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Fantasy 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮 — 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏


cheers for spring; for life; for a growing soul
Welcome to The Calling’s character creation section! Instead of a traditional cs I’ve decided to do things a little differently this time around. Of course, if you want to create an entire sheet that’s fine as well! The main details that are required are name (or alias), age, gender, appearance (irl face claims or written description only), abilities/drawbacks, divine relative, and vision.

This is a roleplay centered around various deities from different pantheons so I’m trying to give those that apply as much creative freedom as I can, while still seeing who fits within the roleplay best. Please do your research when it comes to cultures you aren’t familiar with and be mindful of overpowered characters.

CHARACTERS ; DUE DATE: to be determined.
code by birth of venus.
lovelie auguatine

“she herself is a haunted house. She does not possess herself; her ancestors sometimes come and peer out of the windows of her eyes and that is very frightening.”

full name. lovelie marie augustine
nicknames. love or lovie
age. 23 years old
gender. cis-female
sexuality. pansexual
place of birth. jamcel, haiti
ethnicity. haitian
she had not been molded with experienced hands like clay, yet her rough edges were smooth all the same. she has been told, by those who have gazed upon her beauty, that she is proof that only fools associate evil with the dark. she is all deep brown skin, deep like the most fertile of soils or the cosmos that others reach for with longing in their eyes. glitter twinkles on her skin like stars in the night skin, urging those to take a closer look and make a wish should they feel deserving.

had the creator purposely shaped her features in a unique manner? a face that some deem hard to look at yet they find themselves entranced all the same. there is something vaguely unnerving…otherworldly hidden in her features but soft enough to fool the eyes. those eyes of her, the deepest of blues, hide their true emotions behind fluttering lashes. it is hard to see the hunger that lurks within. their watery depths camouflage the intentions that she wants no other to see. they say so much yet so little. her face, both hard marble and soft clay.

she grew as though she had been attempting to reach the above. her body grew into itself softly, delicate in a way to not disturb the world around her. her body of gentle curves, pleasant to the eye and invoking a feeling of protectiveness. she is avian like in her grace, her movements fluid and almost floating when she arrives. she has been compared to a bird, something of fragile bones and sweet songs. yet they forget of the birds of prey, with talons ready and eyes poised for an attack.


a serrated knife smile adorned in blood-soaked gemstones and beckoning eyes. full lips part to speak honey-dipped words into the ears of flies. they flow like water, her stream of half-truths and riddles becoming more akin to troubled waters. she laughs as she watches the brave and the foolish wade through the depths, so caught up in discovering more that they fail to realize how far they’ve sunken. lovelie enjoys this game of catch and release, push and pull. lovelie has always been meticulous when it comes to how she words things. she speaks in a way that leaves others frustrated and unsure of her intentions.

there is something about the look in her eyes that sets people on edge. her gaze speaks of hidden information, as though she knows something that she shouldn’t. it would be hard to believe that one such as herself is as knowledgeable and spiritual as she is. she is devoted to the ways of her culture. within the whispering woods, when night falls and with the moon as her witness, she dances and sings and raves to honor those who came before her and watch her over even now. lovelie is a master of her craft. years have been spent learning and it shows in the power that she wields.

she is a raging fire. a flame that draws the moth forward, the wild fire that consumes the forest and leaves behind ash and devastation. lovelie welcomes chaos with a razor grin and wild look in her eyes. what is life without spontaneity? without change that forces the world to adapt? resilience has turned her spine to steel and skin to armor. she is no flower, a dainty thing easily crushed under foot or bent by the pressure of the wind. a mighty oak is what she is, standing tall and rooted against the things that try to knock her down.

a woman of passion hides amongst the mass of students. lovelie was made to make the world tremble, to take fate in her hands and bend it to her will. mad in the eyes of many, a being who takes after her mother far too much. lovelie is the cackle at a funeral, a string of curses, and a product of the strength of her ancestors stolen and unwilling to submit.

