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Fantasy The Calm After War (Always Open and Accepting)

"Pfft me side with Orcs. Ari I'm a mercenary. All the orcs did was hire me and my partner to deliver stuff. Rule #1 never take a side unless it benefits you heavily. And the orcs do not have enough cash to make me even consider siding with them. Though if you want to buy my services I do offer an old ally discount. Given it's a war and stuff it would be 1'000 gold but for you 700 gold. Final offer. And for free I go about my business and get back home." Cross just had a straight face as he said all of this.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
"Pfft me side with Orcs. Ari I'm a mercenary. All the orcs did was hire me and my partner to deliver stuff. Rule #1 never take a side unless it benefits you heavily. And the orcs do not have enough cash to make me even consider siding with them. Though if you want to buy my services I do offer an old ally discount. Given it's a war and stuff it would be 1'000 gold but for you 700 gold. Final offer. And for free I go about my business and get back home." Cross just had a straight face as he said all of this.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Ari Waesmor
Skies over Faylen

Ari chuckled. So the orcs were broke. "Alright Cross. The way I got the message is that we're being destroyed. It's not likely that we'll turn this around until I return. Even then, it may just go into a stalemate depending on the casualties. We're out maneuvered and got taken by surprise according to a scout who ran his ass all the way back to Faylen............ I pay you 5,000 gold and that battlefield gets wrecked with every ounce of your strength until I return. I pay up upon return and you do whatever the fuck you want after that." Ari could turn the tide of battle with his crew, but ONLY if the army was doing a good job at holding them off NOW. If they were too devastated to keep fighting, it would end in a stalemate at best.
The Orc stumbled back and slammed the Hammer into the ground, sending up earth spikes from the ground to impale Xonrot. While Xonrot would be dodging the spikes from disabling his feet, the orc slammed his foot on the ground and a wall of Earth popped up, the side closest to Xonrot covered in stone spikes. The wall flashed white and all the spikes started shooting out of the wall like a machine gun. This was a two-front attack designed to keep him from dodging unscathed, as well as a defensive move to keep him prepared for Xonrot's next move.

He jumped up at first while he was dodging the spikes that where aimed at his feet. Though his eyes widened as he say the barrage of spikes flinging at him. Glancing between the two options for a split second before throwing himself right at the orc. A glare right in his eyes as a few spikes from the wall slammed into his side and shoulder, some deflecting off his scales while others broke through and stuck into his flesh. Causing his side to grow red as he stabbed right for the orcs neck. Somewhat stumbling as he would land and do his best to make some distance again. The air around him shimmering slightly now as he let out a slight rumble in his throat. Preparing to dodge once more and continue to fight even with the wounds he had.
Cross grinned at the mention of 5'000 gold. "Consider the orcs already meeting their god. Until then I'm assuming don't let everything loose. Until then the sign that I'm there will be burning orcs. Lots of burning orcs. Oh and gem of a maid you got there." As Cross says that he throws the crystal back to Allison as he fires of some bolts og fire at some unfortunate orcs. "You heard your master leave nothing standing!"

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Bailey O'Connor & Herah Addar
Frozen Plains Forward Camp
From somewhere in the camp, a loud whistle was heard over most of the commotion, and was net by three others that were slightly different. Herah just had to stare at Bailey.

"You want to retreat?" She asked in disbelief.

"Herah, we have to. We need out troops to regroup, or we aren't going to even survive this fight," Bailey said.

"But, we can't ju-"

"Herah, this isn't something to fight me about. This is an order, we need to fall back and regroup. Hopefully Ari isn't to far off," She said, "We need to defend what we have right now, and if that means a temporary retreat, then so be it. I'm killing my troops in a pointless slaughter that could have been avoided."

"Yes ma'am," The teifling replied, righting the grip on her sword. "What do we do now?"

"We need a distraction, something bug so that we can get the Orcs off our backs. Any ideas?"

"One. Nobody is gonna like it though."


"Cause it's an avalanche."

"Herah why in the gods name would an ava- wait a second," Bailey muttered, a smirk appearing on Herah's face. Bailey looked around at the battle feild, her mean doing their best to put distance between them and the Orcs. Some of course we're caught, but, calling a retreat was a good call, there weren't going to be as many casualties because it have them a chance to defend each other. "Let's put a pin in that, we need to join out men," Bailey said, urging Herah from out behind cover. The archer had lost interest in them a few minute ago, which allowed them to join their men.
He jumped up at first while he was dodging the spikes that where aimed at his feet. Though his eyes widened as he say the barrage of spikes flinging at him. Glancing between the two options for a split second before throwing himself right at the orc. A glare right in his eyes as a few spikes from the wall slammed into his side and shoulder, some deflecting off his scales while others broke through and stuck into his flesh. Causing his side to grow red as he stabbed right for the orcs neck. Somewhat stumbling as he would land and do his best to make some distance again. The air around him shimmering slightly now as he let out a slight rumble in his throat. Preparing to dodge once more and continue to fight even with the wounds he had.

The orc sidestepped almost too late. ALMOST. He took a fairly deep cut to the neck, but not instant life-ending damage. He roared again and slammed his foot into the ground. Another Earth wall popped up, this time with no spikes. With a swing of his hammer, the orc sent the wall directly at Xonrot and charged behind it, waiting to see Xonrot and dismantle his torso with a single swing if he jumped over the wall.

