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Fandom The Boys


I can't Sleep
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Kendall swept the floor at Vought HQ as a lowly janitor who didn't get paid as much as he should have. No one respected him at Vought, and it showed by his check that he got in the mail every Friday. Ken was a little pissed off at the amount of money he was making, it barely covered his rent. But no one had sympathy for the little guy, right? He doubted that anything knew his name at Vought or cared about his well-being. Ken sighed as he swept and played music in his headphones, really wasn't important enough to give a bigger check huh? This was the only job he could do right now since his dad worked at Vought and got him this job. He should be grateful for this opportunity, right? He was just an ungrateful person and should suck it up. Ken moved into one of the bathrooms and started to clean it thoroughly.

"You missed a spot," Spector, the invisible hero pointed out to a spot on the floor and laughed. Ken sighed and cleaned the spot that he pointed out, he was tired from a long shift. Spector kept pointing out spots that he did not clean. Ken was fed up with him and would say something he would regret, "Stop it you invisible dipshit!!"

Spector grabbed him by the throat easily, "
What did you call me? You are a little worthless human!" Spector then threw him into the stalls. He did not like being called that clearly and his ego was very fragile. Spector realized what he done and exited the bathroom before anyone would see him. Spector also could turn invisible, but they would know it was him because he was a known member in the Seven. It was common knowledge that Spector had a bad temper and a fragile ego. The hero then walked down the hallway casually like he did nothing wrong. Spector made sure to call security and tell him that Ken attacked him.


Ken was in the hospital, getting pieces of ceramic picked out of him by surgeons when he received his termination by Vought. He was also sentenced to jail for trying to attack a Supe which he did not. Ken was beyond furious and even more so that he had to serve jail time for "Attacking a Supe". He sighed and there was no way in hell that he was going to do that, screw them! Vought would rue the day they fired Ken and charged him.

He decided to call an old friend later on...A certain ladies' man that would help him with his goal.
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Dascal was at a bar of course flirting with ladies. The man smiled at the females in the bar and winked playfully at them as he watched them pass by. He had wondered if any of them were a Supe and if he could get one. Dascal knew that he was pretty sexy and should be a model, but he was not. Instead, he was working at JC Penny for minimum wage because he was wanting to stay in the city for a friend. Maybe a girlfriend if he could get one. Dascal slicked his hair back as he checked his appearance in the mirror and smiled. He thought that he was way sexier than Hydro to be honest. He was watching the TV and how the Seven were at a baseball game or some shit.

But he was interested in a particular villain that could help him with the Vought problem that he found himself with, Bad Apple could be a useful edition. Also, a hero called Risk could be useful since she seemed like a good person. Dascal was not sure if they would help him takedown Vought, but they would fall for his charm. All he had is Ken to help him, but he refused earlier. Maybe he would change his mind someday. Dascal got up out of his seat and put a toothpick in his teeth as he walked out of the bar. Dascal glanced behind him to see if anyone would follow him. Can't be too careful.

But he had no leads on Vought! Dascal needed a breakthrough to happen as he needed evidence that Vought was corrupt. How the hell was he gonna find someone who would be willing to help him. Most Supes were under Vought and or paid by them. He wondered if any Supes knew him? He hoped that they got his good side and that he was coming for them. Dascal headed back to the abandoned Diner where he set up his workshop.

There he had a list of the Supes.

Bad Apple
Dynamo Force
The captain

"My impending victory and your girlfriends have something in common Spectard, You also never see them coming....By the way that was a play on your name and bastard, you know due to the whole out of wedlock daddy running out on you, not the R-word, that would be insensitive!"

The madly smiling Bad Apple would stand hands raised atop a Car as the scheduled fight took place, sure she might be going slightly off script again but it made the scene more dynamic. Besides her the invisible hero seemed off today, so she had to improvise since he wasn't giving her much to work with...not that he ever did.

"Anyway on with our regularly scheduled intercity incident!"

This was just another work day for her, show up in a costume, cause some PG to 12A trouble, some light verbal sparring and clashing before she gets her ass kicked, Villain defeated, Hero celebrated.

An hour later Linda was trudging through the door of her apartment, the tattered remains of the spandex suit hanging off her under a large overcoat. If she didn't need to keep up the contract she would not have bothered, either her quips were getting better or the hero was just having a bad day but he really went overboard.

Also Once again she would get no credit for building a persona given she had to use some disposable Mook costume, she really could be A list if they gave her a chance, instead of barely C list used for nothing other than making others look good.

