The Campfire [An Age Undreamed Of]

vanman said:
Just so everyone knows, Scorpion has not made his presence known. So unless Adair was just waiving at air, Scorpion wasn't there to be introduced.....
I just went ahead and rolled with it...
I nominate Negative Thac0 for a CMOA here for his use of the Korben Dallas school of negociation.

Thank you gentlemen. I'm happy to say I'll be more helpful here then before- my Solar Flare Methodology is so much stronger then my bow, and doesn't depend on my pitiful str score...
I AM rather impressed.

Now, the order of ass-kicking will only be posted after everyone has rolled. Just making that clear.
Further notation, each Abyssal has one Charm up due to therapy session by the rachel. :P

Armor Man - None, change of plans. Instead, he's raised his essence shield, so his DV is 2 higher for the scene.

The Legate - Eye of the Tempest.

Midnight - Tick 0

Rain - Tick 1

Apes - Tick 2

- Tick 3

- Tick 4

Adair, Matsu - Tick 5

Meat Puppets, Scorpion, Afa, Aindani - Tick 6
My JB: Results for 6 dice: 2 successes [ 4 8 4 5 9 2 ] (TN: 7)

Afa's JB: Results for 6 dice: 2 successes [ 7 5 8 6 3 4 ] (TN: 7)
Holy sweet fucking Sol Invictus... Heavenly Guardian Defense is my next purchase if I survive the fight.
- Tick 3

- Tick 4

Adair, Matsu - Tick 5

Meat Puppets, Scorpion, Afa, Aindani, Midnight, Rain - Tick 6

Ape - Tick 7

Ape - Tick 8

Well, Tick 6 is going to be fun!

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