Blood was pouring out the orc's neck, but he wouldn't go down that easily. "Rage......" the orc muttered. He ignited in a red aura With the blood pouring out and no way to heal, there was no way the orc would survive unless he retreated and got medical help. Defeat wasn't in the orc blood though. With Rage, instead of getting weaker as he got closer to death, he got stronger. He could still very much die, but closest to death gave him the power to knock a heavily armored paladin over the horizon. Right now though, he was just a bit stronger than he was, but it would continue as this fight went on and he lost more blood and took more strikes. Xonrot was much faster, but the orc only needed one hit to end him.
(3 posts until max strength from bloodloss)
(4 posts until death by bloodloss)

Cross grinned at the mention of 5'000 gold. "Consider the orcs already meeting their god. Until then I'm assuming don't let everything loose. Until then the sign that I'm there will be burning orcs. Lots of burning orcs. Oh and gem of a maid you got there." As Cross says that he throws the crystal back to Allison as he fires of some bolts og fire at some unfortunate orcs. "You heard your master leave nothing standing!"

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Alison Foster
Frozen Plains Battlefield

"Get to it! You have to possess high power if Ari entrusted you to wreck the battlefield before he returns in about 15 minutes," Alison said as she fell back. "We need to regroup.......well I do. You do what you will. Just make sure you're doing what he's paying you for. If you fight like a normal soldier, that's not worth 5,000 gold."
Alison had heard the call to regroup so she started moving to towards the center of the camp. They needed to establish an area to defend, then hunker down that position until Ari returned. She dashed forward and smacked another Orc into yet another orc with her Frag Mace.
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
P Paint The Wind

Ari Waesmor
Skies over Faylen

"We're getting closer, Sergeant," the scout said as he overlooked the forest.
"Right. Start loading the cannons boys. They need to be fully loaded and ready to fire by the time we get there. Load the Ballistas as well." They started getting everything together, and the catapults started launching boulders into the trees. Since the camp was in a clearing and it would be smart to keep everyone in the clearing, there should be little to no friendlies affected by the sudden boulders. The ship was still too far away for their cannons to be in effective range though. Ari's 15 minutes was more of getting over the campsite, not really attacking. Getting in full-fledged attack range was in about 7 minutes.

Sounds from the airship would start to be heard, albeit not in the clearest. One would have to focus to actually hear it
(2 posts until arrival)

FireMaiden FireMaiden

As the undead war party moved closer to the Orc War Camps, they were spotted by the orcs and raised the alarm. An enormous red orc berserker guard stoodby, ready to demolish that entire undead army with a giant axe. Anything that wasn't at least a golem, he could probably just run right through. Red orcs were the most elite warriors and Blue orcs were the most elite battle mages. Red Orcs were the biggest savages on the battlefield, each one individually a powerhouse and same with the blue orcs, though the blue orcs could use magic at a higher level along with their fierce physical training (but a lower physical training level than the reds). Red Orc Berserkers were some of the most feared war units in the world, only about 3rd with Wyverns and Dragons at the top, and Beholders right below.

With the Holy Fallout keeping them from using dark magic, to the orcs, only an enemy would come at them with undead.
fuil fuil
"I'm keeping them at bay. You all retreat to a better position. I didn't fight along side your master in the endless demon war because of cincidence." With that Cross grabbed one of the orcs fallen lances. And calmly walked towards the orcs and suddenly his voice echoed out. "Come on you green asses. I slayed demons by the thousands and I bet you all are only equal to a good 7!" He felt the draconic strength that he had not used in two years flow through his body. And scales began to grow over the locations of all of his important organs. And he looked at the orcs with that same grin and his arms held open to either side as though telling the orcs to come at him. "I've got 5 minutes best make this count!"

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Dan simply motioned his army to stop as he watched the orcs panic. He quickly hopped of his toad and walked forward with his hands up as he shouted so all could hear "I'm not here to harm you, in fact I'd like to help. You see we have a mutual enemy." He continued forward in this manner until he was but a few feet from the guard. "What you see behind me is but a taste of what I have in store for those elves. Now if you'd be so kind as to get your boss I'd like to speak to him." He knew the red Orc would be a tough enemy to face and he'd much rather have him on his team than against, but if it came down to it he had a few tricks up his sleeve. "I would really appreciate it my good sir." He said with a smile.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
The orc sidestepped almost too late. ALMOST. He took a fairly deep cut to the neck, but not instant life-ending damage. He roared again and slammed his foot into the ground. Another Earth wall popped up, this time with no spikes. With a swing of his hammer, the orc sent the wall directly at Xonrot and charged behind it, waiting to see Xonrot and dismantle his torso with a single swing if he jumped over the wall.

