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Fantasy The Demon Gate: The Return of Apollyon

It had been some time since he had heard the whisperings from his ghostly summoned servants about demons causing havoc on the surface. Despite apparently being sent back, some of them has stayed only to cause more trouble. And now something about advanced constructs appearing? The irritated lich let a loud sigh as he finished concocting his alchemical mix, a mixture of what was left of his own mostly congealed blood and nightshade plants. The mixture slowly morphed to a dark green color, which was mostly what he expected. It was likely to be an a potent poison, but good for little else. "Blast it all." he mutters to himself as he ignores the whispering of his summoned servants, the temporary binding spell finally wearing off and sending them to the afterlife. For years now it had been demon this, demon that. Maybe if they didn't lead such crappy lives maybe hell wouldn't be waiting for them. Still, he had to admit the recent events could be a problem for his research.

Rinlem walks over to his hat rack and pulls his cloak and face mask off of it. A simple mask covering below his eyes and a hood to cover the rest of his head, leaving only his eyes. He fills his courier's bag with several spell books, some scrolls and wands before grabbing his staff and dagger and heading out of the exit of the cave. He was wanting to see first hand what all this commotion was about and if it would affect him and his projects.
As Rajesh's Demon Beasts went out to scout the mountainside, he remained in his base in order to find a new supernatural-catching robot. He found one, larger than the others, and was more mystic-based than mechanical. It was stronger than the majority of other robots he had. He decided to wait for some time and send out some scouts to retrieve the remains of the three robots so they could be repaired.
As the bright light from the sun hit on Rinlem he covered his eyes for a moment as they adjusted to the sunlight. How long had it been since he returned to the surface? Days practically blended into nights for those who spent most of their time away from the sun's rays and the moon's soft glow. Nonetheless, the air felt a bit different than when he was last fully above ground. Somehow, it felt a bit heavier, as if something had been happening and the forest itself was waiting for a repeat occurrence. It was tempting to once again tap into the realm of the dead, but the lich was unsure if what he summoned could share something other than what he had been hearing. He idly adjusts the cloth covering most of his face as he steps out from the cave system he called home, looking about the area as he noticed many of the wards he had set some time ago still in working condition. If anybody got too close to his abode he would be alarmed to it as long as he was still nearby. Still, he decides to keep his business on the surface short as possible so he could continue his work quicker. He starts heading in the direction of where he last knew a town was at, using his staff as a makeshift hiking stick.

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