The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

"Hmmm~~~" Dark tilts his head to one side and considers his words. "What a loner." Twist hears and continues on, "Loner! Loner! Jack is a loner! A loner is a loser!"
"I prefer to be alone because humans and all other beings with sentient thought are the scum of the earth!" His anger resonated in the form of a dawnward blast of energy creating a small crater around him. "None of you beings are worth trusting with anything more than your own existence!" He walked out of the crater and continued on his way obviously angry now.
"Ne~Ne~He's angry now~~~" Twist follows right behind Jack observing him. "Look~! He walks differently when he's mad! He stomps like an elephant when he walks!"

"True that~! And sadly we don't know if he's face is flushed since he's wearing a mask...." Dark says, tilting his head to one side.

"Jack~Can you take off your mask again~?" Twist asks cheerfully.
Jack turned around angrily and pointed at twist his eyes practicly on fire. "The only reason I would want to talk with you two again right now would be if you had a great deal of alcohol!" Truth be told the best way to get jack to trust or like you was to feed him and give him plenty of alcohol. The only time he normally removed his mask was to eat and drink and the best way to see underneath was to feed him a lot.
"Ehh??!! Really~~??? Alcohol?! Is that so?! Great! Let's go to the bar! Dark~!!" Twist cheers happily and Dark follows beside. "Bar~Bar~Let's go to the bar then~~" Dark says happily. Before long they are both dragging Jack, each one holding each of Jack's arm toward the bar. They go past people in which they throw a curious and fearful look at them but they ignored it completely.
Jack allowed himself to be dragged not because he was excited but because he knew he couldn't win this battle. When they finally made it to the bar he looked to the bar keep and then the brothers and sighed removing his mask. "A bottle of your strongest whiskey and I don't want to hear any comments about my face." If looks could kill that barkeep would have had a heart attack before running off to get the bottle.
The minute the nightmare brothers walk in, the bar grows quieter than usual. They don't mind though, still laughing and swarming toward girls. Some hesitate, some hides, but some accepts their hands. Soon enough they are playing, forgetting about Jack.
Jack downed the bottle in a second and threw some money on the table replacing his mask and standing up. Noticing the brothers weren't watching him and slightly drunk he let loose a strong energy towards their feet in order to sweep them up and knock them over. Immediately after letting the energy loose he ran out of the bar to escape the brothers.
Vice walked through the town, eyeing everything carefully. It was pretty dark out, and her cat-like eyes shone green in the streetlight. She eyed everything curiously, even the huge crater in the ground. Her ears twitched and her tail swished back and forth curiously. I wonder what happened here.. She shrugged, continuing to walk forward. She heard a lot of laughter and commotion coming from a small bar just across the street.

Vice looked up, staring at the bar. This town sure is weird.. Just as she thought that, she felt a strong pulse of energy ring out, slightly blowing her hair back. It wasn't strong enough to push her back, but strong enough to make her realize she should still be on guard. After a few seconds, she saw a man dart out of the bar. She blinked, curious as to what had happened.
Jack turned towards Vice as he ran his breath coming out of his steel mask in the cold air. He didn't want to be met by another person so he sent a pulse of energy directly down kicking up a dust cloud around him as he ran. He could only hope this new person wasn't as curious as the brothers solely because he had only had enough time to hide behind a nearby tree before the cloud disspipated.
After the cloud of dust had settled, she wiped the dirt he had sent flying all over her off, although there was a bit on her nose that she couldn't see. She looked around the street, not seeing him anywhere. What was that about? She walked forward, everything about her, curious. Vice sighed. If I were a person wanting to get away, I would hide.... There.. She looked up into the tree, seeing Jack sitting there. She tilted her head to the side, offering him a small wave of her hand.
Jack turned to her with a sigh. "I just knocked two very strange people down before running from a bar and now I am going to be talking to you aren't I." It was obvious from his tone that social situations weren't his favorite but he wasn't going anywhere. He had unfortunately gotten drunker than he wanted but was still able to maintain the mask on his face. "And who might you be."
Vice blinked, absorbing his first sentence before thinking about his second. She looked back at the bar, her fox tail swishing back and forth and her ears perked up. After a few moments she looked back at him. "Vice." She said. "I just got here a few minutes ago." And I've already managed to run into people who knock other people down.
"Well Vice if you don't know the place I feel sorry for you because there are two men in that bar who enjoy making people go mad and pretty women and everywhere else there is danger as well." He stood up and fixed his tie before dusting himself off. "Not a good place to just play around so be careful." He began to walk again a little tipsy but determined to get away from the brothers.
She nodded, watching him walk away and saying nothing. She swished her tail from side to side and perked her ears again, looking back at the bar. "Two men who enjoy making people go mad, huh." She mumbled to herself. Vice walked forward, going to one of the bar windows and looking inside it, curious as to what the two men looked like.
Twist and Dark are happily sitting on the bar floor laughing. "Dark~Dark~It's sure is fun to be knocked down~~" Dark replies with a chuckle. "He ran away though, like a loser as you said." "Ehh~? He ran away~? Awwwww." Twist sighs, looking up when he notices the window. "Loook~! Brother~! It's a female stalker!!!" Dark raises an eyebrow and grins wide. "And a pretty one as well~!!" They both wave at her, though most of the people in the bar immediately look away. It's better not to be curious about what the nightmare brothers are curious of.
She blinked a few times, twitching her ears. Is that who he was talking about? She gave a small wave to them and then pulled away from the window, looking back at the way Jack had went. Well, this is weird. She walked back across the street from the bar and sighed, stretching her back and swishing her tail from side to side.
Dark and Twist blink as Vice disappeared. "I thought she's going to enter the bar~!!" Twist pouts. "She waves to us, seems like she doesn't know who we are as well." Dark chuckles. "Is she a visitor?" Twist asks, but Dark shrugs. The brothers go back to playing again.
Vice looked around the street. So, where exactly can I stay for the night? She looked at the tree. I could always just shift into a squirrel, or a bird, or a cat. She looked down at her hands. Fox. I'll be a fox. She smiled to herself and slipped into an alleyway. She made sure no one was around before shifting into a small red fox. She poked her head from the alley way, looking into the empty street before rushing up and climbing into the tree. She spun in a few circles before curling up on the branch, letting herself rest.
Jack hadn't gotten far yet when he decided it might be best to go somewhere other than the middle of the forest. Turning he found himself right back at the bar and starring directly at the brothers. "Well that was stupid!" He began to run in the direction Vice had gone almost bumping into her as he went.
"Darkkkkk I saw a foxxxx!!!!" Twist's eyes shine brightly and immediately burst out of the bar with Dark catching up right behind him. "A fox! How wonderful!" He cheers as well and run in the direction Vice had gone to as well.
Vice raised her ears, looking back at Dark and Twist along with Jack who had almost stepped on her in the process. She sat in front of Jack, looking up at him. Well, at least they didn't see me shift. She looked back at Dark and Twist, turning her head to the side curiously.
"What are you doing just sitting there they have taken interest in you!" He did something he normally wouldn't do and picked her up running with her. "I ain't scared of those two but they are annoying for me and are probably interested in you for your tail and maybe the fact you are a girl so I'm just going to get you out of here and then probably never see you again."
She blinked, her fox form being carried around was not something she was used to. Vice jumped out of his arms and skittered along the pavement, she turned around and watched him, wondering if he noticed she was no longer out of his arms. She yipped a few times to get his attention, showing him where she was.
Dark and Twist happily appear onto the tree on top of Vice and Jack. "Hello, fox girl~" They happily cheer. "Jack's the pervert here!" Twist calls out.

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