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Fantasy The Dark World (rp)

Khayn Powers

"Oh? I'm sorry. Between your screaming and yelling at everyone along with Tanya breaking out Peacekeeper, it seems to have slipped my mind." He chuckled playfully as he actually did forget it. He stopped and watched her climb as he thought back. "Vira? Was it?" He asked, sprouting wings and flying up to the rooftop beside her. "This is as good a spot as any."

Settling down and retracting his wings, Khayn poured a full glass of the brown liquid and handed the glass to Vira. "Well Vira, tell me more about Ellie. What kind of person she IS." Khayn was being pushy about this because Ellie was important to this woman, obviously. But that also meant it would be the easiest thing for Vira to talk about in comparison to her problems or why she had such an attitude. Sure it wouldn't make them friends right away, but opening up a little would be nice.

Khayn poured himself a half glass of the liquid, while listening to Vira's response and set the rest on the side opposite Vira. "I don't mean to act like I'm patronizing you or anything." He spoke calmly. "I just can't help but want to reach out to people. I like them, even knowing that getting close to others can hurt me." He watched the sun rising into the sky with a natural smile. "Because at the end of the day, my connections to people fill me with just as many good memories as the bad ones. Just like now. In a few decades I'll look back on this moment with a warm fondness." He raised his glass and took a small swig The burning sensation of alcohol hit him like a ton of bricks and nearly sent him into a coughing fit. "Woo. I guess I should've held back a bit." He chuckled as he looked to Vira and started to pour her a second glass.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko

...team two in position, the com link buzzed in his ear. Staff Sergeant Patrick Oglethorpe acknowledged that info with two quick clicks of static. Overlord strike team is in position permission to engage target, he whispered into it a few seconds later.

The staff sergeant and his team had been deployed in this particular area for months now, they had been tracking a local warlord who was apparently starting to bring some stability to the region, the government didn't want that. So Patrick and his team had been sent in to kill the man and make it look like it was dissenters from a local village. However, this man was very elusive, it has taken all of the teams varied skills to finally track him to this remote village.

Now the thirty members of the strike team were spread out in strategic positions around the town ready to move in on Patrick's orders. Patrick had positioned himself and the majority of first squad in the village itself, hidden from sight amongst in one of the outlying buildings.

The Staff Sergeant was looking at the warlords complex through binoculars, watching for any sign that the teams cover had been blown when he received his orders, positive ID on the target, move on the town strike team, leave no evidence.

The first shot rang out, dropping a woman who was carrying a baby down the main street of the village, seconds later more shots flew in followed by rocket propelled grenades. Within the hour there was nothing but burned out buildings and corpses were the village used to be. Patrick never moved from his position, he didn't need to he and his team had done this so many times it was almost routine.

Another shot rang out and Patrick's eyes flew open wide, he must have taken a bigger hit than he thought for his computer to let him fall asleep like that. Or for him to remember things like that, he hadn't thought about those days in years and honestly like it that way.

Immediately upon waking his headache and burning nerves reminded him of where he was, so he couldn't have been out for that long.

The old man looked around the bar trying to get his bearings and took note of the state of the bar. The actual bar was in pieces, there was broken glass and alcohol all over the floor, the waitress or owner held a smoking shotgun and low and behold loud mouth was screaming about something again, big surprise.

With a silent groan Patrick stood and moved to intervene before the crazy hunter got himself killed by another woman he really shouldn't be messing with. The kid had to have twenty pound brass ones to be pulling this kind of stunt. But before he took more than a step it was over, loud mouth left dumping out coins on the floor in, if Patrick had to be honest, was one of the biggest instances of "I'm taking my ball and going home" he'd ever seen. Lucas soon followed, sprinting out the door yelling something about his guns.

Patrick pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, these kids needed to learn to take a break. When loud mouth called back in about a girl Patrick spun and noticed that Scarlett had disappeared. Cussing under his breath he hurriedly limped back to his table and reloaded his pistol, you could never be too careful. As he turned to chase after the crazy little girl he spoke to Keiji, see if you can get some food, we might be able to keep the girl still if she's eating something.With that said he stumbled out the door.

It didn't take the old soldier long to track the little girl to the massive crater. His original plan was to chastise her again for running off, but when he saw her and the dejected, no broken, way she was walking he decided against it. Instead he cleared his throat just loud enough to get her attention and plopped down on some rubble, he didn't say anything he just motioned for her to join him. If she just wanted some peace and quiet he would respect that, but he was to concerned for the girl to just let her walk off looking like she did, and he let that concern show on his face clearly.


The boy had nodded when Patrick told him to get some food but he wasn't sure if now was exactly the right time to ask. In fact he wasn't gonna ask until he heard his stomach protest loudly at the idea. With a quick glance around at some of the new comers he grabbed the bag of coins Patrick had gave him the night before and slipped over to the bar, um excuse me could I get some food with this, he asked the lady with the shotgun in his best nevous little kid voice and held up the bulging bag of coins.

