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Fantasy The Eager World Of Dalavestameke

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Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
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The Eager World!

Welcome to the new world. Well, Realm. This realm is known as the Dalavastameke Realm! This realm is home to all supernaturals. As it was just created to keep the peace between and their identity from humans. If a human found out about you, Well, Good luck. Anyways, the Realm is seperated by four categories:

Hunters: These selected inhumans are the ones who hunt for Runaways and is basicly the Law enforcers. They also preform hunts for material, Food, And Alchemy supplies in other realms.

Trackers: Trackers hunt down information or locations on stray away Supernatruals. They also help hunters on their hunts.

Techies: Techies provide technology, to the realm, due to their power fitting that category. They break down information, Solve Encriptions, and help Hunter and Trackers with the high tech gear.

And finally the Alchemist: THe alchemist supply every thing needed. Like markets. You head to their shops, and be ready to Shop! From house decor, Food, clothing- Everything you need is there!

Now, The realm is run by the 4 council families.

Dal- The Hunter Council head.

ava- The Techies Council head

Sta- The Trackers head Council.

Meke- The alchemist Council head.

(Please Read the Overview...)

~So come to the realm and be your inhuman self~

( @Cicero )
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~Opening Post~

Quinn walked to her room in the large faculty building. She grabbed her phone pod and walked to the scanner. Scanning her palm she walked in and played her music. She changed out of her morning dressed and into her black tactical suit. She stopped the music and walked out. Humming she headed for the trackers training area. She mapped out her day in her head. Two hours of this then i will hit the markets. she thought to herself. She pulled out her phon to see if anyone was online.

Gem logged onto her computer. The hightech system opened her lastest game. SHe quickly logged in and began levling her character with ease. Thats the thing with tech like this. She knew the best things for any game, and was good at beating humans at their own games. She laughed in her headset as she hit level 15. She instantly started getting request. She denied them all. She was a solo player. Tems slowed her down. She talked with other players giving them tips. Checking her phone for lastest tech jobs. None. Bored she headed for the markets.
(Okay lets see if I don't fuck with 4 characters xD )

Ra was at the tracker training area with his tracking imps making them search for random objects and creatures he looked over at Quinn and grinned "Morning beautiful!"He called out sending an imp to get her attention. The imp ran up tugging on her suit pointing to a waving vampire before he returned the imp returned to his master and was sent to do another errand.

Silo and Jane were at their store selling the good they have either made or bought from other places "Thank you come again."They said in unison smiling and waving at the leaving customer.

The dragon boy was walking around aimlessly somehow getting lost in the woods he sighed a bit before finding a tree jumping on it "This should work for a bed."Shawn said to himself going to sleep
Quinn spun around. "Ra!" She said waving back. Putting her phone away. She walked to him. "How was your morning.?" She asked. Smiling she walked with him to the training room.

(What does your shop sell? @Cicero )

Gem walked into the market place. She spotted many of the tech shops who smiled at her. SHe laughed. Of course they knew her. Thats where she spent her allowance. She walked up to the markets checking each one as she passed. She bought a few things of clothing and a new headset. Walking into the sister succubus's store. She looked at them before managing a weak smile.

Walking to the tracker and hunter traing area Kyle sighed. Straighting his posture he scanned his hand and walked in and went to the simulator. He started with a Information retrieval mission.
The boy made the imps disappear walking with her "Its been good just teaching the tracker imps how to actually track things....what about yours?"He asked her smiling and kissing her cheek while his became a bit red. "Sucks the school got shut down....not really I mean I hated that place but.....yea I don't know where I was going with that."The vampire said snickering a bit

(Ummm a bunch of random things trinkets,Carpets,Food,and a few old electronics along with new ones)

"Hello how may we help you?"Silo asked the girl that walked in "I'm Jane and this is Silo."The other one said while the both smiled innocently at her "Are you looking for anything specific we might have in stock."They told her together while Silo sweeper her hand to the left of the shop and Jane gestured to the right side
Quinn shook her head as she scanned her palm and unlocked the door for the both of them. holding it open she waited for him to enter. "It seems a hunter is here." She said looking at the sim the boy was in. She smiled. "My day has been great. Been running over markets for what little clothing i picked. And some food to store in my house." She said humming. "I dont care about the school, i miss the ever changing forest." She said.

Gem looked confused at the two speaking. As they spoke in unison and finishing each others sentences. She looked at the home decor area and walked over. SHe shook her head no. "I have everything im really looking for, just thought i stop in and browse" She said.
(Lets see if I can make something long with 1 character and not a lot of info)

After staying up all night playing the hightechs new MMO game after succeeding in a raid against a human and getting plenty of gold Adam rushed outside taking in the fresh air. He began to look around for the local market as he seemed to twitch a few times before finding finally it and quickly bombarded the shopkeeper with questions "How many self destruct buttons and activator do you have, is that wire insolated, how many...OOOOHHH is that lamp with reverse wiring bye!!!"

