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Fantasy The Calm After War (Always Open and Accepting)

Frozen Plains

Evelyn was pretty much a punching bag her entire life since joining the Archer Brigade. Those words were really nothing to her. Stay focused. An intruder needed to be caught, or at minimum slowed down so Avery could get over there and take over. She needed an opening and soon. "Target speed: 15mph. Angle from view: 35 degrees down. Wind speed: Negligent........" She was calculating his very size, stature, speed and angle, as well as environmental factors to get the PERFECT shot. He was dealing with a much higher level of logistics than the average person. Hell, higher than the average genius. She just didn't have the skill with projectile weaponry, or even a projectile weapon now to shoot. Even if she did, she would probably miss. Calculating a shot and actually shooting were 2 different ballparks

All she had were 2 more bolts and her dagger. She could throw her dagger effectively, but not the bolts. With that in mind, she had to save it for her opening shot. Take 2: he stopped. He was going to confront her directly! Fuck........wait. It didn't matter. She had time on her side. She had the advantage on more than one front. They were starting to move a bit to the outside. It dawned on her that he must be weak to the Holy Magic, which was why he wasn't firing back. However, if they were moving further away from the camp, the effects of the Holy Magic would lesson, granting his magic back, albeit at less then 7% strength at this distance, not even enough to protect from her thrown dagger, and her thrown bolts would shatter it, but ultimately protect him. No dark magic period though. Since he stopped, he stopped his magic strength at about 5-7% its max.

She didn't bother trying to attack. She just placed more and more traps around him. Traps can't be placed right where someone was standing, but as time passed, he lost his advantage more and more. She was hit with a surge of confidence and she stood on a thick tree branch, dagger drawn. Don't let him smell her actual fear or incompetence up close. Make it clear that she had the advantage. "You WILL stand down, or you will be detained. You're completely surrounded." Of course the ground looked 100% clear as the traps she placed had disappeared. They were only visible for a moment before disappearing in view. They were still there, but they couldn't be seen without sensory magic. Evelyn didn't bluff. He was basically in gridlock right now, unable to step anywhere in that area without hitting a trap. He should've kept moving. "Now what's your business here? You're an orc spy, aren't you?" No one but a spy would try to avoid questioning.
revior revior
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Darian continued following after the pair, only to hear a female voice yell in the distance about an intruder. Upon hearing that, Darian summoned his staff and cast another spell, further enhancing his speed. He continued running in the direction he heard the shout about an intruder from. As he ran, he began to get winded. Darian continued until he made it to a part of the forest where we saw one of the two people he had followed out of camp in a tree, and a man on the ground. Darian ran closer, to about 50 feet away from the man, and stopped. Breathing hard, Darian lifted his staff and pointed it at the man. At the same time the invisibility spell he had placed on himself wore out. Darian, not sure exactly what was going on waited for someone else to talk so that he could understand more of the situation.
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Lucien Lacroix
Frozen Plains​

He see the runes forming all around him, and for a moment he was amazed, he had rarely seen such a brute force application of magic, the girl must either have a large pool of mana to work with, or she simply had no consideration of it running out. However, the amazement quickly tuned to annoyance as he realized what she was doing. She was buying time, he realize, if she's a patrol from the camp, she would have sent a warning back to camp about an intruder, and he did not see the woman this girl had with her running after them, she must have went back to report this matter. Sooner or later someone would come, and therefore, the girl had no need to conserve her strength.What a misstep, thought Lucien, and by then, traps competently surrounds him.

At the same time, he felt his magic recovering, perhaps due to drawing away from the holy grounds, it wasn't much, but at least he could somewhat form his magic now, though it'll be more fragile than glass, more comparable to thin sheets of ice. The barrier would be useless in this state, however, the barrier lance, if made sharp enough could still so harm, but that does not change the fact that it has limited range. Now if only the girl would get off than branch of hers...

The girl practically commanded him to stand down, threatening with detainment instead of with dead, he sensed a certain naivety in that, but even so, she has the upper hand, so he there was nothing he could do either way. he had no choice but to answer her question.

"Ha, working with the orcs, surely you jest!" He puts on a face of disgust as he began to tell his lies. "I have no love for those barbaric orcs, not that I have any for you snobbish elves either. I only came here he cause I say the holy light from afar and got curious. Besides, look at me, I've not an inch of steel on me, no weapons nor armor, do you think there's a spy so foolish as to walk into an enemy territory completely and utterly unarmed?" Yet the truth was, there is such a spy, and that would be none other than the man himself, but he's certainly not telling about it.

At the moment, there was nowhere out, his own misstep had trapped him. He could only wait, wait for his opponent to show an opening, if it ever comes.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Lucien Lacroix

Frozen Plains​

He see the runes forming all around him, and for a moment he was amazed, he had rarely seen such a brute force application of magic, the girl must either have a large pool of mana to work with, or she simply had no consideration of it running out. However, the amazement quickly tuned to annoyance as he realized what she was doing. She was buying time, he realize, if she's a patrol from the camp, she would have sent a warning back to camp about an intruder, and he did not see the woman this girl had with her running after them, she must have went back to report this matter. Sooner or later someone would come, and therefore, the girl had no need to conserve her strength.What a misstep, thought Lucien, and by then, traps competently surrounds him.

At the same time, he felt his magic recovering, perhaps due to drawing away from the holy grounds, it wasn't much, but at least he could somewhat form his magic now, though it'll be more fragile than glass, more comparable to thin sheets of ice. The barrier would be useless in this state, however, the barrier lance, if made sharp enough could still so harm, but that does not change the fact that it has limited range. Now if only the girl would get off than branch of hers...

