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Fantasy The End Is Here. -[[ Zombie RP ]]-

Should I make the Infected Fast like they can Sprint or Slow so like they are Drunk.

  • Fast like they can Sprint

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow like they are Drunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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"W-well I have a coat around here somewhere you could keep warm in." He said looking around the room because he was basically being held in place by the both of them.

@Scarlet Fires

"Yes," Mifune said matter-of-factly. "Away." He looks around and sees a woman (@JustCallMeAimee ) ducking into a building, and caught a glimpse of someone... something following her. It disturbed him that he didn't hear her, but his thoughts were cut off by a sharp whistle. He turns back to Scarlet. "See?" He looks around and sees some of the undead, soon to be followed by many more, shambling towards where the whistle had come from. "The whistle. There will be hundreds, soon. Thousands." He sighed. He hated to kill the undead, but sometimes he had to. Maybe... "If you want to leave, you need to leave now."
Witch darted over and past the guy following the wolf she came up behind the wolf and in front of Evelyn " Why did you do that? " she asked and kept her distance from the wolf
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Xenn caught up and looked at his wolf and at the two. Wolf looked up at the girl petting him then turn to Xenn running toward him. "Who the hell are you two..." He looked at the girls eyes and they were red as could be.
Evelyn listened to the sounds outside, "you two should get out of here." She stated bluntly before raising to her feet and moving to leave the house and carry out what she wanted to do. She glanced up at the boy who questioned her, "Evelyn white and I recommend you get out of her if you found one of the walking dead a hard fight."

@The Arrival
Mifune bites his lip and holds his breath, a difficult thing to do simultaneously. He steps closer to the crowd of the undead and they look at him as he nears them slowly. Once he's a few yards away, he stands still, but jumps back as one lunges for him. He curses when he realizes that he's out of lotion and draws his sword reluctantly. "Don't you dare," he murmurs under his breath, daring them to attack. They dared, and Mifune clenched his fingers around the sword as the crowd lurches forward. His test turned into a fight for the chance to live. He didn't attack any, rather gently batting away those that attacked him and ignoring those who walked past him. He recosidered his strategy as more and more of the undead attacked him, and he was constantly blocking the undead. He began to walk backwards, and accidentally stepped on the foot of a zombie. Even more turned their heads and trudged towards him. He raises his sword and cuts through the ones closest to him, but quickly has to stop swinging as they get too close for his sword to be effective. "Damn," he mutters. He sheaths the sword quickly and pushes his way through the crowd, ducking and hitting to avoid the zombies' teeth. The zombies ignore him when he breaks free of the crowd, and they begin to walk towards the station. The woman, the person following her, the man in the car, his new partner, whoever else was in the building the woman ducked in. They were all in danger. He sprinted the hundred yards back to the station and said "Look out" as loud as he dared as we went by. He walked to where he thought he saw the woman go, but there was nobody there. He looks around, panic settling in. Then, he takes a risk, shouting, "Look out!" He swears, loudly, as he sees the woman in an alley a few alleys down. "You people..." @JustCallMeAimee @Scarlet Fires @Death Reaper @wolfborn4 @MADoranged (And whoever else, although I'm not sure if I got that right)
Talon rushed to catch up to Witch/ "Witch slow dow.. oh hi.." He saw A guy with a wolf And the girl that had slept at the apartment the night before. hey guys umm whats going on?"
Talon said:
Talon rushed to catch up to Witch/ "Witch slow dow.. oh hi.." He saw A guy with a wolf And the girl that had slept at the apartment the night before. hey guys umm whats going on?"
@JustCallMeAimee[/URL] @Scarlet Fires @Death Reaper @wolfborn4 @MADoranged (And whoever else, although I'm not sure if I got that right)
Evelyn was quiet and looked at Talon for a long moment before speaking up, "there's someone stuck outside." And with that she left walking out into the crowed as if it were nothing.

She swung the blades as a fast pace cutting down the undead as if they where nothing. Moving fast to reach the boy who seamed to be trapped.
Lily whined, returning from the kitchen in...well, nothing. She whined, crossing her arms defensively over her chest.

"There's nothing to wear!!" Her skin was still pinkish from the burns, but mostly healed.

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"It wasn't hard...he came out of no where...." He said as he heard nearby groaning. He ran out of the back of the house seeing a full horde of zombies coming. "Well damn..." He said putting his pistol back in the holster and taking his honey badger out. "Yeah I might need some help.." He started to shoot only headshots. He wanted to save as many bullets as he could.
Witch followed Evelyn to help out, she took a deep breath in and let out about wail tinkerer the infected that she would attack them if they did not leave, a bunch of them left but the ones who stayed. Witch snarled and threw he urself t the infected knocking them away she threw one as far as she couldn't flew fifty feet before hitting a wall with a sickening crunch, once the rest of the infected left she snorted and shook her head before adjusting her hat then she sat down " They where meanies, and mister you better not shoot at me " she said to the guy with the wolf
Blood sprayed up the side of Eve's face and clung to her white blonde hair like tar on human skin. She didn't react to the foul smell and just drove he blade into rotten skulls that squelched and crunched against the blackened blades. Her determination set her apart from the other as well as her detached recognition that the living dead had surrounded her as she chopped them down violently clearing a path, that closed up behind her, towards the one on his own.

@The Arrival
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"Don't worry I have great marksmanship.." He said as the wolf ran toward her. He looked as if he was going to attack her. Wolf leaped and landed on a zombie behind her. As Xenn turned his honey badger to automatic "there's more coming from the front of the house..." He yelled over the loud banging of the gun.

@The Arrival
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hehe time for a fight is it!" he pulled out his AK74U and unloaded a clip into the lead zombies then switched our for his 2 machetes, slicing and dicing. his machetes moving in a blur.
Witch rolled backwards and jumped off towards the fight she tore into the infected, mid fight she pulled on her googles and sliced at the infected with a snarled and she ducked turned then grabbed a wire, running in front of the hoard she came around and tied them back " pinned 'em down you guy can blast their brain out now " she had a strong infected grab her from behind and hold her arms down, she growled and squirmed then screamed in pain as the infected bit at her neck to tear her spine out
Talon ran and jumped off a wall and backfliped over the zombi holding witch and sliced its head off.
Witch stumbled a bit as she came back down to the ground, immediately she brought a hand up to the back of her neck wincing she had blood pouring between her fingers and she went back to fighting her eyes glowing bright red
He growled as he saw blood. He laughed evilly and insanely, running into the horde putting his honey badger away and took his five seven out with his military grade knife throwing it at a zombie while shooting the others around it down. He ran picked his knife up and out of the zombies skull. He had an insane smile on his face. As his wolf jumped on his back on to a bigger zombie. Xenn tackled the zombie on a tree and the body broke in half over him. His wolf jumped by his feet with its hair standing up.
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If this was an anime.. His head would have exploded by now into a million pieces from how red he was becoming. "I think.. That fever is kicking in." He says with his vision a little blurred. He has never seen so many.. Things.. In his life time and to make it worse it was right in front of him. Not like on the internet where he could hide behind a screen.
(Lol xD @The death God )

Alice bent over again and put a hand on his forhead. "You don't seem to be burning up..." let me get you a cold rag.." She got up and came back moments later woth a damp cold cloth. Alice sat on his lap and made him lean baxk so she could place the cloth on his forhead.

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