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Fantasy The Curses of the Egyptian Gods

"I get burned by touching jewelry, for whatever reason," responded Ross, "Demonstration wouldn't be a good idea. But, yeah, look."

*He points at the burn on his forearm.*

"My girlfriend put her hand on my arm, and she had a ring on."
I turn around as I hear Derrick's voice. "Just admiring the bodywork. But more of an Import Girl myself." I replied when asked about checking out his car and apparently to see what I was up to. I notice him toss a gun case into the Passenger Seat. I assumed that he was heading down to the shooting range. "Well, have fun at the shooting range." I said before going ahead back into the house. Grabbing a pregnancy guide I bought last week, I opened it, pulled the bookmark out and started reading it, even though the Curse I have has rendered it useless since the baby craves blood...Well, mostly.
After I got done talking with Deborah I turned the car on put it in reverse and headed down the driveway. It had been so long since I was at the shooting range I thought to myself. As I headed down the road past a town I saw a sign for the shooting range so I slowed down and headed down the small dirt road. I loved the shooting range it was small quiet and in a beautiful clearing with woods on all sides. I decided I start with my pistol it is a custom built Colt M1911 handgun. I remembered I only had one mags worth of ammo left inside it. So I decided to grab another box from the trunk of the car. I opened the trunk and saw the rifle case for my other gun along with about 12 boxes of various ammo. I decided to throw caution to the wind and grabbed both my rifle and my pistol from the back. As I carried them up to the shooting line and loaded them I thought about the last time both of these guns where fired. I guickly blocked that out of my mind. That was something I never wanted to think about again. So I loaded my pistol and started shooting. Mean while the only person I could think about was Ashlynn. I really did owe her a lot plus she is very cute. I liked that about her she was really smart really kind and caring and last but not least very beautiful. As I finished up with the pistol I decided to switch to my rifle. It was another one of my custom built guns this time a M16a4 with a short range scope and a grip. This one however was chambered in the 7.62 Russian infantry round. I thought it had more kick but it was no problem for me. After a few hours of shooting the sun started to go down slowly and the temperature too .I decided to head back to the house so I unloaded my rifle but left my pistol loaded and put it in my holster on my hip.

As I walked back to the car I could hear some coyotes in the distance nothing storage I had grown up hearing them all the time. So I put my rifle back in my car and drove down the dirt road bound for the house. After a short drive I arrived back at the house by now it was almost fully dark and I could see lights on everywhere in the house. So I pulled into the garage parked my car and headed on inside. As soon as I walked in I could hear talking it sounded like Ashlynn but I didn't know for sure. So I headed back up to my room to change for the night since I wasn't gonna go anywhere anyways.
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"Alright. Well Ross, Anna, Welcome. Come in Come in" I say as I back out of the doorway just as that happened Derrick tells me he's heading out to go shooting. "Ya sure. That's for the warning" I say as I draw my attention back to Ross and Anna as they walked into the house. I closed the door and looked over at them. "Alright. So low down of what's happened. We were cursed because of our blood line. Someone in our blood line well right now our group did return a gem to the pyramids of Egypt as a result the members from the bloodlines born into the month of the gem. Which you can tell is December. Because of that we have been cursed so now we are the ones who have to find the gem and give it back to the temple of the gods. Iv looked into the temple. Iv done research so I know which temple it is so its less work. But anyways you guys are welcome to stay here if you would like since it would be easier incase something came up to get in contact with you guys. Some people have already decided to stay so there are some rooms taken but you can just pick whichever room has the door open." I say with a smile and a small laugh as I crossed my arms "Any questions don't be scared to ask me. I don't mind answering any questions if you guys are worried about anything at all" I say with a smile as I moved my hands to my side seeing if they had any questions.
Tate finishes cooking and sets all the food out. She sets notes by the food that says the ingredients that are in the group. The smell of the food fills the whole house. She yawns but drinks more coffee. She walks out to where Ashlynn is. "Ashlynn is there an gym near here?" Tate asks softly looking down at her feet. "Oh and the food is done. Just grab an plate and eat. " Tat takes off her jacket revealing her birthmark on her right shoulder, all 8 arrows and then tattoos covering her whole left arm up to her left shoulder. One tattoo stood out at her elbow. It said 'Why do we have to deal with the mistakes that our family made. We did nothing wrong other then being born. '
Since I had to go in and make Rules


  • Must follow what I say. This is my Rp so what I say goes

  • Do not post until you fill out MY character sheet and it gets accepted by me


  • NO OP Playing

  • Swearing allowed

  • Sex is fade to black


  • Give Detail when posting


  • This is a group RP so your character will not be a loner!

  • No killing off other characters

  • More will be added when needed so keep checking the rules

AshleyBergie said:

"Alright. Well Ross, Anna, Welcome. Come in Come in" I say as I back out of the doorway just as that happened Derrick tells me he's heading out to go shooting. "Ya sure. That's for the warning" I say as I draw my attention back to Ross and Anna as they walked into the house. I closed the door and looked over at them. "Alright. So low down of what's happened. We were cursed because of our blood line. Someone in our blood line well right now our group did return a gem to the pyramids of Egypt as a result the members from the bloodlines born into the month of the gem. Which you can tell is December. Because of that we have been cursed so now we are the ones who have to find the gem and give it back to the temple of the gods. Iv looked into the temple. Iv done research so I know which temple it is so its less work. But anyways you guys are welcome to stay here if you would like since it would be easier incase something came up to get in contact with you guys. Some people have already decided to stay so there are some rooms taken but you can just pick whichever room has the door open." I say with a smile and a small laugh as I crossed my arms "Any questions don't be scared to ask me. I don't mind answering any questions if you guys are worried about anything at all" I say with a smile as I moved my hands to my side seeing if they had any questions.
LiaDreamer said:
Tate finishes cooking and sets all the food out. She sets notes by the food that says the ingredients that are in the group. The smell of the food fills the whole house. She yawns but drinks more coffee. She walks out to where Ashlynn is. "Ashlynn is there an gym near here?" Tate asks softly looking down at her feet. "Oh and the food is done. Just grab an plate and eat. " Tat takes off her jacket revealing her birthmark on her right shoulder, all 8 arrows and then tattoos covering her whole left arm up to her left shoulder. One tattoo stood out at her elbow. It said 'Why do we have to deal with the mistakes that our family made. We did nothing wrong other then being born. '
Waddling back into the house, I noticed the other girls conversing with one another. Seeing that there were two unfamiliar girls, I quietly slipped away to set down the Styrofoam Cup in my hand before going out to greet the girls that Ashlynn was talking to. Tate also happened to be with her. "Hey guys, how are you?" I asked, noticing Tate drinking more coffee...Was it a part of her curse...or a way of keeping its effects at bay? In terms of my Tattoo, I was glad that it was on my back, so that I can cover it up. Though it felt more like a mark of shame considering what my curse is putting me through. I then decided to introduce myself to the other girls. "Hi, I'm Deborah, what are your names?" I asked, trying to be enthusiastic and wanting a good first impression. When Tate mentioned food, I started feeling a little hungry.
Tate waves at the new comer. She sees Deborah belly and smiles slightly. "I'm new here. What's your name?" She asks softly having an feeling of running away. She never did like many people in one place, it made her think of old times in her old home. That was never an good thing. Tate looks around and sighs while muttering "A lot of people that got blame for their family line screwing up" She drinks more coffee. "I'm awake. Which is good thing but I'm running out of things to do which is an bad thing." She says frowning a bit.

[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Waddling back into the house, I noticed the other girls conversing with one another. Seeing that there were two unfamiliar girls, I quietly slipped away to set down the Styrofoam Cup in my hand before going out to greet the girls that Ashlynn was talking to. Tate also happened to be with her. "Hey guys, how are you?" I asked, noticing Tate drinking more coffee...Was it a part of her curse...or a way of keeping its effects at bay? In terms of my Tattoo, I was glad that it was on my back, so that I can cover it up. Though it felt more like a mark of shame considering what my curse is putting me through. I then decided to introduce myself to the other girls. "Hi, I'm Deborah, what are your names?" I asked, trying to be enthusiastic and wanting a good first impression. When Tate mentioned food, I started feeling a little hungry.

Anna carefully listened to what Ashlynn had to say about the curse, which was related to her birthmark on her neck. It was still pretty confusing to her.

A few moments later, two new faces appeared, two girls, called Deborah and Tate. "Hi, my name is Anna.", she responded to their introduction.

After a moment of silence, she decided to accept Ashlynn's invitation to stay. "Well, if anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs.", she excused herself, and went up. When she had finally picked out her room, she closed her door in hope to not be disturbed too much. She took of her scarf and her jacket, exposing some burned scars on her neck and some reaching down her whole arm. She laid down on her bed and pondered about the whole curse thing.
"Okay," said Ross, "So we will probably have to find December's birthstone, right? If so, we are in some deep water, because there are three different birth stones for December. They're called... um..."

He racked his brains. Then he seemed to remember what they were, "Oh right. *Chuckle* They are called tanzanite, turquoise, and zircon. So we have three different jewels to choose from. Do you have any idea which gem it may be?"
When I got back into my room I felt instantly more relaxed after shooting. I looked in my mirror and decided to change my clothes one last time. So I took my shirt off and put on a blue plaid shirt with no t-shirt underneath. I could hear some new voices coming from downstairs. After a few minutes in my room I finally found enough courage to go downstairs. Social settings aren't my strong point. So i walked out of my room and downstairsto find Ashlynn. I found her in the living room sitting on the couch. "It's a really nice night" I said looking out the window. "Would you care to join me outside?" I asked shyly.
Jacob was at the bar watching the game (soccer) he didn't watch sports that much but he sat himself down at a chair. The bartender came up to him "Lemme guess. Something strong to get your mind off everything?" asked the bartender. Jacob looked at the bartender "*sigh* Ricards Red…". The bartender got him his drink in a matter of seconds and walked away. Jake took a gulp of his drink before setting it back down and watching the game.
Anthony sits at his computer, spinning his chair 540 degrees to face the screen as it lit up like a spark from his lighter. Nothing to do today he thought, so he decided to check his long list of emails. Only eleven messages from people about my deaths? What an all time low! He skimmed through all of them asking how he does it. "Can you teach me how you survive being burned alive?" "This is a trick, isn't it?" "I KNOW HOW YOU DO IT!!!!!" They say. Delete. Delete. Delete. Then, one catches his eye about a group of people. It talks about how they have the curse, as well. Nobody else is making headline news for dying every month he debates, but realizes that it says to meet a person named Ashlynn in his town. He looks around. Then he looks up. He gazes at the bottom right corner of his computer while is hand covers his mouth. His parents weren't home then, so he finds walks outside, looks at his watch, and makes his way towards the stranger's house with no idea why. He hears someone shout "Goal!" with a long, unnecessary exaggeration of the vowels, looks inside the bar and grins at the sight of soccer on the TV.

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