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Realistic or Modern The Bronze Locket

Hugh accepted his own tea from the maid and sniffed lightly the aroma filling his nostrils with the scent. His eyes closed slightly in pleasure and he listened as Adelaide spoke of her business, it was not often she did, to be honest Hugh still knew very little of that side of Adelaide. She had been careful to keep it out of their conversations. Even now she seemed ashamed that she had even brought it up. Placing his cup down Hugh lifted an arm to brush it down the back of her shoulder.

"I think it quite smart to seek out new inspiration for the business."He told her earnestly. He was going to say more when a loud jovial noise came from Rocco, his hand coming down to hit the table hard with a thunk. A bit of Hugh's tea spilled over and he mopped at the drops on the table with his napkin, interested in the sudden outburst from the man. Duncan looked as proud as a lion, at the kind words from Rocco and Hugh almost rolled his eyes. Truly his brother was overcome, a smile that Hugh had not seen before gleamed from the man.


Duncan's hand lifted to the neck tie and he let the fabric move under his fingers. It had been a great honour to hear those words from Rocco. 'A proper Ricci man.' Setting to his task of breakfast Duncan tucked into the small pile of food that was on his plate. He gave Fausta's siblings a polite head nod when they too joined the table. Gabriele was clearly not a morning man. Slowly Gabriele came to life and as his brain kicked into gear he became aware of the matching couple. His chair fell back as Gabriele stood and Duncan jumped a little at the abrupt movement. He blinked up, processing for a moment and then began to laugh.

Turning to Fausta he gave her an imploring look. "Well my love? is it true? Am I.... The one?" His eyes were alive with mischief.
Adelaide was comforted by Hugh's kind words, but before their conversation could continue, Rocco banged down on the table, causing Adelaide to start. Luckily, her hands remained rather steady, so her teacup didn't spill upon her dress. Duncan seemed to be all bright and jovial as always, though upon closer inspection she found that something about his manner just then was...different. She could not quite put her finger on it. Hugh seemed amused, and a little happy at his brother's preening, and Adelaide giggled. Sipping her tea once more, she held it carefully in case more ruckus came about.

Leaning over, she pressed a little kiss to Hugh's cheek, and murmured softly in his ear. "It seems our dear Duncan may have abandoned his rakish ways, I think. He looks to be quite serious about Fausta." The englishwoman smiled. "Good. I suppose it takes two wild spirits to calm each other." Her voice was filled with a warm amusement as she settled back down into her chair, her shoulders brushing the crook of his arm.

Fausta and Bria both laughed at the commotion, sounding like an echo. Maria giggled and pulled Gabriele back down into his seat by his coat tails, rolling her eyes. "Do no be so loud, amore." She scolded half heartedly. "It is still early! You'll wake up half the town." Gabriele swallowed another mouthful of coffee and replied.

"Why shouldn't I wake them? It's a sad day for the men of the world when they find our beloved Fausta has chosen for good! The most desirable woman in all of Italy--besides you of course." Maria laughed and rolled her eyes again, shaking her head as she began to eat. Fausta giggled, and when Duncan turned to her with his question, she felt her heart nearly stop. Placing down her cup of coffee, she turned to face him, her eyes meeting his. They shone with a bright happiness, no hint of mischief within them.

"Si, amore. I believe you are." She replied softly, in all seriousness. Rocco jumped up for joy, beginning to belt out a song in Italian, he swept Bria up into his arms and the two began to dance. Gabriele laughed and leaned over the table, slapping Duncan on the shoulder.
Hugh leaned into Adelaide as she whispered in his hear and nodded in agreement with her. He gave her a knowing smile he too moved back into a more comfortable position in his seat. Certainly it seemed that Duncan was well on his way towards a marriage. Perhaps himself and Adelaide would be leaving Italy alone. The thought pulled at his heart strings a bit and Hugh knew that his heart wasn't quite ready for those changes. As annoying as the man was Hugh loved his brother, and he was not ready to be parted from him. His hand curled over the arm rest of the chair and gripped tight. His eyes and face remained calm however, not wanting to panic before he knew exactly what was happening.

Fausta was speaking then, and Hugh found it difficult to hear her over the ringing in his ears, a bead of sweat moved between his shoulder blades but he did his best to relax.


Duncan laughed at Gabriele's speech and found the swell of pride in his heart grew even more, the most desirable woman in Italy, and she looked at him like there was nothing else. He looked back at her with that same adoration, it was true, since meeting her Duncan had not thought of another woman. He saw only her, the powerful, fearless woman. One who could love like no other. Part of him knew that somehow he could not possibly deserve her, but the rest of him was too selfish to care. She whispered her confession and Rocco's song began. Duncan, was dazed for a moment, all his desires and hopes coming true in the woman before him. He sent out of his daze by the slap to the back from Gabriele, laughter broke from him then and he stood sweeping Fausta into his arms.

"Well my love. It appears our lines are permanently crossed. The fates have been kind to us." He just wanted to hold her, hold onto the woman who had given him her heart, and with a soft kiss to her lips he gave her his.
When the room burst into laughter and dance, Adelaide couldn't help but to join in. Placing her teacup down, she clapped her hands. It seemed that Duncan and Fausta were committing to each other now; if not for marriage, then in their own way. A promise until they were ready. While a small part of her was jealous, Adelaide swept the ugly feeling aside, overcome with delight for her two dearest friends. Adelaide leaned over and kissed Hugh on the cheek then, only to find him rigid as a stone. She didn't want to make a scene, so she gently placed her hand over his, the other on his thigh.

Rocco and Bria danced to his lively tune, and soon enough Gabriele and Maria were as well. The room seemed to come alive with joy and warmth, several of the maids and butlers laughing and swaying to the off-tune music as they passed through. Duncan and Fausta were still within the swirling mess of bodies, holding onto each other like nothing else in the world mattered. It was beautiful.