The girl practically commanded him to stand down, threatening with detainment instead of with dead, he sensed a certain naivety in that, but even so, she has the upper hand, so he there was nothing he could do either way. he had no choice but to answer her question.

"Ha, working with the orcs, surely you jest!" He puts on a face of disgust as he began to tell his lies. "I have no love for those barbaric orcs, not that I have any for you snobbish elves either. I only came here he cause I say the holy light from afar and got curious. Besides, look at me, I've not an inch of steel on me, no weapons nor armor, do you think there's a spy so foolish as to walk into an enemy territory completely and utterly unarmed?" Yet the truth was, there is such a spy, and that would be none other than the man himself, but he's certainly not telling about it.

At the moment, there was nowhere out, his own misstep had trapped him. He could only wait, wait for his opponent to show an opening, if it ever comes.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Frozen Plains

Darian made himself seen, her first piece of reinforcements. She recalled seeing him through foresight, his invisibility nullified in her eyes. She didn't get the chance to expose him though. Still, his help now if this guy tried something funny would be invaluable.

"You must believe I have the luxury to jest," Evelyn said. Unlike Ari or Avery, who were strong enough to be cocky, she wasn't. She caught him due to his own mistake, not really her own skill. "I may be young, but I wasn't born yesterday. We elves have strong mages and sneaky rogues." She held out her dagger. "I was assigned this dagger literally yesterday. My first permanent weapon and I've been doing scout spy work for a year now. If you don't have a weapon, that means you're either a mage or a scout spy. Tell me I jest." It really didn't take a genius to see that he was most likely more than he let on. She couldn't prove he worked with the orcs, but he definitely had something to hide if he chose to run. A neutral party wouldn't run, firstly, but definitely wouldn't run almost in the direct direction of a group heavily likely to kill him if they perceived him to be hostile. She knew he worked with the orcs. She just couldn't prove it.

She looked to Darian. "Darian, can you detain him?" She was drained in mana. Her traps were honed to perfection, due to them being the only spells that could damage an enemy. In that regard, she could crank them out like they were nothing, yet a basic fireball would cost her 75% of her mana. On the other, she had cast a TON of them. Her mana was negligent at this point.
IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
Lucien Lacroix
Frozen Plains
She had him in a bind, the elven girl was quite correct, a skilled assassin would know to hide his weapon from plain sight, and a confident mage, or rather an overconfident one, would not find a need to carry a weapon. Still with neither a weapon nor a spell cast, the girl had no way of making sure that he was either. Lucien decided to keep talking as he continues to find an opening.

He began with a laugh, one with a hint of mocking mixed within.

"Just yesterday? Truly you are a jester. However, if that is true, then you are indeed pitiable, as it shows how little your colleagues think of you. Because you see my dear, even a child can be taught to handle a knife."

He could not attack her physically or magically, but he could use his words to continually provoke her, and he found that the more he converse with her, the more information he would have to use against her. However, he realized that his time was up by the time another human showed up, and from the looks of his getup, he'd likely be a mage. In a situation where his magic is weaker than that of an untrained child's, and being surrounded by traps. Lucien knew he would have no chance in a fight. Well, not a straight fight at least.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
Lucien Lacroix
Frozen Plains
She had him in a bind, the elven girl was quite correct, a skilled assassin would know to hide his weapon from plain sight, and a confident mage, or rather an overconfident one, would not find a need to carry a weapon. Still with neither a weapon nor a spell cast, the girl had no way of making sure that he was either. Lucien decided to keep talking as he continues to find an opening.

He began with a laugh, one with a hint of mocking mixed within.

"Just yesterday? Truly you are a jester. However, if that is true, then you are indeed pitiable, as it shows how little your colleagues think of you. Because you see my dear, even a child can be taught to handle a knife."

He could not attack her physically or magically, but he could use his words to continually provoke her, and he found that the more he converse with her, the more information he would have to use against her. However, he realized that his time was up by the time another human showed up, and from the looks of his getup, he'd likely be a mage. In a situation where his magic is weaker than that of an untrained child's, and being surrounded by traps. Lucien knew he would have no chance in a fight. Well, not a straight fight at least.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
(Unskilled in physical combat doesn't mean untrained in magic. She's clearly trained in her art of sensory spells and trap spells.)

Frozen Plains

Evelyn smiled. "I didn't need to use my dagger to catch you nor do I need reinforcements to keep you here. It's type and its effectiveness. With the amount of traps I have placed, I outmatch your traps even at your max strength." A chain reaction of the amount of traps she placed would destroy any shield and kill him. She herself was immune to the effect of her own traps, a perk gained by pretty much any mage when they honed a spell to perfection. You get strong enough with a spell, you stop being affected by it. She had him trapped perfectly and didn't even need to leave her tree.

She shrugged. "My colleagues think little of me. I'm not trained in what I signed up for, nor do I show an affinity or a slight promise in doing it." This was purposefully left up to interpretation. Clearly she was a fantastic trap-setter and scout. "I've been trained by one of the best in the world in how to use my magic in my own way. Ever heard of Ari Waesmor? The Black Assassin. My teacher." She felt no qualms about mentioning Ari. Ari was a powerhouse, much better off keeping a secret, but Ari never cared. He wouldn't care now. He had planned on bringing that entire battlefield to ruin with his name written all over it. Ari had history with the orcs, so it was likely that he heard of Ari..........Maybe not though. Maybe the orcs didn't expect Ari's name to be put in the war, but there was VERY much reason why some of the orcs, specifically one of the powerhouses for their side (and by proxy his unit), wanted Ari dead

