The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

She continued to stare at the rain and the chiming clock. "Maybe there are people around here. It looks like shops are open...." V walked down the streets, her rain boots splashing in puddles. She was covered with clothing from head to toe as to avoid becoming an undine. It would be terrible really, with her having to struggle with her tail and no large bodies of water nearby.
Jack walked aimlessly through the town not even taking the time to look at anything but the road ahead of him. He didn't care much about the rain letting it soak his vest and dress shirt. Today he had decided to wear one of his many black ties and he constantly fixed it as was his habit. As he walked down the street through the rain he could only think about what he shouldn't and couldn't do. He barely even noticed the girl as he walked past her barely avoiding hitting her. "excuse me." Was all he said as he passed by, though for Jack that was a lot to say to a stranger.
"Oh! No sorry!" V exclaimed. "Ah...." She watched the man run off. "W-Wait!" She exclaimed before running after him. "Um... DO you know where everyone is? Is there anyone else living here beside us?" The man was honestly the first actual person she saw in a while. She helped he wasn't a illusion like most of the things this strange world seemed to conjure up.
Jack turned and stopped to look at the girl his breath visible as it exited his large metal face mask. His voice was slightly distorted by the mask as well as he spoke. "Do you know where you are?" He looked at her with a slight interest his purple eyes taking in almost every detail of her body. He fixed his tie again out of habit and wiped kicked a little dirt off his dress shoes. "Living is a very circumstantial word here." He scratched at his cheek right next to where the metal mask seemed fused to his face and cracked his neck obviously wanting to get out of the social situation soon.
King sat up in a tall tree relaxing his head against its trunk. He let his leg dangle off the branch and looked up at all the higher branches and leaves. All the bees around him were busily working and flying to flowers collecting pollen. They continued to make combs high up in the trees when one of the bees flied around Twist.
Twist blinks slightly as he sees a bee around him, "Ne~Ne! Dark! It's a beeeeeee~!!!" He joyfully cries out, leans out from the branch as he tries to snatch the bee. "Don't do that, Twist. You will get stung by it." Dark replies, smiling as well. "But~~~~~~~" Twist pouts.
The single bee lands on a flower and collects the pollen completely ignoring the two beings there. After he had collected as much as he could handle he took it to the hive slowly but surely. King was still sitting in his tree just outside of some city that looked quite dreary and he watched all the bees as they worked.
Twist sighs as the bee disappears. "It flies awayyyyyyy~~~" He groans. "The forest is becoming boringgggg again~!!!" With that, he jumps off the tree, then grins up at Dark. "Ne~Ne~Let's go to the town shall we~Let's do something fun~~"

Dark blinks, then smirks, "Good idea~Brother~" With that, they disappear from the forest to appear in the town.
Jack had just finished explaining to the girl where she was when he turned around having heard a rustling in the trees. "Whoever you are show yourself!" Jack wasn't one to enjoy being surprised especially when it came to people coming out of nowhere. "I would also prefer if you identified as friend or foe when you arrive." He was watching the trees his hand in a pistol shape ready to attack if provoked.
"Boo~~!" Twist jumps behind Jack and slaps him on the shoulder. "Hehe~" He laughs happily as Dark appears besides him and chuckles. "Sorry, we're like that~Haha~"
Jack almost let loose a burst of energy before Dark spoke and he calmed down. He let his arms rest by his side and cracked his neck scratching around the face mask. "I am assuming you are friendly as such I only have one thing to ask and that is your names. I do not wish to start a conversation but I believe it is common curtousey to exchange names. I am Jack and you two?"
"Hmm~~~Name~~~"Dark repeats the word as he walks around Jack, observing him. "Ne~Ne~Twist~Is he worth our names~?" He asks lightheartedly. "Ohhh it's a somebody who doesn't know about us~~How rare~" Twist chuckles, jumping back and forth with Jack.

"Such a polite person isn't he?"

"Such gentleman-like."

"Not a cute girl though."