"Hugh?" She said softly, in his ear. "Angel, are you quite alright?" His expression was calm and nonchalant, bt he gripped the armrest of his dining chair with white knuckles, and his eyes seemed glazed over. Worry pricked at her heart, wishing she knew how to comfort him.

Her family began to celebrate around them, and as her lover swept her up into his arms, Fausta giggled, joy bubbling over. Tears of happiness pricked at her eyes, and Duncan laid a single, soft kiss to her mouth. Fausta cupped his face in her hands and pressed her forehead to his, laughing softly all the while. "<Yes, my love. Fate has been generous indeed.>" She replied "<I love you, Dearest Duncan.>" She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, burying her face into his neck. They stayed like that for some moments, until finally her father's song ended. Her family had settled down at the table again, and Fausta lead Duncan back as well. Wiping tears from her eyes, she sipped her tea, and began to speak to her family, one hand on Duncan's arm.

"<Now, no wedding talk. I was to relax a while before we even think of it.>" Though her father looked to complain, her mother quieted him with a touch. Fausta continued. "<And I'll not be living on the estate. I need my own life, and so does he. I promise we'll visit often.>" She looked to Duncan for confirmation of her plans.
The room was alight with joyous song and laughter, there came a trickle of relief that Hugh had not had to witness a proposal. His brother looked so happy and Hugh could not stop the flood of guilt that moved through him. How selfish his motives had been, he thought ashamed of himself. Adelaide touched him then and Hugh felt the tension move from his body. He seemed to sag into her and at her soft words his eyes flashed to catch hers. He gave her a weary smile and decided to be honest with her.

"Forgive me Adelaide. I was not myself for a moment." He dropped her gaze then, guilt-ridden. "I feared that this might be the last time I see my brother. I was not ready for that thought." He ears pricked at the sound of Fausta speaking with her family, their native tongue moving like a song between them.


Duncan grinned at the endearing words passed between them, as song and joy moved through the room. He held her tight until it was time to sit and he found himself understanding for the most part what Fausta was telling her father. There were a few words he missed but he was able to surmise the gist of it all.

"<Yes, we certainly like to do things in our own way>" He said carefully, doing his best not to trip over the words. He reached for a fresh piece of fruit and took a bite as Hugh called out to him.

"You are getting much better at Italian brother."

"Thank you Hugh! It's a lovely language." Duncan replied happily, lounging, relaxed in his chair, he caught the look of curiosity from Hugh and decided to let him in. "We were just saying that Fausta and I will continue to do as we have been. No wedding talk yet, and plenty of visits here is all." He said, he did not miss the look of relief and felt another wave of pride. It was certainly nice to be needed by family. He gave Hugh a kind smile and returned to regard Rocco and Bria.

"<Thank you. You have certainly made me feel like part of the... 'circus' already.>" He winced realizing that he had used the wrong word instead of family. "<Er, Family I mean.>" He chuckled at his mistake.
Adelaide gave Hugh a comforting smile as he relaxed and gave her his confession. Squeezing his arm, she shook her head gently. "I fear I was not ready for that thought either." She replied. "But let us have faith. I do not think either of them will be leaving us to our own devices just yet." The commotion died down at the other end of the table as everyone settled once more. Fausta spoke rapidly to her parents in Italian.

Hugh called over and Duncan responded, and finally her lover relaxed fully once more. Adelaide hummed softly, smiling. For all his griping, Hugh loved Duncan dearly. Leaning over, Adelaide kissed Hugh on the cheek once more. "There, see? You needn't worry yourself so." STanding, Adelaide moved to the balcony, leaning against the rail to watch the spectacular view. Th sea breeze drifted in and she breathed deeply, feeling calm. With the warm chatter of the family behind her, Adelaide was quietly content. Her house was so quiet, now. It was good to be somewhere filled with life.

Fausta smiled proudly at Duncan as he responded in Italian, quite well too. He was a fast study, consuming the language almost faster than she could teach it. Her family, too, looked suitably impressed. Duncan and his brother spoke across the table, and Paolo wandered in, looking half asleep still. He found his way to a chair and signed 'good morning' once he sat, blearily rubbing his eyes. She laughed a little, and when Duncan spoke again, all the hearing Ricci's broke into laughter as well.

"Well said, my boy!" Rocco boomed, smiling. "We are rather a rambunctious group." As Duncan began to eat again, Fausta turned to him.

"What did Addy and Hugh want to do today? I'm afraid I missed it."
Hugh was comforted by both of the people most important in his life. He smiled sweetly at Adelaide and when she got up he watched her for a while. She seemed at ease and he let her have her moment out on the balcony. It was clear she was happy, and in the present moment. Hugh decided to take a page out of her book and let his worries wash away. What would come they could handle. Hugh caught Fausta's question and decided to answer for Duncan as his mouth was full.

"We were hoping you might show us around Genoa today. I have hopes to spoil Adelaide today." Hugh said, he placed his napkin down on the table finished with his breakfast and lifted his cup of tea. "Perhaps you could show us a few hidden gems." Hugh asked smiling.


Duncan swallowed the food in his mouth and nodded, agreeing with Hugh. "Yes, it certainly would be lovely to stretch our legs after so many days on the sea." Excited now at the idea Duncan quickly finished up his breakfast and then stood.

"Would anyone care to join us?" He asked the group of Ricci's. Duncan was ready to conquer the day.
Fausta cracked her evilist smile, cackling a little in delight. "Oh, I have several ideas already!" After the group finished eating, Fausta herded them to a carriage outside. Unfortunately, the other members of the family were busy that morning, but Paolo and his translator promised to meet them later in the afternoon. The ride into Genoa was scenic, even if it didn't take too long. They passed the Ricci estate, a winding vineyard and a small farm, then several other farms before they passed into town. Fausta had the driver drop them off in the town square, already bustling with people. She linked arms with Hugh, and immediately dragged him off towards a store, calling out to Duncan.

