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Realistic or Modern The Dead Hills - Out of Character Chat

He was off by himself, nearby tho :p this entrance'll be gr8
*Me* BET!

*Serious me* I hope it is. I mean, we all want great posts from everyone! If you feel it may be too gruesome, run it by someone in a PM so the STACC don't jump on ya back. *Braces for deletion*
*Me* BET!

*Serious me* I hope it is. I mean, we all want great posts from everyone! If you feel it may be too gruesome, run it by someone in a PM so the STACC don't jump on ya back. *Braces for deletion*
I'm gonna be as damn gruesome as I wanna be DAD
So when is Jake's CS going to pop into the CS tab hmmmm? Posting for a character before having the CS up. For shame! Cosmosis Cosmosis

Psst. Tombstone Tombstone , do you want to go first or want me to?
I ask since we are in the same vehicle I suppose.
fuckin hypocrites, ur the worst parent I've ever met
So when is Jake's CS going to pop into the CS tab hmmmm? Posting for a character before having the CS up. For shame! Cosmosis Cosmosis
Okay... I'm just. I don't wanna copy his CS oveeeer! AH! Later tonight, tomarrow, or by sunday. Sunday will be the latest. If i don't have it up i'll kill Jake. There. I set my own motivation. Getting the big boy pantz on now!
Only if i can drink your tears after i WRECK YOU IN DETAILS!
Also you do realise, Archie can down a bottle of Smirnoff right? From the amount of Scotch he drinks, his liver hates him, but you're spouting fake news again >-> Do u knoe how alcohol works child
Also you do realise, Archie can down a bottle of Smirnoff right? From the amount of Scotch he drinks, his liver hates him, but you're spouting fake news again >-> Do u knoe how alcohol works child
Yes i do know the difference! Simon's LIV wants him in alcohol hell too. XD
Alright, boys. I’m going to *try* to push a post out right now. I have a bit of a headache from my cold, but the posting shall be pushed out. So I don’t know, give me like two hours lol I’m going to do it from my phone
Haha I’m not sure how I want to conduct this next post exactly. Hm... let me think on this one. I’m going to try and incorporate Crono Crono in the end, as well as Tombstone Tombstone , if he’s on. I want to give you two a chance to jump in if you can post.
I'm always available to post tbh, I have no life currently
Meh I fell asleep mid post. And now I have to eat. Bleh. Post will be out by tonight. Sorry, y’all.
Honestly, Jennifer’s reaction to the situation right now is my reaction, which is this

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