The Campfire [An Age Undreamed Of]

Thanks, but how do I see the individual die rolls? Only gives me total successes which isn't nearly as satisfying.
I should hope so. It was all for you poor schmucks' benefit... muaha...muahaha...

*ahem* what?
Hey MB (that's Midboss") -

I just wanted to say that Scorpion's less than cordial attitude is just that - Scorpion's attitude. I in no way hold the same views about your character or yourself. In fact, I'm having a lot of fun! I know it probably doesn't need to be said, but I've had problems in the past with players who took things a little too personally and I didn't want to have the same thing happen here. That's all.

Likewise. In fact, it's slightly weirder for me, because it's not my character that has a problem with your character, it's the character he's playing that does....

Sidereals make my brain hurt in fun ways, somethimes.
Yeah don't worry. I'm playing what TV tropes calls a jerk with a heart of gold. I expect the jerk part to attract that sort of reaction from other characters.

I real life I'm perf... quite... You know what, forget I said anything..
Rain clocks in somewhere between Magnificent Bastard and the Unfettered. The character he's currently playing, on the other hand, is a total Knight in Sour Armour.
Just FYI, the reason I'm not posting is simply that my character hasn't much to do until they get near the ennemy camp.
Apoatar, just so you know, Rain was speaking Old Realm, so no-one else understood him (probably).
Just in case it si indeed me you are all happily talking about shooting/maiming/capturing/interrogating, you may know that I am accompanied by a tall, flaming Delzhan-type guy, which any of you with an inkling of Occult can identify as an ifrit. Unless our glorious ST purposedly left him out of the picture, in which case, please ignore this message :oops: .
Brekkir said:
Just in case it si indeed me you are all happily talking about shooting/maiming/capturing/interrogating, you may know that I am accompanied by a tall, flaming Delzhan-type guy, which any of you with an inkling of Occult can identify as an ifrit. Unless our glorious ST purposedly left him out of the picture, in which case, please ignore this message :oops: .
Hence, why I proposed Diplomacy!

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