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Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

"Finally, I'm finished..." Hana said while shutting her laptop and putting it into her backpack and heading to the music room to relax and take a rest. She thought she would skip class as she didn't want to make any interactions with anyone for quite a while now. She lay down on the couch in the music room and fell asleep, her backpack on the floor beside her.
"Oiii" Kira said as she finally had found the first year. She shrugged as she went over to where they kept the instruments and she saw they had a harp. She smiled as she got everything set up and began playing a soft ad gentle piece. Her fingers glided over the harp strings as she played on the other side of the room not wanting to wake the girl.
Hana woke up and opened her eyes slowly, drawing her attention to the girl she saw earlier. She picked up her bag and ran out of the room, finding an empty classroom to sleep in again. Hana found a classroom and sat on a chair with her head on the desk.
"Damn!" Kira swore as she noticed the girl was gone. "Hmm maybe I should give her some space" She thought as she heard the bell ring. She grabbed her bag and skipped to class, arriving the same time the teacher did
Mahiro noticed that Haruka hadn't arrived yet and frowned, his gaze flickered to the front when the teacher walked in. Time for more hours of boredom.

As the teacher walked in he noticed Kira right behind him. "You are late. I will not tolerate tardiness. Goto the office for a slip.' He ordered as he walked to the board.
Hana awoke as the bell rang, jumping out of her chair on to the floor and cutting her leg with the corner of a chair. "Ouch..." She flinched while blood seeped out of the cut.

Kira rolled her eyes as she turned around and noticed the principal right in front of her. "Oh! Kira how nice to see you. Where are you going class has started" The principal said fixing her blue rimmed glasses.

"Oh well I guess walking in right behind the teacher is considered late in this class so I'm off to get a slip" Kira explained a bit nervous. She hated getting in trouble.

"Oh? Are you sure you can't let this one slide? Kira is a wonderful student" The principal told the teacher and placed some papers on his desk. 
((Bam. Have fun. I involved the principal Muhahahahahaha *evil dramatic laugh*))
Hana didn't let the cut get to her, so she just let the blood roll down her leg, hoping no one would notice. She picked up her backpack and Slung it over her shoulder, opening the door and sitting outside of the classroom until the class ended as she didn't know what class to go to next. "I'll just follow someone there..." Hana mumbled to herself as she slouched down the wall and sighed.
Mahiro blue gaze watched as the principal got involved with the tardy issue. Whatever, as long as this keeps wasting tune. He thought as he took out his notebook and began to scribble in it. Classic Kira though, always getting out of trouble. Principal's pet.

The teacher looked sternly at Kira, "Fine. But only this once."

"O-okay... thank you" Kira said as she walked to her seat and the principal smiled and started talking to the teacher about the upcoming sport's festival. She sighed deeply as she took out her books and pencil. Ugh I seriously am not liking these teachers this year, Kira thought to herself as she began to take the daily notes
"I'm... Getting a bit.... Ti....." Hana's words drifted off as she fell asleep outside of the classroom door, blood seeping out of her knee. She eventually rolled around until she lay right infront of the classroom door, probably going to trip someone over.
Haruka silently tip toed into school, his hair was messier than usual and his uniform was complete scruff. But even so, somehow when the teacher wasn't looking he managed to sneak into class. Success!

"I wonder where the others are..." he murmured as he frowned. He stared outside his beloved window again before wondering how today would go and if they'd talk to that girl again but most of all... he was surprised the teacher didn't notice him. That was until he had a coughing fit.
(I rushed out of the bathroom and cut my knee while they went into the classroom, now I'm lying outside of the classroom door with blood everywhere :D )

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