Melting into her favourite chair, the woman would seem to deflate and almost melt into it. She let her swarm scatter out a bit while picking up a book to do some reading, one of the scuttling bugs flick the switch on her music system.
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knight in civilian clothing

vara toth.



downtown brownstone apartment


grossly casual


pierce, her roommate


Rich, black coffee with frothy oat milk starts Pierce's day off right. A key component of the daily rhythm was the aroma of the coffee, which served as another anchor for regularity and provided a sense of predictability and normalcy. Although he had a long history of addiction to caffeine, he would now limit his intake to one decaf French press each day. If not, the headaches begin, and he has a job to finish. The coffee cup brings a sweet heat to his palms as they hug its teal clay, often when he was extremely tired Pierce would think they were the ethereal blues of glaciers captured in a glaze, and if he stared hard enough, they would melt into waves like a curtain flowing into the earthy brown tones of the liquid within. Originally, and possibly still to this day, Pierce believed he was losing his mind when these little images began.

But then there was his roommate's mug, always filled with the honey tea he so carefully made for her each morning. The chosen teacup was made of a rustic brown clay with an appearance that suggested a peaceful soulfulness while it sat upon the kitchen window ledge in pride of place, so plain and chipped and loved all the more for it. Years it had been loyal to its owner, and he only hoped it would continue to do so for her. When she stumbled out of her room, she curled herself on the couch and stared outside the window for what seemed hours with her teacup in hand. It was her very own ritual, as if she was trapped within the walls of their apartment and that crack of glass was a glimpse into the life she could possibly have. Pierce sometimes wonders for her.

All the same, Pierce's day begins at breakfast. Breakfast brought a serene sense of comfort that started the day off well, much like his coffee, therefore he learned to craft it to perfection. He spread the avocado over the toast and sprinkled salt and pepper on top as if it were cake decorations. There was a sort of joy in how he did it as if he had been happily taken in by love for a brief period of time since it showed in his subdued smile and soft glance. Four eggs were fried in a brushing of olive oil and lightly salted to perfection. The breakfast that formed the second aspect of his daily routine was then brought over, both for himself and for his roommate. He would pause to consider his next move before placing the teacup across the table from him, properly arranged next to the dish of food. The teapot was the only object separating them. Its glaze hugged the curves like honey flowing out of a pot and had colors reminiscent of bonny sea waves on honeyed sand. Pierce questioned what happened to the wool blanket that his sister had knitted for it.

Shuffling steps scuffed the floor from the hallway where the bedrooms lay in the apartment floorplan. Yawning, Vara dragged herself out of her room. Her eyes drooped shut with each step, before rubbing them and smudging the remaining mascara that hadn't moved to her bottom lashes into the creases of her eyelid. She flung an arm over her face to block out the sunlight peeking through the window, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the intensity of the dining room lighting and the new smell of food. As she dropped into the wooden table seat, one knee leaning against the table, she rolled her neck from side to side to loosen the kinks with soft incoherent noises she did not realize she was making.

"Another nightmare?" He asked, but Vara's focus was on the toast in front of her. Very slowly they redirected to Pierce, her mouth pulling into a tight frown as if it was to stretch the muscles as she squeezed her eyes shut and opened them wide seconds later to keep herself awake. She stared at him for a beat, before her eyebrows furrowed as she looked back down at her breakfast and then at him again.


"I asked if you had another nightmare... A, uh, bad one again." She said nothing as she hugged the mug of tea, blowing softly on the liquid to dissolve the steam gently evaporating in the air before she took a loud sip. Vara's eyes fluttered shut for a split second, and just as quickly they opened again to nod her head in his direction. Pierce bit the inside of his cheek as he took a bite of his breakfast, speaking through a mouthful, "Maybe you should go to the doctor. Get them to prescribe a stronger sleeping pill for you, or something."

Harsh, defended by a glare through matted bangs.

"Varvara, the ones you're taking now clearly aren't helping you."

"I have been through every prescription sleeping pill Pierce, and none of them are helping me,"
Vara told him slowly as if she was unable to speak in time with her thoughts, but her tone held enough malice that Pierce knew it was a threat. She shook her head, almost as if disappointed before picking up the egg from on top of one of the avocado toasts with her hands and bit into it,
"The Temazepam didn’t even help me stay asleep... Got like, two hours of good sleep. Less than normal. The doctors are bullshit with their drugs. Waste of money. Besides we need it for the rent, the pills can wait... Sleep can wait."

"I could just pick up an extra shift here or there, y'know? We can work around it." He explained softly through more mouthfuls of food, a small smile that wrinkled the rest of his face. He was trying to be kind, to ease her.