likes. bonfires, custom grillz, horror media, strawberry lollipops, tarantulas, creating new spells, offerings, spider lilies
dislikes. waiting for too long, being still for too long, the boring and dull, sour things, overtly sweet treats

hobbies. taxidermy, collecting skulls, intricate nail art, foraging for ingredients, selling magical favors, dancing, tire machèt
skills. lovelie know multilingual, she speaks haitian kreyol, french, and spanish. is very acrobatic and an amazing dancer. an amazing cook. knows how to brew various poisons.
quirks. is very superstitious and does things like sweeping with salt and throwing it over her shoulder. plays with her hair when bored. always has some type of strawberry candy on her. like scaring people by sneaking up on them. curses in kreyol when upset. loves puns.
status. demigoddess; daughter of marinette-bwa-chechn, petro loa of violence, power, and magic
grade. senior
dorm. magicae
lovelie is both a pariah and a infamous figure on campus. whispers of madness follow after her. they believe her to be evil just as her mother is. with her human skin tome in her hands and her razor smile, she sends shivers down the spine of those caught in her sights. at the same time she is a beacon, a mesmerizing figure who seems to belong belong amongst figures in the throes of religious ecstasy. she approached with caution and sometimes reverence. lay an offering at her feet and in turn receive a magical favor.

vision. lovelie remembers the first time she was ridden. she had been dancing around the flame on sacred land when a voice suddenly called to her. it did not take long to realize that she was tied at the stake. the wood beneath her feet smelled of oil and the crowd before her screamed their hate. a figure at the back of the crowd locked eyes with her, creeping closer until lovelie could see a slender frame and wild eyes. the figure spoke of her path and the challenges that lay ahead before disappearing as the match was struck and the flames consumed her. lovelie’s screams and howls of agony turned to laughter. she woke up then, realizing that she had laid within the fire she had been dancing around. slowly she stood and tossed her head back to scream with laughter. she had been born anew.

powers. marinette’s blessing - marinette was slayed by fire and so she now holds sway over it as a petro loa. like her mother lovelie is also able to control the destructive force. she is able to generate flames at will and create explosions via firing up oxygen near things that are flammable.

owl physiology - lovelie has the ability to take on attributes of her mother sacred animal, the screech owl. with this ability she has natural talons that can slash through flesh like a hot knife through butter. her senses are superhuman in nature. lovelie can see perfectly in the dark and rotate her head 360 degrees. though she has no beak she does have razor sharp teeth and a hollow skeleton, making her faster, lighter, and more agile.

the gift - voodoo is a way of life and the air that she breathes. her mother is a powerful being who deals in left hand magic. she wields the same ability. lovelie is a skilled voodoo priestess with generations of knowledge and power at her fingertips. she is a woman who specializes in the dark and deadly arts, the type of practice often stolen and made “clean”.

marinette’s blessing - fire is an unpredictable thing. lovelie flames can be destructive when used. if she’s not careful the flames can spread quite easily, causing unnecessary damage to others and the environment.

owl physiology - her superhuman senses are not something that she can turn off. lovelie can get easily overwhelmed and stunned by intense noises. attacks to her senses leave her vulnerable, as it leaves her open to attacks as she tries to gather her wits.

the gift - voodoo is a way of life, a powerful gift that one must wield with respect. it different from many forms of magic, as it does not always provide results right then and there. lovelie must be careful when dealing with the left-handed path, for it has the potential to bounce back.



the deadman - lovelie was gifted a machete that was blessed to forever remain sharp. the blade also secretes a substance that sends opponents into a zombie-like state if cut around six times.

lovelie’s doll - from first glance the effigy seems to be a plain wax figure in the shape of a human. it is far more than that however. should lovelie attach something personal to the doll (such as a lock of hair or piece of fabric worm) she can control the person or creature that the item belongs to. the wax never melts and takes on the shape of the being it’s attached to.

coded by incandescent
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ikenna okafor

“lies is what he shall whisper, sins and jealousies others commit. he shall addle your mind, until all you are is bloodlust.”

full name. ikenna arinze okafor
nicknames. none. refer to him by his full name or don’t refer to him at all.
age. 20 years old
gender. cis-male
sexuality. pansexual
place of birth. imo state, nigeria
ethnicity. igbo

when he was only a boy his mother whispered into his ear, the story of how he came to be. how the earth had blessed her with a child when she was thought to be unable to carry any. his small chest would puff out with pride then. their pinkies interlocked in as a promise to never reveal the secret of how he came to be.

it would be easy to see how ikenna holds all the likeness of the earth. would it be such a hard thing to believe, if the story his mother told him were true? that his skin had been made from the richest of soils, made into clay to stretch over bone and muscle. and that the creator, feeling generous, granted it the ability to change color? his skin, a mix of the deepest browns and the darkest blues. oh, how it shines with the oil that’s used to nourish it. such work could only be crafted by experienced hands, a statue made flesh and given life. a body made up of carved muscle and strength. he stands tall and sturdy, not easily moved like an ancient tree. the scars on his skin litter his flesh like the groves of a tree as well.

