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Fantasy The Dark World (rp)

(Shhh ignore the lack of his jacket and scarf- he's still wearing them lmao)

Garret sank back into his chair, his worry washing away a bit with the music- even with it's somewhat depressing tones. Hearing his angry savior... well, angry, was a little scary to watch. She wrecked some stuff with her sword and pitched a fit before sheathing it again. A nervous smile crossed his lips and he leaned in across the table again. "So ya remember the chick with.. um.. anger issues I mentioned? There she is: my angry savior." Garret let out a nervous laugh and lowered his scarf from his face before scratching it lightly.

Interacts- Hetrix Hetrix Mentions- Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Lucca Malkovich
Location: Bar

It was amazing how quickly everyone came to help in the time of need, working together for someone they barely knew. Now the blue haired girl had been laid on the table and is being treated, and Lucca, while he couldn't do much, simply sat and watched over her, though there wasn't much else he could do. However, sitting there being idle had made his body realize how tired he had been and eventually, while he had wanted to stay awake to make sure that the blued haired girl makes it to the next day, he eventually could no longer hold back the slumber and fell deeply into sleep.

It was a year after he had begun bounty hunting. An Abnorm, one that apparently drinks the blood of its victims and in turn gains heightened strength, reflexes, metabolism, and regeneration, had been haunting the country sides. Only a few had seen him and survived. However, despite the dangers, many ambitious Hunter aim to take this Abnorm in themselves due to the high amount of bounty offered and among them was Lucca, back then young and rather ambitious himself.

Following a trail of corpses and blood, Lucca tracked this Abnorm down into a small town that did not especially stood out, small place without anything special, the kind of place where an active Abnorm would stand out. It must be cornered, Lucca thought, the many Hunters running after it had forced it to head for places it usually wouldn't. Rationally, in such a place, the Abnorm should choose to lay low, else he would risk discovery, but according to the patterns perceived from previous cases, this particular Abnorm can't seem to keep himself from feeding for more than three days. Perhaps, just perhaps, the Abnorm actually requires the blood to survive. It was expected that within three days, the Abnorm will make an appearance again.

After a week had passed, the Abnorm, now nicknamed "Vampyr" had not been located. In that smal ltown, at the time crawling with Bounty Hunters, there was no way, no matter how discreetly the Vampyr acted, would have eluded the Hunters for so long. There should have been discoveries of dead bodies, at least report of missing persons. But instead, there was nothing, the small town was as peaceful as when the Hunters first came.

It was concluded that either Vampyr had somehow left the town without notice or had simply never came this way in the first place and whatever trail that had lead these Hunter here were but red herrings. So eventually, the Hunters left, one by one, all but one, Lucca, only he remained, for he was broke, too broke for travel, and now he had to get a job to earn back the living cost he spent during his week in this town.

Funnily enough, Lucca found work in a tavern, much like the one he is currently, in present time, is staying in/ He worked there for a few days and he had just barely enough to travel to the next town. It was on the night before the day he tried to leave, he was going to say his farewells to the bar owner and the rest of his family. Lucca went down to the kitchen, expecting to find the owner preparing the ingredients for the next day. Instead, he found the owner to be part of another's meal. Actually, he wasn't even the meal, he was just dead, along with his wife, their bodies torn to pieces on the ground. The meal, in fact, was his daughter, still barely alive in the embrace of a bloodied stranger, her neck being nibbled on. It would seem the Vampyr likes his flesh young and tender.

Lucca pulled out his gun, the one thing he never went without, and took aim at the Vampyr, wolfing down his meal as if he had been starving for days.

"Let go of her you monster!" he yelled.

The Vampyr turned to Lucca, his eyes were not of rage or fear, but of amusement, much like those of a cat toying with its prey before its final moments.

The Vampyr releases the girl from his grasp, letting her slid to the bloodied ground. "Me? A monster? You think I do this because I like to? Without blood I would die, my body wouldn't survive without it. I didn't choose to be this way."

"Bullshit!" Lucca yelled back, "I've seen what you did, and I just saw what you've done, I've seen the bodies. You kill way more than you need to feed on. Some appears to be witnesses, but toerhs you kill apparently because they'd get in your way, no, rather, you made it so that they'd get in your way. Surely you could have chosen to strike when your victim were alone, only that you didn't and attacked with others around anyways. So don't give me the 'I didn't choose this' bull, many of those you killed was because you wanted to and because you can. And killing people willy nilly without remorse makes you a monster."

"And why shouldn't I!?" the Vampyr lashed back, "They're the ones who gets to live a normal fucking life just cause they can! So why shouldn't I kill them just cause I feel like it? And if you ask me, the less people there are, the less problem there will be, so I say I'm doing the world a favor."

"That's no excuse, you fuckin' lunatic!"

Lucca had just about enough, and took a shot aiming at the Vampyr's knees, trying to take him alive. However, his shot was easily read, and with his quick reflexes, the Vampyr took a great leap towards Lucca and went over the bullet. The Vampyr's arm swung down as soon as he was in range, his ridiculously sharp nails cutting right into Lucca's right arm, causing him to drop his gun. Lucca, despite in pain, stepped to the side to avoid collision with the Vampyr coming at him in mid air, and then went another step further to leap backwards, narrowly avoiding the second swipe from the Vampyr that came just after. However, due to his panicked leap, Lucca did not account for the landing and lost his balance as his foot hit the ground, causing him to slip. He was done for, he realized that, he was off balance, and considering that Vampyr's swift reflexes, he most likely won't have time to recover. The Vampyr, seeing his foe off balance and falling towards the ground, took a great leap forward, his jaws wide open, his fangs ready, all to sink into the Hunter's neck, to savor the blood of his foes.

Blood spilled all over the floor and all over Lucca. The fangs, they had went into Lucca's neck. However, it did not went as far as intended. With one hand, Lucca pulled against the Vampyr's hair jerking his head back from his neck. With the other hand, Lucca had a kitchen knife, and he had lodged through the Vampyr's back and into his heart. Lucca had seen it coming, he knew the Vampyr, with his superior reflex and heightened regeneration, would come straight for him once it believes that Lucca had been disarmed. At that moment, at the location he was falling in, there was a row of kitchen utensils hangings on the wall just behind him, and Lucca knew that they were there from his days of working in this kitchen, so just as Vampyr leaped towards his, his hand reached back to grab whatever he first touched and plunged it down just as the bloodsucker attempts to sink his teeth into his neck. Lucca was lucky he had grabbed the knife, the one thing he required and prayed for rather than a ladle or spatula. And he was glad for it, glad that it was he that survived and the Abnorm was killed, killed by his own hands.

The Vampyr, while a powerful Abnorm at either B or A rank, was still human, and no matter how much regeneration he ha, so long as his heart was stopped, he was going to die. In his last moments, with his mouth near Lucca's neck, and consequentially his ear, the Vampyr whispered to Lucca softly in his last breaths. "Who's the monster now, you murderer?"

