The Dreamland [World of Dreams](Actual RP)

Vice looked up, yipping at them both, her tail still swishing from side to side. She looked over at Jack, then back at the two. Are these really the two guys he knocked down? They don't seem evil. Apparently they already know I'm that girl. She licked her paws, deciding to let them talk.
Jack turned to face them with pure rage in his eyes. "Fine you know what have the girl but leave me alone!" he was so tired of the two he just left Vice their continuing on his way while adjusting his tie. "Just don't do anything to her or I will come back."he sighed and continued on knowing no amount of words would change their next actions.
Vice yipped at Jack. The hell do you mean have the girl? I'm not some item. She thought as she yipped at him some more. She looked back at Twist and Dark, yipping at them too. Why are you just standing there anyways? She knew what she probably looked like, a fox yipping at them. She knew they couldn't understand her, but she yipped anyway.
King hoped down and out of his tree and started to walk toward the city. Once inside the main area he saw an elderly woman and a child hiding in the alley way. He stopped in front of the alley way and looked down at the ground smiling. He opened his mouth and hoards of bees came out and went down the alley way all viciously stinging the woman and child until death. His bees flew back to his body because they don't die after stinging victims. He listened to their screams until continuing to walk.
"Dark~!Dark~!Look!A fox is yipping!" Twist jumps down to pat Vice as he says. "What is she trying to say?" "She is mad at Jake," Dark replies. "Because Jack is a loser." They laugh again. "Mr. Fox! Jack is a loser!" With that, a hole appears under Jack right where he's walking.
Jack began to fall but quickly pushed himself out his anger reaching the level where he blew. He turned around and held his finger out in a pistol form two bursts of energy the size and strength of a bullet flying out towards them. "I was just gonna consider you two annoying but now you are dangerous!" He pulled off his face mask showing off the fact he had almost no skin underneath allowing him to stop waisting energy to keep it attatched to his face.
Dark and Twist are enjoying it so badly that they are laughing like hell as they dodge the bullets.
Jack was getting even madder seeing them dodge so easily and enjoy it. He began unleashing a great deal of the bullet blasts towards them as he used blasts of energy to seem to fly towards them. When he arrived he held his hands directly in front of their faces and fired the equivilant of a cannon ball.
"Waohhhhhh~!!!!!" Twist lifts Vice up before they both got sent flying. While they fly you can hear them coughing and laughing and chuckling at the same time. Their faces deformed but quickly formed back to their original young teenage face without a single scratch. "Mehehehe~~~!!" Twist sticks his tongue out as Dark continues to laugh.
Jack was honestly surprised by their regenerative capabilities and the only made him more angry. "God if I could just have you kill one man I might actually like you two you are the perfect kind of people that pissed us both off!" He jumped again this time going straight up in the air and launching multiple cannon ball sized blasts at the two.
Dark and Twist chuckle as they dodge quickly in the air, jumping from tree to tree swiftly with Dark holding the fox tightly against his chest. This is indeed very fun.
Jack finally stopped and stood in place looking at them. "Very well I cannot best you as such I will leave and be on my way." He adjusted his tie and brushed himself off before walking away waiting for the brothers to be on ground before stomping ever so slightly the energy he sent into the earth opening a crack for them to fall in. He knew it wouldn't work to hurt them but it was more to show off than anything.
Dark and Twist let out a disappointed sigh as they sit onto a tree. "Ne~Ne~Jack won't play with us anymore~" Twist pouts. Dark stroke Vice's ears' gently. "Don't worry~We have this fox~" Dark chuckles.
Jack walked back to the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey again taking it with him and passing by the brothers again drinking from the bottle as he walked. He looked up at them a moment and felt quite bad for the fox in their arms. "Poor thing hope they are nice to it." As he walked he finished off the bottle and then repositioned his mask and sighed. "I don't care what happens to the fox I don't care what happens to the fox." He continued to repeat it to himself as he passed.
Vice yipped a few times again, wondering what the hell had just happened and why they were clinging to her. Once it had finished and Jack had walked away, she let out a small whine, flattening her ears against her head as Dark stroked them. She looked up, licking him on the cheek and jumping between the two on the branch. She sat down, licking her paws. I wonder when I can change back. She thought to herself.
"Kya~! Such an adorable fox~!" Twist happily strokes it as well. "I wonder what kind of whine it will has if it gets nightmares." Dark replies with a light smirk. "Not yet~Not yet though~" Twist plays with it some more.
Jack had broken down maybe out of drunkeness or pity for the fox and was hiding behind a tree near theirs. He had a feeling the brothers would be up to no good simply by their personality. Out of spite for them he used a very skillful couple blasts of energy to send the bottle he had just drained flying at them in what appeared to be the opposite direction of where he actually was. He was very careful not to go after the fox but directly for Dark's head.
Dark catches the bottle, "What is this?" "I don't know~!!" Twist replies. "Let's test it on something!" "How about on Jack?" "Good idea~!"


