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Fantasy The Coming Darkness


So, we'll begin once we have a comfortable amount of dedicated players. The rules are pretty much what you'd expect from any other RP, but I'm gonna list a few I want to make clear.

1) At least be able to check in on the RP once per day. Hopefully we'll have a schedule set so we can coordinate easier.

2) Please be able to write 3-5 lines minimum, in legible English.

3) Don't leave anyone out. Try to be thoughtful of others in your posts.

4) Bring up any issues/disagreements with me, in a PM or in the OOC chat.

5) The obvious stuff. No god-modding, etc.

That's about it. If anyone has something they think would be good to add, feel free to PM me.
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In case you haven't skimmed through it yet, the backstory is under the RP Overview tab. The story will focus on a main group starting in Haldur. If you'd rather meet up with the group someplace else, that's fine if we get enough people to do so. Finally, a few player made factions (probably two at most) will be able to affect the group and story in their own way if they decide not to join up with the main group.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d2eb2f4_RPmap.png.971307bf116134a123ad19fcef04db1d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d2eb2f4_RPmap.png.971307bf116134a123ad19fcef04db1d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

For Kulor, the night was like any other. Here he sat, in a dirty tavern within the even dirtier city of Haldur. His only contract of the night was an odd, small man, dressed somewhat flamboyantly in rich clothes. Kulor had accepted the man's rather large offer without hesitation, and with him passed out in the corner booth, Kulor had figured this job was going to be his easiest in a long time. He shifted in his seat to get a better view of the main entrance to the tavern, and looked down into his own drink, which he had yet to take even a sip from. The tavern seemed unusually busy tonight, and something about the crowd put Kulor on edge. Checking both his blades, he settled into his booth, preparing for a long night of overwatch.



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Katarina sighed, shoving her sweat matted hair off of her face. She wasn't used to these temperatures, it would take time to get used to Haldur's climate. Deciding to take a walk, she slipped out of her hotel room, bracing herself for the burst of heat that hit her when she opened the door. Letting out a soft whine, she used her powers to blow some cold wind around her as she walked around, trying to acclimate herself to the city. She'd need to find a house soon, the hotel wouldn't let her stay for much longer. Glancing to the left, she saw a tavern. 'Might as well cool off a mite. Its going to be a long day.' She thought, entering the tavern, letting out a breath at the cool air. She wandered to a random table next a passed out drunk. Raising her hand for a drink, she relaxed, placing the cool drink to her cheek. Altmer are not supposed to live in these climates; even in her light dress, she felt a headache forming, her powers pressing on her insistently to manipulate the temperature.
Maethyra had ventured into the dark streets of Haldur merely a few hours ago. While thravelling through other areas, she had heard stories of the adventure and fortunes that Haldure had to offer to newcomers. Since she had never been to Haldur before, she kept an eye out for anything threatening. As the moonlight illuminated the street signs, she saw a post pointing to a tavern that seemed to be quite busy. Famished after her long travel, she headed towards the doors and walked into the tavern. Proving her theory correct, she saw many people occupying the space of establishment. She found a table and ordered a drink and whatever food they had to offer, she couldn't possibly be picky in her famished state. While waiting for her food and sipping on her cold drink, she noticed a young woman in white sitting across from her. Looking over her, Maethyra realized that the girl's naturally porcelain-like skin was red across her face. Shifting in her seat she felt how hot an d stuffy it was in the tavern. After putting two and two together, Maethyra stood up and walked towards the girl.

"Hello, Ms.", Maethyra smiled at the girl. "My name is Maethyra and I was sitting at that table across from you when I noticed that you didn't look all too well"She pauses then chuckles, "I mean no offense with my word choice."

She shrugged. "Anyway, I came here to ask if you needed my assistance. Though I am a mere stranger, I am also a devoted druid willing to help anyone that could use my services." She smiled. "If you let me, I can cast a quick spell that can cure you of your heat flashes. This spell should help you quickly adjust to the surrounding climate." She paused and waited for a response, "So how about, ms.?"
As the ship docked at the harbor Chris scanned the city he heard it was one of the dirtiest places in the civilized world but to be honest he didn’t think he was that bad don’t get him wrong it’s one of the if not the dirtiest city in the civilized world but Chris was a traveler he spend his time moving from city to city stooping at any village on his way, compared to some villages he visited this was like a four star hotel.

He picked his bag that contained his flute, gittern and some coin and got off the ship he walked around for a few minutes looking for a tavern then got impatience and decided to ask for direction from a stranger, he scanned the crowd looking for someone he thinks will be nice enough to help. He spotted a young girl and decided to ask her for direction, As Chris approached the young girl he asked if she can point him to the nearest tavern, the young girl pointed to an ally to the north east “Thank you.” Chris said as he starts walking in the ally. After about a minute he spots the tavern and enters. Looks like a busy night perfect to earn extra money Chris thought to himself he spots a sit in middle of the tavern a perfect spot, he took a sit, opened his bag and grabbed his flute he learned the flute is better when people are still sober it was still early in the night he assumed most of the guest in the tavern didn’t drink too much just yet. He puts the flute in his mouth and starts playing.