Adam quickly dropped all the stuff he was about to buy on the counter of the stall and then quickly ran over to the two females talking in sync "Hi can I have that lamp, It's reallllllyyy, really, really cool". He picks up the lamp taking off the shade and putting it back on along with recklessly tossing it around in between his hands. He now begins unintentionally screaming accidently interrupting the other girl whos examining the merchandise.
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He walked in and nodded his head in thanks "What do you mean by that?"Ra asked snickering a bit laughing "That's good to know....so what clothes did you pick out?"The boy asked her smiling while summoning an imp sending it go track a certain flower "I missed that forest too it was amazing."He agreed laughing a bit

"Very well tell us if anything catches your eyes."Jane said before turning to the other customer "Hello...I'm sorry but can you please stop throwing that around in your hands?"The other one asked while summoning a love trap around the boy encasing him "And can you please stop yelling its really annoying."The two said with a hint of annoyance in their voices but continued to smile
He looks at them as if he's compelety flustered "Wait I'm yelling?" He asked screaming even louder then before. "Sorry" Now almost whispering he holds the lamp steady in his hands "Ummm about how much does this cost" He walks over to them one of his ears flopping down, "It seems kind'a old but it looks amazing and I bet that I can use it for something". He begins to shake the lamp a little while holding it up to his ears making sure it still works "Oh also what are you two ladies names". Now mumbling to himself "Please don't answer for each other" He cresses his fingers behind his latex looking shirt and twitches his ears a few times.

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"come on you can do it"

Danni was talking aimlessly to her self, walking around crowds of people. easily missing each person who walked near her even though her mind was set on a little trinket. "Come on, I know you can work. maybe a little juice?" she asked the little thing. shaking it a bit to work, she had some screwdrivers in her mouth. extremely tiny ones, while fidgeting with the little device. She had been up all night creating this thing and was now gonna be up for 24 hours trying to finish it.

Walking into her favorite store, she looked at the amount of people in it. some guy fidgeting with a lamp and another girl browsing. did she just see an imp leave? oh whatever, that wasn't important. what was important was the old electronics the shop keeps had. She started fumbling around in some boxes that lay around, tossing old electronics around and some other mambo jumbo she could care less about. Forgetting she was actually in the store now, she took apart some old phones while sitting in the box. adding pieces to the little trinket and throwing other pieces around the room that wouldn't be needed.​
"I meant we had someone elses company." SHe said pointing at Kyle who seemed to be effortessly moving through sims. "A lot of black, Silver and grey tactical clothing. And some other clothing." SHe said smiling a but. Things for the weekends. She thought to her self. "Maybe a drees or so." She said turning to a sim starter. she scrolled through looking for a starting one.

Gem rolled her eyes at the new cutomer. She reconized him by his gamer tag. SHe opened up her phone and clicked his gamer tag. They had been playing the same MMO earlier and she had given tips on raids. She sent him a quick message asking how the raid went laughing a little to her self as she choose a few home decor items. Just two, and a scematic that was blank and could be programed.

Kyle watched the two trackers enter. He paused his fifth Sim and took a break. Heading over he flashed his most normal smile. He eyed the two curiously. He threw a knife at the girl testing her. She smirked and caught the knife way before it made contact and didnt move anything but her hand. She threw it back andhe barely caught it in time. "My name is Kyle." He said introduing himself to the male
Silo removed the trap "Yes you were...."She said smiling at him while taking the lamp from him "That would be around twenty dollars."The succubus said while putting the lamp on the table "And actually is old it was made in the nineteen hundreds or something around that time."Jane told him giggling a bit "I'm Silo."The girl said waving "And that makes me Jane."She answered him "What's your name?"The two said in unison looking at the boy while Silo walked over to the customer she knew from awhile back poking her shoulder and taking her hands "You know your in a store right could you please stop taking apart our stuff unless you want to pay for it and please pick everything up."The girl said smiling but her voice was stern

"Oh right...."He said duly looking at the boy watching him throw a knife and Quinn mentally face palming "Did he really think you'd be phased by that?"Ra asked turning to the boy trying his best not to burst out laughing as he put his hand of his eye"I'm Ra....I would say its nice to meet you but I'd be lying as usual."The vampire said duly turning to the Imp he sent out and taking the flower patting the creature's head before it disappeared. Handing the flower to Quinn "Here you go."Ra said with his cheek becoming a tint of red
"Of course he did. He's egoistic. Bet you i could beat him in a fight." She sent back. Laughing as she turned to him. Simulator picked and waiting for them both to enter. SHe opened her mind to his. That way it would make it easier to know which targets they would be taking without getting in the way off eachother. Smiling as he handed her the flower. She went to the small holding comparments and put her ffinger down on the pad. As it opened she placed her flower and phone in. Walking back to them she smiled. "Hello Kyle. Next time, Pick the right person to throw a knife at." She said before turning away.

(Waiting on someone..)