May 17th, Dawn of Johestead,

Approximately 9:15 In the Morning.

Dear Journal,

The sun has risen on another beautiful day. The sea is reflecting my vision of a better morrow. And in the week hereafter, nothing but sailing for three months. We have been on our current voyage for approximately six months, and are running low on our supplies. The Red Star is in dire shape, the poor lass. And the boys grow restless. We love it, the sea, the air, everything. But it's time to settle feet on ground again. For two weeks, we shall be camping on firm soil, while repairs take hold of my prized possession, me ship. the boys will get their fill of women and booze, and then, in two rejuvenating weeks, we set out eyes on the isle of Jameria. The ancient isle of the Nords, where ancient treasure is rumored to be buried within the ocean's depths. It shall be of no trouble due to my highly advanced beauty. But, that's why we're refueling and repairing. Until next time, Journal.

-Oshana Tyronus

P.S. There lies an ancient legend and rumor of a mystical "Bee King" Near these parts. I wonder how that will turn out?


It was not long before the ship headed into the bay, where his boys began to bounce off the ship, one by one, heading to every other bar in town. Oshana was proud of his boys, no matter how degenerate they were, due to their love of the sea, just like his. As strong as iron, and never dying, as always. Trying to bring them away from the sea, was like trying to break up true love, because to them, it was true love. The sea was like their women, untamed, wild, and free. And each day, they mastered the waves, only to be thrown by more. It was challenging, and a tough challenge at that. And they all loved it.

There were many men on Oshana's crew, even a few women. They all were dirty rustlers, with no good language, and always shot somebody over a chest full o' gold. But they would lay their lives on the line for other crew members, and their captain, Oshana. It was a family bond, that you couldn't match, no matter what.

Taking a step off the boat, he began to immediately miss sitting behind the desk of his cabin, while the waves rocked him to peace. He regretted grounding, but it needed to be done. To socialize with the world, was their goal each time. If they simply stayed out at sea, 24/7, they would never live right, like animals, they would live instead.

Sighing, and saying a fairwell to his wondrous ship, he walked to the closest Tavern, and sat down. every eye stared, as they saw the brave and ferocious captain. His green hair glimmered in the sunlight flooding from the window, and lit up his body just like the son, as he was the star of the room. Everyone heard tails of how he sailed every bit of the world, and it was all true. There wasn't a part of the world's seas he had not explored, including the shallowest waters, the most ferocious waves, and even the biggest of reefs. Sometimes, after even two weeks on the water, he'd have to rest because of all the damage!

But, his ship was like a tank, on water. And nobody could dispute his navigating skills, he could pilot his ship through a hurricane. With a few scratches of course, but everyone and everything intact.

"Barkeep, hand me a big old mug o' ale." He spoke to the bartender. The bartender smiled, and threw down the frosted glass, full of crisp deliciousness. As the man downed the golden nectar, he began to walk out and explore the town, in hunt of ancient folklore of the town, and also in search of more crewmembers.

Jack swore under his breath when the bottle was caught so easily and stumbled out from behind his tree shooting the branch they were on with a burst of energy before stumbling back to the bar. He was having one of those days where he just wanted to drink until he couldn't see straight and start shooting energy in random directions seeing how mnay people fell down. When he reached the bar he removed his mask the barkeep still recoiling at the lack of skin underneath. "You already know what I want barkeep so hurry!"
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Vice wriggled out of their grasp, jumping down onto the branch below them. She looked up at them and yipped again, then leaped off the branch. Mid-leap, she shifted into a pure white dove, and she flew further up into the tree, sitting on one of the branches high above Dark and Twist. Nightmares, what?
Dark and Twist land safely onto the ground. "Ne~Ne~What is this fox trying to say~?" Twist asks. "No idea~!!" Dark replies. "Maybe she wants us to grab her tail?" "Eh~Is that what you think fox-chan~?"
Frowning, Vice shifted again right in front of them, turning into her normal form. She waved at them, saying a small "Hello." Just before walking forward and turning the corner, leaving them at the tree alone.
Dark and Twist follow behind immediately, "Waaaait~!! We're bored~~~!!! Stay with us~~~~"
She blinked, looking back at them. "Uhm.. I'm not exactly entertaining though." She stared at them with a blank face, her multicolored eyes scanning their faces.

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