"Now enough about me. You're stalling for time. You will come back with us to camp, or you can end yourself on one of my traps. I can prove that you're a mage." Right now she didn't have the mana to use the spell to sense a magic signature, nor did she have her mana potion. Ari would kill her for leaving unprepared, but at least she caught someone. She really didn't even have to prove he worked with the orcs. Running away was enough evidence that he had malicious intent for them to kill him. Of course, she wouldn't condone it without proving it, but then again, those decisions were FAR out of her league. They could kill pretty much anyone that wasn't them and write it off as them having had malicious intent.
"Detain him? You got it." Darian said. He thought to himself for a few seconds before deciding exactly how he was going to detain the man in front of him. After those few seconds, Darian decided on what to cast and began to cast a spell. In front of him, two magic circles appeared, one ice blue, and one light gray. After the two magic circles formed, they moved together and fused together. Darian cast the spell, and a gentle breeze began to blow towards the man. As the breeze moved towards him the trees around it began to be coated in ice, making it obvious that if one where to be hit by the spell they'd be coated in ice and unable to move. Darian controlled the spell in a way that if it'd hit everything but the man's head would be covered in ice.
(Unskilled in physical combat doesn't mean untrained in magic. She's clearly trained in her art of sensory spells and trap spells.)

Frozen Plains

Evelyn smiled. "I didn't need to use my dagger to catch you nor do I need reinforcements to keep you here. It's type and its effectiveness. With the amount of traps I have placed, I outmatch your traps even at your max strength." A chain reaction of the amount of traps she placed would destroy any shield and kill him. She herself was immune to the effect of her own traps, a perk gained by pretty much any mage when they honed a spell to perfection. You get strong enough with a spell, you stop being affected by it. She had him trapped perfectly and didn't even need to leave her tree.

She shrugged. "My colleagues think little of me. I'm not trained in what I signed up for, nor do I show an affinity or a slight promise in doing it." This was purposefully left up to interpretation. Clearly she was a fantastic trap-setter and scout. "I've been trained by one of the best in the world in how to use my magic in my own way. Ever heard of Ari Waesmor? The Black Assassin. My teacher." She felt no qualms about mentioning Ari. Ari was a powerhouse, much better off keeping a secret, but Ari never cared. He wouldn't care now. He had planned on bringing that entire battlefield to ruin with his name written all over it. Ari had history with the orcs, so it was likely that he heard of Ari..........Maybe not though. Maybe the orcs didn't expect Ari's name to be put in the war, but there was VERY much reason why some of the orcs, specifically one of the powerhouses for their side (and by proxy his unit), wanted Ari dead

"Now enough about me. You're stalling for time. You will come back with us to camp, or you can end yourself on one of my traps. I can prove that you're a mage." Right now she didn't have the mana to use the spell to sense a magic signature, nor did she have her mana potion. Ari would kill her for leaving unprepared, but at least she caught someone. She really didn't even have to prove he worked with the orcs. Running away was enough evidence that he had malicious intent for them to kill him. Of course, she wouldn't condone it without proving it, but then again, those decisions were FAR out of her league. They could kill pretty much anyone that wasn't them and write it off as them having had malicious intent.
(I know, my character was just trying to provoke her in any way he can. Not to mention that he did not know about her sensory skill so he'd assume that she's an ordinary scout with some magic skills.)
Lucien Lacroix
Frozen Plains​

"The black what now? Can't say I recall."

The knowledge Lucien has about current times was minimal. Even just a month ago, he barely knew left from right, and that's what led him to wander into orcish territory in the first place.

Regardless, it was the end, he had lost this encounter, the moment he chose too fight, he had lose. If he lives through his, he'll have to do something about that confrontational behavior. Perhaps back in the day, he could get away with butting head and toughing it out, but right now he inhabits a human body of all things, one he had only awoke in not too long ago, it will take time before direct confrontations even becomes a viable option.

"You're awfully naive, you know that. If you're a proper scout, you should have just took me down on sight. Then you would need to go through the trouble of proving anything, not that you'll find what wasn't there to begin with."

Though his words may come of as arrogant, the tone he spoke with was that of a defeated man, a final, futile struggle. Still, he was glad for the fact that the girl won't kill him just yet, that just meant he'll have more chances to find way out of this bind, or so he thought, but the way they decided to detain him made his wish they'd kill him instead.

"W-what an-n un-uncouth wa-way to res-restrain someone."

The human mage from everything, everything aside from his head. Of course, he wasn't completely frozen through, but that just makes it worse, at least in that case, he'd be put out of his miseries. But to be encased in ice, that's just torture. Have these people not heard of hypothermia? Or is this just a new elven way of interrogation? Lucien wondered as he struggles to breath properly, his consciousness fading. It was a sensation familiar to him, the cold embrace of a mortal death.

IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
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"Detain him? You got it." Darian said. He thought to himself for a few seconds before deciding exactly how he was going to detain the man in front of him. After those few seconds, Darian decided on what to cast and began to cast a spell. In front of him, two magic circles appeared, one ice blue, and one light gray. After the two magic circles formed, they moved together and fused together. Darian cast the spell, and a gentle breeze began to blow towards the man. As the breeze moved towards him the trees around it began to be coated in ice, making it obvious that if one where to be hit by the spell they'd be coated in ice and unable to move. Darian controlled the spell in a way that if it'd hit everything but the man's head would be covered in ice.
(I know, my character was just trying to provoke her in any way he can. Not to mention that he did not know about her sensory skill so he'd assume that she's an ordinary scout with some magic skills.)
Lucien Lacroix
Frozen Plains​

"The black what now? Can't say I recall."

The knowledge Lucien has about current times was minimal. Even just a month ago, he barely knew left from right, and that's what led him to wander into orcish territory in the first place.