That was Lucca's first kill, one of the many to come.

Lucca woke from all that noise Vira was making, himself covering in cold sweat. That dream was not pleasant. No, not just a dream, a memory. Lucca's hand went to his jacket, feeling the knife he hid in the inner pocket.
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Nicholas looks at Vira and sighs, alcohol had the ability to turn even the sweetest looking of people into the biggest of assholes. He stands up and walks over to her and sighs "care to share a drink with me or am I going to have to fight you for it? I'll pay you for it if you want" Nicholas raises his hands to show he's no danger, this time forgetting to cover his cybernetic limb "your group did a great job of defending this place, I know the people here are gonna appreciate it although I was wondering if you could tell me what sparked an all out war? Maybe you could tell me about your group too?" As much as he hated to admit it, Nicholas admired the group's bravery and he knew that they were probably his only hope of leaving this shit heap alive. He crosses his arms and waits for Vira to either speak or punch him in the face

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko

Tanya growled as she listened to Vira not only cry like a brat but also started throwing a tantrum like one. She grabbed the shotgun from the back and fired into the bottle at the ground as she aimed to pick it up, watching the glass shatter. "Get OUT of my bar. Your little tantrum just could've murdered an innocent. Just think of what that person you keep bringing up would've thought. And by the way, your screaming upstairs could be heard down here." She pumped the next shell into the chamber before aiming at her wall. "I'll shoot every last bottle of booze here if you take a step forward. Go calm your bratty self down or you'll be out of any chance of getting alcohol until you reach the next town." She smirked as she pointed towards the coins. "And this is payment for the damage to my property. Try and take it and the booze goes too." Alcoholics and people that tried to drink away their pain were easy to manipulate. Destroy the booze and they had nothing left. Throwing an even bigger tantrum would only get her into a fight with probably every patron in this place. After all, it was the only place in town that served alcohol anymore.

Morgan LLewellyn

Morgan chuckled at the man's curiosity. "Well I can wait for your friends to show up, but as for how long I've been here? A couple weeks now. Tanya," Her answer was cut off as the girl that she'd spoken to upstairs started to thrash about in Tanya's bar which was quickly answered by Tanya breaking out Peacekeeper. The heavy duty pump action shotgun that Morgan replaced. "Oh boy. She's getting serious." Morgan sighed as she decided to ignore the stand off. "As for my power. I think it's similar to that of a parasite. I take the raw energy from your body and add it to my own. Luckily it only works with skin on skin contact." Morgan had already shown this man her power, no point in trying to hide it. "Currently, I can kill people if I touch them for too long. So if touching anyone, even through clothing, could do harm, I'd have to worry about touching people so long as I live." Morgan's eyes glossed over as she thought about how she stole energy from her parents after returning home from trying to develop an abnormality. Sure they didn't die, but she still hurt them.

Ryuji Nakamoto

He had watched as the people carried Kaia back into the tavern and one of the cloaked men went after Snow. "It'd probably be better for him to watch out for her anyway." He muttered before standing and climbing down from the roof. He started walking away from the bar, ignoring the cries of Vira or the sound of a gun being fired. He had no place in a land of heroes and do-gooders. He was a beast, according to the Fox, and even according to Hifumi. The Fox was a part of who Ryuji was and that meant that there was a part of him that LIKED killing, that LOVED torture, and worst of all, was just as much a masochist as he was a sadist. Slowly, some of the lesser memories began to fill with the truth as he contemplated. The memories of leaping through the bamboo forest. He wasn't trying to feel one with the sky, he was hunting his opponent, thrilled by the idea of no holds bar combat practice. It chilled him to his core and brought him out of his musings. He was standing at the edge of Svitch. "Sorry everyone, but I can't stick around if I'm some beast." He wanted to take that step, leave the town behind, and just walk off until he died, but that would be further disgracing Hifumi. He just couldn't win. Life just was aiming to strike him down where he stood and let him suffer.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe

Mentions: Tyra Tyra littleberry littleberry ShadowBroker ShadowBroker


Some random weird guy was giving her odd looks from across the bar. He was singing, but Vira chose to ignore him. She expected her outburst to draw attention, even the bouncer girl looked over. Much to be expected. The random guy she rescued seemed to be there, too, though she only barely recognized his face, and his face alone.

"I already paid for it," Vira explained to the weird guy that walked up to her. He had a robotic hand he shamelessly showed off. That was interesting, but it wasn't unheard of. Anyway, she made note of it.. just in case anything ever happened at some random point. "I don't belong to any 'group'," she growled through bared teeth. "Defend it? We did nothing." In fact, Vira considered this recent battle a pretty colossal failure on her part. She had done basically nothing in the resulting chaos. Something that didn't sit well with her. Harbinger had been more than a match for her, and she wasn't prepared to face off against a giant Abnorm, and his explodey friend. She should have been, but she wasn't. It was like she had forgotten some of her previous training. 'It should've been easy. I've gotten complacent.'

'It most certainly shouldn't have been, and you know it. Those Abnorms were above the normal riffraff we face. Oh, and no, no you haven't,' Ellie refuted. She really did not want to see Vira go down this path again. But most recent occurrences... Would they take her volatile sister away from her? Would they turn her back to the darkness?

The thought of people appreciating it was new to Vira. Would they? The town was basically destroyed. What about that would they appreciate? Also people appreciating things.. was new to her. Most only wanted something. Appreciating things was a commodity Vira rarely witnessed from others. "Again, there is no group. And I did." She spoke firmly at those last words, as it was time to address the bitch that wouldn't just leave her be.

Turning to the bottles, she was stunned frozen, witnessing the woman shoot the bottle to shattered pieces, the gross liquid seeping through the floorboards. Literal liquid gold lost for forever. Vira's heart skipped a beat, and her eye twitched. "What the fucks your problem, ho?!" She screamed, rounding back on the woman, fists clenched tightly.

The barkeeps words forced Vira to roll her eyes at those screamed words. "Oh please. Like that would've happened." Certainly looked like it, but she had far more control over her sword than that. She would've have just cut and killed someone willy nilly, that idea was absurd. At the mention of 'the person she keeps bringing up' Vira felt her anger rise exponentially. She wanted to.. wanted to... well shut this woman up. She had no right to speak of that person. No right to mention Ellie in any capacity! No one did! "No it couldn't. God you're an over-dramatic diva, aren'tcha?" Vira regarded her in disbelief. "That's not good business sense," she shrugged, "but then what can you expect from dimwitted backwater people like those of Svitch, huh?" She stared blankly at the woman, mouth agape. "I wasn't going to take the money back you damn woman! Just give me something to fucking drink! God! How's it so hard! Then'll I'll get out of here, since I'm clearly not freaking wanted! Damn!"