Interacts: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Mentions: revior revior Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Aliaas Aliaas Noodle Time Noodle Time Hetrix Hetrix Isolde Isolde Anyone Anyone in the bar I might have missed
Kore Dair
One step at a time, Kore made her way towards her home, her forest. She made it to the treeline, and breathed a sigh of relief, immediately chocolate branches spiralled up from the ground, swallowing up one of her arms and acting as a crutch as she made her way deeper into the forest. She didn't go too far in - she had to return to give Ryuji back his robe, she held it up and examined the violet fabric, discovering his mask inside. It's a pretty mask, and seems important. Why would he leave this with me? She would have to take care to look after it while she was in possession of it, and his robe.
Finding a suitable location, a large oak with twisting branches and a bowl in between the roots covered in moss, she sighed, and painfully got to her knees, collapsing with a whine as she sat and relaxed. There was no need for her to hide her pain - there was no one there to see it. A lone tear rolled down her face, and was quickly followed by more, she she cried silently to herself, whining like a wounded animal at the pain. Of course, the trees around her were worried about her, and had been expressing their concerns from the moment she had become close enough to hear them.
"I... I will be fine, sisters. I j-just need to recover from my injuries.", she choked through the tears and pain. They were not convinced, and continued to worry and ask. After she had calmed down a little, although she still whined like an animal and her face was all blotchy from crying, she spoke more clearly.
"I did something rash. I would probably be dead if not for a friend- and-", she whined louder. "And then I poisoned him. Sure, I was unconscious, but... No, sisters I must take responsibility for it. The poison intended to fell the giant nearly killed a friend - I would have killed him like I killed them, killed the one person who has ever been nice to me.", she paused, contemplating what they said.
"No, I don't think so, but... Perhaps.", a thin smile crossed her face, as she leaned her head back and sighed.
"Well, it's over now. I've done my job, and payed for it.", she snorted, "So now it's time to rest, return this, and- oh... Yes it's his.", she held up the mask carefully. "I wouldn't say that... He probably just forgot it. Trust is something hard to come by.", she patted the roots of the oak she sat under, and winced as it pulled at her sides. Her sisters had reassured her, made her feel a little better about her situation.
After a few, long seconds, her breathing hitched. "Oh god...", she held her sides as her breathing became quick and shallow, a sob escaping her but no more tears fell. "N-no... Gasp, it's. The... Gasp, phantom pain again. Why... Why do I have to go through this, ugh...", she sobbed again, doubling over in pain as she curled up into the moss and moaned.
Rolling over and onto her hands and knees, she retched as she felt a nonexistent blade slip into her stomach and invisible hands reach into her abdomen. She felt every finger, as she dry heaved, nothing in her stomach but rancid bile to bring up, on hand on her stomach as she scrunched her eyes shut. This was one of the worst she had had in a long time, she felt the hands move inside her, and she gasped, collapsing onto her back and writhing on the floor, gasping and sobbing.
After what felt like an eternity, but was in fact only a minute or so, she stopped squirming in agony and went limp, her head pounding and spinning, hot tears rolling down her face. Thank god there was no one there to see any of that...
The oak above her whispered determinedly to Kore, who looked up in horror at the tree.
"N...No! I coul...dn't...", her tears till ran.
"No...", she whispered now, defeated. The wise oak had made up its mind, but Kore was still refusing.
"No. You do...n't know.... What... What would happen... To you. You could... Die.", she closed her eyes and sobbed, feeling another wave of pain on the horizon. She didn't want to go through that again, she wasn't even sure she could - and considering the amount of bruises she had acquired, this could go on for some time... But she couldn't... "But y-you... You might not be! Please, I can't... I don't want to hurt you, sister.", she moaned, her hand still tightly grasping her coat where the pain had been, scrunching up the fabric as if it were her own skin, and that would ease the pain. Of course, it didn't.
A thought popped into her head, and, checking quickly, she noted that Ryuji's mask lay on top of the violet robe - it seemed she had dropped it in just the right place.
"Sister... Please, see reason. I must endure this... They did this to me, and I cannot hurt you because of- no!", Kore gasped as the next wave hit her like a speeding train - it was on her face.
She couldn't help but scream, her hand that was once at her stomach going to the scar on her face as her expression contorted to one of pure agony. Her hands formed into a claw, hovering over the scar as she writhed on the floor, rolling onto her side and gasping as half of her face burned and ached. The eye her scar crossed was scrunched shut, the other was wide open, the pupil a pinprick dot in the sea of green.
She could refuse no further, and with a sob of pain and defeat, she brought her shaky clawed hand from her face, and moved the jittery and spasming limb to a thick root of the oak, and grabbed it tight, her consciousness swimming in and out just as she did.
Instantly, Kore relaxed and let out a long sigh - her once tightly wound muscles becoming loose as she collapsed onto the ground, her face in the dirt but had still tight around the root. She was crying, wailing into the ground in despair as she took her hand off the root, and curled into a ball, her wails becoming silent tears.
As Kore had first grabbed the oak, it had showed no change. But, after a few seconds, its outermost leaves began to brown and crinkle up as if it were Autumn, then some of the branches began to die, the life seemingly sapped from them as they became dry and hollow. Once Kore had taken her hand away, almost half the trees leaves had shrivelled up and begun to fall to the ground - but overall the oak was still alive, and would certainly live through the ordeal. For that, Kore was glad. But she loathed taking energy like that, sapping away a plants life force just to feed herself. The pure energy soothed her pain and made her feel stronger, the exhaustion that had begun to seep into her bones was gone, as were the phantom pains and some of the aches. Of course, she still hurt from being covered in bruises, but her body felt as if it had been fully rested, and was ready to focus its full attention on healing her wounds.
Despite the fact that she was no much better off, Kore despised what she had done, and lay in her ball of misery, her tears stopping after a few minutes as she processed what she had done.
revior revior @to whom it may concern
"Slipped your mind did it? You seem to remember it fine," she noted sourly. "Yes.. I suppose." She affirmed, watching him land and sit down beside her. He poured some of the alcohol into a glass and handed it to her, she was only too happy to take it. Immediately she brought it to her lips and took a drink, though this little wouldn't really do much to her, though she had already been slightly drunk. "Why do you want to know?.. You may not mean it, but you are patronizing." She sighed. He was talking a lot now, so she was forced to listen, even though he asked her to talk. She really had no idea why he insisted on chattering to her. "Well good for you. In a decade... I probably won't even remember this. Though, I'm sure I wont forget you." She noticed how he didn't take his drink well. "If you don't like it, why do you drink it?" She swirled her glass, looking down at the drink. Drinking more, she began to feel a bit better. With a grin, she said. "She's my better half; Ellie's my sister. She's... she's much better than I am..."

Interacts: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Mentions: basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P
Khayn Powers

"I want to know because I'm trying to get a better feel for who YOU are." He smiled as he watched her drink and chuckled at her comment. "It's rather lonely to drink by yourself no?" He answered her question with his own but didn't seem like he was chastising her for anything. Khayn didn't have it in him to make fun of anyone for the way they were. He was always running around playing hero after all. "Your better half? Why say it like that? It makes it sound like you plan on spending the rest of your life completely alone." Khayn took another swig, this time, he was prepared for the burn and it went down smooth. "But she does sound amazing. I would like to meet her, if I get the chance. She sounds to me like your hero." Khayn put on another smile while pouring another glass for Vira. "So from what you say she sounds like the nice, sweet, caring kind of sister that would do anything for you." He took another sip of his own drink and followed up with. "Now, don't correct me if I'm wrong or anything, but something must've happened involving her to get you like this." He put his face into a silly kind of overdramatic scowl, before looking at her with empathy. "If you ever need someone to vent to, I'll be nearby." He smiled as he looked at the sun. "Though I doubt you'll trust me anytime soon, if ever at this rate." Khayn laughed as he took off his hooded cowl and just let the sun bake him in the morning. "I really do love the sun." He muttered while thinking about his own decisions in life. Was dragging Nissa in as his sidekick and friend a good idea? Probably not. But he wanted her to have a chance to feel her OWN emotions rather than that of everyone else, just for a little bit.

Scarlett O'Hare

She heard someone clear their throat and looked to see Patrick. He didn't look mad at her for running off, but did motion for her to come closer. She stood frozen as she looked between the crater and Patrick, the conflicting desires nagging at the poor girl's mind. Just go into that ditch and die Dog. You can't obey orders and you can't fight, what good are you? Her former master had been silent in her head for so long now, but now he was being vocal again. Scarlett, it's okay to cry. Go to him. Let your papa help you. The smell of lilacs and the warmth of another brushed against her cheeks and body. She felt so much comfort from it. Scarlett, my sweet little girl. You need to rest. You've been fighting for so long. Just go to him, cry and sleep. Let yourself forget the pain and move towards your future. Tears started welling up as Scarlett took one step towards Patrick, then another and another until she was in a full sprint, diving into his chest as she bawled her eyes out. She didn't say anything, COULDN'T say anything, but just pressed into him crying endlessly as if the weight of it all finally burst forth and broke what little strength the girl had left. The warm sensation continuing to be there and pet the girl's back, trying to comfort her.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish

"Me? Meh. No one special. Just some thug who is gangless." She paused, wondering why she put it like that, but said 'whatever' to herself, and downed the rest of her glass. "It is. But that's what drinking is. It's a lonely endeavor. It isn't supposed to be anything else. You're kidding yourself if you think drinking is supposed to be something other than pathetic. It's a means to an end, and that end is drowning away your sorrows and hardships."

'He's right. It does sorta sound like that... The rest of your life..' Ellie echoed, her own tone sorrowful.

'I said, you're welcome to take over, if you think you could do a better job,' Vira interrupted flatly, leaning back on her hands, setting the empty glass aside. She blinked at the rising sun with glassy eyes.

'I could probably..'

'I know.'

'- but it doesn't work like that.'


"Impossible." Vira glanced his way, "You were right; she is dead.. She is my hero.. And I killed her." Her eyes were drawn to the glass filling once more. "Heh, you're probably out of alcohol by now..." Shrugging, she took the glass and drank some more, enjoying the burn on her throat. "She is... " Vira looked to the side, envisioning Ellie standing there. A small, little, pale, light-blonde girl barely 7 or 8, at this point it was hard to say, hard to remember. "Maybe she would've been, if she had got to live that long."

She finished her glass and drew in a breath. She dropped it and it cracked, rolling a bit on this slated roof. "This is something you need to know about me, Mr. Animalheroman. -I don't trust anybody." She paused, realizing that was wrong. "Well no.. There is one I trust completely.. The sister we've been discussing. The one who is dead." Vira closed her eyes and shook her head, biting her quivering lip. "She shouldn't have trusted me." He mentioned the sun, in regards to it.. she answered curtly.

"... I hate it."
Interacts: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Mentions: basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P
Lucca Malkovich
Location: Forest

As he arrived at the forest Lucca caught sight of Kore. Upon seeing her, his first instinct was to hide, but from experience, he knows that she probably would have known he'd be there regardless, since the only things here to hide behind were the trees. Instead, Lucca decided to simply silently approach Kore, expecting her to know that he's already there. However, contrary to his expectations, Kore instead fell on her knees before a large oak and began talking to herself, or rather, perhaps she was talking to the trees? He'd like to go and check on her, to see if she's alright, but Lucca's fear held him back, he still hadn't gotten over his fear for this Tree Lady, especially now when she's among the tree, and he thought that perhaps she's as afraid of him as he is afraid of her from their previous interaction, and so decided to stay put and not suddenly approach her.