Regardless, it was the end, he had lost this encounter, the moment he chose too fight, he had lose. If he lives through his, he'll have to do something about that confrontational behavior. Perhaps back in the day, he could get away with butting head and toughing it out, but right now he inhabits a human body of all things, one he had only awoke in not too long ago, it will take time before direct confrontations even becomes a viable option.

"You're awfully naive, you know that. If you're a proper scout, you should have just took me down on sight. Then you would need to go through the trouble of proving anything, not that you'll find what wasn't there to begin with."

Though his words may come of as arrogant, the tone he spoke with was that of a defeated man, a final, futile struggle. Still, he was glad for the fact that the girl won't kill him just yet, that just meant he'll have more chances to find way out of this bind, or so he thought, but the way they decided to detain him made his wish they'd kill him instead.

"W-what an-n un-uncouth wa-way to res-restrain someone."

The human mage from everything, everything aside from his head. Of course, he wasn't completely frozen through, but that just makes it worse, at least in that case, he'd be put out of his miseries. But to be encased in ice, that's just torture. Have these people not heard of hypothermia? Or is this just a new elven way of interrogation? Lucien wondered as he struggles to breath properly, his consciousness fading. It was a sensation familiar to him, the cold embrace of a mortal death.

IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
(We're about to time skip, so we'll leave this encounter here)
The Frozen Plains Forward Camp
3 AM-ish
After suffering from the spell Elaina cast, the Elven camp had taken a while to get back up its feet. Supplies has to be re ordered and inventory taken, while the wounded were tended to. The lack of shields made the men nervous when it came to an attack by the orcs because of the heavy, rather blunt weaponry they used, a shield was a life savior in many situations. Herah's men, people from her tribe and old mercenary band had marched in for extra guard as most of the real guard were busy helping repair what they could. It was only to early in the morning for the sun to rise, and the moon sat in the perfect place to give the illumination the torches couldn't that it happened. With the changing of the camp guard to give the Tieflings rest, a distant call came from the tree line. At first, the guard weren't sure what it was as it sounds like one of the large birds that inhabited the area.

Until a patrol further up gave their warning call. A sharp, clear whistle that was cut short with a screa; a scream that was also cut short as a heavy mace collided with the woman's jaw. From the east if the camp, the same warning whistle came, this time it was met with a reply from inside the camp. Seconds before the first deconstructed tent was set ablaze.

within seconds the entire camp was rushed by a troop of Orcs. While there may not have been much in numbers, they made up for in size and strength. And apperantly, stolen Elven weaponry.
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Kylesar1 Kylesar1 P Paint The Wind Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi revior revior Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan @(I litteraly can't remember anyone else)

Bailey O'Connor & Herah Addar
Frozen Plains Forward Camp
Swinging upward, the Orcs arm was removed from his body, and seconds after, his head followed as the two women worked in unison to help defend the camp. Somehow the orcs had gotten the drop on them during the changing of the guard, or at least that's what Bailey assumed.

"Bailey we need a plan!" Herah shouted, ramming herself into an Orc to halt it's charge, dodging as Bailey sent a well placed strike through its head.

"I'm working on it!" The General replied, switching to her bow with a quickness only years of practice could manage, notching three arrows an letting them loose into an Orc with its mace ready to bring down on a mage's head.

"Can you think any faster?"

"Woman, I'm thinking as fast as I can okay! We don't know how many there are or-on your left!" Another three arrows sank into an orc's forehead as it tried to rush Herah. "I just need a few minutes to think!" Beside Bailey, her wolves formed, ready for what she needed them to do. "Go find Tyr, Arabelle, and protect Elaina. There's no way she's fully back yet," she commanded, earning what seemed to be a nod before her wolves all dashed in separate directions.

Looking back at Herah, Bailey furrowed her brows. "Come on, we need to move," She said, before drawing her sword, "Lets see if we can find their commander and work on taking him out."

"Yes ma'am."

"I'll tell you one thing though," Bailey said as they starred making their way through the burning camp.


"I think Ari is gonna like my plan."
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The Frozen Plains Forward Camp
3 AM-ish
After suffering from the spell Elaina cast, the Elven camp had taken a while to get back up its feet. Supplies has to be re ordered and inventory taken, while the wounded were tended to. The lack of shields made the men nervous when it came to an attack by the orcs because of the heavy, rather blunt weaponry they used, a shield was a life savior in many situations. Herah's men, people from her tribe and old mercenary band had marched in for extra guard as most of the real guard were busy helping repair what they could. It was only to early in the morning for the sun to rise, and the moon sat in the perfect place to give the illumination the torches couldn't that it happened. With the changing of the camp guard to give the Tieflings rest, a distant call came from the tree line. At first, the guard weren't sure what it was as it sounds like one of the large birds that inhabited the area.

Until a patrol further up gave their warning call. A sharp, clear whistle that was cut short with a screa; a scream that was also cut short as a heavy mace collided with the woman's jaw. From the east if the camp, the same warning whistle came, this time it was met with a reply from inside the camp. Seconds before the first deconstructed tent was set ablaze.

within seconds the entire camp was rushed by a troop of Orcs. While there may not have been much in numbers, they made up for in size and strength. And apperantly, stolen Elven weaponry.
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Kylesar1 Kylesar1 P Paint The Wind Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi revior revior Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan @(I litteraly can't remember anyone else)

Bailey O'Connor & Herah Addar
Frozen Plains Forward Camp
Swinging upward, the Orcs arm was removed from his body, and we ones after his head as the two women worked in unison to help defend the camp. Somehow the orcs had gotten the drop on them during the changing of the guard, or at least that's what Bailey assumed.

"Bailey we need a plan!" Herah shouted, ramming herself into an Orc to halt it's charge, dodging as Bailey sent a well placed strike through its head.

