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Fandom The Cog and the Eagle



Ten Thousand Club
M38 year 899 the hatred system.

Silvine took a breath, she was nervous and who wouldn't be she was being made the head of her household. Silvine had not expected to be the head for at least another century or two, but war was full of surprises. There had been a huge greenskin attack in a nearby system, while normally such things were no threat to a knight, let alone one as skilled as her father, but a gargant had gotten a lucky shot and the command throne had been destroyed killing her father. This had left their house without a leader and as she was next in line the duty fell to Silvine. This for the knights meant that after her father had been put into a suitably elaborate tomb, a ball was held. That might sound odd but they were nobility and nobility had to show a certain air of power and splendor even in the worst of times.

The ball was everything one could expect from such an event, held in the largest of halls with almost everything covered in white and gold just to show off to others. there were foods made from ingredients that were sourced from world all across the imperium. The bands where known all over the sector and played music most could never imagine. The room was filled with nobles from all over where here and in their finest dresses and suits. In the crowd was also house norcastor, her houses' rival. They were a group of knights that were aligned to the machnicus a bunch of machine worshipers and borderline heretics in Silvine's mind. They were here by invitation as while the where rivals, the two houses could remains somewhat civil and of course her house had show they were not weak. Still Silvine wished she could wipe them out and show how much better her house was than them.

The ball had been going on for some time and Silvine had not joined in. She had been in the back waiting for the correct time to announce herself. The first few hours were just to let people mingle and get the loudness out of their systems. No one wanted to be the one to talk during the coronation. Still it was almost time just a little bit loner before she would enter. Right now the others were out mingling with other nobles likely trading stories of valor.
While other members of house norcastor were engage in talks with nobles. Wifi took this moment to look around the building and told other to tell him to come back if something happen.
The Aged Head of House Norcastor was unimpressed with what he considered the unprofessional conduct of his rival House. A far cry from his well oiled and strictly disciplined Honor Guard, the senior members of House Casteves were engaging in Idle Chatter and recounted tales of their past victories. A waste of time in his opinion, especially since every Knight should be equipped with a pict-recorder. A few of the younger members of House Norcastor were attempting to "mingle" which while distasteful was necessary to keep up appearances, thus he chose not to reprimand them. After all, it was the Noble thing to do. He sighed and wondered when the ceremony would finally begin.
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Lukas sighed heavily. Normally he would be completely fine while he was strapped into Actaeon, but guard duty had a way of draining the life from you. He hoped that the festivities would wind down soon because Actaeon was growing restless as well. He wasn't a patient knight by any means and did not agree one bit with standing around to look pretty. They had been standing still for a few hours just hoping that someone would do something stupid to liven up the evening. Being a sitting duck inside enemy territory didn't help Lukas's nerves much either.
"Hopefully the ancient one has an early bed time and we can go find something bigger than us to bother." Lukas said to no one in particular before immediately regretting it as he felt Actaeon getting excited by this potential course of action. "Calm down buddy. I don't think I've ever seen him actually sleep before so I don't think its likely."
As the early night wore on. Roland was getting bored. its only been a few hours, but people wanted to hear the story about the Gargant. Honestly how many times is he going to have to tell the same story. while yes he was there for the death of the late lord. continuously talking about it is actually tiring him out. Finally finding an opening. Sir Roland excused himself from his current audience and moved off to one of the more open areas of the Room. this area just so happened to be near the front of the Hall where a small contingent of Guards were gathered. As he was conversing with the guards. Roland examined the Hall. It was packed with nobles from all over the sector. from Planetary Governors to even the Inquisition was here to enjoy the night and press their own agenda onto the New High lady of House Casteves. continuing his gaze. Roland found a sight he found interesting. Flanking the entrance to the Hall. Two Knights stood guard. Normally both Knights would be Casteves Knights. But tonight, A Norcastor Night stood beside a Casteves Knight. Quite a sight seeing as normally when Casteves and Norcastor Knights meet, they tend to clash.
It was time,Silvine was as ready as she would ever be. The guests had been allowed to talk and mingle for enough time and now they should get any energy out of their systems. The guests would know that the ceremony would start soon as the lights dimmed and the music changed mid song. What had been a decent waltz became an almost military sounding tune, its beat slow but powerful. once could compare the piece to any military parade music, though apparently the composer had modeled it after the song savior of terra played for the likes of primarchs. Not many would know this given how far away they were and how that particular tune was almost never played given who normally had it played anyone else doing such would likely get killed. This without doubt would at least leave the correct impression of just how grand this all was and just what the position Silvine was taking over she would lead the house and save it from any chance of destruction.

The door soon would open to where Silvine had been waiting. Out from the darkness came members of the ecclesiarchy came forth carrying censors that let out pungent incense as they chanted prayers to the the emperor on this throne. Silvine herself was in the middle dressed in the most splendid and gaudy regalia that her family could produce. Every inch was covered in some kind of pattern or medals from this war or that crusade or made with the rarest of threads. The whole procession would not look out of place if a saint was being coronated. Slowly the procession would make its way down the grand hall to the throne set at the opposite end that currently sat vacant.
As wifi was looking around ,he got a message to return to the main hall ,he arrived just in the moment as the successor of the house Castevés came out of the room where she was located . Wifi stared at her and studied her moved to get a hint on her personality . While he tried to explain his actions earlier though nobody would believe him if he told them that he was just looking at the architecture and the secrets of the building ,so he simply told them that he heard the machine god calling him .

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