"Or we could drop the conversation and eat our breakfast in peace?"
Vara spat, eyes narrowing as she dropped the toast that was once in her hands back onto the plate. She picked up the butter knife he had laid to the side of the plate and thrust it into the yolk of one of her fried eggs. Pierce frowned but pressed no further. He never did.

It was when she was in her stillness that she scared him. Perhaps it was the sunlight that made her skin look washed out, or the lack of wind letting every hair hang without movement, he was not completely sure. She didn't even blink, just kept her eyes on the food as if it whispered secrets to her as she held onto the knife buried into the yellow substance leaking from the egg. When she was still like this, the environment was silent, yet the air felt heavy. Days when Pierce felt still in comparison to her, he was also at ease. Because only after a great deal of action and energy release can his spirit be still. He resembles a dog that has spent hours exploring a forest, its muscles completely worn out and left to rest. He may sit down, relax his head, and let thoughts flow once that pain in his body has subsided. He prefers to be like that while he is still. That was never how Vara was, and Pierce believes she would never change. She certainly hasn't in the years they have known each other.

"Maybe we could go for a walk today?" Pierce offered when he finally finished his breakfast, delicately resting the knife and fork on top of the plate before pushing it away. His focus was now his coffee. Vara's gaze gradually pulled away from the stillness she rested in, eyes too wide to look correct on her face as she stared at him, "It's one of the only good days of the week. May as well get that sunshine before she leaves for good, huh?"

Vara paused, she simply remained staring. But her mouth would twitch into a frown, or her eyebrows would furrow, cheeks would hollow. Nervous reactions, as if she was witnessing something horrible in the reflection of Pierce's eyes. Perhaps she caught sight of herself, he could only hope she would shower today. Then, very slowly, she nodded her head distracting him from his thoughts. The knife that was once buried into the yolk was removed and clanged against the plate as she put her cutlery on top. In a whisper she spoke,
"I'll go get changed, I guess."

And so, she did. Pierce watched as she left the dining table back towards the darkness of her room – an endless picture of shadows and nightmares. He sighed, reaching across the table to pull the plate on top of his own. Nothing had been eaten apart from a bite of an egg, it was a backward step, but the empty teacup was a positive sign. Perhaps some part of Vara did want to try, though he tried not to overwhelm himself with the ifs. Much rather, he picked up the plates and carried them to the bench in the kitchen. He found a reasonably clean container and gently placed what remained of Vara's breakfast into it. Pierce knew he could have it for lunch – save what little food they had left before his next pay.

There was more scuffing behind him as he rinsed the dishes, and when he turned, he saw her. She wore jeans that were bagged as if they were sizes too big for her (Pierce actually thinks they're his pair), a white thermal covered by a black graphic tee with food stains if you looked hard enough. Her shoes were simply her favorite pair of scuffed and mattered Converses, the once white heel and toe tip now grey with splotches of brown. In one hand was a hairbrush that combed through knotted hair, tugging strands of dark hair out into the sunlight before it flowed gracefully onto the carpeted floor. At least she was making an effort not to look horrendous, he thought. She, however, remained looking flushed out, as if she had just survived a wave of flu that left her bedridden for days. In some way, she had been.

But Vara sighed as she finished brushing her hair, running a hand through her bangs to split the clump of black into gentle waves. It wasn't perfect – some strands were greasy and stuck out to give her a spiky look. Pierce gave a soft smile, one that did not completely reach his eyes and Vara noticed. Her mouth twitched – why did it always twitch? – before she looked to the floor and kicked the toe of her Converses against the carpet while throwing the hairbrush onto the two-person couch. Another hand through the hair, messing it up more, before she straightened herself with a soft groan. Silence. They stood staring at one another before she nodded her head slowly,
"Okay, let's go."

"Okay." He repeated. She watched after Pierce as he went to the front door, grabbed the keys to their apartment from the bowl of miscellaneous items, or shoved his feet into his favorite pair of shoes and creased the heel. When he opened the door, he used one foot to keep it open, then kneeled down to unplug the heel from underneath his foot so that his shoes rested normally. Pierce noticed the lack of movement from his roommate and looked up with his mouth twisted into an innocent smile, "Come on, we can get churros on the way to the park if we hurry up."

Ken was walking down the street with a newfound purpose in mind. He had made up his mind that he was going to expose Vought, mainly because they fired him and charged him with attacking a Supe. He did not do that and instead Spector had framed him for that. He under appreciated by Supes and for that, he held resentment in his heart for them. There was no way he would work with a Supe unless he had to. Ken felt like he might have to take down Vought which was disappointing. He just knew that Dascal would lecture him about working with Supes and how necessary it would be to the goal. God, he hated how right Dascal was. Ken though needed a weapon, so he got himself a crowbar. Pretty good for defending himself huh?