"I'm working on it!" The General replied, switching to her bow with a quickness only years of practice could manage, notching three arrows an letting them loose into an Orc with its mace ready to bring down on a mage's head.

"Can you think any faster?"

"Woman, I'm thinking as fast as I can okay! We don't know how many there are or-on your left!" Another three arrows sank into an orc's forehead as it tried to rush Herah. "I just need a few minutes to think!" Beside Bailey, her wolves formed, ready for what she needed them to do. "Go find Tyr, Arabelle, and protect Elaina. There's no way she's fully back yet," she commanded, earning what seemed to be a nod before her wolves all dashed in separate directions.

Looking back at Herah, Bailey furrowed her brows. "Come on, we need to move," She said, before drawing her sword, "Lets see if we can find their commander and work on taking him out."

"Yes ma'am."

"I'll tell you one thing though," Bailey said as they starred making their way through the burning camp.


"I think Ari is gonna like my plan."

Shit was not good. They were being pushed back easily due to being taken by surprise by the orcs. The only thing that kept it from being a clean sweep was that a certain someone had scouts in the forest. They got the drop on a few guards, so it was the scouts who actually set off the alarm. Frigid cold, but clear skies. Snow everywhere muffled their footprints and steadily turned red as more blood was added to the mix. Moisture on a sheet of dry snow, turning it pink, then red, then darker. The physical integrity of the camp was instantly thrown to the wind as boots, chainmail, blades and magic brought anything not on someone's body to complete ruin. Anything that wasn't fight or flight was out of most peoples' heads. It was kill or be killed right now. The primal animal kingdom of survival of the fittest in play. Swords, maces, flails, magic, metal, shields, screams, bloodlust

The Orcs came out of nowhere, showing their intelligence on the battlefield. The elves, especially the higher ones in authority, underestimated the orcs, calling them one-minded savages, thinking that since the orcs were immensely strong physically and weaker magically, that they were stupid in battle. No, this was the elves barely calling out their otherwise perfect, instant battle-ending attack. From the trees, the plains, the rocks, the hills, the orcs swarmed in. Not many numbers, but each one matching 2-4 Elven Knights in strength. They hadn't even brought out their berserkers. The casualties were piling up fast. The Elves needed to get their powerhouses out on the field fast or they'd suffer way too much. Ari needed to get back with that heavy equipment and his own powerhouse ass before it's too late. This was Bailey's time to shine as the Elven leader. Would she let the army get slaughtered, or would she flip this toxic dinner table on its head and get them out of this terrible situation?.............................

Alison Foster
Frozen Plains Camp

"Arabelle? Arabelle!" Alison vigorously shook Arabelle from her sleep. She knew Arabelle was enjoying peaceful slumber on her break from nightmares, but shit had hit the fan and was spraying everywhere. Alison started putting her armor on, not even doing the normal thing as a maid and trying to cover up or change in a different room. Screw that! Death was everywhere. She was sure both Ari and Arabelle would make an exception this one time. "Ari's not back yet! We're under attack! We have to group up with Bailey ASAP!" Soon she was strapped up, sword in the holster, mace in hand and shield on arm. She had learned a long time ago, from running battle preparation drills with Ari for hours and hours on end, deep into the night. She got that part down, but she was having a bit of a hard time steeling herself. This was her very first life and death fight, where you got you had to keep your death count at 0 and your kill count as high as possible. She would go and fight though to the death for the Waesmor Family.
P Paint The Wind

Avery Valencia

Avery stormed around the camp, knocking Orcs back with Psychic Lances. He wasn't trying to kill as much as he was trying to buy them all time. Elaina was long gone with Ari, who hasn't returned quite yet. He had better come back with some awesome equipment. The area around Avery stayed clear at all costs. If anyone closed that gap, they could kill Avery with ease. He had 0 armor and 0 weaponry. This was strictly him in his casual clothing armed with his mind and the magic that stemmed from it. He was shattered out of his sleep by the alarm and didn't bother preparing in any way. Right now, it was moving meditation, a unison of mind and soul. That kept him calm, kept him shooting.

The moonlight and the fire blazing in the camp was the only illumination in an otherwise pitch black forest. Sounds of screaming and clashing blades filled the air. This was a night raid to the max, and the Elves were under every disadvantage except numbers. Terrain, surprise, force strength, time of day. He didn't have time to admire the beautiful night sky as the mood established by such a peaceful star-filled sky was assaulted mercilessly by an evergrowing pool of orc, elf, and human blood. Shit was bad.


Evelyn was on the frontlines in the trees, casting as many traps as possible, explosive ones for the orcs to step on. Pretty much all of them got activated as she just placed them in their path as they moved. It was legitimately all she could do. It was pretty effective though, and the orcs couldn't really see her in the trees. She was trying her best to deter their movement forward by the explosions destroying whoever stepped on them and injuring anyone else in the immediate vicinity. She was scared shitless. She had never been this close to a fight on this scale before. She only knew one thing. She couldn't think. Her body was pretty much on auto-pilot as trained by Ari. When in doubt, fall back on what you know best, he said. She knew traps, so she cast traps, not that she had another option anyways. Stun Trap, Explosive Traps, Proximity Mines, Seeking Air Mines, Frost and Napalm Traps, etc. She was casting her heart out, with Mana Potions on hand when she ran out.