Kleros sat in a chair scooted close to a round table in the tavern, his hood covering his head for the sake of warmth. His armor's neckpiece was on, although his helmet was off and his short hair rested grizzled and ruffled on his head. He cleared his throat and sat up, viewing the tavern as he pulled his hood down. Kleros stood up and stretched, moving the chair and scooting it into the table back to its original place. He walked towards the bar of the tavern, brushing his surcoat off on the way. When he arrived, he leaned on the bar and turned to face the man playing the flute, listening to the music.
After no response from the girl, Maethyra left her with a shrug and walked over to the bar to order another drink. She stood at the bar listening to the strange man playing his flute. She said to herself, "He must be hired work, or her must REALLY enjoy music." She laughed and then she noticed the armored man next to her then said playful, "You going into battle or something?" She laughed and nudged him with her elbow a bit.
Kleros turned his head to look at the girl who had nudged him, chuckling. "Just got here earlier tonight, traveling can be dangerous. Haven't had time to get out of this armor yet. I'm glad I was able to get here as the sun began to set, any later and I would have had to stay another night out traveling." He turned his head back to the person playing the flute. "And what about you?"
"Interesting story." She looked down at her tattered and worn green armor, shrugs and responds with, "Eh, it has sentimental value I suppose." She laughs, "Plus, I don't mind my armor. It's quit comfy." She continued to listen to the flute player, "Say, do you know why this guy just decided to walk in and play his flute?" She watched and listened to the man skillfully play his flute with ease and grace. "Almost as if the music itself is some form of harmonious magic sent down from the Ancients above." She finishes off her drink and orders another with the raise of her hand.

Natasha looked up, blink rapidly to get rid of the film that seemed to cover her eyes. She stumbled to the druid that was speaking earlier. "I would..very much appreciate some assistance. The weather here is very different than my homeland's and I'm afraid I overestimated my resilience. My name's Natasha, I just moved here. You're not exactly a native, either, traveler. If you don't mind me asking; where do you hail from?" She asked. Pausing a beat, she added, "Also, do forgive me if my speech patterns don't match this city's residents patterns, I was raised in a very old fashioned family."
"Can't say I do, honestly. Maybe for his own enjoyment, for others', or perhaps for money. He's quite talented, though; I don't know much about playing instruments myself." Kleros shrugged, continuing to watch and listen to the person playing the flute. "Then again, I really don't know anyone around here anyway, I haven't been to Haldur much."
As he played his flute he watched the people in the tavern watching people was like second nature for Chris, a good musician needs to be able to read the room to know what the crowd wants to hear, he played in countless taverns countless of times his skill at reading people was just as good as his magic and musical skill were. While he could tell everyone enjoyed his music he doubted any one would chip in. The tavern was full of people Chris could tell are dangerous, more than half probably killed someone at one point in their life some were even wearing their armor indoors he wasn’t scared “who is going to attack a musician in a tavern?” besides he had enough money from other cities and villages he visited to get by for a month so he wasn’t too worried he didn’t plan to stay for long anyways for now just the joy of playing music and having people listen to his music was enough. As the song has ended he stood up set the flute aside and walked to the bar raising his hand as he reached the bar asking for a cup of wine, playing the flute always mad him thirsty.
She nodded, and replied, "This is my first time coming to Haldur, so I don't know much of the people and their entertainment here. Maybe he's a usual." She looked over to the girl she was talking to before she walked over to the bar. "If you'll excuse me, I have to tend to a young lady in need of my assistance." She smiled and said as she walked towards the girl, "My name is Maethyra by the way."

After she walked back to the girl, and intently listened to her introduction, she answered Natasha's question, "I have traveled here from my home in a small village within a forest on the outskirts of Kitirae." She smiled at her, "I'll perform my spell now." Maethyra then placed her hand over Natasha's forehead and began muttering words to a spell in her native tongue of Darnassian. Once she completed the spell, a light shade of blue flashed above Natasha's forehead and then disappeared. "There," she smiled and put her hand back at her side, "that should do it. You should feel cooler and in the coming days it won't be as hard for your body to adapt to the temperatures." She sat in the seat across from Natasha, "So, you're not from here wither. Where are you from?" Maethyra called over another drink for both her and Natasha.
Kleros nodded as she began to walk away. "Kleros. Nice to meet you." He turned to Chris. "You're talented with that flute. Where did you learn to play?" He stretched after speaking, standing up off of the bar and no longer leaning on it. Kleros put one hand on the bar and let the other fall down to his side, clearing his throat.
Kulor watched as a small group of people, human and elf alike, began forming on the bar near his booth. From what he could overhear, it sounded like most of them weren't from Haldur, but his heart skipped a beat when he heard Kitirae mentioned. The same woman, a race of elf Kulor wasn't familiar with, performed a spell and mentioned her name was Maethyra.