When: A Future Arc
Where: ??? Fearsome Lords related

"No, he wasn't there," the man spoke to the other. He could see the other visibly upset by this information. "It's just one facility, the WG have many more."
"That's the problem!" the primary man retorted, "They have too many! Those fucking WG bastards... Where are they keeping him?.."
"Possibly the North Star, Canaan," the second who went on the mission answered.
"At the North Star?" He questioned, sounding unconvinced. "Their main headquarters? That sounds unlikely. How dangerous would it be to keep someone like Zach there.."
"Brother, maybe that's just the best place for him. Think about it. Zach is the most prized Abnorm ever to exist. Maybe they want him as close as possible, so he will always be within their sight, their grasp."
He sighed, seeing the wisdom in that. He couldn't imagine what the WG had to go through to capture Zach. He'd be their most prized possession. Keeping him in their headquarters like a trophy seemed plausible. Yet... the imminent danger of it. "Though that may indeed be where he is, there's only one way to find out."
"How, sir?" another voice questioned.
"We must ask him..."
"'Him? -Who?"
"The One," Canaan answered frowning. The other Lords around looked between each other. It was wildly known Canaan hated The One, and dealing with The One was even more out of the question... usually. "God, I hate that insufferable asshole..!" he growled, slamming his fist down on the table.
"The One's going to try to 'convert'.."
"I know... Fucking.. I know! ...Well, what are you waiting for? Prepare for departure!.. We're going to go to visit him."

Interacts: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven littleberry littleberry Isolde Isolde Tyra Tyra ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Hetrix Hetrix Noodle Time Noodle Time Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Mentions: basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P
Nicholas shrugs "well there are survivors. They can rebuild. Be proud that you managed to save lives." Nicholas sighs as the girl goes off on another rant to the bar keep, he knew that it was rare for people to thank others for their good deeds these days. No one had to fight back, they could have just left the town to be destroyed but they had stayed and fought which is a lot more than most would do these days "the needs of the individual outweigh the needs of the many these days...So the fact you stayed and fought back kinda makes you a hero"

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Vira had to glance at the weird robot-arm-man cuz he insisted on speaking to her. "Certainly there are survivors," she agreed that that was a good thing. Pride? She was supposed to feel pride for this battle? For the nothing she provided in it? "Is that so? The 'needs of the individual', huh?" Sounded odd. If that was the case, then why did she even try in the fight at all? His closing statement made her laugh. "Ahaha~! A hero~? Riiiight. First thing about me; I'm no hero."
Interacts: Noodle Time Noodle Time
Mentions: basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P
~Solivia Harva~

Solivia would sigh checking her travel rations curiously for what seemed like the tenth time in one hour
'Only maybe...a day left of edible...or well..good food' she mumbles to herself before thinking back to two days before when she met a random traveler on the worn out road 'That one guy said there was a place close by, hopefully they'll have some jobs I can help with and get some food or money' she rubs her eyes tiredly 'Maybe a bed...'. She would grudgingly continue to walk adjusting her worn out brown cloak around her as she made her way down the broken and worn out road until she would come to a stop blinking as she stares at what can only be described as what a place would look like if a bomb had gone off.

The man on the road said the town's name was Svitch, however this place looked like a bunch of ruins with a few standing buildings scattered here and there. The place was a wreck to say the very least, demolished buildings either in a state of ruin; being just a pile of rubble or engulfed in flames in various periods of burning up. She even spotted a few straggles picking through the remains of their old houses to find any sort of valuable they could make off with to find a place to live again. Groaning Solivia would run a hand through her dirty black hair and look around her light blue eyes scanning for any building that just might have work or even spare food for the road no matter how low of a chance that would be in a town such as this. Luckily she would spot one of the larger buildings that were left standing among the rubble and fire, a building that looked like a bar.

Quickly she would make her way through the towns old roads to the bar in the middle of the old town, soon reaching it and looking back at the ruins wondering what had happened and who had just ruined one of her chances of getting some good(ish) food in her belly. Sighing she would shrug and press forwards; opening the door and walking inside
"Hellooooo~? Anyone home?" She chimes curiously, peering inside before spotting many people in the bar "Oh....Hey everyone!" she says nervously and cautiously "What'ah...what happened here?" She finally asks putting aside her hunger and thirst as she walks slowly inside, being nice enough to shut the door gently and move to take a seat at one of the empty chairs as she looks around the bar with her softly glowing light blue eyes.
Lucca Malkovich
Location: Bar

My god, Lucca yelled internally, are they wrecking another bar? It was Vira's usually shenanigan, being awfully childish and stubborn and violent, maybe even more than usual. Perhaps she's super on edge due to her injuries, it was likely that this rarely happens to her due to her powers. Still, Lucca is pretty on edge himself, waking up to some awful and violent ruckus, especially after that dream he had about the moment he really didn't want to relive.

"You're acting like a thug." he said, walking up to her, not noticing the man with the cybernetic arm or the new comer entering the bar. "What? So you think that if you put down money you can take whatever you want? That's just one step short of banditry. She said no already didn't she? Just take back yer freakin' money if she ain't bringing you your drink. Oh but nooo, you just had to wreck the counter. What are you? Twelve!? Or what? You think you're invincible just cause of your powers? So now you think you can do whatever you want?"

Lucca was sick and tired of these freakin' Abnorms, and he's sick and tired of Vira. However, the fact that she saved him was the one string keeping him back from going full ballistic.

"Back in the forest, it looked like you were insisting that you weren't a member of a gang. But you know what, even if you weren't, you're still just as bad. You told me that I was the problem, well guess what missy, you're not doing any better."

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko @anyoneelseinterested
Someone was talking to her. Someone new entered the bar. The man chatting with her seemed nice enough. The new girl seemed bubbly enough. Too bad both their times were about to be ruined by this annoying Hunter asshole and the darkhaired bitch he was talking to. She whipped out her knife, and stabbed the nearby table, purely for dramatic effect. Stepping towards Lucas, she answered loudly, "Newsflash, I AM a thug!" pointing her finger, and jabbing it into his chest aggressively. He questioned her about the fact she 'paid' for something, that made her angry because it seemed plain as day to her. "Uh, yeah!?! OHHhhhhh, boo-hoo-hoo! So I 'stole' a bottle of alcohol! Ohhh poor poor baby barkeep! Whoa is her! A bottle was stolen by big bad thuggy Virrraaaa~! Viras such a bitchhhhh; she's such a pain in the assssss!"


'No! Shut up right now Ellie, goddammit!'