black eyes sit atop faces of sharp angles, directly above a wide nose and two full lips. it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to say that they could have been made from onyx. the stones pulled straight from the earth and polished until they resembled a starless sky, pitch black and vast. those eyes of his are deep, intense in the way they hold contact with others, daring them to look away or get lost in them. his eyes are sly things, hiding what’s inside from view. the sparkle in his eye can be deceiving, it’s wise to not fall for them.

he walks as though he has no care in the world, as though he is unshakable. with his head held high and posture straight, his swagger speaks for itself. there is something about the way he carries himself that leaves others shrinking before him. they must see the force of nature that he is, the wildness in his eyes and the darkness behind his white toothed grin.
realistic fc : omar sessay
it is often said that legacies hold little likeness to their divine relative. oh the lies told to dismiss the blood that runs through their veins. ikenna is every bit of his grandfather. the devil ekenswu, who is said to bring forth savagery and war and change. the malice within him squirms and wriths just below the surfac, holding all the likeness of dormat bombs from wars forgotten. he is a man known for his acts of violence, with fist that swing and land like rocks. there was nothing subtle about the wild look in his eyes as he picked fights. even now he revels in the way that he is able to push others, pick at them until they explode and raise weapons or fists. to him, there is nothing as beautiful blood bumping, hearts racing as two beings rush each other with promises of hurt in their eyes. they call him a brute and he only smiles back in return, throwing his head back as his laugh bounces off the walls.

it is true that ikenna is a man prone to violence. there is no secret that wrath runs through his veins just as blood does. his mouth can cause harm just as his hands do, spitting equal parts venom and blood from his mouth. there is a slyness to him, a calculating glint that he hides behind the persona of a brainless beast. people tend to speak with loose lips around those that they believe they’re better than and he is always there to listen, to watch his shrewd eyes. he has a way of gathering information, a seemingly endless network of resources that he shamelessly uses to his advantage.

ikenna is all careful manipulation. he sinks sharp claws into any weaknesses that he sees, ruthlessly opens up cracks in armor. a skilled actor he is, letting people believe that they hold the upper hand, that they have him cornered. he licks fangs when the rug is pulled out from under them and they realize that they have played right into his hands. it is a goal of his to never let others know what he’s really thinking. those around him assume that they know him down to his core yet it’s only the parts of him that he wants them to see. there is no softness to a man such as he, though he will gladly pretend for his own personal gain.

likes. missions, gossip, open markets, family gatherings, dishes from his home, winning, children, large dogs
dislikes. being outdone/shown-up, most arrogant demigods, peace-makers, being nagged, humiliation, losing
hobbies. creating dishes in cooking club, picking fights & general mischief, training, meditating/napping under the sakura trees
skills. knows how to keep cool under pressure. knows how to play the acoustic guitar and can carry a tune pretty well. known for talking his way outta trouble and turning situations around for himself.
quirks. rarely sits correctly in his seat, it’s a wonder that he doesn’t have back problems. often paces when he’s upset. touches his pendant when in need of comfort.
fears. he fears that be may disappoint his grandfather, that he may not live up to his standards. the thought of truly being inferior to demigods also terrifies him. losing his abilities and blindness are also fears of his.
status. legacy, grandson of ekwensu, trickster alusi of war and bargains.
grade. sophomore
dorm. legatum
reputation. ikenna is a student that many teachers shake their heads at. he’s prone to skipping class, except those dealing with physical feats, and causing trouble around campus. big, bad, and people tend to stay out of his way less they want his attention on them. ikenna is known for having the latest gossip on campus as well.
vision. he remembers being involved in an all out brawl in an alley one day, though he doesn’t remember why it had started, all that mattered was the sound of fighting surrounding him. it was at the end, when his enemies lay laid out at his feet that the world changed. suddenly he was surrounded by the ending of a war, bodies were scattered among the dirt, all wearing various types of armor. and upon looking down, ikenna realized that he too was dressed as a mighty igbo warrior. his grandfather came to him, standing tall and proud as he spoke of his destiny.

powers. enhanced condition: with the blood of ekwensu running through his veins, ikenna more durable than the average human. though he his only a legacy his strength is at a herculean level.

enhanced combat: as the grandson of a war god, fighting comes naturally to him. ikenna is able to adapt to using different weapons and fighting styles with ease. a single touch or a few watches is all it takes. as a prince he was taught a variety of fighting styles to protect himself.