As the music stopped, Kulor began to look around, noticing the musician was asking for a drink. What he didn't expect, however, was to see a man, clad in what was unmistakably the armor of a Kitaran Knight. Checking on his unconscious customer, now snoring loudly, Kulor stepped out of his booth and began approaching the unknown Knight.
Natasha sighed in relief. That was so much better, now she could actually focus on looking for a house instead of focusing on not passing out. She shifted uncomfortably at the question. "Ah, its a small town about two hours from here, you probably won't know it. My father was a noble there till he went mad. I moved here when the villagers ran me out, I was a 'child of a madman, and would only bring more ruin upon them'. She rolled her eyes taking a light sip from her drink. "I mean, he was a psychopath, but whatever. What inspired you to move so far from your village?" She quickly changed topic, uncomfortable with speaking of her father.
Kleros noticed Kulor, but could not make out what the faded emblems were on his armor. He stayed at the bar, though was unsure of what was going to happen. He figured that it wouldn't be any trouble, since he hadn't said or done anything since he had entered the tavern. Kleros reached up and fixed his cloak, making sure it covered the back of his shoulders well and verifying that it wasn't caught on anything.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Chris” Chris said as he turned to face Kleros “my parents taught me to play when I was young” he answered Kleros question. He took a sip from his wine then asked “Are you expecting trouble? Why are you wearing your armor” He then took another look at the crowd and noticed that Kleros wasn’t the only one wearing his armor and weapons, maybe Chris was naïve thinking the tavern was safe he heard the stories how criminals come to this city to escape the law “maybe I’m going to get attacked after all” he thought to himself. He still wasn’t too worried if everything goes to shit he can just cast a quick spell to blind the attacker and run for his flute and play a paralyzing tune or blow his eardrum. He did get a little more alert though, he noticed another person approaching him and Kleros, he didn’t know the guy but it didn’t seem as he was walking towards him but towards Kleros so he relaxed a little but still was on high alert
"Hm... I'm sorry to hear, that sounds terrible." She took a sip of her drink, then said "I decided to leave because I enjoy venturing out and discovering new things. Though I don't have a tragic home life story from my past that follows me, like most travelers do. I actually lived quite peacefully, it just gets old I suppose." She smiled and looked at Natasha apologetically, "I'mm quite blunt with my words, so I apologize beforehand." She paused, then continued to talk, "So have you found yourself any friends yet?"
"I'm wearing it because I've been traveling; Also because I just haven't had time to get out of it yet." Kleros kept an eye on his surroundings. "My name is Kleros, it is a pleasure." His green eyes peered out above his neckpiece which went far enough up to cover his face as well. "What brings you here to Haldur, Chris?"
"No, I have an issue with making..friends." She spoke it like a foreign word. "My father, the ol' madman, kept me trapped in our manor for most of my life. I, therefore, didn't ever have a chance to develop any social skills; and of course, I've been locking myself in my hotel room to avoid the heat for the past two weeks. And don't worry, a blunt attitude is often very refreshing after the constant politics." She smirked.
“Nothing really, I’m a traveler I already traveled to every city at the Avdren Empire and almost every village and played in every tavern I could find. So now I plan to go to Kitirae it’s much easier to cross the border from this city” Chris paused wondering if maybe he said too much to someone who might be a potential attacker he took another sips of his drink then asked “What about you?”
"Kitirae, huh?" Kleros nodded. "I see. Myself? I haven't been too many places so far, this is just a beginning. I'm not entirely sure what all I'll do in the future, although for now at least I can rest." Kleros extended his hand to Chris. "I seem to have forgotten my own manners." He nodded, the dark cloak still wrapped around his shoulders, draping down his back.
Hundreds of miles away

One of the many forests held an old castle isolated in the middle of nowhere. Inside the main halls currently held a couple hundred people dressed in black, highly trained and highly experienced people who had been raised as warriors, scholars and fanatical members of the organisation who were lined up in formation. Each and every member of this radical extremist organisation were all non-human, as they were all united underneath a common cause against the imperialistic ways of humanity.

The Dark Elf was dressed in black as he walked onto the stage as his followers looked at him as if they were looking at a god. His long white majestic hair swaying with each movement of his feet as he looked onto his followers. He had the appearance of a king, and everybody that followed him truly believed him as one. It had been nearly thirty years since he formed such a radical movement, and it was growing rapidly amongst non-humans. Although human settlements particularly didn't like what they were up against, they had no idea of its potential.

The world was changing, and centuries of human dominance would eventually come to an end sooner or later. It was a movement that could defy the world, a rebellion against the corruption and tyranny of evil men.
She smiled, "Well, that's slightly depressing." She looked over at Kleros, then back at Natasha, "Would you like to come meet a new acquaintance of mine? Maybe it'll be good for you." She then laughed and stood at the table waiting.

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