"<Keep her occupied for a while! We'll meet you at Rose's Tailor Shop!>"

The two entered a bookstore, with a kindly looking Italian man at the counter. He was elderly and had a drooping nose and large glasses, and welcomed them in broken English with a pleasant smile.

"Welcome! Be at home, please." Fausta gave him a curtsey and released Hugh, beckoning the man into the shelves with her.

"Come, come! We must be swift or she will begin suspecting." Fausta lead him back through the books, until they reached the back wall itself. There, the tall woman pulled down several slim books, bound in leather. Flipping one open on her arm, she looked at him with sparkling eyes. "What do you think? Pretty perfect, no?" Fausta held an original score to one of her mother's operas, the Madonna's handwritten notes scrawled elegantly in the margins.

Once they arrived at the town square, Fausta and Hugh basically sprinted away, leaving Adelaide blinking in the sunlight. Looking at Duncan with her head cocked, she laughed a little before shrugging her shoulders and linking arms with him.

"It seems you are my chaperone at the moment, dearest Duncan." She teased gently "Where shall we go? There are almost too many places to pick from!" Indeed, the square was bustling with people and bursting at the seams with shops. Bakeries and restaurants, clothing stores, leather working, jewelry stores, bookstores and some that she couldn't translate off the top of her head.
The ride into Genoa was a pleasant one. The late morning sun shone over them, pressing warm beams down on the fields and houses around them. Hugh eyes were so busy, catching glimpses of everyday life. When they reached the town square Hugh was just barely taking in the sights of the fountain in the middle of the square. He was trying to make out the statue that stood on the top before suddenly he was dragged away by a woman with a mission. Fausta pulled him into a shop and the smell of books filled his nose. Curiosity piqued he bowed politely at the gentleman running the shop before following Fausta to the back wall. The shelves reached up to the ceiling, some books pecariously perched on the top shelves by people who had been too short to properly put them away. He was looking over the leather spines, when Fausta pulled out a number of books and revealed their content to him.

"This is... your mothers work, the music!" Delighted with the idea Hugh took one of the books she offered and skimmed his eyes over the notes, Bria's script covering the margins. "Incredible. Adelaide would adore this." His head lifted and he gleamed with pleasure at the thought of being able to give such a gift. "Thank you." He said to Fausta then. "You are a wonderful friend." He took the stack of books from her then and went over to the gentleman behind the counter.

With Fausta's help Hugh was able to pay the man. The books were tied together with a thick leather cord and placed in a rucksack. Together Hugh and Fausta left the store, grinning like children who had just had a victory against their parents. Hugh's eyes moved over the square and he could not find Duncan and Adelaide.

"I am not sure where they've taken off to, what did you say to Duncan before we marched off?"


Duncan squeezed gently as Adelaide wrapped her arm around his and his beamed at the idea of the two of them spending time together. Fausta had called for them to meet up later and Duncan decided he would make use of every second with Adelaide.

"Well now." He said scanning the surrounding area, a few words of the Italian signs made sense to him and he felt fairly confident in directing her around. His gaze settled then on a little door nestled between two larger shops. The shop was certainly not large and one might have missed it if they were just passing by. The door held some fancy lettering which was surrounded by painted on clouds. Curious he pointed it out to Adelaide and the two moved forward to investigate. As they drew closer they noted that there was a small square cut out at the bottom of the door. The watched as a cat with fur as white as the snow made its way into the building.

"This feels like an adventure." Duncan said merrily, without hesitation or fear he pulled open the door. He was smart enough to enter first but pulled in Adelaide after him. It was dark and smokey in building and it could have been no more than two metres wide. Duncan breathed in the scent of herbs burning and found the aroma quite pleasant. A silvery voice called out to them, and it became clear they was a woman sitting at a small table near the back. Candle's covered her table and the glow of them revealed soft features. She was a middle aged woman, with white creeping into her hair along the sides. Wrinkles began to weave their way over her face, and her smile was a little toothy.

"Welcome strangers. Have you come to seek your fortunes from Madam Tressa?"
Fausta laughed at Hugh's delight, and after she facilitated payment, they returned to the square invigorated. The bustle of bodies had yet to calm, so Fausta hooked her arm through Hugh's and began to wander about. "I was telling him to meet us at the tailor's in a while." She responded. The fresh morning air mingling with the scents from the restaurants smelled divine, and Fausta found that she had missed the noise of her home.

"There are being plenty more places, yes? Where would you like to be going?" Nearly all the shops would be bursting at the seams, but Fausta loved it. Being around so many people energized her. "Maybe you could be helping me get something for Duncan?" She stopped, idling between a leather shop and a bauble store, her head tilted as she tried to decide where to go. She looked at Hugh questioningly, asking for his opinion with her eyes.

Duncan lead Adelaide to a strange, mysterious shop, small, but enchanting. The woman behind the candle laden table had a kind face, but something about her smile unnerved Adelaide. Squeezing Duncan's bicep, she gave him a little nervous grin. "If this is an adventure, I suppose I'll clear the way for you, ser knight." She teased gently, winking at him. Gently walking around the gorgeous cat, who weaved it way through her ankles, Adelaide gathered up her skirts and sat in the rickety oak chair presented before them.

Smoothing down her skirts and giving the teller a small smile. "Yes, I suppose we have." She replied. The cat suddenly jumped up into her lap, and Adelaide made a noise of surprise. She giggled and began to pet it, her gloved fingers running through the pristine fur. "Goodness! Forgive me, I was startled." After she composed herself, Adelaide asked. "So, how does this work, Madam Tressa?"
Hugh quite enjoyed the presence of Fausta, she was just a source of light and energy. They had not been able to spend much time just the two of them and so he took pleasure in this moment, and decided not to worry after his brother or Adelaide. He could smell the scent of bread from the oven and something richer, the seasoning that came from fresh catches from the ocean. He nodded when she explained what had transpired between herself and Duncan, at her question he considered a moment. His eyes moved from the different shops and he wondered what his brother might like.

