The Echoes of Absence

But what about your fingers? You should still be able to type, dammit! :wink:
Ok, I'll be absent fro one week from tomorow.

There is is a small chance that I may be able to "borrow" a wifi connection from a neighboor during this trip but it isn't garantied.

So see ya in a week.
So, uh... like I accidentially said in the other topic, I probably won't be on much after tonight, at least for a few days. I'm planning to cut myself off from the Internet so that I can study properly, so I'll be back on the 30th or so, depending on how much goes wrong with installing my new computer.
I'll be away from the 18th to the 24+th getting back to france and going to see my gramps for their 60th anniversary of marriage (try to beat that :lol: )

Will probably have access to internet though, but not sure I'll be able to post frequently between the flights trains and family meetings.
As we say: Amusez vous bien.

Funny coincidence, my grandparents just had their 50th this year.
Net access will be very sporadic for the rest of the week, I might well not be around for a few days.
I'm moving house, so until the new internet connection is established I may or may not be around for a few days.
Sorry to all my players, and equally sorry to STs of games I'm in.

My laptop is still serving as an extremely expensive paperweight, and although it will be fixed by the end of the month at the very latest, that's still a serious delay.

Players, please just hold tight. I'll be back.

STs, feel free to NPC my characters to the nth, because by the time I consistently return, I may have missed so much it could be impossible to restore immersion.
Sorry about kind of disappearing without saying anything like that. I just haven't been doing well, but I should be back now.

Now, if I can only get myself to concentrate on working on my characters for once...
Andrensath said:
Does anyone know what's happened to Devlin? He hasn't logged in for a week.
Without going into the gory details: real life hit him like the fists of an entire pantheon of angry gods riding a fleet of semis. We don't have any idea when he'll be back; with insane luck it might be a few days, but it could just as easily be a few weeks.

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