The Echoes of Absence

I think I'm going to have to disappear for a bit. I haven't been doing too well recently either, though in my case it's not really new problems as much as it is my inability to get over my old problems. I thought time was supposed to heal, but... well, I suppose I should be thankful that I at least don't have Eidetic Memory or anything.

I'll try to be back soon, and finally get around to finishing everything. I feel bad about taking off like this when I still have so much to do, but I think that all of the stress I've been putting on myself is part of the reason I haven't been able to work, so... hopefully taking a bit of time off will help in general.
Hmm. My apologies after the fact - it seems the post which I recall putting here never actually made it... which isn't all that surprising given the poor quality of my connection yesterday. Between some minor connection issues and some family-things my posts may be intermittent but I'm hoping things should be back to normal by Sunday. In the meantime, I shall post whenever I get a chance.
I'm moving house. My computer is being shipped off tonight and the new house doesn't have a net connection yet. For the next two weeks my access is going to be sporadic. Apologies to my players and GMs/STs/Whatever you want to call yourselves.
I've come down with some kind of flu, it seems, so I won't be posting in Brief Lives for a day or two until I can concentrate coherently enough to run a world. I'll do my best to keep posting in games I'm playing in, but no promises. I should be back to normal by the weekend.

Apologies to my players.
I should be back in a day or two. I meant to return earlier, but I seem to have developed a rather unpleasant boil, so... I've been in near-constant pain the past couple of days, and haven't been able to concentrate well enough to write. I seem to be getting better, though, so I should be back to posting soon.

...Assuming Haibane Renmei doesn't have me too distracted.

Again, I'm sorry for being away so long, and for being so slow in general. Hopefully I can start changing that.
Won't really be able to post for another week, maybe two. Getting an internet connection isn't as easy as I'd like it to be. Sorry everyone.

Oh well, at least I'll have a shiny 20Meg line at the end of it all...
I'm terribly sorry all, I did not expect my net to be incognito for so long.....Even now the situation is twitchy but I hope i'll be able to (henceforth) maintain my correspondences....

Here's Hoping,

Again, I'm sorry for being away so long, and for being so slow in general. Hopefully I can start changing that.


If anyone wants to nudge me to finish a character or post or anything, go ahead and contact me on MSN. Don't worry about bothering me; I work faster under a bit of pressure, and I won't be so annoyed at myself if I actually start getting things done...

My laptop is humming through a full system recovery even as I type, and I'll be back in full swing by nightfall - so wonderfully appropriate, that.
Strange that this coincides with my newly updated copy of Batman STOPPING WORKING.

You'll get yours, Grey. *shakey fist*
I'm not going to be able to get on for the most part starting the day after tommarow due to my internet being cut off =\ It was either that or not be able to put gas in to my car xD

I don't know when things will be able to turn around but when they do, I'll make sure to tell everyone.
Got two big congresses next week, and I gotta take care of a lot of things for everything to be ready, so I don't think I will be able to post anything until the next week end.
Away for the weekend to the discworld convention, so probably won't be very active from tomorrow afternoon until monday evening. Apologies for the inconvenience (I promise I will get Lives moving again when I get back :oops: )
I'm also heading to the same convention (see above) and will probably be either slow to respond or just won't be able to post at all till Tuesday-ish.

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