The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

"People who say they can't entertain people are the most entertaining~" They say together.
Name: Kenny madison

Age: 16

Appearance: (my profile pic) red hair, freckles, amber eyes, small, skinny

Species: half human, half angel

Visitor or not: not

Personality: nice, has a sassy side, she is mentally strong but physically weak

Background info/Past: she has believed she was human her whole life

Extra: loves reading, she has always loved supernatural anything
Vice blinked, looking back but still walking. "Where'd you both get that Idea?" She mumbled, curious as to who they were.
(Accepted anyway :) )

"Because~~It's just is~People who think they can't entertain people are just funnn~~~!!" They trot behind Vice saying.
She nodded, turning around and walking backwards. "So, who are you both?" She looked from one to the other. Vice wasn't sure what they wanted with her, but they sure liked to talk in unison.
"Who do you think we are? Sisters, fathers--" Twist starts "--brothers, or twins?" Dark continues.
She stopped in her tracks, looking them both up and down. "Brothers." She pointed to dark. "You're the oldest. I didn't mean your relation to each other, I just meant your names, which, if you really don't feel like it, you don't have to tell me." She smiled slightly, then turned back around, walking away. Her tail swished from side to side and her ears stayed perked up, on the alert.
"Woahhhh she guessed it right~~~!!" Twist hugs her from behind. "She is fun~Dark~~" Dark grins too. "We are Dark and Twist, the nightmare brothers." They say.
Vice twitched slightly when Twist hugged her. When they announced who they were, she had no idea what it meant. She tilted her head to the side slightly and looked back at both of them. "I'm Vice." She smiled back at them.
Don swept in behind everyone, with the appearance of a bluish ghost, although the others couldn't see him, as he didn't want his presence known, letting the psychic wind carry him, watching the Nightmare Brothers and Vice. 'You know what would be fun,' Don thought to himself, 'Zapping down that tree close to them and watching their reactions,' he thought again as he shocked down a huge tree a little close to him, then watching it rapidly fall down.
"Vice~! Like, vice president? Who are you vice of?" Twist's smile widens as more questions come pouring out. "Hey, Miss Vice President, how's your day?" Dark teases with a smirk. 
They saw a tree falling then, "Weeeeee~!!! Fall, tree, falll~!!!" They playfully jump to the tree when they see Don. "Another stalker~!!!! Vice! We have another stalker~~!!!"
Vice ignored their comments about their name and looked around, seeing a blue mist. She turned her head to the side, curious. "Stalker?" She mumbled, her multicolored eyes boring into the mist, trying to decipher what, or who it was.
"It's a stalker~!!!" Dark and Twist call out excitedly together. "A stalker~! Mr. Stalker~!"
She looked from Dark and Twist back to the mist. She knitted her brows, curious, she shifted into a hummingbird and flew upwards, buzzing around the mist. Well, this is weird..
Don started flying around randomly as he exclaimed, "We'll that was actually fun! And no, my name is Don, Vice President, and you two strange brothers!" He eventually flew to the ground, his ghost form turning into a somewhat human form. "Anyway, I'm not much of a sadist, although that was fun! Imma go get a few drinks now." He said as he flew off.
She buzzed around the mist for a few more seconds then flew down to twist, flying around him and then around dark then she paused in front of their faces, letting them see a floating body and wings that move so fast all you saw was a blur. I'm guessing they've never seen a demon shifter.
"Oh my god~!!! She can turn into a hummingbird~!!" "She can turn into a fox~~!! "She smells like a demon~!! "She smells like ice cream~!!!" They start to babble in front of her. "She is so funn~~~!!!"
She backed up and shifted back to a human, watching Don leave. She waved after him. "Bye Don." She said, then turned around, hopping over the tree and walking down the street some more, leaving the brothers there chatting.
Dark and Twist immediately notice that Vice has disappeared so they go for her in an instant of second before Twist jumps onto her back. "Boo~!!" He cheers.
She glances back at him, not scared and waves. "So, what do you guys do around here anyways?" She walked past a few houses, in which the people looked up at her and the brothers, then ran inside, locking their doors. She furrowed her brows, wondering why they did that.
"Dark~! She's not scared~!!" Twist pouts. "Come on, brother. Isn't that interesting?" With that, they start to swarm around her again when Twist sees Don and drags him back to Reito as well. "It's more fun with a stalker~!!" Twist happily calls out and Dark laughs as well. "What we do? We hang around in the forest until we get tired of it, and then we come to the town to hang around~!!" Twist explains joyfully.
"Um, I'm not completely a stalker," Don exclaims as he drops his coffee because of being dragged by Twist. "Whatever then. I'll just go back into my ghost form!" Don says as he changes into his ghost form, flying away. After a few seconds, he comes back, with a lot of rainclouds, which makes it start raining.
Vice smiles a bit, watching them laugh and have fun together. She nods and continues walking, looking around the town. "Is there a place I could stay for the night? If not I could just sleep in a tree, that's cool too." She looked back at both of them, turning around and walking backwards, smiling at them both. She waved again at Don, and frowned a bit when he left. When it started raining she grinned, letting the rain soak her. "I love rain." She mumbled quietly.

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