Lucca stood from a distance that he had judged safe and simply watched over Kore, not quite sue what he's suppose to do in this situation, and it was getting rather awkward for him to just stand there like an idiot. But after a few moments had passed, Lucca could only wished thing had remained the same as Kore fell over while writhing in pain before becoming limp. Worried that she's badly injured, Lucca rushed over, kneeling over her to examine her condition, she didn't appear to notice him, perhaps reoccupied by her condition or perhaps it was Lucca's power at work, perhaps even the combination of both.

At first glance, Kore didn't look like she was too heavily injured, but despite it she appears to be in some pain. Is it poison? It is by the thugs? Or perhaps it was food poisoning, perhaps she ate something bad? Lucca wouldn't know, he was no doctor. Soon Kore began talking again, calling out to someone, a sister. Is she delirious? Or is she talking to the trees? He didn't know, but Lucca had made the snappy decision of dragging her back for the Medic to take a look. He wasn't happy to add another patient to her list, but that's her job, a job no one else here could do other than perhaps Tanya who also seem to have some medical knowledge. However, just as Lucca was about to pick her up, Kore suddenly began to scream, surprising Lucca and threw him into a panic, he no longer knows what to do as he simply watched Kore contort in agony with his hands up in the air.

Eventually, it seemed that Kore had decided that she could not endure any longer and set her hand upon the great oak, and slowly, the change barely visible at first, the tree eventually started dying, its leaves losing its vibrant green, the branches became dried and fell away, but as the tree losses its health, Kore seemingly became better, stronger. So that was what she mean when she said "I don't want to hurt you." She was talking to the tree after all. To think that she could not only control the trees, but to drain their lives as well. Lucca concluded that This Tree Lady would be invincible in the forest, and nothing short of a fire storm could stop her so long as she remained in her domain.

As Kore got better, seemingly calmed down from her spasm of pain, Lucca gained to confidence to speak out, preferring that he announce his presence himself rather than her realizing that he's here, he wouldn't want anymore misunderstandings between them, not while he's in her domain.

"Feeling better?" he said as kindly as possible, "You were freaking me out for a sec there."

FrostFire FrostFire

littleberry littleberry

Location: A torn apart building.

Characters: Fifth

Actions: Snow's choice.

As the child ran to hug him, he could not manage to hug her back. He felt the lack of warmth and the absence of physical essence. She pretended to be cute and gentle - but for him, she acted out of need for someone to aid her, a man that says the right words in the needed order. His arms tried to do the same, holding her on his grasp until she decided to back away and stand up.

He stared at her as she began talking about their group, giving him the information he needed. Every detail on the main personalities of each member of the group or at least the ones she knew of. What a particular girl though, saying everything she knew in exchange for gentle words. She thought she could trust the Fifth - probably for his naive perspective of the world.

He walked towards the tavern from above, folding his arms behind him as he remained vigilant.

@EveryoneOnTheBar Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko

Location: Tavern.

Characters: Second - First - Third.

Actions: Nothing left to be done.

The Projections did not intervened upon the commotion that Vira has created over nothing but a drink. As each second passed, the more The Warden suppose of her as a threat for she was too chaotic to exist, regardless if she pretended to be good or evil; whatever side she takes she would break the balance things are meant to have. It only gave the First more of an argument to hunt her down for eternity.

Second and Third did only stood beside the door as they seem ready to leave the group's sight-line, no much there to discuss with the abnorms and the hunters. They seem particularly out from all interactions possible for they had already acted a lot more than anticipated. But the First - he seem disconnected of the collective hive mind of the Projections.

He continued to be near by Vira, hidden by nothing but the simplicity of not moving at all. He was hard to spot for his very entity seem to deceive the perception, he did not meant to scare anyone but he continued to be still like a rock as his eyes continued to hunt Vira's soul. Bu as his obsession became clear at the eyes of the other projections, so did it made sense for The Warden to give him a different task.

The First raised and folded his hands behind him - his now attention driven upon the door as he attempted to walk away to his new objective.​
Kore Dair
In her agony, she indeed hadn't noticed Lucas. The trees were much too worried about her to alert her to his presence - but as soon as he came within her view, she knew he was there. But was much too preoccupied to acknowledge him.
Her breathing was a little heavier than usual as she sat up, wincing at the pain of the dark bruises that covered her body. She was crying no longer, her eyes were dead - she was furious with herself that she had let him see that.
"Are you here to finally kill me now we're alone, hunter? Show your true colours finally?", as much as she tried to make her tone cold and dead, it was also thick with emotion and husky from crying. Sighing, she lay back onto the oak, "My bounty could feed you for months - you could probably even buy a small house.", her tone was defeated as she stared at him.
"I was freaking you out? It's a common occurrence for me.", she decided not to mention that she hadn't had it that bad in years. "It's phantom pain, there is no remedy or cure. It is my body remembering what was done to it... If my scars are aggravated, like bruised or if I'm hurt, then it's more likely to happen.", she sighed.
"So, did you find something to kill me with? Perhaps slit my throat, or just stab me right in the heart.", she continued to stare him down.
"Very clever of you, Lucas. To catch me alone at my most vulnerable... Although it's been tried before, once. Perhaps you knew those hunters.", she was still staring at him, trying her best to hide her fear.
The others may have come to trust him, but Kore had clashed with enough hunters to notice a pattern, it seemed to her like Lucas, despite being an abnorm himself and perhaps nicer than most, still held a deep-rooted hatred. Something she didn't think could ever be persuaded otherwise.
"So, Lucas. Are you worried about me, or will you show your true colours like you did at the bar, and finally do what you have been trained to do, and kill me?"
revior revior
Last edited:

When that familiar voice rung out, Snow turned and her face lit up. Strange… the person she wanted to see was right in front of her. She couldn't stop the big stupid grin on her lips. “Ryu… you’re healed…” It was amazing... he seemed all better. Turning to look at the stranger at Ryu’s question, Snow was surprised to see him leave… Strange.

She shrugged and turned to Ryu. Snow realized how little they had spoken and how much she had missed his easy banter. Laughing and hiccuping a bit, she wiped away the wetness in her eyes, hugging him tightly. Her words were muddled with laughing or crying, Snow didn’t really know.

“I’m sorry. I… I am so sorry. You don’t even know what it was but I…" She laughed a bit, hiding her head as she felt the wetness in her nose and eyes. He had come here to check on her? Worried about her? He was kinder than she had praised him to be.

"Ryu... I have to tell you something before you worry about me. You shouldn't be worried... the fact that you are so kind to want to check on me makes me feel even worse but... I got caught up in my power. I almost managed to convince myself that you weren’t going to survive the poison and I… I almost blood bonded with you." Her heart shrunk a bit at the pressure on her chest and in her throat. Telling him why he should hate her was harder than Snow thought it was going to be.

"It wasn’t me being nice. I was being selfish Ryu. I… I never told anyone. But it’s so addicting Ryu… the blood song. I don’t think it is for the other person but for me it is… and I almost betrayed any sort of bond we had just to hear it again. I’m sorry. Ryu I understand if you don’t trust me anymore… I get it. But I was scared you weren’t going to make it. I was…”

Snow pulled back and looked up at him with her eyes drowned in sadness. What must Ryu think of her? She had made peace a bit… but she still knew her actions weren’t those of the person Ryu thought she was. Snow didn’t think anyone was solely good or bad… she most certainly. But the stranger had told her… regret was the key difference… and she regretted almost using Ryu more than anything.
Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Lucca Malkovich
Location: Forest

Kore brought up a good point. Should he kill her? After all, why shouldn't he? He'd get a hefty reward and the world has one less powerful Abnorm to worry about. Yet, he didn't feel like it, he didn't feel the anger and hatred he had towards others, the anger and hatred he felt towards those that did whatever they please because no one could stop them. The Tree Lady before him isn't like that, in fact, from the forced stoicism in her tone and the words that seemed to be spoken to test him, he recon that she was more afraid than anything else, afraid of him and what he might do to her. However, that was only because she's weak now, there's no guarantee that she wouldn't try anything bad in the future once she has her strength back, and with her power, she may even be able to take over the world if she puts her mind to it. It's better to kill her now, it's definitely better. Lucca remembered the words of one of his old foes "the less people there are, the less problems will be caused" or something along the line, and Lucca was starting to feel that he might agree.