Blood was pouring out the orc's neck, but he wouldn't go down that easily. "Rage......" the orc muttered. He ignited in a red aura With the blood pouring out and no way to heal, there was no way the orc would survive unless he retreated and got medical help. Defeat wasn't in the orc blood though. With Rage, instead of getting weaker as he got closer to death, he got stronger. He could still very much die, but closest to death gave him the power to knock a heavily armored paladin over the horizon. Right now though, he was just a bit stronger than he was, but it would continue as this fight went on and he lost more blood and took more strikes. Xonrot was much faster, but the orc only needed one hit to end him.
(3 posts until max strength from bloodloss)
(4 posts until death by bloodloss)

Alison Foster
Frozen Plains Battlefield

"Get to it! You have to possess high power if Ari entrusted you to wreck the battlefield before he returns in about 15 minutes," Alison said as she fell back. "We need to regroup.......well I do. You do what you will. Just make sure you're doing what he's paying you for. If you fight like a normal soldier, that's not worth 5,000 gold."
Alison had heard the call to regroup so she started moving to towards the center of the camp. They needed to establish an area to defend, then hunker down that position until Ari returned. She dashed forward and smacked another Orc into yet another orc with her Frag Mace.
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
P Paint The Wind

Ari Waesmor
Skies over Faylen

"We're getting closer, Sergeant," the scout said as he overlooked the forest.
"Right. Start loading the cannons boys. They need to be fully loaded and ready to fire by the time we get there. Load the Ballistas as well." They started getting everything together, and the catapults started launching boulders into the trees. Since the camp was in a clearing and it would be smart to keep everyone in the clearing, there should be little to no friendlies affected by the sudden boulders. The ship was still too far away for their cannons to be in effective range though. Ari's 15 minutes was more of getting over the campsite, not really attacking. Getting in full-fledged attack range was in about 7 minutes.

Sounds from the airship would start to be heard, albeit not in the clearest. One would have to focus to actually hear it
(2 posts until arrival)

FireMaiden FireMaiden

As the undead war party moved closer to the Orc War Camps, they were spotted by the orcs and raised the alarm. An enormous red orc berserker guard stoodby, ready to demolish that entire undead army with a giant axe. Anything that wasn't at least a golem, he could probably just run right through. Red orcs were the most elite warriors and Blue orcs were the most elite battle mages. Red Orcs were the biggest savages on the battlefield, each one individually a powerhouse and same with the blue orcs, though the blue orcs could use magic at a higher level along with their fierce physical training (but a lower physical training level than the reds). Red Orc Berserkers were some of the most feared war units in the world, only about 3rd with Wyverns and Dragons at the top, and Beholders right below.

With the Holy Fallout keeping them from using dark magic, to the orcs, only an enemy would come at them with undead.
fuil fuil

The air around him grew into a massive heat spike as the stone in his pendant on his neck started to glow furiously. The skin on his body quickly being covered in golden scales as he grew quickly. His neck extending like that of a serpant as he quickly grew into his more or less true form. A dragon with scales that shined like golden now standing in place of where he was one moment ago. Easily towering up to the size of an elephant as it glared down at the orc. Unleashing a torrent of flames which easily drowned it and the next ten or so orcs behind it, the flame even being imbuned with the magical energies from the dragon itself. Giving a needed puch to help break through all but the strongest defences. Though even superheating the air inside the torrent so a mixture of spells would be needed to survive.
The Orc took the list from him. The list heading was written in the Orcish language and the rest in English. "This is his signature, alright," the orc said and held out his hand for Cross to take. "Sorry, you all look th-" That was cut off as Alison busted him in the side of the head with her now Frag Mace, sending him through a tree and breaking his skull. Alison landed and with a swift spin, kicked Cross back into the tree. "You're a traitor?! Working with the orcs all along!?!? Your actions are fucking with the Waesmor health!" Alison made that same assumption. Green=Kill. Not Green=Friendly. She did see what transpired though and was ready to break Cross's skull next

The orc roared as his arm became useless as Arabelle slashed the joint of his elbow. He grabbed the axe with his other hand and spun it around about mid-level, trying to hit her by keeping her from either jumping effectively or ducking effectively, and cutting her right in half through her armor if she was hit.

The Orc stumbled back and slammed the Hammer into the ground, sending up earth spikes from the ground to impale Xonrot. While Xonrot would be dodging the spikes from disabling his feet, the orc slammed his foot on the ground and a wall of Earth popped up, the side closest to Xonrot covered in stone spikes. The wall flashed white and all the spikes started shooting out of the wall like a machine gun. This was a two-front attack designed to keep him from dodging unscathed, as well as a defensive move to keep him prepared for Xonrot's next move.

Arabelle gasped and flipped in midair over the blade, letting it go beneath her, though it managed to cut her hair off. She landed and immediately charged at the orc, her swords extended and ready to fight.
Dan simply motioned his army to stop as he watched the orcs panic. He quickly hopped of his toad and walked forward with his hands up as he shouted so all could hear "I'm not here to harm you, in fact I'd like to help. You see we have a mutual enemy." He continued forward in this manner until he was but a few feet from the guard. "What you see behind me is but a taste of what I have in store for those elves. Now if you'd be so kind as to get your boss I'd like to speak to him." He knew the red Orc would be a tough enemy to face and he'd much rather have him on his team than against, but if it came down to it he had a few tricks up his sleeve. "I would really appreciate it my good sir." He said with a smile.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Red Orc
Uzdrin (ooze-drihn) War Camp Gate