She glared right into his eyes, her rustic eyes glimmering bright red. "WHAT POWERS?!" she shouted angrily. "FINE! Yes, I have powers! Any Abnorm can feel their fucking power! Isn't that the point?! You act like I don't get to just take what I want! Just get to do what I want! I'm a bloody damn Abnorm! That entitles me to do whatever the fuck I want, RIGHT?! That's why shit towns like this one can be overrun by fucking gangs of my kind, RIGHT?! That's exactly why your kind was justified in slaughtering my kind, RIGHT?! Ohhhhh wow! What a revelation! We're all fucking monsters! Whoa! That's scary!" She flung her arms up, "Scary scary! I need my mommy and daddy! There's scary monsters around! Daddy hold me! Mommy hold check under my bed! The big scary monsters are around and they're gunna hurt me! Vira the big evil Abnorm that bitches all the time is gunna bitch to me! Lucas the evil Hunter guy who mercilessly kills Abnorms is gunna turn me into the WG! Even that new bitch over there has a tail and scales! A TAIL AND SCALES!" She scoffed. "Oh, but it isn't about the two of you! It's about me!"

Vira continued to wave her arms around, and talk in that incredibly condescending tone she seemed to be a master poet with. "I'm a horrible person, I know. I just make everything worse for everyone. I'm sorry; I didn't realize everyone around was such babies! For fucks sake. Grow the fuck up. The lot of you! I gave you money lady, shut up and give me the booze I rightly bought, then let me freaking shut up after I pass out from drinking it. Damn!"
Interacts: revior revior Aliaas Aliaas Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Noodle Time Noodle Time
Mentions: basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P
Mason Dagitus
Ok, now, now Mason was mad. This girl had some serious problems that he wasn't going to stand for anymore
"Lass how about you shut up for once in your damn life, gods sakes."
Said an annoyed Mason as he glared at Vira.
"Are you just demented, or are you just a sad girl with a horrible past and a sad story. Nah, maybe you're just a girl who needs to be quiet"
Said Mason thoroughly annoyed as he kept sitting in his seat, he pulled out a see-through flask of some liquid from out of his Pouch. It seemed to be a strong alcohol as Mason took a swig of it.
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Anyone Anyone in the bar
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Garret averted his eyes and hoped that his angry savior wouldn't turn her frustrations onto Mason, who'd just spoken up about her childish behavior. He had to say, she didn't quite look like she'd fight unless someone threw the first punch but if looks could kill... her glare would be the deadliest weapon around. A strong whiff of alcohol hit his nose hard and he covered it while looking at his friend. "Careful not to poke the bear, Mason.. maybe hide that shit before she swats it outta your hands too.." Garret whispered and looked over with a worried look before glancing at his angry savior.

Interacts- Hetrix Hetrix Mentions- Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
~Solivia Harva~

Solivia blinks slowly, having just sat down as this time bomb of a girl began to go off in the bar after apparently breaking a lot of things
"Err....." is all she managed to get out before the lady went off even more on everyone...including her. Rubbing her head she pulls her hood down running a hand through her hair before pointing at herself "Um...Did I do something wrong?" She says before wincing as her stomach audibly growls angrily at her and she makes a face "Besides...that..that I cant really help, Im a little hungry" She says going to dig through her small bag. Pulling out some sort of edible sandwich she would munch on that for a few before looking at everyone argue, yell, throw stuff, break stuff or just be angry. Thinking, she would look around before looking to Vira awkwardly holding out her sandwich "Er...Would you like some of my sandwich? I dont have an alcohol since ive been on the road but um...Yeah...want some of my sandwich?" She says curiously wiggling some of the slightly stale sandwich towards Vira with a curious look on her face.
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Lucca Malkovich
Location: Bar

That was it, the one string holding Lucca back was all but broken. What the fuck is wrong with this woman? Is she even hearing herself? She sounded like a child throwing a tantrum... or is it that, she is a child, a child that never learned to grow up? They really should stop letting kids into the bar. But fine, if this is the way she's gonna be, if she's going to be an unreasonable fuck face, then fine.

"How 'bout modahfuckin' NO." Lucca said to her when Vira asked for her drink, as he pokes his finger into her shoulder, imitating Vira's earlier action, "What cha' gonna do about it, Sunshine? Are ya gonna cry about it? Oh boo hoo, the mean lady won't give me my drink no matter how much of a tantrum I throw." and he said all that in the most ridiculously mock childish voice. "Well sorry Lil' Baby, we don't serve little bitches around here."

Lucca was already blind to the others, now he just wants to push Vira as far as he can, and then go beyond even that. He won't end the day without someone running home crying for their mothers.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko @anyonewantspopcorn?
Nicholas sighs, he clenches his fists and lets Vira vent off all her anger before piping up "I'm an abnorm too...Look I'm not telling you what to do but maybe it's best to calm down just a bit? You're drawing attention to yourself..." Nicholas again raises his hands to show he means no harm as he steps between Vira, or at least he assumed that was her name considering she just yelled it, and the new man who had arrived. This time he made sure to hide his cybernetic limb

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko revior revior

She was thankful that most of the other patrons here were agreeing with her on this one. But ultimately this woman didn't know when to quit whining like a baby. Tanya sighed as she lowered her shotgun and walked over to the woman. Her eyes hollow save for pity. This woman was beyond pathetic to her. Even the most heavy of drunks didn't pick fights with everyone around them. "You don't know anything about bartending, so let me tell you rule number one sweetheart." She sighed. "You take care of your patrons health, no matter what." She pointed the barrel of the shotgun at her injured side lazily. "You want that to close up? Then you don't drink. Alcohol thins blood, which means it takes longer for your wounds to heal. That's why I keep telling you no." Tanya remained still as she explained her reasoning. "You really want to drink and have yourself die? Don't do it here because I'm not going to watch." Going back to the counter Tanya took out some of the coins that the woman had set down and placed them on her counter, tossing the bag with the rest back to the woman. "I've taken out what I'd need to rebuild the bar and nothing more. The rest is yours." Tanya leaned back against the counter. "Take your money and get out, because someone like you who's so pathetically weak that she can't even accept the kindness of others has no place in my establishment." Tanya showed no signs of backing down, nor being angry with her. There was nothing left in her eyes except pity for the woman. "And if you really want to drink yourself to death, I believe Khayn took a bottle with him. Otherwise, you can sit there, be quiet, and wait for that wound to heal properly. Then I'll gladly let you buy as much alcohol as you want, but no sooner. That's MY prerogative as a bartender. Savvy?" She lazily threw Peacekeeper over her shoulder, awaiting the woman's answer before turning back to the little blue-haired girl on the counter. She still needed some way to get the antibiotic into her.

Ryuji Nakamoto

He'd seen the newcomer enter form his position near the entrance to town and although his immediate instinct was to walk up and flirt, that was out of the question at the moment. Or was it? Ryuji thought for a moment. The situation wasn't really that hard to deal with was it? The Fox even said that he was still the same person. So would it be bad for him to just continue acting like normal? Sure, he'd have to go back at some point and talk with both Hifumi and Fox to get the full truth, but for now, he was in the real world and had barely survived a poisoning. Plus Snowflake and Lilac were in trouble. Was he really just going to ignore that? No. Brushing off his pants, he realized the vest he stole was now of no use, it was coated in sweat and had three gaping holes in it. "Well, first I should clean up." Walking down to the river, Fox noticed that all the sludge and goop from the day before was no longer there, though debris from the explosion was still littered around, but it was better than nothing. "A nice clean bath." He muttered as he dove in, washing his skin of all the oils that had come from his episode of danger. He honestly felt like this was a great opportunity to really scrub down. Climbing out he now needed to figure out where to go. He wanted to thank the woman from earlier, but he needed to check on Snow, Kore and Kaia. Ugh. What a dilemma. He figured by him waking up in the bar that Kore was there, Kaia would be too and a traveler would only have one place to go, the bar.