His hand reached into the inner pocket of his jacket, feeling for his knife. Just once good stab into the neck will do it. Now that they're here, all alone, no one would be the wiser. That's right, all will be good. Lucca pulled his knife out as he eyed Kore carefully, cautious of any sudden movement she might make, and after deftly removing the cloth he had put over the blade, he placed the knife down on the ground, equal distance between himself and Kore, and pull his hand away from the weapon.

He could have just done it, he could have just killed her while she was at her weakest, yet, he could help but feel hesitant, even though there should be no reason for him to hold back, or so he had thought. it was surprising how much things can change overnight, how being kept in a state of constant powerlessness for a little over a day could change a person so much. All along, he was afraid, afraid for himself, afraid for those that he had come to know and are just as helpless. There are far too many things that are more powerful than he, things he could do nothing about, the Abnorms, the WG, the League, the gangs, all he could do is stand and watch as they ruin lives. He didn't like that, not one bit, and he wanted to bring them down for their abuse of power, and the fact that such a thing seemed impossible only fueled his desire even more. However, amidst all that, he had forgotten one thing, the thing he had held within his heart just two nights ago. It was but a thought, not so much an ambition, nor was it an ideal, but Lucca had thought that it'd be nice if Abnorms and regular humans could somehow get along. It's be nice if that could happen, that was what he had thought, for he had no power or means or even an idea of how to make that a reality, it was but a thought, a daydream so brief and insignificant that it couldn't even be called a dream. However, right now, right as this moment, this A Rank Abnorm is fearing him without a doubt, and he could kill her just as easily as she could kill him. For once, he was looking at her, and her at him, both in equal standing.

"Lucca Malkovich, tis not a name most would remember, perhaps not even the ones that gave it to me, it's a name you'll most like only find in League or WG papers, and rarely it has been used, but it's my name." Lucca's hand goes to adjust his hat, "Still, I think Lucas Miller sounds more cowboy-ish, so that's fine too. As for your questions, Lady, I could ask you the same. Even outside of the forest, you still had my guns, you should have plenty of opportunity to kill me and few would complain if you did. So, why spare me and allow yourself into this kind of trouble?"

FrostFire FrostFire
Finally getting close enough to examine the next patient, Sera took a sharp intake of air, realizing the person lying limp before her was the girl from the night before: Kaia. There was a bleeding injury on her leg and by the looks of it, she had taken a nasty blow to the head. Sera placed a hand on her arm and gently squeezed it, a mournful forming on her face.

'Kaia... what did you go and do to get yourself like this?' Sighing, Sera was glad to see that Kaia was still alive and breathing stably, two fingers on the neck to check the pulse. 'Had only met you yesterday, but I already miss you.' Watching the barkeep pull out antibiotics and tubing, Sera half-wondered why she'd been called in the first place, but she quickly shook that thought away. Her fatigue was seriously getting to her. When the barkeep was wondering how to safely administer the fluids, Sera began to ponder another... possibility that would be must less invasive, although unorthodox. She was about to suggest this when suddenly Ryuji popped up with a solution: special powder with a needle. Acupuncture? Is it even clean? What side-effects are there? A torrent of questions exploded into Sera's mind when he suggested this, and she nearly screamed in horror when the man merely blew onto and inserted it without a second thought. Mouth agape, Sera wanted yell at Ryuji. However, she stopped herself, remembering the condition he was in not too long ago.

The charcoal must have worked if he's already up and about. That, or his healing ability must be greater than she expected. Whatever the case may be, that's one patient Sera managed to save (if she did contribute in the first place), and so far everyone she's helped seems to be in stable condition -- Kaia would need a bit more time first to be sure though.

A crisis averted, one could say. No one that Sera could see was on death's-row, and right now, she could almost say it was peaceful. She really, really wanted to say so. Forget the carnage, forget the destruction, forget the faces of the hurt. It seemed plausible. So easy, when you couldn't see it. But, Sera could see it. She always saw it. Growing up in an apocalyptic world, it's hard to not "get used to it." Especially in her line of work, she sees it all. The suffering that's inflicted upon each other. It's all just so stupid! The reason why it's all happening is because people fought each other before destroying the world. Now the cycle repeats itself, forever. Snow's words echoed in her mind, the tears of the innocent face forever imprinted.

Sighing deeply, Sera accepted Tanya's offer. "Anything edible really, I'm not particularly picky. I'll take juice, thank you. I'll be at that table over there." She pointed to where Jackson and the bouncer were sitting, before making her way there herself. They seemed to be having a little chatter with themselves it seems. "Hey guys. Um, should we postpone that game, Jackson?"

Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Kore Dair
Kore watched him like a hawk as he reached into his pocket, and pulled out the knife. Of course she was afraid, but she was amongst her sisters, the trees, so this was the best place she could confront him. The moment the knife was placed to the floor, the grass pulled around it, and held it fast in place.
Ha. So he had lied about his name. "Well, Lucca... Lucky you, but it seems you're burned into my mind, and it will take a while to forget you.", she said wryly, one eyebrow raising. "Let's just say I'm too soft for my own good. It's not like I wanted to murder all those other hunters - but I need to be thorough. Why do you think there's no information about me with the WG? It's because I didn't let those who pursued me live. Every single hunter who came after me died because of what they knew. It was them or me, that's how the WG has made our society.", she looked him up and down.
"You haven't tried to kill or capture me yet, best to keep it that way.", she smiled at him, and stood, carefully picking up Ryuji's mask and robe.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover, Lucca. That applies to all of us, Vira included.", she looked him right in the eye, her face serious for a few seconds before she tore her gaze away. And, patting the oak tree sadly, she sighed, and began to walk back to the town.
"Maybe you should take your knife back.", she said over her shoulder, a root picked up his knife, and slithered its way up his leg and chest, into his pocket and sliding the knife back in, patting his chest before slithering back to its original position on the ground.
revior revior
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Khayn Powers

"Drinking can also be an enjoyment of the moment between likeminded people." Khayn pointed it out to her as he finished off his glass and looked to the nearly empty bottle at his side. "Though you and I both differ on our opinion of how to live." He sighed as he swirled the bottle and downed the last of it. "That's too bad. I would like to thank her." He spoke softly while staring at the sky. "She helped make you who you are and made it where we could meet." Khayn's words were soft but held a lot of power. He felt every meeting meant something, and this one was no exception. "So you killed her." Khayn felt a knot form in his stomach at the thought of killing someone, but that's how a lot of people lived. He couldn't say anything, lest he be hit or attacked. "I'm sure there were circumstances. And if anything, I doubt she'd regret trusting you. We're all going to die someday, wouldn't you rather go at the hands of someone you trust than some random stranger?" It was mere speculation on his part, but Khayn meant what he said. "The sun reminds you of her doesn't it?" He felt sorry for the first time since starting the conversation. "I'm sorry. I've pressed into your life too much." He casually just kicked the side of the building without much thought for what was going on anymore.