"Well you could always get the man a pocket watch, but he always seems to live life in his own time." He looked down at Fausta and gauged her reaction to his next idea. Deciding she was an open minded woman he let the words free. "As you know, Duncan is a man of many passions... but it seems his greatest passion is you. Perhaps a locket with some of your hair." He left the idea hanging in the air for a second, knowing the tradition of hair giving was seriously taken. He gestured then to the bauble store and waited to see if Fausta liked the plan.


Duncan's smile widened at the squeeze on his arm and he gave Adelaide a reassuring look when she glanced his way. He liked her bravery and her willingness to go first for the fortunes. He took his place behind Adelaide and settled a hand on the back of her chair. His fingers grazed the top of her shoulder and he hoped she understood it was in an act of solidarity and friendship. When the cat jumped up into her lap the croon chortled out a laugh that echoed in the small room. Adelaide was petting the small beast and Duncan could not help but reaching over to give the white cat an affectionate scratch behind the ear. Adelaide asked her question and Tressa leaned back in her chair considering the two of them.

"Well dears. It is quite simple. A coin or two and all your fortunes are revealed." Her eyes moved up to Duncan expectantly and with a flourish he presented a few coins and deposited them on the table. Tressa's eyes glazed over at the small pile, clearly an amount she had not been expecting and with her clawed hands snatched them up and deposited them in the bodice of her dilapidated gown, she spoke eagerly next. "Now, we may begin." With a flick of her wrist a deck of cards was revealed from under the table, she shuffled with expertise, the cards flying between her fingers. "The cards have many things to tell us, some of them unkind, others more hopeful. However- you will draw the card you need."

She fanned the cards out on the table and gestured for both Adelaide and Duncan to take a card. They were both flipped over onto the table and the woman bent over examining the cards. With Duncan's the light reached her eyes and she took the card to show it to the both of them.

"The lovers!" She exclaimed. "There is new love in your life. Much joy and excitement. However you must never hide your true feelings. Should your lover find distrust in you. Though it feel dishonesty is not in your nature dear boy." She laughed at the flash of a smile and the understanding in Duncan's eyes. Returning to Adelaide's card the womans brow furrowed. "The tower?!" She exclaimed, her hands flew to pick up the card and examine it further. "Pick up three more." The woman demanded, her eyes flashing to Adelaide. "Hurry now."

Adelaide produced three more cards. The fool, Nine of Wands, and finally the Ten of Cups. Tressa took them and laid them out before her, mumbling under her breath. After a moment she peered up at Adelaide and considered her words.

"There is much pain." Her hand descended on the Tower. "You will be pushed far beyond anything you have ever felt dearest." Her fingers lingered over the Nine of Wands. "But I see a new beginning, despite the ignorance." The spindled hands moved over to the Fool, lingering there. "There is hope, sweet child, your journey seems to be one of strife. However I sense more happiness than what you know to do with." The light that had filled the woman's eyes during the reading fled the dark grey eyes and she leaned back in her chair clearly tired. "Away now." She said simply gesturing to them.
Fausta gasped and laughed, kissing Hugh on the cheek and pulling him into the store. "Oh, I am loving how you are thinking!!" She exclaimed giddily, releasing him to search the store for the jewelry section. The shop was full of windows, and the shelves seemed to be stuffed with a little bit of everything. Glittering rocks and gems, handmade playing cards, shoes, a few books, newspapers, fans. All handmade by the owner, as advertised on the sign outside. A plump, middle aged italian woman sat behind the counter and gave them a cheerful wave.

Fausta bounced around the shop eagerly, chatting with the tender as she did. Finally, she came upon the jewelry cases. Fine items littered among satin and velvet pillows, all shining. She called the tender over and browsed for a while, examining them all with careful scrutiny. Finally, Fausta found two whom she could not choose between. "Hugh," She called "Could you be helping me, please?" Before her sat a simple gold locket shaped in a heart, and an intricate cameo locket, each of masterful craftsmanship.

The reading, which had begun as a spontaneous adventure, suddenly put Adelaide's heart ill at ease. The stone around her neck crackled over her skin with a soft electricity, and Adelaide's hand went to touch it. The woman's eyes glazed over slightly and she demanded a second reading, to which she spoke strangely. Something about the drained look on her face afterward disarmed Adelaide, and after putting down the cat and thanking the woman quietly, She picked up her skirts and fled the shop. Back out in the market, she breathed a shaky sigh, unnerved by the experience. But the sea breeze and the warm sunlight calmed her, and once Duncan emerged from the shop she gave him a sheepish smile.

"Forgive me, I'm afraid I'm a little shaken by that. But let's try and get some gifts for our lovers while we still can in secret, yes?" She looked about and spotted a menswear store and a little art gallery next to each other. Pointing, she said "Or, we could shop for your future father in law, if you'd like?"
Hugh chuckled at her display of affection and his cheek warmed where she had kissed him, certainly his brother was going to be very happy. He followed her into the store and bowed to the woman who seemed to own the place. As Fausta went to look around his eyes moved over the gems section. They were rough cut stones but each a beautiful colour. His fingers trailed over a purple stone with a point when suddenly Fausta called to him. Going to her and found her stuck between two lockets and marvelled at their fine quality.

"Fine choices." He told her, taking his time to determine which Duncan might prefer. Finally his finger moved to land on the cameo locket. "This feels like something Duncan would appreciate." He smiled at her. "You make him very happy Fausta. He certainly doesn't deserve you." He joked, a playful glint in his eye.


Duncan found the old woman put on quite the show, he was enjoying the dramatic tale and only noticed too late that it had unnerved Adelaide. His friend left as quickly but as politely as she could and made a quick exit for outside. He gave the old woman one last glance, but she paid him no mind as her gnarled hands quickly captured up the coins he had given her. With a low hum he turned and followed Adelaide outside. She gave him an apology and Duncan waved it away.