anger manipulation: ikenna can subtly arouse feelings of impulsive anger, hatred, and bloodlust in people, to the point of instigating physical violence. he also feeds off of negative emotions, they act as fuel to make him stronger.

drawbacks. legacy: as mighty as he is Ikenna is still only a legacy. he doesn’t have any strong powers such as fire manipulation or even super speed like demigods. and while he condition is enhanced he is still able to be hurt easier than many of them.

strengths. combat: as a prince Ikenna was taught to defend himself by a skilled teacher. he has also learned all sorts of fighting styles throughout his years at the academy. as soon as he learn that there were those who had stronger and more magical abilities than him, he set out to study and learn as much as he could.

strategizing: ikenna knows how to carefully plan attacks to take out opponents. he can do this is the midst of a fight, carefully reading them to figure out their next move or when actively working against a group. his battle plans are usually well thought out and detailed.

manipulation: has a way of getting under people’s skin. he is a master liar with the ability to fake emotions better than award winning actors. with a few careful words ikenna can have people shaking in anger, cowering from a blow to their weak point, or eating out of the palm of his hands.

weaknesses. ego: ikenna has a insatiable need to prove himself, to prove that he is worthy of being at the school and of his might. his ego can blind him at times and cause him to act rashly. there are only so man injuries that can be healed before it gets him into serious trouble.

gift(s). spiked mace: a large spiked mace forged by ekwensu himself. the weapon is blessed so that it may never break and that those who dare touch it, besides ikenna, should drop by the sheer weight of it.

coral bead ring: though simple in design the ring is much more than its appearance makes it out to be. the ring has the ability to bind people when ikenna makes deals with them. should the person not hold up to their end, they suffer through bad luck that starts off small before eventually increasing in severity. a red ring around the ring finger is a sign of this.

family heirloom: though it is was not given to him by his grandfather, the necklace that he wears was passed down from generation from generation, legacy to legacy. it is a reminder of how far they’ve come and their prowess in the face of adversity.


ikenna hails from imo state, nigeria. within his home state ikenna grew up in a multi-compound home, a palace as he is the grandson of a king on his mother’s side. throughout his life he shamelessly used his position to his advantage, getting out of trouble with ease thanks to his title. negative marks rarely stuck to him and despite how many scoldings he received, ikenna continued with his mischief and mayhem.

from a young age ikenna grew up learning the traditional religion of his people, worshiping the alusi and living in their honor. it was one of the few things that he took seriously. he recalls many fond times where he would sit down with the others, surrounded by other children within the palace as they learned of their history and how their people came to be. his eyes were wide and bright as he listened and hung onto every word coming from the teacher’s mouth.

life for him was one without worry. ikenna wanted for nothing throughout his life. he was held in high regard for as long as he could remember. so when he learned of his true heritage there was no surprise. ikenna knew that he was destined for a life of greatness. when faced with the challenge of fighting a monster he stepped up to the plate without hesitation in order to protect those he loved.

coded by incandescent
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mama qucha.




  • 01.



    Yasmín Emma Castillo Díaz.



    "Yas" to friends and family.



    20 years old.



    Trans female.






    May 3rd. Taurus.



    Barranca, Peru.






    A black mop of beachy waves and curls. She usually doesn't let it grow past her shoulders.


    Big round dark brown eyes.


    Golden tan and heavily freckled from days spent in the sun.


    5'7". Yasmín has an athletic swimmer's body - long limbed, lots of lean muscle, much faster in water than on the ground.

    face claim.

    Andrea Chaparro.

♡coded by uxie♡

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Ophelia Sinclair

# daughter of demeter

# nadine breaty

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • 04
    full name
    Kobby Adjei
    cis male
    date of birth
    december 7th
    place of birth
    accra, ghana
    ♔ mythological info ♔
    divine father.
    Ta Kora, Akan mythology and the Fante people view Ta Kora as the god of war, and strife. Ta Kora is the god of thunder, and lightning in Asante mythology.


    lightning manipulation, Ta Kora has immense lightning capabilities and has, on multiple occasions displayed his strength through immense thunderstorms throughout the land. Kobby has inherited his lightning manipulation capabilities. Using it in extremely offensive like fashion. Each strike covering a large area with lightning backing the strike. Coating his figure in lightning, causing sporadic lightning to flow through the area. This increases his speed to immense levels, and makes his strength more enhanced.

    enhanced strength, being a demigod Kobby's strength is impressive. Ta Kora is symbolized as an imposing large warrior with immense strength. He is known as one of the most powerful deities within the Akan Pantheon. This immense strength has translated well to Kobby. Who maintains a peak physical form.

    military strategies, most deities of war desire bloodshed, death and destruction. Ta Kora despises Owuo, the god of death, and refused to work with him. Therefore Ta Kora displayed enhanced military strategies to avoid as much death as possible. It's truly a different mindset. Kobby displays this leadership mindset, and understands enhanced military strategies as though it's second nature. Unless of course Kobby's anger gets the better of him.