Ryuji Nakamoto

Feeling her embrace, Ryuji lightly pat the girl's head with a soft smile. "Don't apologize to me Snow. There's nothing-" He stopped speaking to listen to her. This wasn't the time for pointless flirting. He needed to listen if she was so worried about whatever was going on in her mind. So her power was similar to a drug, continuously wanting to take away her sanity and drive her to the point of bonding with him. But the fact still remained, he could've died. "Before I let you continue sobbing mindlessly Snow. Let me ask you this, if I had died because you didn't help, would you have felt any better?" He looked down at her with a warmth that he showed only one other time in his life. "I think of it like this, you're giving your power a bit too much credit." He ran his fingers through her hair lightly and knelt down. "You were worried about me and that inevitably drove you to using your power. Which you quickly became conflicted with. And that right there is something you should be proud of." He wiped away her tears and looked into her eyes. "A good person, feels conflicted when given a choice. A bad person let's the choice be made without the thought of what kind of regret they may have when it's said and done." He embraced her tighter. "You're a good person, my little Snow Angel." He whispered into her ear. With the smile still on his face, he leaned back a bit and gently kissed her forehead. "Let's get back to the others. I'm sure Sera's worried about you." He took her hand and started to walk back towards the tavern. Despite her revealing so much, she knew so little about him. Of course, he was barely starting to know himself. So could he really share that kind of truth? No. It wasn't his place.

littleberry littleberry Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko


'Oh, Vira. You don't hate the sun. That's dumb. Stop lying,' Ellie chided gently.

Vira merely rolled her eyes at him. She was not a fan of people like this person. Optimists. Glass-half-full sorta people. The insufferable 'know it alls' that believed looking through rosey glasses was the only way to view the world. That whatever they thought was the right sorta thinking. They always spoke as if their words were meaningful, when they weren't. What Vira was, was a realist. She didn't get along well with his sort, but right now she was ignoring her innate anger issues.

Watching him down the rest, she glared icily. The least he could've done was offer her the rest. She did agree with him on one thing: she would've liked to talk to Ellie again. Ellie 'appeared' nearby, as if on cue. She looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world. "Are you loopy?! You don't regret trusting someone who kills you, or gets you killed? Then what can you regret trusting? You're a fool! A stupid mindless fool, who has no brain function. I wouldn't rather go by someone I cared for. That's asinine! What am I to do? Ask Ellie to kill me?! Fucking mental!"

'Didn't you just ask me to replace you..?' Ellie interjected, noting how they were basically the same thing, to which Vira replied with an inner growl of frustration.

She was feeling extremely weary. She was done shouting, done throwing fits. Done being mean (for now). Talking with this fool had worn even more thin than she had anticipated. Vira was not feeling the best, either. After drinking enough, Vira swayed, falling back on the roof, splayed out. Her eyes rolled. She had something to do that day... but... she honestly needed rest. "Everything does..." Vira mumbled softly, a couple of tears leaking down her cheeks. Her wet eyes closed, and finally, the girl drifted off to slumber land, completely unable to remain awake any longer. She had already pushed it that day and night, more so than usual, well, more so than she did usually nowadays..


CRACK! SHMMAK! WWACK! SHHTUDT! Blow after blow was thrown, landing upon a helpless little girl.
"VIRA! GET UP!" A loud, angry, low voice boomed.
"Ungg.. F-father.. I-I'm trying..." squeaked out a small little girl, barely out of diapers. She was laid back, bloodied, bruised, and battered. The small outfit she wore was ripped. Pushing on the ground behind her, a very young Vira struggled hard to meet the demands of the very tall man casting her in shadow. As she looked up at him with one eye open, clenched teeth, contorting, pained face, he looked massive, like a monster. Shadows and darkness moved around him like threatening tentacles from some malevolent force.
Pushing harder than she had been previously, she barely could lean up. "I..I'm -I'm tryinggg~!"
"I..." For a second it almost looked like she would get up, straining hard on her tiny tiny muscles. Then nope, she fell back, grunting an awkwardly cute little grunt of pain.
"UGH! YOU LITTLE WEAK WORTHLESS RUNT! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW WEAK YOU ARE! FUCKING DISAPPOINTING SPECK! VERY WELL, YOU WON'T EAT TODAY." With that, the man turned and stormed off, his very footfalls shaking the ground she laid on. Those shadowy tentacles around his form swiping around in fury.
Vira's head lulled back, eyes blinking, glassy. Laying there in a pool of blood and sweat, she felt consciousness leaving her. "Vira! Vira! Vira, oh my dear, are you okay? Vira! VIRA!" little squeaks... her sister. Ellie came quickly over. Only for her to just enter Vira's blurry vision, just before the dark-haired girl passed out.
Another day. More blows. Stomach growling.
"GET THE FUCK UP! HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO REMAIN WEAK?" THUHN! He kicked the little girl while she was down. Vira rolled, sputtering out spit and blood. Head pounding, body shaking. "YOU DAMN LITTLE WORM! I DIDN'T WASTE ALL THIS TIME ON YOU SO YOU COULD ROLL AROUND IN THE MUD. GET. THE. FUCK. UP!"
It was the very next day. She had endured yet another thrashing. Her stomach had gone empty like he had promised. Her wounds hadn't healed one bit. Her body ached from the moment she woke up, but here she was in 'training' yet again. Now she was in the mud, sputtering blood. It was raining, so she was drenched to the bone.
"Father!" Screamed a little girl. Ellie rarely called the Devil 'father'. That meant it was bad... She was crying, her tears mixing with the rain. "Please!! She's trying her best! Please don't hit her again! Wait, she may get up! Just be patient! Please!! Don't hurt Vira..."
He turned to her, his face contorted with mindless rage. Then it softened, realizing who he was threatening with his large, dark, imposing presence. He shook his head. "Ellie, darling. If I let up, it's only doing your sister a disservice. She'll only turn out weaker if I am lenient. She needs to be strong. In a world like this. Believe me, one day she'll thank me. You both will." He turned back around. Then immediately right back to berating the girl with his booming voice of pure demented, twisted fury. "VIRA! I DON'T SEE YOU UP! I DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD REST! GET UP YOU PITIFUL, SPINELESS TRASH!"
Ellie could only look on as the shouting continued, as her sister continued to struggle in the muck, unable to comply. The massive man kicked her once again. "UGH!! SO UTTERLY, COMPLETELY USELESS! AGAIN! NO FOOD!" He left her, and as promised, she had nothing to eat that day.
Need I even go on? Another day, another training session... Stomach roaring, aching from two types of pain, knotting itself, empty, completely empty. No energy.
"OH FUCKING HELL, YOU LITTLE SHIT! CAN'T YOU EVER GET UP? DESPICABLE! YOU'RE DOWN FOR THE COUNT AGAIN? OH, HELL NO! NOT THIS TIME! GET UP VIRA! GET UP! OR I MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE TO CONSIDER TERMINATING YOUR TRAINING FOR GOOD!!" He shouted bloody murder, hitting her a few more times while she writhed on the ground at his feet. The rain had persisted, but Vira hadn't seemed to be dried off once, for it seemed she had remained in this very spot since yesterday. Not that that deterred the Devil.
Once again, Vira rolled around on the ground in agony, bloodied and horribly bruised all over. She couldn't get up any more now than she could yesterday, or the day before, or even between training sessions. Her vision hadn't returned, blurry as it was the last time he beat on her. Now she lay in a pool of her own filth and throwup though. Face down in it, her stomach growled, in spite of herself, despite of her nasty immediate surroundings.
The Devil stared down at her, his blackened eyes glowing hotly, disgusted. Then he had an epiphany. "Heh! If you won't get up like this... Maybe you need a little incentive?" He turned towards the onlooker: Ellie. He walked up to the other little girl, cracking his knuckles. "Prepare, Ellie. You're about to take this next beating for Vira. Maybe, that bitch of a sister of yours will finally decide she wants to get stronger, huh?"
"NO!" Vira screamed out, reaching out pitifully, arresting the Devil's first thrown punch.
"'NO'?! NO?! You don't command me, worm! I am the top dog around here! I am the leader! I am your father! I am The Devil! You don't tell 'NO' to The Bloody DEVIL! -Now do as I say! Get up!!"
Vira struggled the hardest she had ever struggled, rolling onto her stomach, pushing hard on her tiny little noodle arms in the muck and filth. Muscles were screaming, her bones didn't feel like they were quite right, but yet she tried. She pushed and pushed and pushed... blood and sweat and tears dripping into the gross rainy puddles beneath her. Finally, she managed to get just an inch off the ground.
Vira's eyes shot open. Her stomach growled loudly. She was already starving after just a couple days. Ellie... couldn't eat for a whole week?.. N-no. Her sister needed food.. they both needed food. "UHNNGHHH! GGRRRRRRRRR!! UGGGH AHHHH! UNGAH!" Vira growled hard, pushing, screaming at the top of her lungs. She was beaten within an inch of her life, but a moment later, she shoved up, got her feet under her. Then stood up panting, clothes shredded, red with blood and black with grime, one eye closed, her body bent to the side, but she was up.
The Devil, looking right at her, took his fist away from the path towards Ellie's face. He stepped away from the little blonde girl, and smiled at the darkhaired girl. "I knew you could be strong. Finally ready to get to some real training, are you? Good."
Vira fell to the ground panting. Her body was red, blue and black, but she had been proving to handle herself much better in this most recent training session with the Devil. He hit her still, that was obvious, but she had managed to avoid a blow or two. Her power was starting to flourish, and though the constant buzzing of danger was giving her nothing but a constant painful headache, Vira had learned to sorta sift through all that, and focus where she needed focusing on. Well... she was learning to, anyways. She was still no where near where she needed to be to avoid blows consistently, but even two blows was a massive accomplishment. Not many at all could claim they could avoid a hit from the Devil himself.
Speaking of which, she looked up at him, when he cast his tendriled-shadow down over her. He had a grin on his face. He offered her his hand, pulling her back to her feet. This amount of beating wouldn't put her down anymore. "You still have a long way to go.. but, I'm proud of you, my Little Fang."
With that single line of praise, Vira's heart soared, her belly turned over, and her eyes widened, filling with tears. H-he was proud of her?! Proud?!? Vira was overcome! She wanted to bawl with joy. Instead, she opted to just sniffle, beaming up at him happily. "Thanks dad," she purred.