"She certainly was a character." He chuckled. "But gifts sound like a most excellent idea." His eyes followed her suggestion and he gasped in delight at the little art store. "Excellent choice Addy! Come now." Hooking his arms through hers he walked in a brisk excited pace into the store. Inside it smelled of fresh paint and canvas. Many canvas boards were leaned up on walls, stacked four to five deep. Duncan whistled at the amount, there were small paintings on shelves and large ones littered all around. It seemed as if it were a place where many artists sold their art, the varying styles were explosive.
Fausta laughed with excitement, and beckoned the tender over to wrap up the gift. The women spoke in Italian for a small while, and then the woman brought out a small razor and sheared off a small lock of hair right in the store. She then went about her business wrapping the gift. Fausta turned to Hugh and laughed at his jest, pushing his shoulder playfully.

"Hugh, no man deserves me! Your brother just got lucky." She giggled and winked at him. "I am thanking you for your help, I am still getting to know his tastes, yes?" The shopkeep called her attention to an assortment of ribbons sho had ready, and Fausta mused over them for a moment before choosing red. The woman finished, and presented Fausta with an immaculately wrapped package. She paid and thanked the shopkeep before turning to Hugh again. "Did you find anything that was catching your eye, signor?" She asked "Or should we be moving on?" There was still much of just the main shops that they had yet to see and explore.

Adelaide put the excursion out of her mind and followed Duncan into the shop. The young man behind the counter was very cheerful, and the shop felt warm and inviting. The two perused the works together, and Adelaide found herself drawn to the more romantic works. She sighed and hummed over portraits of lovers. As they walked, she stopped, pulling on Duncan's arm and laughing aloud in delight.

"Look!" She exclaimed "He looks just like you, Duncan!" Adelaide pointed to a painting, a man clad in army regalia, with a strong jaw and a stoic look upon his face. "Though I can't imagine you ever looking so grim." She laughed, releasing his arm to inspect the piece. It was a masterful work, with movement come alive within the canvas and light shining down upon the subject. Adelaide went to tease her friend further, but stopped, a smaller portrait beside catching her eye. Her hand found its way to her throat again as she picked up the piece and breathed out in astonishment.

"This...this looks like my mother..."
At Fausta's words he found he quite agreed. Fausta was clearly a goddess among men. "I think Duncan will happily accept anything you give him." He chuckled and when she asked if there was something else that caught his eye he did a sweep of the store. "Perhaps." He thought carefully if there was anything for Adelaide that might catch her eye but found he didn't see anything for her. However the glint of the purple crystal caught his eye again and he found he couldn't walk away from it. Picking up the smooth rock he let it move around in the palm of his hand. There was a catch of a rainbow in one of the clear parts and he smiled.

Placing the gem on the counter, Fausta helped him translate and he counted out the right amount of coins. He placed the stone in his pocket and with a bow and a curtsy the two left the store. Back out in the day light Hugh felt a bit of dryness at the back of his throat and realised he was quite thirsty. With a hum he looked around and spotted a pub, with its patrons lounging on chairs and tables that had been placed outside.

"Care for a drink?" He asked Fausta. "I find I'm rather thirsty." He led the way over and found a nice table outside in a spot of sun. He sank into the chair and when a server passed them he held up two fingers asking for two of their drinks. A few moments later the server returned and laid down two tankards. She spoke in rapid Italian but Hugh caught the word mead and instantly perked up. He had never tried honey beer and was eager to see how it was. His lifted his tankard and clinked it against Fausta's.


Duncan stepped into view of the painting of what could have been his twin and shouted with delight. He bent to study the face further and did his best to make the same serious face of the man in the portrait. He was unable, the smile lines of his face seemed permanently crinkled in a grin, his light eyes could not seem to loose their glint.

"I must have this." Duncan announced and he picked up the portrait and brought it over to the counter. He turned to see how Adelaide was fairing and saw her examining another piece. At her soft words his breath hitched and and moved to stand next to her. He looked over the portrait of the woman and tilted his head to the side. Within the image he could see similarities between Adelaide and the woman depicted, the same dip and curve of the back of her neck. The olive eyes seemed to match as well. Duncan lifted his hand and placed it gently on Adelaide's shoulder.

"She looks like a lovely woman." He said gently. "Are you alright my dear?"
Fausta laughed as Hugh finished his purchase and pulled her into the pub. As they sat out on the veranda and quenched their thirst, the crowd humming around them, she smiled brightly, relaxed and happy. People from the street and inside the pub shouted greetings to her as they passed, and she replied jovially. It had been so long since she'd been home, she'd almost forgotten the atmosphere in the town.

"It has been too long since I've had Italian beer." She laughed. "I am not meaning offence, but I am not being fond of the beer in Britain." The wench swept by them and refilled their tankards, Fausta palmed the woman a nice tip and a kind nod. She sat back again, and opened her mouth to speak, trying to find the right words to say something that had been gnawing at her. "I am wanting to...apologize for my family. I am knowing that they are strange and loud and can be overwhelming." She gave him a sheepish look. "You and Addy are so calm, I am knowing it must be a transition for you. My parents are being certainly different." Fausta sighed "And for last night....we are all rather, how you say, dramatic."

A street vendor had come over to speak with someone else on the veranda, and Fausta caught his eye, signaling him over. The man bustled over happily and after a brief conversation in her mother tongue he began to hold up strips of silk and satin against Hugh's complexion. Fausta would signal to him when to change fabrics as she appraised the colors and style against Hugh's porcelain skin. "I am wanting you all to be comfortable, yes?"

Duncan was delighted with the doppelganger that she had found, and took the piece to the counter to be wrapped. He returned and his concern was evident enough to shake her from her trance. Placing the small portrait down, Adelaide smiled at him reassuringly. "Oh, I am quite alright." She replied. "I was just shocked. I can't really remember what my mother looks like, now, but when I saw this... My father never had a painting made of her. It was just so strange to find a visage of her likeness here." She placed her hand on his arm and reached up, kissing his cheek gently.