Noam Waesmor
Noam was finishing his guard shift when the attack happened. He was one of the first in the fray when the orcs attacks. He had to duck and weave though, as the initial attackers were heavy-hitters. They didn't seem like berserkers, but they were pretty damn big regardless. Armed with giant swords and axes, one hit would mean death. Only a Paladin would survive that. He most definitely wasn't. He was a battle mage, not yet promoted to even an Eldritch Knight, let alone a Paladin. It took the Herculean Strength spell to even clash blades with some of them. He had his flying rabbit out to watch his back and divebomb anyone who thought they could flank him and his teammates. He had his sword and shield out, but they were being pushed back easily. They weren't fighting to win right now. They were just trying to survive this initial onslaught so they could actually start fighting them.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Mekuto Mekuto P Paint The Wind Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi revior revior Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
FireMaiden FireMaiden Kallo Kallo fuil fuil

Frozen Plains Forward Camp--------->Camp exterior

Evelyn followed after Luna, seeing her go out alone, and passing by Darian. She didn't know him, but Ari brought him in, so apparently he could be trusted. Luna walking out alone wasn't authorized, as it could lead to capture, giving the enemy some form of leverage over them. "I'm going out with you," Evelyn said, easily catching up. "What are you looking for out here?" If anyone could ever see or sense anything, it would be Evelyn by far. She had some of the best eyes and ears in the camp, even over the elites. She was just never recognized due to the fact that she was physically weak and could only use sensory and trap spells. That made her ultimately useless to the Ranger and the Scout units. Oh well. Ari had plenty of use for her, so that was fine by her.

The land they were going over was thick with snow. Cold, and not a lot of sounds of Mother Nature at work, due to Elaina's spell and the Holy Fallout. The snow falling from the sky was gentle, a beautiful white breath from the lips of Tara herself keeping the land in blessed subzero. The tress, while usually in competition to see who could stack the most snow, were all their natural evergreen color right now due to the unexpected interference of Elaina's spell in their game. It would take quite a minute to get back where they were, but the trees had plenty of patience. From the mass interference, the land was obscured in a crazy mix of displaced snow dust, snow fall, and Holy Particles, giving it sort of a moderately thick fog, but ultimately the Holy Magic in the mix gave people a feeling of peace or confidence.............at least as much as they could get with the threat of being attacked in the middle of enemy territory constantly over their heads.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Kallo Kallo (if you want to join this group)
IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan (if you want to join this group)
The blood of the fallen had started to be drawn in towards Raven’s coffin. Luna dropping her barrier to allow the orca in. “Take is your master!” She yelled at the lot of them
The fray had roused him from his seeming state of semi awareness as he quickly sprung to his feet. Running over to join the main forces where they where struggling the most. His scarf flying off as he had failed to truly fasten it on while the rest of the cloth that was covering the rest of his newly transformed body remained on him. His aura flaring for a moment as he lets out a war cry. Bellowing out a torrent of flames into the orcs as he readies his spear. The tip gleaming dangerously while he made sure to keep his distance from each orc...Even with his blood it wouldn't be easy to take a blow from one and steady himself in time to counter attack.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Merry watched from the mirror world the entire scene unfold from the flash of ecery blade and the sheen on every surface, though she could only watch as no sound came through and the fallout kept her from going into the real world. She sighed as she summoned a lesser shard demon to inform Dan of the development.
(Back at the tower)
Dan was currently putting the finishing touches on a flesh golem when a ball of glass shards seemed to pop out of a nearby mirror and floated over and told him of the current battle. "Huh....maybe these orcs will do me favor and end a threat for me and if not then they'll at least weaken them." He said as he washed the black blood from his hands. "I must thank them." He quickly raised the golem and told it to stand with the others. "Maybe I'll lend them a hand with there little war, yes that sounds like it could be fun." He looked to the lich's and other undead who where hard at work on other flesh golems and other undead. "Keep pumping out undead while I'm away but keep them here until further notice, I'll send for my army once I've made a few Orcish friends.....or corpses depends how I feel when I get there." He said as he walked out of the workshop.
(a few moments later)
Dan was riding on a Devil Toad the size of three horses. It's red skin ozzing with unholy slime, and behind the demon was a small army of death knights, barely humanoid ten foot tall flesh golems, and countless zombies, skeletons, and other lesser undead. "Okay lets go find the orcs war camp. Forward!" With that they marched forward, an army that left naught but destruction and taint in there path towards the frozen plains.
Arabelle was jerked awake from her sleep by a panicked Allison, which in turn made her really anxious. She leapt out of bed and immediately started getting her armor on, having no time to ask what happened. She took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for her first fight in seven years. She put her swords in their sheaths and had a lightweight shield on her arm. Her fighting style was entirely based on agility, so she was hoping and praying everything would go alright. “Let’s go find Bailey,” she told Allison.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Outside of the battle

Cross had been returning from a delivery job. Thankfully he got everything the orcs had desired. But they of course he had caught wind of an attack on some elves. Weird explosion was sighted. Definitely all the more reason he wanted to avoid it. "Oh look there's the fight. Now I know the area I should avoi- oh you can't be serious." Much to his annoyance the only way out was right through the fight. "Welp good thing you are both an experienced fighter and a mage now. Just have to pick who I pretend to help. Ok first group to attack me I side with opposing side." With this Cross broke into a sprint. His weapon was at his side and hoping to at least only have to fight one or two people to get out.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 FireMaiden FireMaiden Safety Hammer Safety Hammer P Paint The Wind
Alison Foster
Frozen Plains Battlefield- Waesmor Tent

"Look alive, Arabelle!" Alison yelled and charged out to immediately meet an orc face to face. Before the orc even swung, Alison ducked and uppercut the orc with her mace. This orc wasn't big so it was knocked into the air, teeth broken from the mace. "Frag Mace!" Her mace glowed white and she smacked the orc as he descended. When the mace hit, it exploded and the orc went flying away like a ragdoll. The spikes released from the explosion were jammed into the orc's body as if he got shot. Alison jumped back as she heard a charging roar. An axe blade passed right by her face, dodging an otherwise decapitation.
Another orc charged at Arabelle, an axe in his hand and ready to destroy her. The orc swung downwards at Arabelle, aiming at her chest trying to smash her heart.
P Paint The Wind

Noam Waesmor
Frozen Plains Battlefield

Noam was taking on a Brawler, using his agility to counteract the brawler's vastly higher raw strength. It was till pitch black and Noam hit 2 trees already. "WE NEED LIGHT!! Get the mages behind the infantry!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. They needed to get archers in the trees and mages behind the vanguard to generate more light for both of them. They needed a LOT of indirect combat support if they planned on turning this around just to survive. That still wouldn't net them an overall win. It wouldn't start though without the mages giving the archers a light source so they could fire effectively.