Walking along, Ryuji was thankful to find something similar to his old robe, buried within the rubble of the town, though the color was violet instead of red, he was quite comfortable just sliding it on. Sliding his mask underneath it he waltzed into the bar only to see destruction and feel the tension in the air. He saw the tailed woman that he wanted to thank, but also Kaia on the counter. Walking over he looked to the barkeep and noticed her trying her damnedest to figure out a way to get the antibiotic into the girl. Reaching for the box on his arm, Ryuji pulled out one of his special throwing needles. Forcing it open, he dumped the yellowish powder onto the floor. "It opens up and allows whatever's in the needle to flow into the person. You could use this." He smiled before blowing through the needle to make sure all the powder came out. He watched the woman smile before working the tubing, and throwing needle together, attaching it to the bag and hanging the antibiotics off the shelves. Once inserted and the antibiotics were flowing freely, Ryuji looked behind the bar to find Kore asleep, on the floor. He slowly draped his new found robe over her before nodding and looking to the blue skinned girl offering a sandwich to Vira. "Well, that's a rare sight." He smiled walking over to her. "Blue Bonnet, I have to thank you for helping me earlier. Though, you really have no idea what you did, I still thank you." He smiled, pet her head and walked out the bar. Although he was probably the last person she wanted to see, Ryuji would find Snow.

Khayn Powers

Khayn had stopped outside the bar, not hearing the girl follow and just sighed as he heard Peacekeeper being fired off. "That woman is too brash for her own good." He sighed, talking about Tanya. And listening to the other woman just shouting and yelling about everything in such a sarcastic manner, made him feel even more sad for the girl. "She needs to just trust one person. One, and her life will be a lot easier." He sighed and called out. "Yo, wounded drunk, you want easy booze or to sit here and keep arguing?" He rolled his eyes before continuing on down the road for a few feet before looking back. If she didn't come, he'd just smash the bottle. He didn't like to drink anyway.

Scarlett O'Hare

The screaming and yelling from around her just frustrated her more than she was depressed. Which at LEAST got her moving. She stood up and rather than walk past everyone, leapt out one of the broken windows. She started to head towards point zero, or basically the spot where the giant had blown up from. If she were to go to that crater, she doubted anyone would follow or bother her, and that's just what she wanted for now.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Aliaas Aliaas FrostFire FrostFire

Mentions: littleberry littleberry
Kore Dair
One second she had lain down, the next she was jolted awake by a very loud bang. Paralysed by fear, it took her a moment before she breathed a sigh of relief... The bang wasn't directed at her, but at Vira. Kore was surprised and a little worried that she had managed to sleep through what sounded like a full on rage war, usually she was a very light sleeper... Was she really that tired?
Well, it didn't matter anymore, because she was wide awake now, adrenaline pumping through her veins. She stayed curled up, her eyes closed, not moving - she would listen and try and gauge the best time to escape from the bar, and then... Yes, she would find a tree, or a nice shadowy spot if she didn't feel she could make it all the way to the forest, and rest more.
Staying where she was, her ears involuntarily perked up when she heard a voice she had wondered whether she would ever hear again. He's okay... Good thing I'm hidd- Her train of thought was abruptly cut off when she felt a... Blanket? Or fabric cover her, and although she had not moved, or given any indication that she was awake, she still wondered if it was Ryuji who gave it to her. Perhaps he wasn't as angry with her as she first thought...? Waiting until he was gone, and then some, Kore opened her eyes and looked at the fabric - she didn't recognise it, but that neither conformed or denied her suspicions.
There also seemed to be a break in the yelling, so Kore took that chance to ignore her aching and complaining body, and stand, forcing her muscles to move quickly as she swiftly exited the bar, clutching the violet fabric in one hand as she darted out.
Once she was out, however, she stumbled, wincing and hugging her sides as all the bruises she had gained over the past few days screamed at her to just give up and lie down there and then. But she couldn't, so, using the adrenaline from the gunshot earlier to her advantage, she pushed herself on, limping at a painfully slow pace towards the forest, her eyes focused on the ground as she made painfully slow progress, her breathing hitching now and again whenever she caught a painful muscle as she moved.
She hadn't looked at herself, but she could feel that she was covered in bad bruising, her whole body dyed black, blue, purple, and yellow from the amount of injuries she had received, her scars showing up as painful white streaks cutting through the bruises - the scars hurt more, the fragile tissue took more of a beating than healthy skin, and Kore had barely any healthy skin left. She only prayed that the phantom pain wouldn't rear its ugly head - otherwise she would be completely incapacitated... Luckily no such pain had developed, or if it had she couldn't tell the difference and was able to manage it, so she continued to limp on at a painfully slow pace, towards the forest at the end of the town. She wasn't thinking about the group, only her recovery, perhaps she would find a nice alcove under some roots where she could curl up for the rest of the day.
Kiroshiven Kiroshiven @to whom it may concern (everyone)

Snow listened as the man described something he was truly passionate about. The mask holding more meaning than she thought it would. What he was talking about was clearly important… but she was distracted. He hadn’t come here to kill her… Why?

With his finger raised it seemed as if he was going to tell her. One thing. Regret. Snow did regret everything that she had done… it was painful. It pushed down on her lungs sometimes till she couldn’t breathe. Salty tears stung her eyes as she tried to blink them away. So she was a good person? She hope it was true… She wanted it to be true. He was saying it was…

“Of course… I… I don’t want anyone to feel pain like this. I just want the world to be able to take a breath and for the people who are hurting so much like me to be able to sleep soundly. I truly want to make amends. I do… I want to be strong not for myself but for others. And I want… more then anything I want to never let my powers hurt people again.” She smiled as he kneeled there with his fist on his chest and leaned forward, hugging him tightly with her hands around his waist.

“You are good at comforting. Thank you so much.” Snow was grateful for this stranger to inspire her. To help her kick what using her power did to her, making her believe she was evil as a way to justify maybe doing it again not for good intentions but for selfish ones. She let go and stood up.

“I need… I need to find my group. I know they are all a lot of trouble to you and yours but… they mean well. I have a reason for loving every single last one of them. Sera is a medic, but that’s not all she is. She is the most helpful person I know and caring and honestly a good person. I honestly think of her as my friend… someone who stands up to me even when it’s not easy. Jackson is kind and protective and is one of the few heroes I know. He is powerful and courageous but still doesn’t abuse those who aren’t. He protect them. Kore is paranoid sometimes and rash but… even if she doesn’t like me I owe my life to her. We all do. She took in a bunch of strangers being chased and saved them, leading them through the woods… even a hunter who she wanted to hurt.” She took a breath and continued on.