"Forgive me, for worrying you, my dear friend." Adelaide shook her head to clear it, and moved away, stopping at another painting and calling him over. "Duncan, what do you think of this piece? It reminds me of the morning before the party. Hugh came and we sat out on the balcony talking..." She observed the canvas critically. "Is it too big? Too grand a gift? I don't wish to impose my tastes upon your home, should he not like it."
Hugh drank and sighed happily at the sweet taste of fermented honey. He settled back and took in the sight around him. The town bustled around them, men pulling carts and women moved in groups, fans waving wildly. Fausta spoke and Hugh turned his attention to her, gone was the woman who was so sure of herself. Her eyes were vulnerable and Hugh straightened worried for a moment at her expression.

"Oh Fausta, you needn't worry. You're family truly is a breath of fresh air. I was a little shocked at first, but I find myself most intrigued by your family. " He paused for a moment worrying the bottom of his lip as he considered his next question. "Your parents... they truly love each other? I must confess if that is the case, it is my first time seeing love." Fausta's attention was drawn to a street vendor and Hugh looked curiously at the bits of fabric presented.

"Comfortable? Well thank you." He grinned and gestured towards her. "You are the expert friend. I place my wardrobe in your capable hands."


Duncan accepted the kiss from Adelaide and turned his head to place a fond one on her temple. He was certainly coming to know why his brother loved her, though he was certain Hugh wouldn't know what love was until it slapped him in front of the face. He found himself grateful that his father had not been able to poison his own perceptions. When Adelaide moved away Duncan gave a sneaky signal to the man behind the counter that he wished also to purchase the painting of her mother. Humming a soft tune to himself he peered down the rows of pictures and found a few other interesting pieces. He went over to Adelaide when she called to him.

"It's beautiful. A lovely memory to go with it." He grinned at her and shook his head at her worrying. "Nonsense, Hugh will treasure any gift you give him, and I'm certain that as soon as he sees it his thoughts will go to where yours are now. I say it is perfect!" He took the large frame from her hands and brought it over to the counter. Already the man hand packaged the other two frames and Duncan did his best in broken Italian to arrange for the pictures to be delivered to the Ricci estate. After money was turned over Duncan took Adelaide's hand and they ventured back outside.

"I must confess, I didn't see anything there for Fausta. I am not sure what to get for her. I thought of arranging a candle light dinner the two of us, but I wonder if I should get her a tangible object as well?" He asked Adelaide.
At Hugh's reassurance, Fausta sighed and relaxed. She mused for a moment while considering his cravats, thinking over her words carefully. She paid for three new pieces, one in a blue that matched his eyes, one in a deep burgundy and one in a lively purple. The vendor wrapped the cloth expertly and placed it on the table before leaving. Fausta sipped at her ale and appraised Hugh with her deep eyes.

"Si," She began her answer "My parents are, how you say, in love. It is a blessing of the Ricci's that we have all been finding true lovers." She leaned forward on her elbows and cocked her head slightly, an inquisitive look on her face. "But you have been among love for a time, yes? It does not take much to see how deeply Adelaide cares for you." Fausta laughed a little "She is always looking at you as my mother is looking at my father. I have never seen a woman so taken as she is with you." Fausta quirked a brow at him and sipped her drink with a smile.

"My parents are, how you say, making love look...easy. I know that it is not being so. Love is work, signor. It is attention to the things they desire or despise, learning their moods and afflictions. Keeping a head that is cool during arguments, admitting you are wrong. Forgiving when you have been hurt, supporting when they are afraid." Fausta thought for a moment, looking for the words. "My mother said that she loves my father the most when she looks out into the opera house and sees him there, watching her. She said that she could lose her voice and turn to a crone, and he would still look at her with adoration. No matter the crowd, he is for who she sings. And all he does is sit and watch. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Adelaide was very pleased that Duncan agreed with her choice. After they wrapped the canvases and had them ready to be delivered, she took his arm again and they returned to the sunny street. He asked her for an opinion for his own love, and Adelaide squealed with delight.

"Fausta is not really one for physical things. She would treasure whatever you got her, of course, but you have the right idea. Here," She said, pulling him along. "That restaurant there has a rooftop view of the ocean. You can reserve it for a sunset meal, and if you hire music, you two can dance the night away." Addy sighed, then stopped. They stood before a flower shop, and she shouted in delight, dragging him in with a force most unbecoming of a lady her size. They entered the shop and the heady perfumes of the blooms enveloped them. Adelaide released him and began to tour the store, coming back before the man after she'd made a lap.

"Did you know that flowers have their own language? You can say almost anything with the right ones. Fausta adores it, so tell me what you'd like to say and we can put together a bouquet for your dinner table. It would really sweep her off her feet." She bounced a little, excitement bubbling up through her in a little laugh.
Hugh enjoyed the process of having new neckties selected for him and settled back comfortably in his seat. When she had selected and paid he thanked her and returned to taking another gulp from his mead. Fausta spoke then, answering his question from earlier. He was about to take another drag from the tankard when Fausta spoke of Adelaide and her perception of her feelings. The tankard halted halfway and the liquid sloshed in the glass. He knew Adelaide had told him many times, he knew the words meant something but truly it could not be so. Adelaide loved him as truly as the Ricci's loved each other?

He remembered himself then and placed the tankard down on the table, his hands settling in his lap and lacing together tightly. Fausta spoke of what it meant to love and for the barest moment a little trickle of hope moved through him, making him feel lighter than he had ever felt.

"I must confess I don't think I do understand Fausta. Adelaide has been most patient with me, and your parents... I have no doubt that what they hold together is true." He didn't know how to explain it. How could he tell her that in this moment he knew he did not deserve Adelaide, that he would be a terrible husband. He would fail her as his father had failed his mother, Hugh could not possibly see another route. He had been ruined. For now, before Adelaide realised the ruin he would cause her, he wanted to hold tight to her. To enjoy as many of the happy moments before they would all be gone. With a long sigh he picked up his drink and finished it.