Ken stopped for a churro of course on the way to the hideout. He paid for it too and the best part was that the guy did not question his crowbar that he was holding. Ken then turned around to face Spector who grabbed him by the throat, "Don't even think about coming out with the truth." He was so paranoid about the truth leaking about him framing Ken for attacking him. He wanted a squeaky-clean image with the media. Spector gripped even tighter as he watched Ken's face turn purple and contemplated killing him to get rid of that worry about him going to the press and clearing his name.

"Oh look! Is that Spector?" A woman pointed to him and gawked, "my son loves you!"

Spector dropped Ken on the ground quickly and turned to the woman and smiled and went to address her. Ken was on the ground coughing and looked at Spector, if only he could...no, he was dead if he fought. But maybe he could use this opportunity to capture him for interrogation. Then he and Dascal would have a lead! But the question was, how is he going to knock out Spector? Who knows but Ken was pretty sure he could. He hoped that he could make it to the hideout before Spectard got him. Ken started running as fast as he could through people, shoving them aside as he glanced behind him. He couldn't tell if Spector was still following him of course.

"Still following me invisible dipshit?" Ken stopped and asked, he was answered by a punch that sent him flying down the street. Ken groaned but he was happy that that dipshit was following him and all he needed was to get him- Spector managed to grab him and throw him through the window of an electronics store. Ken got up and tried to fight him, but he was no match for him and his strength. Ken kept losing the fistfight as blows were hitting him and sent him back against a wall of tvs.

Spector stood over Ken's crumpled body and sighed, "
Should have never called me an investible Dipshit."

Ken started laughing as he could not believe that he had such a fragile ego, "Really all of this for calling you an insult? Man, you are so pathetic." Spector was a total joke and a hurt little child that had ego problems. Ken found the strength to stand up and rip a live cable from the socket and held it in front of him, ready to fight.
A car hit Spector, knocking him to the ground. Dascal got of the car and cracked his neck as he looked at the fallen hero. He then took out a wooden bat from his car as he smirked at Spector, obviously Dascal was going to lose but he wasn’t planning on killing him, just getting him to be knocked unconscious so he could get information from him about Vought and the Seven.

“Well well well, if it isn’t Vought’s little loyal dog,” Dascal commented as he ran towards the hero, striking Spector with the bat several times while he was on the ground. Spector soon grabbed the bat and disarmed Dascal as he threw a punch at him, sending him into an aisle of electronics.

Spector then got up and kicked Dascal in the stomach, sending him up in the air a little. Dascal fell to the ground and groaned as he got up and got into a fighting stance. He held his fists in front of him and started to throw right and left hooks at Spector who managed to dodge or block. Spector then threw a right hook at Dascal, breaking his nose and causing it to bleed. Dascal used the blood to make Spector seeable by throwing his blood on him. Dascal kept throwing punches at the hero, even though it might not be as effective to hurting the hero like he was planning to. Dascal got sent into another corner shelf by the hero.

"You really think you can beat me investigator?" Spector laughed as he walked towards Dascal with malice intent in his eyes, ready to kill him. Dascal coughed as he stood up and nodded as he grabbed a tv and threw it at Spector who caught it and held it above his head to smash Dascal with it.

Closing her eyes relaxing with the book long forgotten, Linda immersed herself in the white noise that was the city at night. Sure sleep would have been better, but she barely recalled what that was even like, ever since she became what she was there was always part of her awake, it was less a true rest and more just period of activity where she stopped moving. Maybe she could liken it to meditation if she ever bothered subscribing to that tripe, but the downside was a good vibration or loud sound would have her entire body scattering before coming back together with conciousness.

A Car crashing into the store below her would do just that "Oh Hell no, That idiot better be dying, Cant have 5 minutes to ourselves....." grumbling to herself she gathered up in the first outfit she could find and marched downstairs cursing the entire time.

What she found was certainly not what she was expecting, it looked like 3 people have decided to brawl in the middle of the electronics store, and crash a car through the front of it? That old man Przemysław was definitely going to be pissed about this. They naturally seemed a bit distracted by what was looking to be a one-sided Beatdown to notice her presence as she marched over the broken glass to the back of the guy holding the TV. Part of her questioned why she was getting involved, disturbing her rest? Przemyslaw show being busted up? Stopping them killing each other? Because she wanted to maybe try do the hero thing for real? Eh lets go with all of the above.