The brawler threw a punch at Noam. An easy dodge and he thrust his sword, trying to take out the Orc's heart. A dodge and a kick to Noam's chest. Noam sumbled back and then BAM! A concussive blast knocked the orc down and a few others in the short immediate vicinity. A squeak gave away the identity of Noam's rabbit protecting him from above the moment it saw an opening. Noam slashed the orc's throat and moved on as the orc crumbled to the ground, grasping his throat and dying.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer Mekuto Mekuto P Paint The Wind Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi revior revior Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
FireMaiden FireMaiden Kallo Kallo fuil fuil

Ari Waesmor
Tel'Abelas City ----------> Skies over Faylen

Ari had been spending all day loading up his ship after getting the Iron Roses back together. Hearing the name Belle again and everyone taunt him calling him a pretty boy for refusing to cut his hair was annoying, but he was glad to have the Iron Roses back. The army needed him to bring all this shit back. Heavy Crossbows with Explosive Bolts, Greatswords, Trebuchets, Battering Rams, Scrolls containing immensely powerful spells, Mortars, and Ari's entire warship itself was strapped to the teeth in weaponry that would stay there. Cannons of all types, a big crew to operate, all of whom had their own weaponry. Ari had every intention of wrecking that battlefield. All that stuff along with the sustenance and medical supplies and armor to supply everyone with that they needed.
"SERGEANT WAESMOR!! SERGEANT WAESMOR!!" An Elven scout came running up, bleeding and his clothing torn, weapon gone.
Ari turned to him, annoyed at the sudden interruption in his task at such a loud volume at such a time of the night. "What?"
Ari was around some nobility at the time of him loading his ship, who had thrown another ball. War gave the rich more riches to throw more balls. Ari pretty much ignored them and let them all talk, but they went silent then started panicking when he mentioned the attack.
"Fucking hell," Ari said with a sigh. Was that to the attack that once again came while he was away, or to the nobility around him panicking like some privileged goons who carried swords for fashion purposes? Maybe both......... "Get yourself together and get on the ship. We're heading back with what we got, boys! Chloe, Misty, Suzu. Come. Now we fight."
All the Iron Roses started cheering as they boarded the ship. Ari put the thing in full throttle back towards the battlefield.

Misty was on his shoulder, Chloe was standing on top of the control panel looking out the window. Suzu was sitting around, tail curled around his legs.
"What's the ETA to getting there, Master Waesmor," The psychic wolf said. "I trust you can get us there, yes?"
"At full force, not long." A throttle engine had been added to his ship instead of the ship just staying the same in the air as in the water. The engine gave them more control over where they went. "I got this, Suzu. Don't get too cocky, as you're still under my command."
The wolf familiar chuckled, unaffected by Ari's words but still obeying them. "Of course, Master. Just worried about the well-being of your team. I'll help you bring them to ruin."
Ari turned back to the task at hand. "Time to go show the orcs why fucking with me all that time ago has come full circle. Vengence doesn't sleep." he said
He looked around for a quick moment with a growl, his own eyesight only being able to make slight features of each orc as they kept moving about. Though after a few moments he finally aligned himself a target, gripping his spear before going for a stab at the orcs ankle. Which was deflected at first and followed by a cleave towards his shoulder. Having little else he could do he dropped down slightly to the ground and rolled underneath the attack. Quickly following with a stab at the orcs shoulder, the blow landing and piercing the hide as he then pulls the spear free. Making a second stab into the orcs throat with quick succession, leaving the orc as it fell down its life wasting away before turning to the next one.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
He looked around for a quick moment with a growl, his own eyesight only being able to make slight features of each orc as they kept moving about. Though after a few moments he finally aligned himself a target, gripping his spear before going for a stab at the orcs ankle. Which was deflected at first and followed by a cleave towards his shoulder. Having little else he could do he dropped down slightly to the ground and rolled underneath the attack. Quickly following with a stab at the orcs shoulder, the blow landing and piercing the hide as he then pulls the spear free. Making a second stab into the orcs throat with quick succession, leaving the orc as it fell down its life wasting away before turning to the next one.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

The next orc was blue, a sign of an elite mage. This orc was armed with a huge warhammer. It charged at Xonrot and slammed it downwards. There would NEVER be blocking a warhammer with anything weaker than an Iron shield minimum, whether physical or magical) The orcs were complete brutes upclose, him outmatching pretty much any human by at least 3x and a veteran knight by 2x.

