The Echoes of Absence

I think... I need a break.

I've been snippy lately, more so than I normally should be. I've not been able to concentrate enough to properly run or play games. And have been far too quiet in several games.

As such, I'm putting Biohazard and Go West into hiatus. I'm going to have to put Aria (Tome's Crashing Waves game), Kitty (Nobble's Broken Memories' game), Bride of the Ruby Blades (Cyl's Walking with the Darkness Game), Aria (in the volleyball game), and Tepet Ina Zuma (Shadow Red Claws's Wyld Hunt game) on hold.

I may eventually come back to play and run... but for now, tired Haku needs to rest.

I leave the forum in Coyotekin's hands as Lord Overseer. If you need help, just e-mail or IM me.

For now, I bide thee adieu.


Go get some some fresh air my friend, you deserve it !

Repose toi bien et reviens vite ! :mrgreen:
Does anyone know what is going on with A Star to Steer, and Into the Wyld Blue? If they are still not moving on after all of this time I will put them with the Neverborn.
Do you hear the unsettling song of the night birds?

Do you feel the invisible fumes that fill the air?

Can you perceive the whispers of the trees, who talk of change and renewal?

Can you feel the tides, and the moon, and the seasons that are changing, as if preparing to host a big event?

If you do, fear not, for they have just noticed that Arthur is back.
Hot milk + honey will boost your stam + resistance pool for Tolerance (plus it tastes nice).

Take care and watch a ton of dvds ! :)

I have returned. But only as a mod, still not up to running or playing in games.
Had 8 hours of sleep since last friday, so I'm taking two days off (need... regen... brain cells) :D

Ye be notified.
Apologies for the delays so far, I'm in a situation similar to cyl, except the cause would be moving to a new place this past weekend. >_>

Expect posts soon, tomorrow evening if all goes as planned.
Having a great deal of trouble connecting to this forum (and many other sites, for some reason). Am still here. Hope to god this posts.

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