Taking hold of the TV above the man, the taller woman smashed it downwards over his head, before throwing a swift kick between his legs hard enough to lift him off the floor. "Ok, you morons are going to shut this shit down! No exception! We take a pounding and just want to lay back and relax and then people are ramming stuff through while.......hang on, Is that Spector?" her aggression seems to fizzle away and she checks out the man she had just attacked confused.
Ken was surprised as Dascal crashed the car into Spector, knocking him back. Then Dascal started to fight him and losing since he was a human, but Ken respected the effort of it. It seemed like Spector was going to kill him and if Ken did not do anything he would. The man did not know if he should step in or what he should do. He was planning to do something but then a woman seemed to defuse the situation by kicking Spector to the ground. Oh no, it seemed she was a Supe, was she with him? Dascal and him might be dead if that was the case. Should he run? His legs felt like jelly as he stood there glancing at everyone.

"Wait a minute aren't you Bad Apple?" Ken asked, while looking at her, "why are you- oh you must live here or something." He looked up and remembered there were apartments in this building. He bit his lip, how were they going to get out of this one? He looked at Spector and Bad Apple, sighing as he knew that Spector was going to convince her that they were the bad guys and that they should be arrested.

"Oh, Bad Apple hi," Spector got up from the floor and smiled at his co-worker, "these criminals started to attack me, so I thought I would defend myself from them." He pointed at Dascal, "This idiot drove through a store...who does that?"

"To defend me," Ken stated, "you were going crazy on me and was going to kill me." Ken looked at Bad Apple to see if she would take their side, but it seemed like she would not. The chances of them making it out without being covered in spiders was unlikely. He hoped that Dascal would be able to save this and have her fight Spector.

"Linda, I would never!" Spector shook his head, "you believe this moron? Come on! Use your brain."

"You can kill me," Dascal said as he stood up, blood dripping from his nose. He then made eye contact with her and turned to Spector, "But why wouldn't you want to kill the man who thinks you're an absolute joke?" He put his arm against the aisle to better support himself. He glanced at the damage he did and sighed as he turned back to Linda. Dascal was going to get a beatdown but maybe one without spiders? He would be hoping for that one.

"To be honest, if you let Spector get away, he will rat on us all," Dascal told her, "Think how easy a story that is to spin. Bad Apple is trying to kill Spector, right? People would eat that shit up and Vought would punish you or send Ms. Ballistic after you." The man hoped that Linda would realize that Spector was not a hero, or a good person and he would rat on them for the chance of him getting away with this. Spector was always an asshole and Dascal wondered if Linda knew that.

Dascal felt like he was dead already and knew if Linda wanted to kill him, that he would be dead. But maybe she would have doubts about Vought already and then Dascal could get her to turn against Spector. He was trying to appeal to Linda but was not doing a good job he feared. Then, him and Ken would be swarmed with spiders and then Spector would be able to get away scot free. He could not let Spector go back to Vought and tell them about him.

"Bad Apple please don't let him get away," Dascal pleaded, "I don't know you, but I see you constantly fighting this guy. You don't get any credit for being a good villain, perhaps the best villain that asshole company has ever produced. You deserve more, right?" He was trying to appeal to her though her underappreciated work that she has dealt with. He was sure to treat her with more respect than Vought.
Crossing her arms, the albino supe would look between each present listening with a somwhat blank expression, perfectly still, head tilted to the side and all the while the buzzing around the area was steadily increasing.

When each was finished she slowly raised up a finger while closing her eyes, starting to pace back and forth for several moments "Where being unbelievably polite right now. So in order, Yes we are Bad Apple and yes we live here, fuethermore your all smashing up our landlords business, so we're going to have to deal with a pissed off pole...thanks for that really."

Suddenly she claps her hands together to gesture to all of them. "Now onto this thing itself...some important information, we play a fool for the crowds, we are not one. We are also not scheduled for a fight, off the clock and Vought approved no overtime, and we can't stress this enough, have that no heroics clause in our contract, We. Are. The. Bad. Guy." taking a few steps forward she begins to smile her tone turning cheerful, eyes locking on Spector.

"Buuuuuut...you are making it sound like the little dance we do is special, that you wouldnt want to betray what we have or dissapoint us? That really is sweet. Valued co-workers?" raising a hand to his cheek, before it quickly shifts into a mass of insects targeting his nose and mouth.