"Vira, listen to me. Listen to me, please. Vira! This place is bad. We.. we can't stay here anymore."
"What?! What do you mean, we can't stay here? This is our home. How is it bad? Our family..!"
"They aren't our family, Vira. Listen to me."
"No, Vira, please. Think, sisty. Think. What is this place called?"
"The.. The Devil's Spire..."
"And we are His Demons..."
"Right. Demons aren't good Vira. What these people do. It is bad. They are bad. We hurt people. We.. we've.. we've killed people, Vira! -"
"Ugghh, ggrrr! Shut up!"
"No, Vira. Listen, listen to me, please. Vira, please, I don't want to lose you."
"Ugh, you're being stupid again today Ellie. You need to stop talking. I heard father talking the other day..-"
"-Sydonay is not our father, Vira."
"DON'T call him that! He's The Devil, and we're his little fangs. I'm his 'Little Fang'!"
"Vira, he's a monster. Listen to me, he's a bad bad man! Vira, please, I'm your sister. Listen to me, Vira. Leave with me. We have to go. Please Vira, leave with me. Please, I'm begging you, listen -listen to me!! Please!!!"

Interacts: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Mentions: basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P
(just let me use cute internet pictures and don't question it lol)


“No Ryu… I didn’t use it. I… I didn’t want to take advantage of you while you were unconscious…” She whispered, her eyes closing as his fingers went through her hair. He was one of the few friends she had in this world… she was glad he didn’t hate her. Surely a hug this comforting and warm meant he didn't hate her right? Her small frame shook a bit as she hiccuped, her big pink eyes opening to look at him as he continued to soothe her worries.

Should she really be the one to get consoled when she had done the wrong deed? Or… almost done it. She hugged him back as he called her a good person, laughing a bit as he called her snow angel. “Y-your nicknames are s-so embarrassing R-Ryu.” She managed to stutter out, blushing from her neck up. He had never really been this kind and affectionate before. Snow thought of Se- him… her husband from before. She thought of Lucas… the little boy not the hunter. Those were the only people who had ever been this close to her before. And only one as a friend.

She hid behind a giant pillar in the rubble pile, a smile on her face. Suddenly a teenage boy jumped out and started tickling her. Her late husband.

“Found you!! So bad at this game Snow.”
“I-I am not!” She laughed out, blushing as she pried his hands away, leaning up to peck him on the cheek and use his momentary surprise to run away. “Never gunna catch me!
He laughed, chasing after her. “I’ll always find you Snow! You and me forever!”

The memory washed over her and she softened, coming back to reality to find Ryu leading them away.

“I… I Ryu… w-wait.” She tugged on his sleeve, turning him to face her again, her breath short. “I know… I know I got scared of what you were like in that mask and I’m not going to l-lie and say I’m still not but… I said something and I want to say it to you. My friend. I would gladly use my power and loose myself if I could save you because you have saved me and I… I trust you. A-and… a-and... um… e-...e-even i-in the m-mask I w-would trust you. With my life Ryu. And I want… I want to be with this group for a long time. I think we all… we could all protect each other. I do. Because I think of you all as my friends… a-are we friends Ryu? If not.. C-can we be friends?”
Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Lucca Malkovich
Location: Forest

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." she said, even though curiously enough, books have covers excatly to be judged by it. It wasn't as if Lucca presumes their entire history or what not just by a look at them, and he judged them by their behaviors and actions, their history itself was the least of his concerns. For to him, no matter what happened to you, it's no excuse, it is and never will be right to cause others harm or loss, that is a point Lucca will not give in on.

From what Kore had said, it certainly seemed that she's softhearted, a person who hates to kill, a person that kills only when absolutely necessary, something Lucca could understand. However, he also understands that she'll always be hunted, her bounty will always be high, because that's just how dangerous she is, human will never stop being afraid of her. Even while weakened, beaten, feeble, she had demonstrated that even then she will always have an edge over him. He realized that when a root came from the ground and returned his knife to him, showing him that he never had a chance in the first place, even though he had placed the knife equal distance between them, in the believe that either of them could have grabbed it, it was never truly the case. Of course, it will never be truly the case no matter who he's dealing with, be it human or Abnorm, the length of the arm, the reaction speed, such things differ from person to person, yet still, with Abnorms, that difference is too drastic, humanity will always be in the shadows of these colossi no matter how much they struggle.

Lucca stood up and turned towards Kore as she walked away from him, now confident that he'll never be able to touch her. "How about a name? That couldn't hurt right?" After all, he did gave her his, and "Tree Lady" doesn't exactly rolls of the tongue.

Judging from the cover... Lucca knew well enough, he knew that even someone as sweet and innocent looking as Snow can put him under her control easily, he knew a small girl like Scarlett could easily destroy buildings and lift tons even with her tiny body, he knew how one look from a pampered looking lady could render him paralyzed and completely at her mercy. Of course Lucca knew not to judge by the mere surface appearance. But he knew what he saw, he saw gods and titans among men, and he himself feeble and helpless against them, a mere insect crawling upon the ground, praying not to get stepped on.

Humanity and Abnormal will never see eye to eye, they'll never be equals and they can only coexist with one cowering beneath the other. Such a tragic world, no? And what could Lucca do about it? Nothing, there was nothing he could do. Yet still, there was a single light of hope, a pair of eyes glowing at the bottom of the abyss. They say the WG are experimenting on the Abnorms, yes? Now that's an interesting thought...

