The Echoes of Absence

Gone larping, be back tommorrow around noon-ish (eastern timezone) or about 29 hours for those that don't care for the math....
As a fyi, I won't be available the rest of today.

For today, I go forth. Girded and armed for an epic battle against friends for a plane of reality. And this time.. my dragons shall carry the day and I shall win control of multiple planes as is only right for this planeswalker.

in short, going off to play magic. :lol:
Been gone for a while (sorry about that), and probably won't really be back until the beginning of April. Some real life stuff came up, and now I'm desperately trying to prepare for a couple LARP games I'm supposed to be running at a con this weekend...
Just letting all of you know that I have a very erratic schedule and have had it like this for the past week. It will continue for about another week as well. Sorry about the delayed notice.
Work... is ... being... crazy.

As you've noted I have less and less time to actively STing the games I'm in and barely time to play or do other things... so... I'm sorry for the waiting :(

I'm chasing a big client atm, the kind that will help the family business and put things back on the road to prosperity, money, fame, sex, and drug abuses... so I'm focusing on work to win the deal, buy a new cpu, wear armani, get in the vip rooms, get laid and die of a cocaine overdose !

RL sucks. :evil:
cyl said:
... so I'm focusing on work to win the deal, buy a new cpu, wear armani, get in the vip rooms, get laid and die of a cocaine overdose !
April fools?
I am back, but it looks like work will be pretty consistent. This means I will be busy, just not AS busy as I was for the past two weeks. I will need to shut down my game for now due to the fact that I am not able to give it the attention it needs, and that is unfair to the players. I may restart it a later date, but that will be decided based on the situation.
I may or may not be somewhat absent the next few days, until I get my computer situation worked out, but if it does turn out to be more of a problem than I thought, I'll still likely only be gone until Monday, at most.
Just letting everyone know mid may may be dead for me, due to exams. I am not dropping Sunlit Hearts again though, so, you may sigh in relief.
Just wanted to give a Heads Up, that it's very likely that in about a week I'll have a spotty internet connection at best for about two weeks. It looks like I'll have to move back to Israel.
I am ill. I won't be doing much work on my game. Sorry players.

I am not oinking to the best of my knowledge so I should be back on my feet soon.
So. Tomorrow is Queen's Day in Holland. Festivities actually begin tonight (Queen's Night, if you will), and because of this I'm gonna be out of commission for the next 36-48 hours. I planning to resume normal activity (and get my ass together with regards to Sherwood's game) on Friday, so until then I bid you all adieu. Should I survive. :shock:
Ah, Queen's Day. I was in Amsterdam for Queen's Day, once long ago. It was so much freakin' fun I didn't know what to do with myself. So I partied. Like it was 1999, even. Enjoy!

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