Kyle nodded at Ra. He watched as an imp came in with a flower and dissapper. He also watched the exchange between the two. He smiled as Quinn came back. "Your name?" He asked and nodded reluctantly as she warned him about testing her.
Looking up at the shopkeepers he begins to complain "So she can take apart phones and take parts but I cant mess with a single lamp!!! How's that fair." Adam sighs, shaking his head at them. He quickly digitalized his phone and cut it on. He mentioned that he dominated the other player and ended up destroying his bed good luck respawning now, that's what he gets for accusing him as a hacker, along with thinking her for the stealth tips. He quickly sends his phone back to the digital world "Oh I'm Adam" He smiles at the two seemingly human-like girls he looks over to the destructive girl slowly approaching the other he holds out his money waiting for one of the store owners to take it.
Rolling her eyes at the message. She walked to the counter. "Jane. I will be taking this pointing at the schematic and the two decor items. "How much?" SHe asked turning to the boy. She pulled out her halo phone and sent him a reply. stating Hacker as a joke. Turning back to jane she smiled. Gem looked at the destrutive girl. Another techie. She thought rolling her eyes a little.
Shinko walks down the sidewalk, her hand on her sword as she glared at everyone. That day she was in a particularly bad mood, even her wings turned black. She didn't have time to deal with anyone and if she saw anyone doing as much as stealing a penny she was ready to slice their heads off.

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[QUOTE="Shinko Hiro]Shinko walks down the sidewalk, her hand on her sword as she glared at everyone. That day she was in a particularly bad mood, even her wings turned black. She didn't have time to deal with anyone and if she saw anyone doing as much as stealing a penny she was ready to slice their heads off.

(Don't you work at night?)
The boy smiled watching her walk away and come back "That doesn't surprise me one bit..."Ra sent to her laughing "So what do we do now?"The vampire asked duly

"No she isn't allowed to do that Silo is talking to her now."The girl said annoyed while taking the money "Nice to meet you Adam now please leave if you don't want to buy anything else."Jane said smiling at him while turning to the girl and nodded. "Okay the schematic will be twenty dollars aw well and two decoration items five dollars and twenty five cents a piece bring you to thirty dollars and twenty five cents."The girl said smiling at her while putting the items on the counter

Shawn yawned getting up and stretching walking around the forest eventually finding his way out he seen a girl with a nasty expression on her face. "Looks like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed."He muttered to himself while walking up to her "Hey whats up?"Shawn asked her smiling
Danni's train of thought was broken when her hands were took from the device, she smiled up at Silo. "Oh yea, sorry about that, I almost have a break through on this thing!" she quickly fell out of the box, stuffing things back into it that weren't phones and other little gadgets she had destroyed. Scooping up though parts and dumping the parts all over the counter. "Okai what we talking 30-40? I can also toss in a gum wrapper and a.....skittle" She said out loud not really caring which shop keeper was paying attention. She took a second to glance at both the other people at the counter. Not really interested in what the one girl was buying, but she eyed the lamp for a moment. Tilting her head a few weird ways, before noticing the creature holding the lamp was a breed mixed with bunny or some sort. She playfully hissed at the guy, messing with him since it was an instinct of her's to actually attack someone like that. but she was to gentle at heart to hurt a fly, wellllll.......unless you upset her of course.

The girl smiled "I'm happy about you're break through but next time pay for it okay."She said walking to the counter making sure all the parts were there "Its around thirty two dollars and eighty nine cents."The succubus said smiling at her "And yes we can throw in the gum and skittles free of charge just this once though."Silo said putting everything in a bag handing her the gum and skittles smiling "Have a good day...its Dani right?"She asked her
Quinn rolled her eyes. "Quinn." She said before turning to Ra. Handing him a digital weapon. Simliar to his blood knives. She grabbed a weapon similar to her Angelic blade. She walked into the Sim. Waiting for Ra. She smiled swinging the blade in her hands. It was heavy, she prefered the lighter weapons.

Kyle nodded. And slowly walked off and resumed his Sim flying through easlily. He realized why and face palmed himself. Resting the sim to a harder setting he ran through those at a more normal rate.
Now pulling his phone back out of the virtual pocket space and typed in a code that would rapidly change text, Yep hacker. A walked out the store running towards his house he uses his phone to call his prototype droid and see if it can get its screwdriver. A loud whirling sound can be heard as his droid flies threw the crowd of people walking in the streets it accidently ends up going past him and ends up crashing getting stuck in the fustrated and nearly armed girls hair a blade getting stuck "S...S...Sorry Its a prototype" He winces slowly inching towards the girl worried about her reaction "At least I know it flies" He says to himself.
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The boy looked at the knife throwing it between his hands following her "Training already?"The boy asked duly covering his eye with his hand sighing "Do I have to try like I did during class?"He asked her mentally while snickering a bit to himself while swinging the blades around "And must I really train at all?"The vampire questioned since he was already good at tracking stuff down.
Gem payed the girls and walked out with her stuff. She walked and saw the boy and the really pissed off looking girl. She instantly looked worried. She pulled out her hack device. She easily monvered the craft out of the ladies hair, without any damage. She flew it back to the boy. "Watch where you fly things." SHhe said pulling out her phone. and walking away. She came to a telepoerter. And took it to her house. She logged on to Her game. Logging into the local chat room he laughed at all the request.

GEM_LOW132: Stop spamming my request people.

(@Shinko Hiro You have replies that you should heed to. )

Quinn laughed. "Just one for me please?" She asked as she walked through the building quietly . Taking a guard down.

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