The Echoes of Absence

I'm having horrible awful internet troubles right now. Currently I'm mooching internet off of the neighbors, but god knows how long that'll last. I'll try to keep up, but no promises. (Comcast sends someone week. GEE THANKS.)
So... Uh..



Queen's Day. Yep. Well, it was insane, to say the least. Everything started with a Queen's Night party at a friend's place, with the traditional massive amount of alcohol (and a little cannabis as well). That went on until quite early in the morning, at which point half of those left at the party (myself included) decided to go get some food and walk around. It was around 4am, and I remember there still being droves of people out (though less than early in the evening/night, and much less than the day afterwards). Regardless, though, it was a lot of fun and chill.

I ended up getting home and passing out around 7am, only to wake up in the afternoon around 3ish. My bike tire had turned out to be flat from hitting some broken glass somewhere (it was literally every where you looked), so I proceeded on foot. For the next five or so hours I walked around the Centrum (center of Amsterdam), going from place to place. I've never seen so many goddamn people in one area in my life until then. In Museumplein (museum square), they have a large open field/park without trees. This became one MASSIVE block party/concert; people eating, getting drunk, and going crazy everywhere

But it wasn't the only block party. No... I walked up through Leidseplein (arguably the most touristy area) to hit another block party. And then another. Then another. It was like a travel nightmare; crazy people dancing everywhere, crowded lines at food/drink stalls stretching into the streets and pathways, and all sorts of insanity. I've got documentation of it all man, this thing would probably make National Geographic or something as an ode to a survival story.

Okay... Maybe not. But it WAS insane. Anyhow, I went from party to party, some absolutely off the walls awesome, others terrifyingly crazy. But I survived. I was given free beer from several different people in the street on a few different occasions, which was just awesome. Eventually, I wound up at a favorite coffeeshop of mine. As the place was packed (it's a block from Leidseplein), I ended up sitting with two random guys who turned out to be from Sweden (well, one; the other just worked there). We smoked for a few hours till the place was about to close, and then I rushed back thinking I had to catch a tram only to find out that they weren't running the normal routes and that I had to take a Nightbus. Sucks, because had I known this I would have stayed with the new people and gone to get food and barhop. It ended up being worse when the Nightbus neglected to stop anywhere remotely near my place, even though the schedule said it would and it passed right by. That's exactly why I never take the bus in this city, but then again, that's a whole other topic.

So there you have it, my Queen's Day story. Had more people I known been around or able to be contacted (cell service was horrendous that day), I might have had a crazier time, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Out of town from Thursday 'till Monday for sister's college graduation. Apparently since I didn't bother with any of the ceremonies she's doing two to spite me.
Am mostly back, am very exhausted. Will try and get posting in the next few days, but basically I've been running on a couple hours uninterrupted sleep a night since sometime in mid-April.
As a heads up to everyone I'm going to be out for about a week. Things are picking up and I won't have enough time to post. Expect me to resume normal posting on the 24th.
I'll be gone most of Friday. Going to see The Crystal Method tonight and so won't be near a computer until after I get home tonight.
I have returned slightly ahead of schedule. I am already back and posting in Blood from the Stone and my own game, Acrotomo.
May be unavailable for a couple of days due to PC trouble. Hope to be back on regularly soon. Sorry!
Will be out of town on saturday till next saturday, many and great apologizes....I should be able to get on and post a couple times during that but the connection is not reliable enough for me to make any promises.....
I will be out of town from Saturday to midway through Monday. I will get what I can in before I leave, but my weekend will be MIA.
I have've had the flu for more than two weeks now, and they suspect it might be the swine flu, so I might not be able to post for a bit. I'm sure you'll all bear with me.
Last weekend, I spent a four days taking a short, quiet and long overdue vacation. I brought some of Exalted books because there was a character I wanted to stat. Part way through the exercise, I came to a sudden realization: actually playing Exalted has somehow morphed into feeling just like work. DO NOT WANT!

This happens every few years. It sucks. I need a break from gaming.

-cdi, "ugh! And I just started a game too."
I'm back, and am glad to say the doctors ruled out swine flu, though their Medicine roll wasn't good enough to diagnose the disease... :mrgreen:
lol Yay at least its not evil Swine flue. I had a normal bad flu once that knocked me out for 3 weeks. Maybe just one of those odd ones.
People are freaking out about the swine flu, when more people die from regular flu every year in the US alone than the entire death toll world wide from the piggy virus.
Swine flu is scary only because people have little to no immune resistance to it. In terms of lethality, it's well within the bounds of 'normal' influenza; what's worrying is if it exchanges genetic code with a far more lethal virus and we have something like Super-SARS.
I'm out for a week or more. Acrotomo will be temporarily on hold, and I won't be present for my other games. See you when I get back.

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