FrostFire FrostFire
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Kore Dair
Kore stopped, and turned to look back at him. "Surely you've heard it from the others - they've said it plenty of times, despite these stupid nicknames people seem to keep giving me.", she raised and eyebrow, an amused expression crossing her face. She had thought he just called her 'tree lady' because he felt like it. "My name is Kore. But if hunters call me anything, it's generally Subject 216.", her amused expression seeped from her face, and left a serious one in its place, as she looked at him for a few seconds longer before continuing out of the forest.
She was still limping slightly, after all she wasn't a wizard and couldn't heal her injuries - but she now had energy coursing through her, energy that set to work at waking her up, helping her body to recover, and aiding the healing process. The oak would, thankfully, live. But Kore knew from experience that the trees life would be cut shorter, and she grieved for it. Trees to her were family, they were her sisters - and in her mind were so much better and nicer than people. They were wiser too, and Kore loved to listen to their stories of a time before the war, before humans ruined everything. Most, if not all, of what she knew had come from trees, and it hurt her and would continue to hurt her that she had to take the lifeblood of that oak - and the handful of trees she had to take from before.
Lost in thought, she reached the treeline quickly, and picked a tall one at random, the branches pulling her up to a perch where she could see the tavern and watch the group from a distance - she wasn't hidden either, and the violet robe she held was almost a sign to her location.
revior revior
Jackson nodded at Morgan's comments before adding his own. "I can kill people if I'm not careful enough Morgan," he immediately stopped talking upon realizing that he slipped that he knew Morgan's name before he took a deep breath and attempted to salvage the situation. "I overheard you and Tanya talking, thats how I know both of your names, sorry if I've offended you with that." Then Sera came over and asked if they should post pone their game. Jackson grinned under his mask, "Oh, afraid we'll lose are we?" Jackson then held up a hand as he spoke again, "I'm just kidding Sera. Besides, we could always drink without playing any card games now couldn't we?"
Syphe Syphe Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Wearily, Sera sat herself down at the edge of the seat, next to Morgan. She was running on fumes now. The pain was dull but the exhaustion and smothering fatigue were swift to replace it. Any normal human would keel over and pass out if they pushed themselves to this extent. If it weren't for Sera's resolve, she may have just found a hole in the ground and slept. Oh, the alluring embrace of slumber. It creeped into the fringes of her mind, dulling her senses, attempting to pull her eyelids down.

"I could fall asleep any moment now. Drinking now of all times would be an awful idea, come on Jackson!" A drink would maybe ease her suffering, but who knows what could happen when she was out of it, with a man, in a town that is pretty much destroyed. "But.... if you're so confident in your skills.. maybe we can play a game or two right now. If you win, you take a shot. If I win, I give you a shot." Sera leaned forward, lips curved up ever so slyly.

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Morgan Llewellyn

Morgan was sitting there watching the display but felt a bit out of place as the pair flirted. It wasn't so much that the flirting made her uncomfortable, it was just the fact that her presence was mostly ignored while the did it. Slipping her hands under the table she took off her gloves and set them on her lap. She normally wouldn't be one to use her power like this, but the way she was talking, it seemed this Sera girl really needed to sleep. At least, that was her justification for it. "I don't think you should play too much, Sera? Was it?" Morgan placed her hand gently onto the girl's making sure to make skin contact with girl. And just as before, she felt the raw flame of abnorm energy flood her senses. Damn, this is going to be a problem. As she kept her hands on the girl's arms she could feel her own body trying to find uses for the energy. Excessive energy....ugh. Nothing she could do about it, but the fact that two distinct things grew on her when she absorbed too much energy always prevailed. "I mean, you must be tired after all of that taking care of people." Slowly removing her hands, Morgan quickly slipped her gloves back on and acted like nothing happened. The energy drain wouldn't make the girl pass out, but Morgan doubted the girl would stay awake very long.

Ryuji Nakamoto

"You'd trust me? Even...." Ryu's words went silent as he thought about that. Hifumi trusted him the same way. The mask was supposed to be a switch, but it really wasn't. "Y-yeah. We can be friends." He shook himself as he tried to focus on the situation at hand. "Know this Snow, you have an ally in the Blood Born Fox." He smiled and pet her head again. She was a sweet girl and probably better than he deserved. So a friendship would be good. "Come along Snow angel." He smiled while continuing on towards the bar. He had to properly than Blue Bonnet and he couldn't help but worry about Lilac as well. So many flowers in the garden. I'm glad that one of them has found its place on its own. His thoughts traversed into his depths as he mindlessly walked towards where everyone was gathering.

Khayn Powers

"Poor child." He muttered, moving Vira's head onto his lap. He gently ran his hand along her head, petting her as she seemed to fight something in her dreams. "Hush little child don't saw a word...." His voice was calm and tranquil as he sang. It wasn't like him to do this, he'd never once shown anyone a gift from his mother. You've got your mother's pipes, I'll give you that Khayn. He remembered his grandfather mocking him, but playfully. That was always his way, harsh, but with love underneath. As the lullaby came to an end, he looked down at Vira. "You may hate me for this, but still." He reached over to grab his cowl and draped it over Vira, letting the girl have some protection from the harsh rays of the sun.

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko littleberry littleberry Syphe Syphe Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe
Before she could respond, Sera felt the bouncer's soft touch on her arm. She seemed to express concern for her welbeing, and Sera was appreciative of that. "Ah.. yeah I am a bit tired, but I've been waiting for this for quite awhile." She looked at Morgan, and smiled at her. "Thanks for your concern, but after all that's happened so far, I just want to enjoy the time now with a friend. It... it's a nice... change of.. pace... you know? Huh... this is weird..." Looking down at her arm, Sera felt a strong urge to just let go. Maybe... it's not so bad.

Sera was completely gone before her head hit the table and collapsed onto the floor. Eyes closed, chest rising and fallen with every gentle breath.

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
The little darkhaired girl endured a few more hits. One there, one here, one there. Her tiny body bounced back and was tossed around after each one. Bruises colored her skin, blood dripped from open wounds and from her lips. After the last hit, another was thrown. A flash of red showed its path. Suddenly, Vira tossed herself to the side, watching "in slow motion" as the Devil's outstretched fist passed just by her face. Another flash. She twisted, barely avoiding the next attack, too, both sent tufts of air brushing by her. Standing there, the battered girl was cocked to the side, one eye barely open. A grin spread over her lips, then it open revealing a toothy smile.
"Two?! Two?! You avoided two hits today, Vira! That's my girl! That's my Little Fang! I knew you could do it! Haha, bravo!" The Devil praised, the little girl standing there smiling wildly.
"Lately, you and Ellie have been doing good. Impressing me in your training." Nearby stood a little blonde girl. She appeared much the same as Vira. Bent over a bit, battered and bruised, ripped clothes, but she was also standing. "My girls are making me so proud!!"
"Hehehe... Thank you daddy; I've been getting better!" Vira sniffed in, she ran a arm over her bloody mouth. "I.. I've been practicing how to avoid!"
"Avoid? Oh, have you now?" the Devil questioned, his tone light. "Well, let's see then. Can you continue to avoid?"
"O~of course I can! I'm getting better!" Vira repeated, tiny fists raising.
"Hah hah ha! Very well, avoid this!" the Devil shouted, swinging another fist. Vira saw it coming, but her body wouldn't budge. GGHHAKT! The punch cracked across her tiny jaw. The darkhaired girl flipped and hit the ground, sliding in the dirt.
"Puh puh, ackk, ughht! Nhfff!" Vira spat, coughing hard. Looking his way, blinking blurry eyes, she flashed him a grin. "Whaha, wh-whoops! Guess I couldn't avoid that one! Hehehe~!"
"Ha hah hahha! Guess not Little Fang!" the Devil laughed, standing upright, placing his fists on his hips. "Hah hah haha!" he thundered his laughter. He clapped his hands together. "Very well! That's it for today! Enough training!" He turned, then paused. "Oh, you two may come to the Devil's Lounge today," he said, grinning back at them.
Vira's eyes both widened (even the one barely open). Glittering in astonishment, eyes conveyed her mixed emotions. "Th-the lounge??"

"Yep, my baby girl! My lounge!"

Glancing at her sister, rust and bluish eyes connected. The Devil's Lounge was where only the best of the best of his demons went to eat. It was like the two were finally being accepted into the gang proper. The both understood the significance of what the Devil had just allowed them. Vira turned to the side and spit out a tooth. Flashing him another wide smile, she was overjoyed. "I.. I can't believe it!"
"I.. I can't either," Ellie mused softly. Were they finally going to be treated better? Like the others?
The Devil pulled both girls into a small hug, and knelt down to them. Speaking face to face with them, he said, "Well, believe it! You two are my little fangs." He patted Vira, "My Right Fang." He patted Ellie, "My Left Fang.. From this day on, you two shall have the respect of all the demons! You two will be by my side always! That makes you two my lieutenants! How's that sound?"

Ellie stared up at him, "I..I'm speechless."
"Well, I'm not! Whoo-hoo! Oh my god, yes! Yes! YESS!!!" Vira purred excitedly. The Devil merely burst into laughter, then he pulled them both up, letting the two sit upon his shoulders, while he walked back towards The Spire.
"Ha.. haha.."