"Shall we head to to the tailors then?" He asked her, his eyes a little sadder than before.


Duncan was spurred on by Adelaide's excitement and together the two of them rushed into the store, a flurry of smiles and excited chatter as they selected a beautiful bouquet to sit on their dinner table. It was decorated with small purple flowers for the Ricci colour and white roses. It was a simple little arrangement but Duncan thought it romantic and most pleasing to the eye. After they paid for the flower they took them across the street to the restaurant. Thankfully the owner spoke a bit of English and Adelaide helped Duncan arrange a most romantic setting for Fausta, it was set to happen that night. They spoke animatedly and the owner got a bit weepy at Duncan's declaration of love for his Fausta.

The kind owner offered to hire his son for the evening, a fine player of the violin. Grateful that everything was set two parted ways with the owner excited about the evening and its planned events. Duncan was over the moon with happiness and he swept up Adelaide in a big hug, laughing all the while.

"Well my dear, I think you may have just planned the most romantic evening of my life. You wonderful woman you." He paused then an idea occurring to him. "Adelaide, I believe I would like to cash in on my favour." His brows wiggled mischievously. "I think tonight would be an excellent time for you to romance my dear brother, sweep the man off his feet."
Fausta waived off his thanks at the gift, and at her words, she could see a range of emotions move over his features, all in quick succession. His face settled once more on the bittersweet look he always held, and she sighed. He and Addy both--they lived too much in their heads. Overthinking would be the death of them. Fausta resolved to tell Duncan about her outing and see what they could come up with to push the two closer. They finished their drinks and Fausta paid, taking Hugh's arm as they moved across the square to their final destination.

They had to wait for a few carriages to pass before on the road, and she lead him into Rose's Tailors. Upon entering the large, pleasant shop, they were greeted by an attendant. The man took their shopping bags and stowed them behind the counter, and lead the pair to a large triple mirror with a small platform before it. Fausta and the man ushered Hugh onto the small stage, and a thin, elderly man emerged. He greeted them with a bow, and began to appraise Hugh with his ageless grey eyes.

"What are we coming for today?" He asked, looking between them. Fausta replied.

"This is my cousin, Signor Rose. He will be attending the opera with us later this month, and needs a Ricci suit for the affair, yes? What do you think?" The Signor snapped his fingers and spoke quickly in Italian to the attendant, who rushed to the back and returned with several bolts of black fabric, all with differently colored undertones and beautiful, intricate patterns. He began to hold them up on Hugh's body and the tailor asked.

"Which of these is striking your fancy, signor?"

Adelaide laughed happily, and returned Duncan's hug with equal vigor, giggles erupting from her lips. When he placed her down once more, she straightened her skirts. At his words, she cocked her head curiously.

"My, my, dearest Duncan, what a selfless favour you ask for!" She laughed. "What do you suggest I do? Hugh is rather hard to arrange such an evening for." Adelaide thought for a moment, linking arms with Duncan as they started down towards the tailor's shop. "Perhaps a sunset ride on the beach? The Ricci's have a small stretch of private beach. Fausta mentioned a lovely private bathhouse for such excursions as well.." As they wound through the crowds, no thinner in the afternoon than they had been in the evening, Adelaide found herself stumped and a little self conscious. She looked to Duncan again for his opinion, as he knew his own brother best.
Inside of the tailors shop Hugh saw the large arrangements of fabrics that lined the walls, each a more beautiful and intricate display than the last. He was ushered upon the small stage and looked down at the man who's eyes seemed to know all his measurements already. He gave the man a smile smile as Fausta explained the need for a new suit and he found he quite agreed. There was nothing that he had brought that would suit the grandeur of the Madonna. Signor Rose thought for a moment and then left to collect a few bolts of fabric. When he came back Hugh's eyes moved over the strips of fabric.

His gaze landed on one in the middle, a dark olive interwoven with a barely noticeable different shade of olive. The pattern woven was a simple one, but when Hugh looked at it all he could see was her. Adelaide's eyes. His features warmed and he settled his hand over the fabric.

"This one please." He said to the man. "Thank you Signor Rose." The man clucked at him and brought the fabrics away save for the olive and returned to Hugh a tape measure in hand. As his arms were spread out Hugh looked down at Fausta. "Will you be getting a dress too then?"


Duncan linked arms with Adelaide and they walked like old friends towards the tailors shop. He leaned into her and listened as she explained the thoughts moving through her head.

"Well dearest Adelaide. I think you quite on the nose with a beach idea. Perhaps a picnic dinner and a late evening swim. The man ways always out swimming when he could when we were growing up. Mother often took us to the lake near the house in Westwoods. She read to her boys there, all those tales of the old gods that I've seen him regale you about. That's where he got his passion for all those stories you know." He patted Adelaide's hand as they reached the door to Rose Tailors. He didn't lead them inside quite yet but instead stood with her and watched the busy town conduct its day.

"I suppose my challenge for your romancing is this, sweet Adelaide. Take control of that evening, don't let my brothers boorish brain get in the way of romance. He's can be a real dolt as I'm sure you've noticed."
Fausta pursed her lips with a knowing smile as Hugh's features lit up for a moment choosing fabric. Such a thick-headed man. The tailor began his work and Fausta hummed a little. Hugh asked her his query and she tilted her head to meet his eyes.

"No, I will not be getting a fitting today." She replied "I am having a dress at home, yes? But it is tradition for all Ricci's to dress in black for joyous occasions, so my mother's performances are counting. Since you are being a Ricci man now, you would be needing a good suit for the trip, you see?" Fausta grinned, then thought for a moment. "When we are returning to the villa, perhaps you should be speaking to my father of business, yes? I am sure that you both can help the other." She leaned back in her chair as he considered her proposal, and wondered where her lover was. It was unlike him to be late.

