looked around for a way out, and saw the only real exit without having to go through the hordes was through the supermarket. Ryan quickly touched down to the ground, seeing that multiple creatures had already made their way towards the group. Their fighting style changed though. At first, it was random slashing and biting, but now it was thought out movements, quicker reflexes and much more efficient planning on assault. Ryan also noticed black blobs moving in as well, though he hadn't noticed them before. "Guys, we need to get moving, their closing in on all directions and moving fast!" Ryan exclaimed as he continued to shoot off balls of fire and ice shards at oncoming enemies.

[enemy count: 2,000+]

Shirou Emiya // Archer

Swiftly throwing Kanshou at a nearby enemy, effectively slicing its head clean off its neck, her right hand immediately reached upwards to catch the small liquid filled flask that Ralph had thrown at her. Popping it open with her thumb, she quickly chugged down the contents, already feeling the effects of the potion that she had been given. "I have created over a thousand blades." She continued to chant her prayer, the poem that describes her very being as a person who was saved by a sword, merged and lived with a sword, and acted as a sword her entire mortal and immortal life.

"Unaware of loss, nor aware of gain." Shirou muttered as Kanshou returned to her hand, throwing away the emptied flask as a result, which shattered on the cold hard ground. Taking on a sword-fighting stance, she continued her massacre, slicing and dicing as she cleared a path towards Ralph, who was only a few meters away from her. "Thanks for that." She said to him just loud enough to hear her voice, before going off again into the sea of monsters once more.


Well damn, these guys aren't fucking around... Makes me feel even more useless. She sighed to herself, wincing every time she heard one of the monsters scream. She was not at all against killing the creatures that were trying to kill them, but damn if it didn't make her feel uncomfortable listening to them die. She continued to keep her distance from the fighting, not at all fancying attempting to fight anyone or anything. She could if she absolutely had to, but she was nowhere near as good as the others clearly were. She glanced behind her towards the market, wondering what the rest of their ragtag group had been doing.

Clem swore when she heard Ryan's exclamation, her eyes widening. She turned around and began to run towards the market area, fully intending on staying as far away from any monsters as she could. Placing her hand against her chest she cast her own speed spell, and immediately felt a familiar rush as her magic washed over her. She ran much faster now, her legs moving faster than a normal human's ever could, quickly closing the distance between herself and the other group in the market.

@Urryone, I guess. xD


It didn't take Colette long to find several sturdy rucksacks buried deep within a basket near the back of the room. She carried them with her to another building, one that looked like it had sold dry goods at one point in time. She immediately began stuffing the packs full of whatever looked like it might still be safe to eat, trying to even out the loads the best she could. Once she was done she pulled one bag onto her own shoulders and then tried to lift all of them, but didn't have much luck. Looking around and not seeing anyone nearby she called out to the group, "Kellogg? Josuke? Tai? I have some bags, but I can't carry them all. Can you help me please?" She glanced towards the door nervously for a moment, swearing she heard the commotion outside getting louder. I hope everyone out there is alright....

@Hazeron @Thepotatogod
Ralph the Dragonborn

Ralph turned to face the oncoming army, smiling under his hood. "Hey guys?" He said to get the group's attention, before looking skywards. "You might want to take some shelter." He took in a large breath of air. "STRUN BAH QO!" The shout travelled to the heavens themselves, and they answered. A large collection of dark clouds began to gather right above the town. Then a few drops of rain fell. Then it became a downpour with flashes of light few and far in between.

Streaks of lightning struck, frying several of those black blobs. The clouds blocked any light from the already-setting sun from passing through, and the only source of light was from the lightning and Ralph's lightsabers currently in the process of slashing through a horde of enemies (and Clem's light spell, who could forget that?). "JUST DO IT!" This shout launched several dozen enemies away and flying through the clouds into the world's upper stratosphere. "BEST MOD EVER!" The Dragonborn laughed in between flashes of electricity and claps of thunder.
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Shirou Emiya // Archer

Shirou blinked once, then twice, when she heard the almost ungodly yell that had emitted from Ralph's mouth, which caused the sky to darken as a storm began to take over. 'That's... admittedly impressive.' The Counter Guardian begrudgingly admitted within her mind as she swiftly sent Bakuya flying through the air, slicing off the heads of numerous enemies before returning to the Beast of Alaya, just as their bodies hit the ground. "Withstood pain to create weapons." She stated as she flicked the blood off of her blades in a cold, almost nonchalant manner as Kanshou and Bakuya soon disappeared from her hands.

"Waiting for one's arrival." Shirou gradually came closer to the end of her aria, an almost sorrowful elegy of her life. Gáe Buidhe: The Yellow Rose of Mortality, a cursed golden spear wrapped in a talisman cloth to seal it's ability, then formed within her hands in place of the two broadswords from before. There was a reason why she also favored this particular weapon. Spinning it skillfully between her fingers, she cut through the torsos of the monsters that had surrounded her, effectively tearing through their chests with relative ease.


Seasoned W.V.B.A Champion

(hope I was worth the wait, sorry that im late!!!!)

This was it. The final battle. The final punch. Little Mac threw his famous uppercut at Mr. Sandman and right when he was going to knock him right down..... He vanished right out of the ring. For the first time in his life, Little Mac spoke...... "DOC!!!!" His arm was going through the motion, his body spinning as if he was going to hit an opponent... but alas, he didn't h- he did hit something. He slammed what seemed to be a black goupy substance. His glove was covered in dark goup. "Euagh!" he yelled, bringing his hand away. He ran away from the monster. And realized his backpack, right on his shoulder. Mac stumbled and fell right on his stomach. He landed in front of someone, seemingly his age in a dark outfit. Little Mac took off his yellow boxing glove to reveal his tape-wrapped hand. He reached for the man with that hand, looking at him, hoping he would pull him up.



A deadly bounty hunter

Sam was sleeping. He was sleeping. He woke up. He wasn't surprised. He gets himself in these situations far too often. But... this one was different. He looked at his surroundings... at the people. At the monsters they fought. He looked at the items and projectiles and weapons. He decided e would join in on the fun. "Let me have a slap at him!" He said, pulling his dual pistols out. He shot one of the blobs, making a gaping hole in it's chest "Haha!" he yelled, triumphantly at the monster. The blob quickly reformed, "Gaaaawwww! Bantha poodoo!" He said, his head drooping low.

@Ryan Ports
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If this is still on, we should move it to the new system. Oh, the BBCodes are FUCKED UP. It's kind of messy here.

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