"I prefer pretty girls."

"Maybe he has boobs and is actually a girl?"

"What the hell are you talking about my dear brother."

With that, they start laughing, beginning to forget about Jack's existence.
Jack hated social occasions and more than that hated people who were disrespectful. In order to remind them of his existence he let off a large but weak burst of energy all around his body enough to feel like a very strong gust of wind. "I am not a patient man so if you do not wish to tell me your names I will simply be on my way."He His breathe was still visible as it left the holes in his iron face mask which he seemed to be adjusting a bit.
"WOAHHHH COOLLL~!!!" Twist jumps to him then, though his smile turns into some mysterious grin. "Heehee~Not enough to interest me~~" Dark follows right behind. "Come on, brother. Let's not be jumpy toward an impatient man~" Soon enough they are both swarming toward him again. "My name is Dark," the black-haired said. "My name is Twist," the other soon followed. "We are famous around here--" Twist adds, "And very much feared--" Dark says as well. "We are the nightmare brothers," They say the last part together.
Jack had their names which was all he had asked for and satisfied with the situation began to walk again. "Well Dark and Twist I am fairly new as a resident but I just want to let you know one thing for if you meet me again." He turned to face them before continuing. "Never touch my mask." With that he considered the conversation over and continued walking though he had to admit he was quite intriguied by the two something abnormal for him. He decided to stop and turned to them again. "What exactly do you mean nightmare brothers?"
"Waaaaiiitttt before that, why can't we touch your mask~~~?" With that, Twist jumps toward Jack's face. Dark stands there crossing his arms watching with one eyebrow raises. Well he's curious as well, so he's not going to stop his brother.
Jack was dead serious about not touching his mask and when he caught wind Twist was headed for it he held his hand towards twist's face and unleashed a burst of energy big enough to send him flying quite a distance if he didn't get out of the way. "The reason for no touching Twist is that if you do you'll be the ones with nightmares!" Nothing made him as mad as people reaching for his mask.
"I love nightmares~!!I love being in nightmares and feel the pain~~" Twist laughs. "Dark~~That's such a cooooool abilities~~" "Such a great scene~~~! I'm enjoying it all the way~~~!" Dark replies, also laughing.
JJack was getting frustrated at this point. Not only had his question remained unanswered but he was unable to get a point across to these two. "What does it take to make you two not want to mess with something? What are you afraid of!?" Most people left it alone at a threat but these two were different.
Jack was getting frustrated and he knew that he wasn't going to get rid of them. In the midst of his thoughts he forgot about his trying to keep the mask on and it simply fell off. Underneath it almost all skin was gone a few bits of skin left around his lips and kjaw allowed him to skeep fluently but it was mostly gone. In a second he remembered and the mask simply flew back into place only having been off for a moment. "Dammit!!"
"Woahhhhhh~!! Look at his face~!!" Twist sounds as if he's cheering. "It's soooo coooollll~!!!" Dark adds beside. Soon enough they are swarming around him again. "Ne~Ne~" "Show us again~~?" "Come on pleaseee~~"
Jack sighed realizing that he couldn't hide what was under his mask anymore but he could refuse to show it again. He then though up a good plan to get his question answered. He hated to do this but he was curious for some reason. "Tell me why they call you the nightmare brothers and I will show you again."
"Weeee are verryyyyy popular within this town and weeee can't believe you don't know it," Twist laughs at Jake continuously as Dark picks it up, "We create nightmares~We create scary hallucinations~~We can drive people to insanity..."

"We can make a person mad~" Twist says.

"And commit suicide," Dark continues.

"Yeah yeah~ Or kill other people."

"Or eat themselves up." The older brother winks at Twist.

With that, they start to laugh again.
Jack had the answer he wanted, and being a man of his word removed his mask. He began speaking with his mask off his burnt skin moving in a disgusting way. "I haven't heard of you because under normal circumstances I hate to talk to people."He He put the mask back on having completed his side of the deal.

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