"Speak and we relay the message," the red orc said in a deep intimidating voice. "We don't work with humans or Elves on the battlefield unless they have much to offer." That was unless their enemy looked nothing like humans. Elves and humans looked pretty much the same from a distance, thus making it safe for them to not work with them at all. The undead army didn't look like much to this orc, as about 3 Red Orc berserkers could destroy them all, if they even needed that many. Orcs preferred more than anything a physically strong ally, not really a magically strong one. All in all, he didn't seem like he had much to offer. For the most part, orcs just wanted information, or supplies, not actual battlefield help. They proved themselves all throughout history that even when outnumbered 5:1, they can win a war. They neither needed nor wanted help. They were far too prideful to go asking for help for anything. That kept them isolated, but happy in their own culture. Others were allowed in with FAR less restrictions than Elves, but when it came to war, non-orcs were banned under most circumstances.

This Red Orc was not about to bring out their leader in front of an army. Other Orcs, mostly brown, fewer green, were all on top of the gates armed with bows. 3 more Blue Orcs moved to the gates and behind the Red Orc, all on guard at the sight of the undead army.

The air around him grew into a massive heat spike as the stone in his pendant on his neck started to glow furiously. The skin on his body quickly being covered in golden scales as he grew quickly. His neck extending like that of a serpant as he quickly grew into his more or less true form. A dragon with scales that shined like golden now standing in place of where he was one moment ago. Easily towering up to the size of an elephant as it glared down at the orc. Unleashing a torrent of flames which easily drowned it and the next ten or so orcs behind it, the flame even being imbuned with the magical energies from the dragon itself. Giving a needed puch to help break through all but the strongest defences. Though even superheating the air inside the torrent so a mixture of spells would be needed to survive.
The orc punched through and swung his axe through the flames, taking damage, but not massive amounts, making his Rage spell double in power. This was it for him, he knew, but he would destroy Xonrot if it was the literal last thing he did.........and it would be. His eyes glowed red. "Ogre Strength." Red sparks jumped around his body as he closed the gap. Rage along with Ogre Strength gave him IMMENSE power, outmatching the strongest human champion by about 10x in raw strength. He burned in the torrent surrounding the dragon which brought him even closer to death, but only made him stronger. The Valiant Orc swung his axe into Xonrot's shoulder, shattering the scales with ease but burying his axe too deep to take the time to pull out. He threw an insane punch into Xonrot's stomach, once again shattering the scales there. The orc started feeling his skin burn and his body start to fail. He was ignited, but still fighting on. He grabbed Xonrot's arm and, with a massive burst of strength, spin Xonrot around and slammed him on the ground, burying that axe even deeper.

The orc landed and panted as he knew it was all he had left. His body was failing now. He crossed that threshold where body failure took precedence over the effects of Rage. He kneeled and smiled as the fire consumed his life. He dropped in the torrent of flames along with 3 other Orc bystanders. He gave it his last go. Did the orc kill Xonrot? He didn't know, but he hoped so. Regardless, one had no choice but to admire the fearlessness it took to take on a transformed draconian that close to death.

With Arabelle closing the gap, the orc gave another spin around and release the axe, sending it flying towards Arabelle at enough strength to make it look like a buzzsaw, and it would cut Arabelle in half at the waist like a buzzsaw as well. With one arm made useless, the orc would fight on barehanded. He only needed one good punch to send Arabelle flying through about 3 trees and only to grab her to end her.
P Paint The Wind

Like 5 orcs charged at Cross, armed with a giant blades, except one that was much smaller, but very much faster than the ones beside him. He closed the gap much faster than the bigger guys and slashed at Cross, trying to kill him, and hold him down while the bigger guys come and do the killing.
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Cross grinned and only said "Hofibavi gewjle." before letting his free hand blast the orc with what could be seen as 5 bright lights. All of which aimed downward trying to strike it in the front. And if none of these hit Cross already had his lance ready. This new form made him more tanky then his normal form. And it boosted his strength. He wasn't as strong as an Orc. But he could take hits better then most humans or Elves. Even if the Orc hit him the scales would provide enough defense to where it only felt like a moderate sting. But these 5 were nothing. And all that was on his mind was the 5,000 gold.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Red Orc
Uzdrin (ooze-drihn) War Camp Gate

"Speak and we relay the message," the red orc said in a deep intimidating voice. "We don't work with humans or Elves on the battlefield unless they have much to offer." That was unless their enemy looked nothing like humans. Elves and humans looked pretty much the same from a distance, thus making it safe for them to not work with them at all. The undead army didn't look like much to this orc, as about 3 Red Orc berserkers could destroy them all, if they even needed that many. Orcs preferred more than anything a physically strong ally, not really a magically strong one. All in all, he didn't seem like he had much to offer. For the most part, orcs just wanted information, or supplies, not actual battlefield help. They proved themselves all throughout history that even when outnumbered 5:1, they can win a war. They neither needed nor wanted help. They were far too prideful to go asking for help for anything. That kept them isolated, but happy in their own culture. Others were allowed in with FAR less restrictions than Elves, but when it came to war, non-orcs were banned under most circumstances.

This Red Orc was not about to bring out their leader in front of an army. Other Orcs, mostly brown, fewer green, were all on top of the gates armed with bows. 3 more Blue Orcs moved to the gates and behind the Red Orc, all on guard at the sight of the undead army.

