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Fantasy The End Is Here. -[[ Zombie RP ]]-

Should I make the Infected Fast like they can Sprint or Slow so like they are Drunk.

  • Fast like they can Sprint

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow like they are Drunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Alice clipped the radio onto her spiked belt and smiled "I will..", she looked back at Hunter. "Stay cute." She said quickly before instantly heading outside of the building, she sighed as she shut the door. "Stay Cute?! What the hell does that even mean?" She scolded herself, hoping no one heard that as she walked down the street.
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He closed his eyes knowing that he wouldn't go crazy because he had eaten so there was no need to cuff himself. He curled his knees so that they were around his stomach area and fell into deep slumber. "Stay cute" was the last thing he heard before actually sleeping.
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Witch sat down where she was standing and leaned on the doorframe, she yawned, she had never felt this tired before and she didn't know how long but had been since she last slept
Alice pried open the door to a drug store and checked behind the counter, she propped a box up against the door so no infected could sneak up on her and checked the shelves for any kind of medicine the group could use, and stuff for Hunter specifically, she smiled to herself again. Alice found a few bottles of acetaminophen and Tylenol, she grabbed Aleeve too just in case and a bunch of gauze knowing she would consistently have to change the wrapping, it was a head injury after all.
BloodyAlice666 said:
Alice pried open the door to a drug store and checked behind the counter, she propped a box up against the door so no infected could sneak up on her and checked the shelves for any kind of medicine the group could use, and stuff for Hunter specifically, she smiled to herself again. Alice found a few bottles of acetaminophen and Tylenol, she grabbed Aleeve too just in case and a bunch of gauze knowing she would consistently have to change the wrapping, it was a head injury after all.
Evelyn stopped at the corner of the street and watched the girl go into the (you don't understand how badly I want to say shop/chemist/pharmacy xD ) drugstore. She sighed leaning up against the wall watching next to nothing and to be honest making sure nothing going to get in.
Alice came back out with a half bag full of an assortment of medical supplies and walked to a convenience store that was nearby, she ended up having to take out a few infected that were lingering inside, she cleared it out and found a load of beef jerky, she took it, specifically for Hunter and Witch and then noticed behind the counter there was a back room.

Alice hopped over the counter and it was locked. "Great.." Alice searched around the counter and lucked out finding a set of keys that fit the room, now she knew why it was locked...

the foul odor of decay hit her like a ton of bricks and she gagged and had to breath through her mouth to avoid throwing up last nights small dinner. She flicked on her flashlight and tears stung her eyes, not only from the smell..but what she saw...

there was a family of four, lying dead in the room, a teenage girl, mother, Father...and a boy that looked about 4 years old. Alice cupped a hand over her mouth. They seemed to have taken their lives by shooting themselves in the head. The father was propped up against the wall, his hand coated in blood. it looked like he had written on the wall in his own blood, 'the dead roam now..' since the bloody print lead to his hand in a long skid. Alice saw a few guns in the room but shook her head. She closed the door and re-locked it. Alice leaned against the door and slid down it onto the floor. She sat there for a good 10 minutes crying, realizing, not even the purest of things lived or survived in this world..the Dead Ruled it now.
Eve glanced in the direction of movement. Suddenly deciding it was better inside with the girl then out here in the open, moving fast in nimble muscular legs and reached the door, giving it a good push due to the box she slipped inside silently. The smell of recently released decay his her nose like sour milk and she grunted pushing the box back. Her eyes scanned the room, "hello?" She asked in a more than obviously English accent, it was soft yet strong and independent.
Alice was hidden behind the counter in the shadows, she quickly rubbed away her tears a bit too roughly and scratched her cheek leaving a long cut from her nail, she grunted and sighed, Alice then stood up, still hidden in the shadows and held up her pistol. "Gun down. Now..I dont want any trouble just, paranoid from past experiences.
(Gosh damn.)

Lily watched Hunter sleeping peacefully. She sighed, closing her own eyes. She hardly slept. The things she saw behind her eyelids were never pleasant...

She woke up a few minuets later, panting, cold tears streaming down her cheeks. She sighed, wiping them off with her sleeve, and settling down for another sleepless night. At least she hadn't screamed that time.
Evelyn held up her hand to show she'd put it back on her pocket, "calm down, eh?" She rolled her eyes a mostly blank expression on her face, "I won't shot you if you don't shot me." She told the girl bluntly. Dropping her arms she glanced around the room, "where's that smell coming from?" She questioned.
Alice kept the keys in her pocket. "Its me.." She lied. "one of them damn infected landed on me barely kept it from biting me..." She stated. "I have to get back to somewhere so..if you would excuse me.." She mumbled, swiftly walking out of the store and back to the Building, tears threatened at her to let loose as the image flashed in her mind again, she started running, and then sprinting, she just wanted to get back and cry.

(Speaking of walking dead...anyone else pumped for the mid season Premiere tonight?!)
(Ah okay gotz it xD im so exited for it though!)

Alice's footsteps echoed through the eerily quiet and now dark street, and opened the door and slammed it shut behind her, locked it, then leaned against it. Alice slid down and cried again, she tossed the bags aside and brought her knees to her chest, she crossed her arms and rested her head on her knees as she sobbed quietly.
It hadn't taken Eve long to follow the girl. Silently she stood out side the door listening to the audible crying from within, Evelyn Kew what she'd seen because she'd seen it too. Sadly in this world it was something you had to get used to.

Silently she raised a hand and did something she hadn't had to do for a while now. She knocked on the door.
Lily quietly sat up. Someone was knocking? She walked to the door, and hesitantly opened it. "Hello." She said softly.
Witch had fallen asleep and started to fall over till she skipped and hit the ground with a thump as she slept, she hadn't dreamed in forever and once she did her boast flashed before her eyes only more vivid and brutal than what actually happened and she whined
Alice snuck past Lily and up the stairs, she stocked the supplies and cleaned herself up. Alice walked over to Huntewr and sat on the bed side, she had a pill bottle in her hand and set it next to the bottle of water, Alice watched him sleep and smiled weakly as she pushed the horrifying sight from her mind.

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