“Lucas… Lucas had to change his WHOLE world… and he did. He changed everything he believed when he found out he wasn’t right. And he… he was just helping someone even when he has no reason to help anyone in this group almost based on how we treated him. He is so kind and thoughtful and brave. He is one of the most brave men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Patrick… he is caring. He adopted two kids to take care of as his own because no one has a bigger heart then he does. He knew what my power did and still saved me, he is selfless and strong and amazing.” Tears welled up again as she stood up, dusting herself off.

“He stands up for what be believes in and I also owe my life to him. And Scarlett, the little girl he protects and defends? She is so amazing. She had to go through hell as a slave thought of nothing more than a dog. But when she stood up for Lucas and defended him… sheltered him… took care of him I saw that she is kind and thoughtful and amazing. Vira… she is mean and spiteful and I have never been so scared of anyone before in my whole life except the men who beat me in a barn for years. But she also would risk her life to save people in trouble. She also would spare the life of hunter when she could. She hunts for people she claims she hates, protects those she claims she hates, stay with those she claims she hates…" A small laugh escaped from Snow.

"I am terrified of her but I wish I had one ounce of her bravery and her strength. Right now she is probably destroying something or yelling at someone but… but give it ten minutes and she is going to be doing something kind and amazing.” One breath and Snow had one more person who she knew well enough to discuss…

“And Ryu… Ryu introduced himself to me by saving me. Then saved me again… and even when I was scared of him he still made sure I got to safety. He is giant flirt and he makes me flustered and when he puts on that mask and becomes someone else I can’t even look… but still I trust him with my life.” Tears fell down, her nose red and her eyes watery. “I think… I think even if he was wearing that mask I would gladly put my faith in him. He doesn’t just save me. He fights to defend everyone. He takes his time to talk with EVERYONE and make sure they are okay. He is the most comforting person to let your life story slip out too. I… I truly think the world of him. And I need to apologize to him for wanting to be selfish when he needed someone to help HIM.”

She made eye contact with the stranger in front of her. “I am with you. No more. I don’t want the people I have grown to care about to suffer anymore… I only want the best for them. I want happiness for them. And for you. I hope you, someone who is so kind and thoughtful and intelligent and inspiring, have the most amazing life where you can laugh and love and live. I owe my life to you too… because you just reminded me that I can’t let this power of mine hurt those amazing people. I can’t let those who hurt me in the past and made me a monster win.”

She hugged him one more time tightly before turning around to find her group… HER group. Sure it was dysfunctional. Sure not everyone got along… but Snow finally found something that inspire her thanks to that stranger. She would not let them suffer. No more.
Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish Kiroshiven Kiroshiven ShadowBroker ShadowBroker Syphe Syphe Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko FrostFire FrostFire revior revior


Vira's attention snapped over to the singer guy in the corner. "Excuse me, but do I know you? Didn't think so. So shut up!" As if he was rubbing something in her face, he took a swig of his own firewater, eliciting Vira to roll her eyes. She overheard his blue-haired friend. In the same snooty tone she had been using, she wiggled her fingers at him. "Yeah, Maaason! Careful to not poke miss bear, or you may get her claws! Oh? Tempting me with alcohol? That's such a stupid idea, even your friend knows. Maybe you should just hide, Maaaason. Ugh." She turned away from the two obnoxious guys.

The Abnorm with the physical traits decided to weigh in too, but Vira would respond to her in a moment. She did notice the sandwich waved at her though, inwardly her stomach ached. However, Hunterboy had his own speech to make. Cuz of course the hypocritical idiot did. He poked her shoulder, obviously mimicking her action, causing her to frown at him. "Mimicry is the highest form of flattery," she enlightened with her frown turning upside down into a grin. "Ha! Like you would know. You haven't served a single person in your life. Unless you considering serving up dead or alive Abnorms to the WG the same thing." Her eyes found Mr. Robothand beside her. "Generally if you cut up some shit, try to explain yourself assertively, and scream, yeah, you're gunna draw attention to yourself. Guess what wouldn't have? Letting me drink alone. Huh, weird."

Vira sighed in irritation at the woman, who once again started running her mouth. She had been around enough bartenders to know a thing or two about it. Hell, back in the gang they had their own personal bartender. Also Vince was probably the one person she considered a friend in this life. Not that she felt a need to explain any of this to this woman. This woman's head was so far up her own ass that Vira realized it was completely pointless to even talk to her. She wasn't selfish, but she was certainly self-absorbed. "Oh please, lady. It isn't up to you what I do with my body, or what I choose in my life. If I want to drink while wounded, then you have no fucking right to say otherwise. You aren't my mother. You're no one's mother! You're just some stranger who is all high-and-mighty, up her own ass. Some self righteous bitch who thinks her view is above anyone else's. Well, let me tell you something lady. No one cares what you have to say. You're a bartender. You run a bar. They give you coin. You give them booze. That's your lot in life! Congrats. You're at the top of the food chain lady. Really living the life." She caught the coins thrown to her, after using her arms to help convey her assholish message.

Frowning, she weighed the sack. It was hard to accept kindnesses from others. It was... 'It shouldn't be,' echoed in her mind. Though Vira ignored it. She had never intended on taking back any of this money. "It isn't mine anyways," Vira said. It was true, she had found coins and valuables off the bodies outside. "Probably some assholes thiefed the coin here from you or your patrons." Shrugging, she turned the sack upside down, and held it by the 'top' (bottom), and watched as all the coins fell from it, ringing as they hit the floor, some rolling away.

Ryuji then walked in. He seemed... different somehow. Both worse for wear, and slightly at ease comparatively to how she had seen him before. Did he bathe? Was the river cleaned then? She had seen some girl heading off to the place where the town seemed to pull its water from the river. That had been just a bit before the battle, maybe she had succeeded in what she was going to do? Vira seemed to recognize her before when she confronted the weird Deadman Walking before too, right? Anyway... perhaps she could find some time to bathe, too, or.. perhaps not right now. Regardless, with a glance at the injured bluenette laying on the table, Vira knew it was time she stepped out of the spotlight. That girl needed help. "Little bluenette obviously needs help. Use it to pay for medicine." Her eyes found the medicine she had. Tanya's reserves seemed low, though it was unusual to see any medicine at all. "-More medicine, anyway.. and to pay for your bar. The ruined, broken bottles. Buy booze. Pay for tables, refurbishments, whatever. Or the others around can take the money." Vira shrugged once more, then walked swiftly out of the establishment, her footfalls loud on the wooden floorboards, indicating her exit; she left just after Plantlady did. Khayn did indeed leave with some booze... not much, but eh, whatever. This place was awash.