The orc punched through and swung his axe through the flames, taking damage, but not massive amounts, making his Rage spell double in power. This was it for him, he knew, but he would destroy Xonrot if it was the literal last thing he did.........and it would be. His eyes glowed red. "Ogre Strength." Red sparks jumped around his body as he closed the gap. Rage along with Ogre Strength gave him IMMENSE power, outmatching the strongest human champion by about 10x in raw strength. He burned in the torrent surrounding the dragon which brought him even closer to death, but only made him stronger. The Valiant Orc swung his axe into Xonrot's shoulder, shattering the scales with ease but burying his axe too deep to take the time to pull out. He threw an insane punch into Xonrot's stomach, once again shattering the scales there. The orc started feeling his skin burn and his body start to fail. He was ignited, but still fighting on. He grabbed Xonrot's arm and, with a massive burst of strength, spin Xonrot around and slammed him on the ground, burying that axe even deeper.

The orc landed and panted as he knew it was all he had left. His body was failing now. He crossed that threshold where body failure took precedence over the effects of Rage. He kneeled and smiled as the fire consumed his life. He dropped in the torrent of flames along with 3 other Orc bystanders. He gave it his last go. Did the orc kill Xonrot? He didn't know, but he hoped so. Regardless, one had no choice but to admire the fearlessness it took to take on a transformed draconian that close to death.

With Arabelle closing the gap, the orc gave another spin around and release the axe, sending it flying towards Arabelle at enough strength to make it look like a buzzsaw, and it would cut Arabelle in half at the waist like a buzzsaw as well. With one arm made useless, the orc would fight on barehanded. He only needed one good punch to send Arabelle flying through about 3 trees and only to grab her to end her.
P Paint The Wind

Like 5 orcs charged at Cross, armed with a giant blades, except one that was much smaller, but very much faster than the ones beside him. He closed the gap much faster than the bigger guys and slashed at Cross, trying to kill him, and hold him down while the bigger guys come and do the killing.
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

He took the blow to the shoulder with a hiss, much like any true dragon would. Though the blow to his stomach would cause him to rear back with the intense force behind it. Not doing much to stop the flipping as he was holding onto consciousness as strongly as he could from such a powerful duo of blows. The axe being both his demons and his angel as it slowed the bleeding from the wound to a minimum. Though he remained laying for a couple of seconds, slowly standing after he collected himself and standing with as little weight as possible on the injured leg. A roar sounding from him which would echo throughout the battle feild. His wings flaring out as he reared to his back legs. Readying his good arm before slashing right into the orcs infront of him. Rage burning through him as he landed fairly heavily on the leg at first. His wings flapping to remove some stress before using his good leg once more, his eyes dangerous slits instead of wide pupils.
Dan frowned but shrugged and gave another smile as he motioned to his army. "This is but a tast of what I can offer you. In fact back at my tower my workers are pumping out undead even as we speak and at a moments notice I can have them march to a location and unlike your army I can replace my fallen with the corpses of the enemy." He paused for a moment to let that sink in then continued "I don't only use undead but also. demons as well, though I have less of them as to opposed to my countless undead. They do make up for there lack of numbers in strength though." He pointed to his mount and said "That for example is a devil toad, it may not look like much but it's skin os tough enough to reply even wyvern claws. It's mucus is harmless to those of us who practice the dark arts but to our holy counter parts it is a deadly toxin, and there strong enough to even give you big orcs a decent fight. This is what I offer your boss, let me join your fight as an ally and I will help you crush the elves and send them running but if this is still not enough to convince your leader then I also offer you this." He reaches into his bag and brought out a a red gem that pulsed like a heartbeat. "A gem of stolen life, when in the possession of someone near death it will break and bring them back to full health. I can craft these and all I ask in return is for you to let me help destroy the elves and there allys." He offered it to the orc with a smile so full of wrath it practically leaked bloodlust.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Lucien Lacroix
Frozen Plains Battlefield​

A dark shade slithers across the bloodied field, it's existence waning, scattered about in the winds without a vessel to contain it, all the while being diluted by the holy magic that fills the air. What the dark wraith seeks, is one who is desperate or perhaps greedy for strength, so that a covenant may be made between it and they, and their souls mixed together.

Upon the battlefield, there lies one such desperate soul buried in a pile of corpses, his wounds deep and his blood spilling. The shade approaches it, and tenderly it whispers to the poor soul.

"Does this one desires strength? Does this one wishes to previal death?"

The man was an elf, his fair complexion had gone deathly pale from the blood loss and tears were flowing down his young eyes as he suffocates beneath those he called comrades. He knew death was near and had resigned to his fate. When the young elf saw the creature of darkness and heard his offer, he was tempted, he knew that he shouldn't, nothing goes well when one deals with such beings. Yet, he wanted to live, he wanted to go live and return home, he wanted to see his family, his friends, his sweetheart. It was a hesitant one, hesitant, but he nodded.

"Very well. Now allow me into you, so that I may grant you strength."