But a glance out the window told her all she needed to know, for she could see her dear friend and her lover's backs as they spoke, and her heart fluttered in her chest. With another lazy smile, she returned her attention to Hugh and awaited their arrival.

Adelaide laughed, patting Duncan's hand as they watched the bustle around them. "Had I not known how much you love your brother, those words would have come off very differently." She teased. Adelaide sighed and thought of his words for a moment, resolving to take his advice. She'd make arrangements once they were back at the villa. "I think Hugh is just afraid, dearest Duncan." She said softly. "And I know first hand how crippling fear can be. It has a way of making you feel...powerless." Her hand rose to touch the silk around her neck, absently. "I will take your advice, of course, but I think Hugh needs patience now. He's beginning to open up, bit by bit." She laughed again. "I think he is, anyway."

Adelaide turned to him and rose to her toes, pressing a single, chaste kiss to his subtly cheek. "Thank you, for the lovely adventure today, my friend. I cannot say enough how much I had fun." She linked her arm with his once more and continued "Shall we? I'm sure they're waiting for us."
Duncan listened to Adelaide as she spoke kindly of his brother, he heart melted a little at the sweet way she loved him. Love is patient love is kind, the words popped into his head. Duncan was not a religious man but those words certainly resonated with him, especially in this moment. He gave Adelaide a squeeze and whispered to her. "If anyone can get through to him its you. Fausta and I will always be around to smack some sense into him when you need." He gave her a wink and laughed when she kissed him. "Yes let us see what our companions have gotten up to." He walked into the store with Adelaide and lifted his hand in greeting Hugh and Fausta.

"Well now Hugh, how are you?" Duncan let go of Adelaide and moved over to Fausta, unable to resist himself he leaned down and kissed her lightly.

"Just fine." Hugh said as Signor Rose got to work. "I'm being fitted for a suit to visit the opera. Also Fausta has just informed me that perhaps Mr. Ricci and I should discuss business. As partner perhaps you should be there." Duncan waved off the suggestion and settled into his seat next to Fausta.

"I am on vacation Hugh, I do not want to be working." He whined, at Hugh's sharp glance he sighed. "Alright fine, a quick business meeting never hurt anyone." Not wanting to discuss boring matters anymore Duncan shifted and gathered up Fausta's hands in his own, catching her attention. "Might I steal you away from everyone this evening?"


Hugh rolled his eyes at his brothers antics and when Signor Rose was done with the measurements he stepped off the stage and went straight for Adelaide. He wanted to be near her again, to feel her warmth, to be soothed by it. He caught her scent as he drew near and sighed happily.

"Did you enjoy shopping? Any inspiration for your clothing line at home?" He asked. Hugh could not help himself, he reached out and caught her hand to squeeze it. "Hopefully Duncan wasn't to grating."

"I heard that!" Duncan called, making Hugh laugh.
Fausta giggled, returning his soft kiss eagerly with one of her own. She gave a bemused smile as the brother bickered lightly, and turned her full attention towards him. At his query, Fausta lit up, laughing in full and nodding her head happily.

"Si! Of course, mi amore. What will we be doing?" Curiosity bubbled up over into her question, her eyes gleaming with the thought of getting up to something with him. The tailor motioned for his next guest, and she shooed Duncan up onto the pedestal. Again, the assistant held out fabrics for the man to consider, but Fausta called in italian from her chair, leaning back to watch. "<No, no, cool tones don't go with his skin. Bring warmer ones, please.>" The man removed the middle choice, what had a blue sheen to it. Fausta grinned and cocked her head, quirking an elegant brow at her lover suggestively.

"<I know what looks good on, you, love.>" She teased.

Adelaide was overjoyed to be by Hugh's side again, and when he caught her hand she moved closer, pressing a light, lingering kiss to his cheek. She smiled bashfully up at him through her lashes, and laughed at his comment. Shaking her head, Adelaide replied.

"Oh, no, we had a wonderful time. Duncan was the perfect gentleman, don't worry." She squeezed his hand back, and lead him over to another chaise, sitting down there to watch Duncan's fitting. "I did see some things I'd like to include once we go home, I think my designers will like the change. Hopefully it will give us an edge." Adelaide smiled.

"I missed you." She confessed softly, squeezing his hand again. As the tailor and Fausta chatted in Italian, Adelaide said "I have a surprise for you tonight, do you trust me?"
At Fausta's question Duncan wanted to immediately tell her everything, but he wanted deeply to surprise her. So he merely winked at her and let himself be ushered onto the pedestal for his own suit. Signor Rose moved about him holding a number of different fabrics up. Fausta declared a bluish one to not be his colour and Duncan's smile flashed brightly.

"<I think what looks the best on me is you.>" Duncan said, he gave the old man a pat on the back when Rose sighed heavily. "<Apologies good man.>" He chuckled and regarded the fabric. He eyes a copper toned fabric that had small leaves embroidered in a soft brown along it. He looked to Fausta for approval and when she gave it Rose set it aside and began to measure.

As he was being measured Duncan looked towards Hugh and Adelaide, they were huddled close and he gave the sweet woman he had spent the morning with a soft smile. Turning his attention back to Fausta he gave her a meaningful look. "<Was he an idiot?>" He asked.


The world was right again, next to her he could set aside all his worries and just be. Her kiss sent sparks down his spine and he let her soft voice soothe his heart. "It sounds like you had a wonderful morning then. I am pleased. I'm certain that with your new deigns you'll make quite the scene in England." He spoke that, believing it with all of his heart. She squeezed his hand, confessing that she had missed him and he let out a long breath of relief, grateful to know she had felt the same. His interest perked at her surprise and he tilted his head looking at her soft eyes and blushed cheeks.

"With my life." He said. "What is the surprise?" A smile crept over his features, as pleasure moved through him. "Or is it better I not know?" He asked.

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