She paused once, then stepped up before the Abnorm with the visible abnormality. "Sorry it's so blatantly obvious you're an Abnorm. That must... " ..Suck. Her sentence trailed off, ending in her head. She shook her head softly. "No. Thanks though." Denying the fact she wanted the sandwich was apparently a lie, because her stomach protested greatly with a pained, anguished ache and soft growl. She dropped a few coins in front of the blue, scaled chick. "Here. Iduno, pay for something, or something. Duno." Vira then turned and left.

Walking outside towards the odd Animalguy who shouted towards her, she witnessed the small girl leaping out of a window. Stopping midstep, she pointed at her, "Uh... there's a fleeing girl... Anyone want to do something about that? Anyone? I'm sure that's not good for her..." She formed a cone with her hands around her mouth and shouted, "Hey! Little girl! Stop! Return to your friends and your caretaker!" Drawing in a deep breath, she dropped her hands, stating to Khayn. "Well, I tried." Eyebrow raised at him. "'Easy booze'? What was it again you wanted?"


When: A Future Arc
Where: ??? Fearsome Lords related

The hooded man observed a small band coming up. He recognized them, and was not too pleased. Flipping his sickle, he braced himself for an unpleasant confrontation. "Canaan, to what do we owe this pleasure?"
"Harbinger, as insufferable as always, I see," Canaan callously replied. "I think you may know why we are here, yes?"
"No. The One doesn't tell me everything."
"Oh, odd, isn't it? If you're all 'The One', then shouldn't you all know everything everyone else knows, at all times?" Canaan queried boldly, smirking.
"I will not have the likes of you besmirching The One's name," Harbinger hissed, raising his sickle. "Hold your tongue, or I'll gladly cut it out for you."
"Haha! Don't make me laugh! If you could, you would've already, right? I suspect The One has advised you against engaging us, no?"
Harbinger sought the answer, and he heard it within his mind. 'Do not engage Canaan and the Fearsome Lords.' Since Canaan was correct, it only pissed him off more. Growling in frustration, Harbinger lowered his sickle. "I return to my earlier question, asshole, what is your business here?"
Canaan grinned to the Fearsome Lords beside him, as he was obviously right. "We are here to speak to The One. Not you."
"We are all The One," Harbinger corrected angrily, again thinking about attacking Canaan, gripping his weapon tightly.
"Suuuuure. That's just what he wants you to believe." The redheaded man waved his hand, "Move aside. We are here for him, not you. You are a puppet, a tool! He's playing you. All of you. You all are nothing more than his pawns that he uses to defend himself. Ever played chess? Sound familiar? Think about it. I heard you guys took a L at Svitch recently. Crackerjack and Sizemore were lost, weren't they? Well? Now think. Who has joined The One recently? He's already found two to replace them, hasn't he?"
Harbinger thought about it. Sure enough, two new strong Abnorms joined The One very recently. Crash and Strike. That gave him pause. But only for a second. He was ready to argue a second later. "Anything you wish to discuss with... The Central One is anything you can discuss with m-..!"
'Stand aside, Harbinger,' a voice interrupted the hooded man in his mind. As if Canaan could hear, he stood there smirking arrogantly. "Grrah! Whatever," Harbinger hissed, stepping aside, as two large doors opened up silently.
Canaan, still smirking, made a movement and the group of Fearsome Lords moved passed Harbinger and on into the lit room beyond. Canaan, in particular, made sure to rudely brush by Harbinger, pushing the hooded man aside saying, "Thanks Harbinger, luv ya!" Earning him vicious glare.

Interacts: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Noodle Time Noodle Time revior revior Aliaas Aliaas Hetrix Hetrix Isolde Isolde Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish
Mentions: Tyra Tyra Randomfella Randomfella GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger littleberry littleberry FrostFire FrostFire Spice Spice
basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P
~Solivia Harva~

Solivia was complete and utterly dumb founded by the current events going on in this bar she had just arrived in, first some girl was angry over something...alcohol? next some random guy came out of no where and called her Blue bonnet and patted her head - which made her ears visibly twitch and flutter just a bit, now the girl and the stranger left leaving her with a completely confused look on her face. "W-wha....Blue bonnet...uh...Hey its not so bad looking like.." She says clearly trying to respond to everything happening to her in the course of a few minutes as she weakly raises her hands and her sandwich, her eyes wide with confusion. Eventually Solivia would huff and sigh slouching in her chair as she rubs her head "What...what just happened?" She asks out loud looking very confused before looking to the coins that girl had dropped in front of her "She could've put it in my hand or on the table" She grumbles making a face "But money is money" she sighs and picks up the coins shrugging and stuffing them in her bag. Once she was properly situated and the angry girl and random guy had left she would just be sitting in her chair still rather confused and unsure what she should be doing so she simply repeated her question to the people left in the bar "Uh-um....What...what happened?" She says curiously and lightly.
Anyone Anyone in the bar now
Lucca Malkovich
Location: Bar

Ah, she had to bring it up didn't she. The fact of what he did. Serving up Abnorms to the WG. Well, if all of them were like Vira, then he'd have no problem doing it though, the world would be better off.

"Damned fuckin' shit-eater!" he cursed as Vira walked away, slamming his fist into a nearby pillar, accomplishing nothing other than hurting his hand. If only he had his guns, actually, it was probably better that he didn't have them, he might have shot her point blank, and he'd be no different from her or the other Abnorms who abuses their powers and resorts to violence. Still, he watched her walk away seething anger clouding his vision and thoughts, she looked so untouchable from this distance, probably is, even if he did have his gun and shot her, she'd just dodge it no doubt. "One of these day, I'll bring you down, you and all those damned Abnorms who think they're all so high and mighty." he whispered. This no longer has anything to do with being a Hunter of making a living, now it's a vendetta, driven by pure hatred. "No one like her should have that much power."

Eventually he turned away, long after Vira was out of sight, and sat down at the counter.

"May I have something sweet?" he said feebly, suddenly feeling tired as he placed a few WG issued notes on the counter, "You guys use this right?"

With his rage gone, Lucca was beginning to become more aware of his surroundings, and he turned towards the newcomer when he remembered hearing her speak.

"It was just an argument, if you would even call it that." he said to her, noting her... exotic appearance. "Let me guess, Abnorm? You got a bad timing coming to this town right now missy."