"And here wefind you cheating on us with these two, after everything we did to make those performances special. Do you know how hard it is to tone stuff down so you could lool good? I know there playing us with honeyed words....but he's dam right. "
Spector kept his eyes on Linda, he knew how unhinged she would be. He was nervous and hoped she would see reason, but that idiot was running his mouth. Spector wanted to shut him up so bad but couldn’t as Linda was in her state. Swarms of insects were buzzing around her as she started to talk about her contract and the terms. Spector was shaking a little but held himself together as Linda took a few steps towards him.

“That's right,” Spector smiled at her, but stopped as bugs entered his mouth and nose. He couldn’t even speak or breathe, considering the bugs on him. Spector tried to scream at her to stop but he couldn’t. The hero was going to die, and he couldn’t do anything about it. He could only look at her as the bugs filled his body. The bugs were too much for the invisible hero to handle and he was at the whim of her. Spector desperately tried to speak but he struggled to get a word out with the bugs filling his mouth.

"Linda, please," He begged her to stop, "I did not cheat with them- please!"

“Woah,” Ken said as he stepped back and watched the events unfold. He was in awe of her presence and developed a crush on the woman instantly. He stared at her for a little bit before he realized the situation he was in and that he should probably speak up for him and Dascal.

“Bad Apple,” Ken said, “you are the coolest Supe ever. I’d love to stay and chat, but we need to get out of here-“ faint sounds of sirens were in the distance. He was of course alluding to her going with them because Vought would kill her. He couldn’t allow that.
It seemed that Dascal's words had managed to get her to get rid of him. He couldn't help but chuckle at Spector getting his ass handed to him by a C list villain that Vought hired/ It was very fitting for him to meet his end to her. He knew that he was probably next, but until then he could enjoy being saved by her. Dascal would owe Linda big time for this one. He would have to also find a way to repay that polish asshole and repair his store. Oh well, he could always get the money from Vought, since he was not opposed to stealing from them.

"Well, you shouldn't have cheat on her Spectard," Dascal said and smirked, "I am sure you two had a loving relationship before this." The man knew he was pushing his luck with Linda but if she killed him then Vought would kill her. She was better off joining him and Ken take down Vought then being alone against Vought. He also was the man with the plan and could takedown Vought with her help. Dascal just had to figure out what she wanted and give her it in exchange for joining the team. Or else get bugs all over him.

"Welcome to the team," Dascal said to her as he got up to his feet, "whether you like it or not, we are together in this now." He cocked his head towards the incoming sirens that could be heard in the distance. If they caught them then they would all be dead in seconds. Taking care of Spector was going to get them a death sentence from Vought and the Seven for sure. Dascal knew that he could trust her since she took care of Seven member for them.

He wondered if she would collapse from using her ability and decided to stay around for that in case, she did faint. He needed to repay the favor that she did for him.

PlusUltra PlusUltra GotClanked GotClanked

CC 'Cherry' Hart


Seeing Vara in the Park...

It took another block, uphill no less, until she found that pace again. That rhythm.

Always the same wasn't it? A near miss in an intersection with the driver blaming the pedestrian. Yet again. She would stop, hands on knees breathing hard, then just wave it off. The driver had to just prove something by stepping out their car and stepping up to her. Yet again. Yelling and swearing. Yet again.

CC would stand to her full on badass Amazonian height and step right back to the driver, marching as if she off to kill something, blue eyes steel-hued now, unyielding like a predator smelling blood. The driver would hesitate, consider if they could take on a 6 foot aggressive blonde woman, all tatted up and cut from marble. Standing tense and tall, hands flexing in and outta fists, she would watch the tail lights get smaller and smaller; the driver chose wisely. Yet again.

And being CC, it took a scant amount of time to calm down from such an aggressive high back down to her regular level chill vibe. Usually a block worth of running before her heart and mind eased and returned, keeping pace with the beat thumping away in her headphones. Yet again.

What really helped keep CC on the level was the people that she associated herself with. Like take for instance that brunette down aways, walking with the unassuming man beside her...

The big inked up blonde decided to cut through the park and find a water fountain. Maybe even stretch out and check out the 'wild life' by the public exercise course in the lower hill area. But that was all tossed on the back burner the moment she saw her bud walking across the cobblestone bridge.

Several passerbys turned to stare and kept staring at her. The noisy little children present could not help but point and add their own excited commentary. Perhaps it was impressive to see such a large she-beast sprinting like a blonde braided cheetah hurdling over bush and park bench alike but perhaps it was more impressive to see her scale the to the very top of the rocky retaining wall like a squirrel on methamphetamines.