    Kobby has a natural weakness to nature based defensive affinities (earth manipulation.) An overall distaste for death and meaningless destruction, which he battles with given his anger, and controlling his lightning manipulation in water is impossible. His lightning manipulation can become sporadic at times. He has an anger issue at times, this anger issue voids all general reserves he has and gives into his inhibitions as a god of war offspring.
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اسمع مني الساعة دي. مش وقت عتاب أو لوم. آه فيها ايه لو نرجع تاني. وبدل ما تكون وحداني. تسندني معاك ونقوم. فاضي شوية. نشرب قهوة فـ حتة بعيدة. إعزمني على نكتة جديدة. خلّي حساب الضحك عليّا

/*left middle*/

/*right middle*/



august 19th


/*left bottom*/
son of sekhmet

/*middle bottom*/




  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at sodales nulla. Cras mattis libero at imperdiet viverra. Duis a lectus sed eros sodales mattis. Curabitur sit amet lacus sapien. Nulla a aliquam turpis, ut sollicitudin libero. Maecenas at sodales est. Maecenas ultrices odio nibh, eget ornare neque ullamcorper ut. In urna lectus, maximus at malesuada vitae, laoreet ut mauris. Phasellus urna est, bibendum ac bibendum eu, tristique quis augue. Praesent mollis eu odio in varius.

    Vivamus vel velit vitae purus sollicitudin feugiat vitae quis justo. Integer nunc est, commodo sit amet sollicitudin sit amet, pellentesque non augue. Sed ornare faucibus nunc, eu accumsan mauris ornare sed. Nullam non eros placerat, rhoncus sem eget, maximus metus. Cras sollicitudin a diam a laoreet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula lacus non felis consequat egestas. Morbi id quam nisl. Nulla sit amet tellus sed quam feugiat laoreet. Donec metus mi, interdum in dui a, blandit posuere libero. Aenean vel nibh non neque bibendum vestibulum.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at sodales nulla. Cras mattis libero at imperdiet viverra. Duis a lectus sed eros sodales mattis. Curabitur sit amet lacus sapien. Nulla a aliquam turpis, ut sollicitudin libero. Maecenas at sodales est. Maecenas ultrices odio nibh, eget ornare neque ullamcorper ut. In urna lectus, maximus at malesuada vitae, laoreet ut mauris. Phasellus urna est, bibendum ac bibendum eu, tristique quis augue. Praesent mollis eu odio in varius.

    Vivamus vel velit vitae purus sollicitudin feugiat vitae quis justo. Integer nunc est, commodo sit amet sollicitudin sit amet, pellentesque non augue. Sed ornare faucibus nunc, eu accumsan mauris ornare sed. Nullam non eros placerat, rhoncus sem eget, maximus metus. Cras sollicitudin a diam a laoreet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula lacus non felis consequat egestas. Morbi id quam nisl. Nulla sit amet tellus sed quam feugiat laoreet. Donec metus mi, interdum in dui a, blandit posuere libero. Aenean vel nibh non neque bibendum vestibulum.

/*right bottom*/


© weldherwings.
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Alexios Laurent


#Tommy Nartinez

♡coded by uxie♡

* Alexios Laurent

  • req.

    #over it

    * n.name(s)
    * d.o.b.
    * p.o.b.
    * n.name(s)
    * question





    * height
    * weight
    * build
    * hair colour





♡coded by uxie♡

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full name

Noelani Talei



20 years old




  • Polynesian.

    Let the sea, set you free.

♡coded by uxie♡
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full name

Asilia Ducha



24 years old




  • Zulu.

    Trust is not given freely, it is earned.

♡coded by uxie♡
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coming soon
to Mythos Academy...
godly parent: Tsukuyomi
fc: mackenyu arata
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admit one
coming soon
to Mythos Academy...
godly parent: yongwang
fc: kim taehyung
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