The elven boy offered up no resistance as the creature of darkness slithered into him, and he could feel himself being tainted by dark emotions carried by the wraith, but along with them came knowledge, knowledge of power. The boy began to repair his wounds, the holy magic that remains on this land impedes his healing, but he was at least able to do enough to stop the bleeding. A barrier, fragile it may be, aided in removing some weight off his body, somewhat lifting the bodies of his fallen comrades, enough for him to weakly wiggle out of the mound of corpses. He dragged himself out in a hurry, or at least, as fast as his weakened body could, as he knew what would come next. He crawled along the ground, hoping that the right person would notice him and take him back to camp, to the medical tent, but he did not get far before the darkness took him and his consciousness fades away. The next time he wakes, he would be no more, and a new being born of him and the dark wraith would take his place.

Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Ari Waesmor
Skies over Frozen Plains Camp

The camp was in sight now, the cannons in effective range. "Fire!" The sky lit up with the sounds of loud cannon fire. Cannon Balls, Fireballs and Archer fire illuminated the pitch black sky. "ARI IS IN THIS BITCH!!" He boomed over the ship's intercom, transmitting the message to everyone at the battlefield, however they chose to act. "You should've killed them all, Orcs. Time's up." Cannon balls crashed into the forest ground, uprooting trees and exploding. Ballista bolts pierced the ground and killed anyone they hit. They also connected the ship to the ground via a giant rope. "LOAD UP THE WOUNDED AND THE ARCHERS!!" The voice from the ship said.

The Iron Roses on the ship drew their weapons and ran down the rope. Some jumped with parachutes to get into the fray. They were gonna win this fight no matter what. Ari stood at the helm of the ship, bow in hand. He drew the bow and released..........

Evelyn's crystal lit up. "Evelyn." Ari was talking
"Yes, Sergeant! Glad to have you back."
"Glad to be back, Evelyn. I need you up here in the ship. You can help aim all these cannons. Your targeting skills are top notch. Head towards the ship."
She was happy on more than one level for this proposition and took off towards the ship.

The ship was hovering slightly away from the camp, with the roped Ballista rounds shot into the camp to get them up to the ship.

..........The head of the orc targeting Arabelle suddenly exploded as a powerful bolt pierced its forehead. Ari was not playing around. Every bolt unleashed a strong sonic boom. The fate was what become of the orcs targeting Bailey and Herah. "Death........All of you can die." Ari muttered, focused on his singular task of shedding blood, his forte in life.

"DIVEBOMB!!" Misty crashed into the field with her signature move, blasting everything out of the way with slashing wind. She was gonna get some of the wounded out while defending the position the army was trying to establish. She crunched on orcs that got in her way, eating some of them.

The boy was grabbed and thrown back to the camp by a paladin while he was fighting orcs. ( revior revior )

FireMaiden FireMaiden
P Paint The Wind
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Cross saw the ship and knew this was the time. If the orcs weren't running already he wad going to give them a better reason. Almost immediately he transformed as well. And in his place a red dragon who roared at whatever Orcs were coming his ray. "Run! Run or I get to burn all of you!" Cross roared as he continued moving towards them. Each step was a threat on it's own. And Cross hoped he would scare them off. But them being idiots and staying would be more fun.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Ashlyn Woods
Ash walked to the edge of the land and sat stareing out at the waters below the gates of dirthara. It was a beautiful place to sit and think. She had pulled a large drawing pad and some drawing materials and began drawing the sun setting over the gate's calm waters. Knowing the area's history, she imagined the elves haveing an entire city right in front of where she sat, it was amazeing to think of like that, imagineing their beautiful achetecture in such a beautiful place just seemed inevitable. Ash had finnished her drawing and she just looked out at the water, watching as the occasional elven tradeing boat came and went like any other day...
Ari Waesmor
Skies over Frozen Plains Camp

The camp was in sight now, the cannons in effective range. "Fire!" The sky lit up with the sounds of loud cannon fire. Cannon Balls, Fireballs and Archer fire illuminated the pitch black sky. "ARI IS IN THIS BITCH!!" He boomed over the ship's intercom, transmitting the message to everyone at the battlefield, however they chose to act. "You should've killed them all, Orcs. Time's up." Cannon balls crashed into the forest ground, uprooting trees and exploding. Ballista bolts pierced the ground and killed anyone they hit. They also connected the ship to the ground via a giant rope. "LOAD UP THE WOUNDED AND THE ARCHERS!!" The voice from the ship said.

The Iron Roses on the ship drew their weapons and ran down the rope. Some jumped with parachutes to get into the fray. They were gonna win this fight no matter what. Ari stood at the helm of the ship, bow in hand. He drew the bow and released..........

Evelyn's crystal lit up. "Evelyn." Ari was talking
"Yes, Sergeant! Glad to have you back."
"Glad to be back, Evelyn. I need you up here in the ship. You can help aim all these cannons. Your targeting skills are top notch. Head towards the ship."
She was happy on more than one level for this proposition and took off towards the ship.

The ship was hovering slightly away from the camp, with the roped Ballista rounds shot into the camp to get them up to the ship.

..........The head of the orc targeting Arabelle suddenly exploded as a powerful bolt pierced its forehead. Ari was not playing around. Every bolt unleashed a strong sonic boom. The fate was what become of the orcs targeting Bailey and Herah. "Death........All of you can die." Ari muttered, focused on his singular task of shedding blood, his forte in life.