Both hands grasped the top of the railing and pulled hard, ink across her arms distorting as big muscles flexed. Precious and unique, pink and black shoes kicked up high as she leapt up and over the stone bridge railing and landed neatly, a soft grunt escaping from between full lips. Thick hips swayed back and forth as she strode towards the pair, and of course, a huge shiny grin covered the entire bottom half of her light brown face. She blew an errant blonde braid covering bright and welcoming eyes. A half-mewl, half-squeal could not be resisted and eeked out as she held out both hands to the brunette. Several bouncing steps she took towards the smaller woman, looking like some kinda giant goofy puppy.

doomkills doomkills "Giiiiiiiiirl...! V! What is good?!" CC continued to bounce up and down like an excited lil' school girl, "soooooo good to see ya! I was just thinkin' about you the other day! Ugh, wait. I'd hug you but eww ya girl is mad sweeeeatyyyy hahahahaha!"

Unabashedly, CC pulled up her sports bra, adjusting it so that the faded black Armada Inc. logo was legible across the generous pink surface. Without missing a beat she kicked up a foot behind her, caught it and stretched out her thigh whilst balancing on one leg, "Soooooo... what. We still on for drinks this weekend? Giiiiiirl, I just picked up the cuuuuutest top! Bruh oh and actually wanna gets ya nails done beforehand? My treat! No for real for real, V... sis, you been somethin' sooooooo good to me I just wanna do something nice, 'kay?"

A caramel hued hand she held up to the side of her mouth conspiratorily yet spoke more than loud enough for the fella beside her to hear it, "Eyo, but just us girlies though, feel me? You might just have to dump Pierce before then. Ain't no boyfriends allowed in the salon only sexiness...!"

Playful humour shone from her blue-eyed wink, loud and infectious was her laugh.

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Perking her ears up to the sirens, she considers it for a moment before shrugging and stepping forward into Spector. Her form seems to shift apart and reform around him albiet somewhat larger to keep her same general appearance. She did however ensure the supe was getting just enough air as to not fully suffocate, it still wasn't going to be pleasant.

"Hey Thanks Sugar, Wish the Q scores agreed but guess the rarer fans make them bit better than a mindless swarm of them. Anyway we are already up, might as well make a night of it" She idly adjusts her top to the new form, some frustration as gets it to sit right while looking around on the damage "Already got one guy inside us, so might want to find a place to drop him off, while we've done 3 before it stretches things out thats a pain so lead the way the old fashioned way and we can chat a bit. If Vought asks will just claim we didn't see anything, not like it's that unbelievable the invisible guy is hard to find....oh and Spectard if you can hear? This many bugs kinda work as a organic ferraday cage, We can eat out your little chip on the way.....to wherever these guys are going"
Spector was panicking as Linda had stepped forward into him and trapped him with these bugs, he could just barely breathe but he wished they had killed him. Spector couldn't wait for a hero to find him as they would be killed. CC would kill them all! The Supe was probably already getting notified by Vought about him missing and needing to be found. Spector wanted to kill Linda for siding with these guys. He wished that things have gone differently but things went the way they did because of that damn man running his mouth. Spector was really nervous on what they would plan to do with him after this.

"Linda! Let me out!" Spector tried to yell at her, "Vought is going to kill you all! Soon CC will find my location and you'll be dead!" Spector kept yelling and thrashing around in the organic cage but to no avail. He then started to break down and cry as he did not want to die. Spector could not believe what had happened and that they have captured him for their own purpose. He was needed at the Seven to do hero stuff and look good. Linda was useless and more of a waste of space than he thought she was.

"You are useless," Spector said to her, "I doubt your parents ever loved you, because you are such a fuck up! God, I always hated you Linda and now I think I am going to make sure that you die a painful death along with these guys."

Ken rolled his eyes as he heard him and followed Dascal out of the store, "Yeah yeah yeah, Bad Apple could you please shut him up? Maybe put a bug in his throat?" Ken was tired of this guy and his constant talking.
"Honestly, probably the best option for ol Spectard," Dascal said as Spector was trapped by bugs in a cage. He didn't mind if Linda was hurting Spector as long as he stayed alibe for them to get information. He knew where to take him and who would help him, but he would have to be convinced. Not the friendliest person in the world but he would be able to help them with taking down Vought.

Dascal made a call. It was to his "friend" Ryoma Tomari who could help them hide Spector until they got all the information on him and then he could help them with taking down Vought. Ryoma was a Supe who was created from a terrorist group in order to make the Seven look like they were fighting terrorism. Too bad it didn't work as Ryoma escaped with his sister into the city of New York to hide from Vought. Unfortunately, they were going to have to come out of hiding because of Dascal and the others.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Ryoma picked up the phone, not knowing who it was. Even if he did know then he would still pick up. He sighed as he glanced at the window to see a police car heading down the street knowing what idiot it was.