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Aliaas Aliaas
Last edited:
~Solivia Harva~

Solivia runs a hand through her hair
"Yeah im an abnorm...Name is Solivia pleased to meet you" She says with a friendly and kind tone as she stands up finishing up her sandwich "Would you be someone to tell me what happened to this town? I came here to restock on traveling funds and rations but I come here and just see ruins..." She says moving over to the bar as she grabs a stool and holds up on it. Looking to Lucca she gives a nice little smile before curiously digging into her bag "I...uh..I can pay for some information if needed?" She asks curiously before adjusting her rather heavy looking suit of armor and cloak.
revior revior

Satisfied with the conclusion of the situation, Tanya let out a relieved sigh and went back behind the bar. "Eh, WG notes aren't exactly welcome around here, but you did try and help me with that woman. So I'll break out some of our sweeter alcohols, on the house" She smiled before heading into the back room and pulling out a bottle of wine. "It's sweeter than liquor anyway." She chuckled as she poured out some into a glass. And looked about the bar. "Sorry you got caught up in that spat girl, but allow me to welcome you to my bar. It's normally not this lively or rowdy, but we just had an incident with The One and we've, well we've all become rather stressed out." She sighed looking at the blue girl before looking back to the blue haired girl on the counter. "So, nurse, it seems we're good now. So I recommend resting on your own. Any drink or food you'd like in particular? No alcohol, because you're looking worse for wears as well, but something like some juice? Note, it's from newly mutated fruit in the forest, so its taste isn't exactly predictable."

Khayn Powers

"What did I want? For you to talk. That's all." He smiled while his tail placed the booze in his hand and then reverted to normal. "Tanya gave you the ol' looking out for your well bein' speech huh?" He smirked as he shook the bottle of booze and held up some glasses. "Feel like watchin the morning sunrise hun?" He chuckled while turning around. "Like I said upstairs, you don't have to tell me everything. Heck, you don't even have to tell me what's bothering you, but I want you to tell me about this Ellie person." He was ready to be hit for this. "I just want to picture what someone so important to you was like. Because if you've become such a hard ass since her passing, then I she must've been amazing." Khayn could tell that the person was likely dead from the way the woman talked. "I'm Khayn by the way. I'd ask your name, but I feel I'll be smacked if I do." He laughed a bit more as he moved effortlessly towards where he and Nissa lived.

Ryuji Nakamoto

Following where snow had gone, wasn't exactly easy, but it wasn't hard either. There was only so much freedom to move about through the broken down city. The remains of it filled his eyes and the smell of cinders brought about memories of war. Ah, war, his memories of it were both good and bad. It was odd to be having his false memories and his true memories starting to blend together. It was unnerving, but it felt....invigorating to start to feel like he was himself again. Although the truth about the Fox was still pissing him off. As he came around a corner he saw the girl with a man in a cloak standing and talking. "Ah, Snowflake, you're okay." He smiled as he approached, his mask not on his hip as it was still attached to the robe that Kore was carrying. But despite that, it didn't really mean that he would be defenseless. Afterall, the Fox was a part of him, right? "I saw you run off and wanted to make sure you were okay." He put a friendly smile on for the gentleman. "Thanks for looking out for her. What was your name? I don't think I ever caught it."

littleberry littleberry ShadowBroker ShadowBroker revior revior Syphe Syphe Aliaas Aliaas Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Lucca Malkovich
Location: Bar - Outside

"Hmm? It's fine, keep it." said Lucca when the girl offered him money, "My words aren't worth that much."

He took a brief moment to think back on what happened and what he gathered before turning back to the girl.

"Well, as you may have heard, this town was run by a gang, 'The One', I think it was called. So anyways, just last night the gang suddenly decided to attack this town, hence the destruction." And it was mostly our fault apparently, was not something Lucca was going to say, she ain't paying him for it after all, "And now we're here, in this tavern, one of the few buildings left standing."

Lucca turned to give a smile to the owner who had offered him drinks on the house on account of standing up against Vira, but really, he didn't do it for her, he didn't really do if for anyone, it was all for himself.

"I appreciate it Miss Tanya, of all the places to be left standing, I'm glad yours is one of them."

Lucca took a hearty swig of his drink, feeling his worries being washed away. He turned back to the exotic looking Abnorm girl.

"It's unfortunate for you if you're looking to restock, cause there really ain't much left in this town. But hey, if don't mind, you could stick with us for a bit. You see the guys in this bar, we travel together, sort of, well except the black robes. But if you're looking for safety in number you could try to tag along, I sure did." though in his case he was more or less forced to do so.

Speaking of the group, Lucca was beginning to notice a few missing members, such as Snow... but the fox guy is gone as well so he might be with her. And then there's the Tree Lady, she was gone too. Now that he thought about it, she lives in the forest doesn't she...... Oh no!

Suddenly, Lucca got up from his seat, his drink wasn't yet finished. Lightly, he patted the exotic girl on the shoulder. "You can have the rest, my treat." He then rushed out of the door, heading towards the forest.

"She can't go home yet! That paranoid bitch has my guns!"

Aliaas Aliaas FrostFire FrostFire Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Vira raised her eyebrow at him, continuing to stroll forward. Anything said in the bar behind her she either did not hear, or ignored at this point. The trouble she had caused there was wearing, and she was done with it. The bitch barkeeper wouldn't give her booze, but somehow maybe this fool beside her would give her the booze he took. That was good enough reason to deal with him for now. ..For now. "Me. To talk? What about?"

"I suppose. It's ridiculous; she has no right to dictate how I run my life." She looked at the glasses and sighed in frustration. He meant to share it? Well, fuck. "No. I felt like missing it. I'm now forced to watch it," she answered bluntly. Oh, she had his permission to not tell him everything in her life? Whoa, thank you, what a kind sir! It's good he gave her that permission, otherwise Vira would've thought she had to!.. When he mentioned her sister's name, she glared daggers at him.

'Play nice,' Ellie's voice came back, 'appearing' alongside them. She 'walked' just beside Khayn, coming barely up to his thighs. Gosh, she was adorable.

'You.. you know I don't do that well... If tonight was any indication...' Vira replied silently to her sister. She sighed inwardly. 'I'm not you, Ellie. You were always so nice. Maybe I should just give you control of my body; switch with you..'

'That's not how it works, Vira, and you know it.'

'Gahh... yeah, I know...'

'I'm sorry, sister.' She sounded genuinely concerned and worried and sad. Like she had failed to help her sister.

'It is okay. I'll manage. I always do.' Vira, too, sounded as sad and forlorn.

As much as she wanted to strike him just for mentioning her sister's name, like he had any right, she held back. 'Chatting' with Ellie just now made Vira settle down. She would've started talking, though not giving too much away, when Khayn's mouth ran on too long. Prickling again, she hissed warningly, "I don't think I mentioned she passed..." Vira paused, glancing up at a broken, dilapidated ruin of a building.

"I already said my name, back in the bar," Vira said in an irritated tone, looking at him once again. "For all your talk of chatting, you certainly don't seem to pay much attention." After chastising, she turned, and quickly leaped, grabbing on some broken parts of the building, using them as handholds and footholds. As dexterous as Vira could be, she used her agility and her flexibility to pull herself up the building, climbing it quickly. Wincing, when she finally pulled herself up on the roof, Vira rolled over the edge, finding herself on her butt on the roof. Turns out, she could still feel the pain in her torso. Ugh, if only she had something to drink... "OH, and yeah, she is -was -is amazing!" Vira called over the side down to him.

Interacts: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Mentions: basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P

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