"DIVEBOMB!!" Misty crashed into the field with her signature move, blasting everything out of the way with slashing wind. She was gonna get some of the wounded out while defending the position the army was trying to establish. She crunched on orcs that got in her way, eating some of them.

The boy was grabbed and thrown back to the camp by a paladin while he was fighting orcs. ( revior revior )

FireMaiden FireMaiden
P Paint The Wind
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi

The voice booming over the battlefield was just enough to make him snap out of the rage he was starting to fall into. Recognizing the name as he flares out his wings. His tail whipping around as the cannon fire landing in the battlefield and the ballista bolts landing in the dirt at the orcs helped to invigorate him with chances of a victory being back in the field. Though his leg was still wounded horribly along with his stomach. Causing him to have to debate for a moment his choices, though quickly looking over to the second dragon which now stood mostly behind the orcs lines. His eyes widening into full pupils before narrowing again as he realized which side it seemed to be with. Giving out a war cry to it before starting to step back. His wounds making him better off with getting back behind the front lines then having him remain...and anyways, even if he wanted to keep fighting he could feel his strength fading. The axe buried in his shoulder causing most of his energy of his transformation to be forced into somewhat stabilizing the wound. His scales already growing softer as he unfurled his wings. Going right back for the camp, his transformation slowly reversing as he landed. Stumbling for a moment as he fully reverted to his blood right form. His clothing and weapons back on him before falling over. The axe having been forced out from his changing forms in order to preserve as much life as possible while a few ribs where fairly well destroyed. Falling down near the ropes before starting to black out as a puddle of red formed around him.
Tyr O'Connor
Tyr was having the time of his life. The roaring sound of his laughter must've thrown off his enemies quite a bit. The barbaric bard was in the frontlines with the rest of the elf grunts. He was quite covered in orc blood and viscera, since all he was doing was slaughtering all that came to attack him. In some twisted way, he felt no pity for the other elves that died around them, nor for any of the orcs. He simply killed because he was told to. Then, as Tyr was decapitating another Orc, he heard something in the bathroom. He looked up, and wiped the mud and blood away from his eyes, only to see Misty divebomb into the battlefield. Then, he was blasted from where he was, and into a tree, far from the fight.He looked down, and saw the treebranch we was impaled on. "Oh.." He said weakly, "... Such is life, I guess.." Shortly after, he passed out.
Bailey O'Connor & Herah Addar
The Frozen Plains Forward Camp
"It's about time he showed up!" Herah laughed, decapitating an Orc with its sights set on the pinned elf Bailey was helping.

"Yeah! Let's hurry," Bailey told her, getting the elf to his feet, which allowed him to run to the archers and wounded soldiers doing as Ari told. The rest, with a quick shout from Bailey, held the Orcs off so that the others could climb the ropes. Bailey and Herah were still in the ruins of the camp, trying to help those they could; when Bailey realized something. The distant almost maniac laughing of her husband had stopped.

"Herah! Go find Tyr, we'll need him!" Bailey told her, "I can handle this." Herah nodded, and ran off in the last direction they had seen him while Bailey continued to order her troops around and make sure everyone they could save was in the right place.

Meanwhile Herah was off looking for Tyr, and it only took a few minutes for her to find his body count. And then him. "Oh crap, Bailey is gonna kill me," Herah muttered, examining the situation. Taking him off the branch would allow her to move him, but he could also bleed out. On the other hand, he could also bleed out right there, or be picked off by an enemy Orc. So, she decided on something stupid but somethijng that could possibly save his life. She cut the brach free from (im assuming a tree), and starred moving him twoards the ship. Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Ari Waesmor
Frozen Plains- Battleship

"Sergeant! Tyr is down!" Evelyn screamed. She was standing beside Ari pointing out targets, which glowed red for Ari to take out. This allowed them together to destroy targets of opportunity. Tyr glowed blue in Ari's vision, along with every other downed ally. Impaled by a tree. Ari sighed, such a Tyr way to die. Whatever though. He needed immediate medical attention, the kind one usually wouldn't administer while in combat. It would be administered on this ship then. "Misty! Grab them and get them up here stat! Grab Xonrot too!"

Misty grabbed Herah and tossed her onto her back. "I'll get Tyr to safety ASAP. You can count on me!" she exclaimed as she swiped a paw and knocked a crew of 5 orcs into a group of rocks. She dashed forward, crushing another orc until she came onto Xonrot and picked him up in her teeth. She then spread her wings and flew off towards the ship, taking care to not let Herah fall.

Misty got back on the ship. Ari was right there. "Get Tyr downstairs. We have the medics there who can heal him up. We'll do the same for Xonrot and hope they can heal up enough to get back on the field. We need as many powerhouses on the field as possible right now." They were down 2 powerhouses now. The Iron Roses were bolstering their forces, but they needed heavy firepower immediately to actually turn it around enough to win

The red orc was about to tell Dan to leave, that they didn't need his help when the Orc Warlord stormed out of the castle, angry. "Go!" he barked the orders. This orc was far bigger than the rest and strength so high it physically radiated from his body. "Anyone not in my inner circle, MOVE OUT NOW!" He looked at Dan, not even bothering with some sort of background check or anything. "You an ally? GO before I destroy you. The Adventurers are on the battlefield and NO ONE TOLD ME?! Now we have that bastard Ari in the mix along with Tyr. Ari WILL be dealt with. GO!"