"Ryoma it's me," Dascal told him, "we need you and your sisters help with taking down Vought. We have Spector thanks to another Supe." He glanced at Linda and smiled.

"What the hell?! Ok hang tight I will send Masami your way." Ryoma told him and hung up as he was shocked that Dascal got Spector captured. Ryoma turned to his sister who was watching Pokemon and told her to get Dascal and his friends in Japanese. Masami nodded and poofed out of the room to get to their location on the streets.

She looked at Linda and made a face as she touched her, "ew bugs." then she teleported her to her and Ryoma's safehouse in Manhattan. She repeated the steps for Dascal and Ken. Masami then crossed her arms and glanced at the three. She narrowed her eyes at Linda, "
Did you get his chip out? Because if you didn't then I am sending you to the pacific ocean." She was a little paranoid on them bringing Spector here but allowed it.

Ryoma waved off his sister and looked at the three, "
Where is he? We need to fry his chip before Vought sends Balistic our way."
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Keeping the man contained entirely within her own silhouette was a effective way of blocking that signal and him from view at the same time, but in retrospect she should have maybe gotten some clothing with more stretch to them if she was going to try this little stunt so it wouldn't pinch so much. Eh hindsight is 20 20.

Linda tilts her head with an eye roll at the threat from Vaught since it didn't give her an incentive to let him out. Hell if the others did decide to kill them Vought would probably make a killing with the new seven-member merchandising, even before the tribute and memorial stuff they could spit out. They might even manage a few-point boost for the shareholders from the whole thing when they spin it.

Musing to herself she thinks over his words, so he's had denial but then skipped the whole pain and guilt right?...no wait he might have been doing that at the start out of order. So that should mean the next step is anger and bargaining, he never was the best at unscripted insults so should be.....

I doubt your parents ever loved you,

She barely heard the words that came after as the biting and stinging started, nibbling away at his arm looking for the tracker while sealing up his mouth. Ok maybe seven steps could be shared, she was fine though, totally not shaking from childhood traumas made raw again. To the outside viewer however, the noises and chittering increased with her face taking on an eery closed-eye smile, with exception from what looked to a bee flying off and away from them holding a small electronic....thing.

"Well guess he will be fine breathing through his nose, though might break out in hives... let's hope he gets to the depression stage soon, that does tend to be a quieter one....oh who's this?" her head would turn without her body to the new arrival. "Oh, that? He was Miss beehave'ing so we ate it out honey, He was being bit of a baybee so made sure the chip would Buzz off. Its going to keep going at...about 12 mph in a seemingly random direction for 8 Miles... then? hmm we think the greyhound would be a good spot for it, its that or make him look like he's just bumblieing around. No idea where they will end up though so kinda winging it." She lets out a small giggle with a bigger grin to her face.

"Thank you for the Swarm welcome by the way!"
"Well, that takes care of that I guess," Ryoma said and took a breath and sat on the couch as he took a deep breath. What a load of crazy people that were here! What were they doing taking care of Spector like that? Anyway, he was more surprised that Bad Apple out of anyone was helping Dascal out with his crazy quest. Who in their right mind would help this guy out? Now he was being dragged into this mess as well. It really looked like Linda was a bit co co in the head but hey, Ryoma would expect that from a woman who can control bugs. Jeez, maybe he should be a little careful with her around. Ryoma then walked to his computer and started to type in some commands, causing the safehouse blinds to shut since they were likely going to be here a while.

"Let him out," Dascal told Linda, "But make sure he doesn't try anything-" He was looking to get some intel out of him about Vought and where to strike them next. He was planning on taking down the superheroes in the Seven too. He was also shocked that Linda did not kill him through and went along with this. Dascal would have to ask about that later when they took care of Spector together. Dascal earned some looks from Ryoma and Masami who glanced at each other and then back at him and Linda. They would let him do this surprisingly since they felt like Vought needed to be taken down.

Being referred to as honey made Masami smile a bit but not too much that she would show it. Of course, she did not know Linda, but she could feel herself liking her already. Her crazy attitude was a little funny to her. Masami checked herself for any bug bites and went into their bathroom to make sure that she was not hosting any creepy crawlies in her clothes or hair. Ugh, that would not be good, and she hated tiny crawlies over her.

"She is squeamish," Ryoma told Linda and chuckled, "No problem, we are both very warm." He then studied her for a bit, as if he was trying to figure out her power. Ryoma could never figure out her ability, even when she was on tv.

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