The Campfire [An Age Undreamed Of]

Midboss, your Dodge DV is a static value equal to your Dexterity+Dodge+Essence, with the sum divided by 2 and rounded up. Dodge is almost never rolled, and if this total is met or beaten by your opponent's attack you're hit unless you use a dodge charm or stunt. If you stunt your defense any dice awarded are added directly on to your DV instead of being rolled.
Woops, correcting now. Same result anyway. Baisc dodge DV = 4 ((3+2+3)/2) and I have the hearthstone bracers that add 3.
Er, how? No hearthstone bracers add that much. Where did you by chance get yours? :P Because none of the canon bracers in the corebook add that. So, you may in fact be hit instead of dodging. Just sayin'.
A hearthstone bracer adds 3 to the sum used to calculate your DV ( (Dodge+Dex+Essence+3)/2 rdup). It must however be strictly beaten, not simply matched. Basics from the corebook: A base attack is difficulty 1, with the DV added as a penalty. So if your opponent's DV is 4, you must score 5 hits to hit with a threshold of 0.
Meat Puppets, Scorpion, Afa, Aindani, Midnight, Rain - Tick 6

Ape - Tick 7

Ape - Tick 8

- Tick 9

Adair, Matsu- Tick 10

Aindani - Tick 6

Ape - Tick 7

Ape - Tick 8

- Tick 9

Adair, Matsu- Tick 10

Rain, Midnight, Afa, Scorpion - Tick 11

Meat Puppets - Tick 12

This is how it stands right now. Aindani is left for Tick 6, then the apes and then Adair and Matsu again.
Hey guys, My solar Flare methodology has a rate of two- You want me to keeping pinging Happy McDeath Pants, or start trying to clear up our growing gorilla problem?

I'm sort of in favor of the latter- if we thin out the ranks, our lives will be a lot easier.
New Apes - Tick 9

Adair, Matsu- Tick 10

Rain, Midnight, Afa, Scorpion, Aindani! - Tick 11

Meat Puppets, Ape - Tick 12

Ape - Tick 13

Edit: Whoops, forgot Aindani :3
Wait, what about lil' ol me?

The new damage is kind of a letdown. I won't complain if you leave it as it was :mrgreen:

BTW, how do you deal with stunt defense? Roll the die, or +rating directly?
Hoooooly sweet friggin Glory! Glories of the Most High is out, and it rocks the world.

There's a very interesting option that costs two XP and allows Dipping Swallow Defense/Shadow Over Water/Iron Skin Concentration to be considered the same charm as Heavenly Guardian Defense/Seven Shadow Evasion/Adamant Skin for the purpose of Charm activation. Page 23 of Glories: The Unconquered Sun.

(a similar option exists for Lunars to link Golden Tiger Stance and Flowing Body Evasion).

Can I has? Plz?

(Well, I don't have the XP or HDG now, but it might come if I survive).
Glories most high is making me really sad that I didn't make a melee character.

Seriously, its like someone remembered Solars were supposed to win generally. :D
To hell with the Solars, I'm more in love with the Maidens book. :P And Brekkir, I believe you and the others are up now.
Glories most high is making me really sad that I didn't make a melee character.
Seriously, its like someone remembered Solars were supposed to win generally. :D
I can make a Lunar who's good in a fight but turns in to a fucking woodchipper when he's protecting someone.

I'm very happy about this indeed.
?? I did not roll the attack, I just put the dice here as a placeholder and reminder until I had the stunt rating. Unless you give me automatic success due to the punchline :twisted:
Chaka said:
Glories most high is making me really sad that I didn't make a melee character.
Seriously, its like someone remembered Solars were supposed to win generally. :D
I can make a Lunar who's good in a fight but turns in to a fucking woodchipper when he's protecting someone.

I'm very happy about this indeed.
We gotta make a Solar/Lunar Melee pair some day. :D

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