When: A Future Arc
Where: The One; Fearsome Lords related

Entering the brightly lit room beyond, it was like stepping into a grand cathedral, with someone who was so far stuck up their own ass, that they literally thought themselves above people, but in reality, were just huge douches. Sitting up a grand, golden, opulent throne, was a man in robes. His eyes were closed, and his golden hair seemed to glow. Opening his eyes, light glowed from them for a mere second, before they turned to normal. 'You stand before The One.' His 'voice' rang out. 'You should bow.'

"Oh, please. I don't know your real name, but this 'The One' nonsense is as shit-fucking stupid as it is arrogant as fuck," Canaan replied haughtily, refusing to bow, refusing to acknowledge any of it. "It would be easier to have a name to refer to you as."
The one in robes there seemed to be a tad miffed, but he sat so stoically otherwise, that it was hard to tell. 'We are all The One. We do not divide ourselves with something as banal and improper as 'names'. However, if you must call this one by something, to adhere to your commoner sensibilities, then you may refer to this one as 'Central One'.'

Oh, good, they were doing this 'this one' and 'we' shit. Canaan rolled his eyes, folding his arms. "Oh, whatever. Fine, 'your Centralness'."
"Show respect!" Harbinger spat, wisping quickly over, glaring down the redheaded man. Two others came up behind him, as if to back him up with some muscle. The other Lords beside Canaan crowded him, showing their muscle, too.
'Enough, Harbinger,' Central One spoke. 'Canaan and the other Lords are our guests. We will be hospitable to them. That means show them your respect, as well as, kindness. The One are above mere mortals, we understand proper decorum.' He looked from Harbinger to Canaan. 'Now. Why have the Lords graced us with their presence this day?'
Canaan cocked his eyebrow and his head. "Shouldn't you know? I thought 'The One' knew everything like that."
'...' Central One moved up on his seat, staring down at Canaan. 'We do. We were seeing if you knew proper decorum, seems you do not. How disappointing.. You wish to know where The First is.'
Even though it did not seem to be posed as a question, Canaan shrug-nodded, "Yes. I do suppose we would like that. Now, where is he?"

Central One stared down at the Lords, unanswering.
After some time had passed, Canaan impatiently growled. "Well?!?"
'Why do you wish to know a thing like that?' Central One questioned quickly.
"Uh.. Why?!" Canaan seemed a bit confused at the question. Shaking his head, he replied, "Why does it matter? Why should I tell you? And, besides, shouldn't you know why?"
"Ugh." Canaan answered flatly, "We wish to unite all S rank Abnorms. To do that, we require someone like Zach. He is The First. He will join the Fearsome Lords, then he will lead us to destroying the WG and taking over all of New-America! Then.. Perhaps further than that, heh."
'Hm, I see,' Central One seemed to be contemplating.
"Uh.. Wait, what?!" Harbinger spoke up. "You want to band all S ranks together? Why didn't you mention this to me? If that's the case, then you should be begging to join The One!"
Canaan looked at the hooded man. "Oh, you're still here? -HA! Joking. Seriously, though; tell this to you? Why would I do that? Ask to join The One? Huh??? What's this stupid bullshit you're spouting?"
"Grr.. Well, I am S rank. The One is S rank. If you're joining all S ranks, that clearly means us, too," Harbinger answered.
Canaan burst out laughing. Shaking his head, he replied, "YOU?! Ahahaha! Don't make me laugh, Harbinger! You're not on our level!"
"Excuse me?!?!" Harbinger growled, winds kicking up.
"Look. I know your powers of observation... your visions and all that is quite strong, but in truth, you're probably... about C rank," Canaan explained something to the hooded man. Something he should already know. He poked the sickle in Harbinger's hand, "This is the only reason you can even hope to fight on our level." Knowing Harbinger understood, he turned away from the fuming hooded person. "Also, we aren't here to join The One. Since you wouldn't join us. There is obviously no reason to ask you for such a thing. Or am I incorrect in thinking The One wouldn't defer to Fearsome Lord rule?" He asked up to Central One.
'... The One would not,' Central One answered simply.
"Didn't think so. Harbinger, not every S rank will join up, obviously." He glanced back over at the hooded man. "Why else do you think we need Zach? There will be enemies standing in our way."
"What makes you think Zach will join the likes of you?" Harbinger hissed.
"If he doesn't... Like I said, there will be enemies standing in our way," Canaan elucidated darkly. "If we must, we will end even him."

Interacts: Kiroshiven Kiroshiven
Mentions: basically anyone who wants to respond or cares ^^ :P
Jackson sighed and took off his mask as he spoke to Morgan, "That was very uncouth of you you know? May I ask why you did such a thing?" It wasn't that he was mad at Morgan, he just was curious why she'd force her to go to sleep. He then attempted to awaken Sera to see if she was still available to play. Placing a hand on her shoulder and pushing on it, Jackson spoke. "Sera, Sera, you all right?" Of course, Jackson was willing to attempt to try to carry her up to a room if it was necessary.
Kiroshiven Kiroshiven Syphe Syphe
Morgan Llewellyn & Tanya

"Do you really think she was without injury?" Morgan sighed as she looked to Jackson. "No offense, but if you really cared about her, you'd have pushed her off to bed rather than asking her to drink." Morgan's quip was a bit more hostile than she would've liked to admit, but it was necessary. "Men who fail to see past booze are terrible." She hissed as she motioned. "She can sleep in my room for the night. It's got a good bed and we have the ability to gather hot water for her to bathe in when she wakes." Morgan sighed as she looked to Tanya. "I know upstairs is primarily our room, but I'm bringing a guest upstairs."

"Oh?" Tanya's eyes lit up as she was carrying the juice and some roasted rat. "You're brining a man to your room Morgan? How unnatural." Tanya teased while Morgan glared fiercely at her friend while pointing to Sera. "Oh, you mean the woman." Tanya sighed. "It would've been more interesting if you brought him to stay, but oh well. Guess I can't push you that far yet." Tanya started up the stairs with the food and drink.

"Once she's awake," Morgan thought for a moment about the amount of energy she drained. "Which should only be a few minutes to an hour at the most." She looked to Jackson with a soft smile. "I'll make sure she eats and then send her down to play your little game. Okay?" She flashed a girlish smile before gently trying to lift Sera. "Easy now, don't want to make this worse than it is." She grumbled while carrying the girl upstairs. Out of the two beds upstairs, Morgan's was the more comfortable one. Of course, it had cost her a pretty coin to get it. Setting Sera down, Tanya merely smirked at the woman. "What?"

"Jealousy is most unbecoming of a woman."

"Jealous?! I'm not jealous!" Morgan growled as she felt her hair suddenly touching the nape of her neck. "Ugh, if my hair's growing..."

"You absorbed too much energy. Or too much potent energy and haven't used it."

"Despite that I'm tired though. I haven't slept in twenty four hours."

"Then sleep in my bed."

"Ugh, you mean that slab of stone that you call a mattress? Not happening."

"Then will you risk another learning your secret?"

"No choice." Morgan quietly stripped herself of her normal attire while letting out a yawn. "Energy absorption may replace eating, but nothing replaces sleep." Removing the tape around her chest and looking at her now flowing locks in the mirror, Morgan let out a sigh. "My power really wants to remind me that I'm a girl, doesn't it?"

"Is that such a bad thing?" For a moment Morgan stood silently, looking at her feminine features. Her face, her now long white hair with a strip of black in the bangs. She also remembered her parents' faces. Disgusted with her just for liking skirts and wanting to walk around wearing them.

"Yes....yes it is." Morgan spoke quietly before sighing and smashing the mirror with her first.

"You know that's seven years bad luck right?"

"I've already had nineteen, what's another seven?" She hissed back before grabbing a spare blanket and lying out on the floor. "Go take care of your customers Tanya. I need some time to sleep."

With that, Tanya sighed and went downstairs. "Poor girl." She looked about at the group.

Clockwork Syringe Clockwork Syringe Syphe Syphe

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