The Echoes of Absence

Got to work on a new database on access 2007 (never worked on access before) sooo I'll be extremely busy for the next 2 weeks or so, posting will be reduced to minimum activity.

Damn RL :evil:
I'm extremely sorry everyone, but I'm going to have to go on an indefinite hiatus, at least for the next few months. I'm really trying to get back to writing, and due to my already crammed life (and all the nights when I'm too drained and listless to work) this is, unfortunately, what I'm going to have to give up.

Again, I'm incredibly sorry, and I hope that this won't last...well, indefinitely.
Ack... tis the heat that is driving away members isn't it? Damn the Sol Invictis and his summer. :lol:
Heh, I'm not too happy about it either, but I felt it was the right choice for me to make, at least for the moment.
I will be gone the next two days (Saturday and Sunday). I will return Sunday night, but until then, I will be persona non grata.
I'm going down to the old man's for Father's Day, so I will have only intermittent internet access for the weekend. I may be able to get on for a little while, but, as I just stated, it will be intermittent.
Trowizilla's gonna be out for a while longer; apparently her computer committed seppuku while she was visitin' families (and also me) in Georgia.
I'm going to be away from Monday to Thursday, internet access debateable, updates to follow.
Me boss is going out to Europe this week, so I'm going to be extraordinarily more busy than usual.

Unable to post as needed.

Things should go back to normal like next tuesday (after she's gone). :evil:
My internet access is somewhat sporadic for the next few days on account of needing to go rock out really hard at an AC/DC concert. Normal service will resume Monday.
How dare you go rock out when there's gaming to be done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, though, boys, have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

If I had a wifi device handy we would totally be posting in our game updates while The Blizzards were playing their inane poppy wuss-rock rubbish...
I am leaving for holiday tomorrow, July 14th, and will be gone until the 24th of July. I will have intermittent internet access, but I cannot promise regular posting during that time. I will try, but, again, I cannot promise.

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