Orcs started storming out towards the battlefield, no apparent orders other than to destroy with all their might. The leader on the battlefield would coordinate them
"I'm heading out too. I'll lead them well, father. I have a few things to discuss with Ari.........."

FireMaiden FireMaiden
P Paint The Wind
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi
Kallo Kallo
fuil fuil
Bailey O'Connor & Herah Addar
The Frozen Plains Forward Camp
"It's about time he showed up!" Herah laughed, decapitating an Orc with its sights set on the pinned elf Bailey was helping.

"Yeah! Let's hurry," Bailey told her, getting the elf to his feet, which allowed him to run to the archers and wounded soldiers doing as Ari told. The rest, with a quick shout from Bailey, held the Orcs off so that the others could climb the ropes. Bailey and Herah were still in the ruins of the camp, trying to help those they could; when Bailey realized something. The distant almost maniac laughing of her husband had stopped.

"Herah! Go find Tyr, we'll need him!" Bailey told her, "I can handle this." Herah nodded, and ran off in the last direction they had seen him while Bailey continued to order her troops around and make sure everyone they could save was in the right place.

Meanwhile Herah was off looking for Tyr, and it only took a few minutes for her to find his body count. And then him. "Oh crap, Bailey is gonna kill me," Herah muttered, examining the situation. Taking him off the branch would allow her to move him, but he could also bleed out. On the other hand, he could also bleed out right there, or be picked off by an enemy Orc. So, she decided on something stupid but somethijng that could possibly save his life. She cut the brach free from (im assuming a tree), and starred moving him twoards the ship. Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Ari Waesmor
Frozen Plains- Battleship

"Sergeant! Tyr is down!" Evelyn screamed. She was standing beside Ari pointing out targets, which glowed red for Ari to take out. This allowed them together to destroy targets of opportunity. Tyr glowed blue in Ari's vision, along with every other downed ally. Impaled by a tree. Ari sighed, such a Tyr way to die. Whatever though. He needed immediate medical attention, the kind one usually wouldn't administer while in combat. It would be administered on this ship then. "Misty! Grab them and get them up here stat! Grab Xonrot too!"

Misty grabbed Herah and tossed her onto her back. "I'll get Tyr to safety ASAP. You can count on me!" she exclaimed as she swiped a paw and knocked a crew of 5 orcs into a group of rocks. She dashed forward, crushing another orc until she came onto Xonrot and picked him up in her teeth. She then spread her wings and flew off towards the ship, taking care to not let Herah fall.

Misty got back on the ship. Ari was right there. "Get Tyr downstairs. We have the medics there who can heal him up. We'll do the same for Xonrot and hope they can heal up enough to get back on the field. We need as many powerhouses on the field as possible right now." They were down 2 powerhouses now. The Iron Roses were bolstering their forces, but they needed heavy firepower immediately to actually turn it around enough to win.
(Just a sec. I'll reply when I'm indoors)
Ari Waesmor
Frozen Plains- Battleship

"Sergeant! Tyr is down!" Evelyn screamed. She was standing beside Ari pointing out targets, which glowed red for Ari to take out. This allowed them together to destroy targets of opportunity. Tyr glowed blue in Ari's vision, along with every other downed ally. Impaled by a tree. Ari sighed, such a Tyr way to die. Whatever though. He needed immediate medical attention, the kind one usually wouldn't administer while in combat. It would be administered on this ship then. "Misty! Grab them and get them up here stat! Grab Xonrot too!"

Misty grabbed Herah and tossed her onto her back. "I'll get Tyr to safety ASAP. You can count on me!" she exclaimed as she swiped a paw and knocked a crew of 5 orcs into a group of rocks. She dashed forward, crushing another orc until she came onto Xonrot and picked him up in her teeth. She then spread her wings and flew off towards the ship, taking care to not let Herah fall.

Misty got back on the ship. Ari was right there. "Get Tyr downstairs. We have the medics there who can heal him up. We'll do the same for Xonrot and hope they can heal up enough to get back on the field. We need as many powerhouses on the field as possible right now." They were down 2 powerhouses now. The Iron Roses were bolstering their forces, but they needed heavy firepower immediately to actually turn it around enough to win.

By the time Tyr was brought to the deck of Ari's ship, he was losing blood fast. Ari's time to heal him was extremely short as well. But suddenly, two cloaked figures appeared out of nowhere and bum rushed Ari, grabbing ahold of Tyr and running off the ship, disappearing into a cloud of smoke. He was gone without a trace.
Dan smiled as the war lord appeared but before he can say anything the big warlord to shouted something about adventures being on the battle field and if he was an ally he should go. "As you wish." He jogged over to his mount and jumped up before he followed the orcs towards the battle field his undead in following close behind. 'Looks like I'm in, though from the looks the guard are giving me I'm not really welcome. Guess I'll have to show them a black mages true worth as an ally.' he thought as he reached into his bag of holding and took out his staff. "Well my old friend let's show them what we can do." He said as the staff seemed to taint the very air around it.

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