Outside of the battle

Cross had been returning from a delivery job. Thankfully he got everything the orcs had desired. But they of course he had caught wind of an attack on some elves. Weird explosion was sighted. Definitely all the more reason he wanted to avoid it. "Oh look there's the fight. Now I know the area I should avoi- oh you can't be serious." Much to his annoyance the only way out was right through the fight. "Welp good thing you are both an experienced fighter and a mage now. Just have to pick who I pretend to help. Ok first group to attack me I side with opposing side." With this Cross broke into a sprint. His weapon was at his side and hoping to at least only have to fight one or two people to get out.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 FireMaiden FireMaiden Safety Hammer Safety Hammer P Paint The Wind

Unfortunately for Cross, he looked human enough to the orcs that he could be easily misconstrued for an enemy. He was rammed into a tree. See, Cross hadn't been introduced to the entire force, so him being a non-orc and non-goblin seemingly made him an enemy. This orc was sporting a lance, an unconventional weapon if one wasn't on horseback, but this orc had it pointed at him ready to impale him through a tree

If Cross had some sort of universal identification that would show this orc that he was a friendly, now was the time to whip it out
"Hey don't shoot the delivery guy! Kinda went and got who knows how much stuff for your group. Hell look in my pouch got the list straight from your leader." Cross was no idiot to this. In war you had to come prepared. Sometimes you had to prove to one side that you were indeed working for them. And in Cross' case it was a list of supplies he got from a commander. And if push came to shove he had two free hands to blast this orc with.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Arabelle cursed as the orc charged at her, and she ducked to the side quickly, slashing at the orc’s arm when it was extended after attempting to hit her. She was rusty, but still quite capable.

He let out a slight growl as he rose to his feet. Looking at the orc charging him before tensing. Waiting till the last moment to jump to the side to avoid the Warhammer, quickly stabbing into the orc's arm before pulling the spear free and adding a few feet between them. His body tensing one more as he waited for the next strike from the orc. The air around him slowly gaining heat once more as he recovered from the previous breath attack. (2 posts.)
"Hey don't shoot the delivery guy! Kinda went and got who knows how much stuff for your group. Hell look in my pouch got the list straight from your leader." Cross was no idiot to this. In war you had to come prepared. Sometimes you had to prove to one side that you were indeed working for them. And in Cross' case it was a list of supplies he got from a commander. And if push came to shove he had two free hands to blast this orc with.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1

The Orc took the list from him. The list heading was written in the Orcish language and the rest in English. "This is his signature, alright," the orc said and held out his hand for Cross to take. "Sorry, you all look th-" That was cut off as Alison busted him in the side of the head with her now Frag Mace, sending him through a tree and breaking his skull. Alison landed and with a swift spin, kicked Cross back into the tree. "You're a traitor?! Working with the orcs all along!?!? Your actions are fucking with the Waesmor health!" Alison made that same assumption. Green=Kill. Not Green=Friendly. She did see what transpired though and was ready to break Cross's skull next

Arabelle cursed as the orc charged at her, and she ducked to the side quickly, slashing at the orc’s arm when it was extended after attempting to hit her. She was rusty, but still quite capable.

The orc roared as his arm became useless as Arabelle slashed the joint of his elbow. He grabbed the axe with his other hand and spun it around about mid-level, trying to hit her by keeping her from either jumping effectively or ducking effectively, and cutting her right in half through her armor if she was hit.


He let out a slight growl as he rose to his feet. Looking at the orc charging him before tensing. Waiting till the last moment to jump to the side to avoid the Warhammer, quickly stabbing into the orc's arm before pulling the spear free and adding a few feet between them. His body tensing one more as he waited for the next strike from the orc. The air around him slowly gaining heat once more as he recovered from the previous breath attack. (2 posts.)

The Orc stumbled back and slammed the Hammer into the ground, sending up earth spikes from the ground to impale Xonrot. While Xonrot would be dodging the spikes from disabling his feet, the orc slammed his foot on the ground and a wall of Earth popped up, the side closest to Xonrot covered in stone spikes. The wall flashed white and all the spikes started shooting out of the wall like a machine gun. This was a two-front attack designed to keep him from dodging unscathed, as well as a defensive move to keep him prepared for Xonrot's next move.
"Traitor, such a nasty word. And one that does not fit my current description. I work for whichever side pays me money. I'm trying to get out and give my boss her cut of the money. She sets up the gig and I do it. You gotta under- wait Waesmor? As in Ari Waesmor?" Cross was surprised to hear that name. He never pictured Ari to be big on wars. That and hearing it after 4 years surprised him even more. "Look I'm not a bad guy. Ask Ari about a man named Cross. And tell him that I still owe him that beer."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
"Traitor, such a nasty word. And one that does not fit my current description. I work for whichever side pays me money. I'm trying to get out and give my boss her cut of the money. She sets up the gig and I do it. You gotta under- wait Waesmor? As in Ari Waesmor?" Cross was surprised to hear that name. He never pictured Ari to be big on wars. That and hearing it after 4 years surprised him even more. "Look I'm not a bad guy. Ask Ari about a man named Cross. And tell him that I still owe him that beer."

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Alison Foster

Alison jumped out of the way as an Orc charged her and spin kicked him into another tree, knocking it down completely. Her Communication Crystal Glowed. "Ari?"
From his ship, Ari answered the crystal. "I'm coming. I'm coming, Alison. Tell Bailey's impatient ass to stop rushing."
"Huh? No, it's Alison asking you do you know someone named Cross."
"Well yea. I've told you about him."
"Yea, well he's fighting on behalf of the orcs."
"You gotta be fucking kidding me. You're lying........"
"He said to tell you he owes you a beer."
Silence. "................................Has he been so emo the past 4 years that he just wants to die now? Put him on!" Alison could somewhat feel Ari's rage through the crystal. She handed the Crystal to Cross. Ari's voice came in over it. It didn't sound like the characteristic Ari yelling, but the looming threat was coming very soon. "My maid told me that you're with the Orcs. Unless you plan on fighting me to the death in about 20 minutes, you should clarify Alison's accusations to a satisfactory degree."

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