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Fantasy The Bloodlust Mystery


The only Black Latios
Recently the villages have been attack over and over. Scouts say that the problem is Orcs. But every would blame them. Others say it's the elves. Even more so they say it could be dwarfs as well. Who is it, and can we stop them
Kingdro leaned against the wall. The where currently within the nation capital at the center of operations. There was a table in the middle with all sorts of maps on it. Multiple other soldiers were walking around planing what to do. "I don't think it is. Orcs tend to be brutal, un-precise. These kills had skill backing them up. Beside. How can we stop them when these attack are completely random."
" I think he has a point," Shawn says looking at the map ," These attacks are just so random and very powerful. At what point are we going to know where to stand and fight back?"
"We could place troops in each town and wait for the attacks, but that would leave our forces to thin. By the time reinforcements get there the attack would be over." He spoke with almost no emotion.

Some gowling could be heard under the table. Scale was underneath chewing away at one of the map pieces used to show troop locations. A smile came to Kingdro as he went and pick him up.
Shawn takes a look at all the palaces that have been attacked trying to see a pattern. "it seems that they may be headed into three diffrent areas," Points to the towns with the most goods ," They seem to be raiding the places with the most goods." He has a small headache so he walks to a wall and rests his head on it.
"I doubt that a group so large with this level of training would be going after supplies. I believe their looking for something. Bit as to what it is, again we are clueless. These people are very good at keeping a secret."
"No doubt there these men don't speak to anyone but them selves. What could they possibly be looking for? It could be anything, or are they just messing with us?" Shawn says now looking at Kingdro.
"If there really is not connection to the raids and the supplies then it could be a rebellion. But they aren't trying to prove a point. Most rebellions involve the announcement of what their ideas are, what they plan to change. Who they are basically. But this group is more inconspicuous than a tree in a forest."
" now you got me thinking that these could me a combination of Orcs and mages. Don't we have any witnesses we can go off of it? Do we have any clues?"
Kingdro raised an eyebrow at this. "Mages, now there's a thought. We never checked the raided town for residual magic. Perhaps we could start there."
Some people leave already heading out to check for magic. Shawn just looks at them and thinks "Do they even know how to check for magic?"
"It's a very advanced spell to preform. I can barely cast it myself. Do you know of the skill level of the Mages sent."

(Brb, dinner time)
"Sadly I have no clue of the level of the mages they could be a low level or a high level." (kk)
"If their job was to check then most likely they know how. But better safe then sorry." He said. It was now his turn to look at the map. Getting up he bent over the table. "Come on, there must be a connection, what do all these towns have in common, with 8 raids there must be a connection. Unless their is no connection but rather a difference. What dose one town have more than the other."
Shawn looks at the map again trying to remember what each one had. "They all have their own markets, they have people, they have cattle. I dont really see a huge diffrence between them all to say the truth. Why don't we just walk around the rated areas and see if something was stolen, someone saw something, or if we can find any clues."
"Shall we take our leave then." He gestured toward the door. "Investigating the matter ourselves might unearthe something."
As they passed through the stone hallways, many corridors could be seen comeing off. After a little navigation the two made it out side. They made there way to the kingdoms stables. Many people waved as they went by.
They soon arrived to the stables. Once there Kingdro picked him self a black horse with brown spots. "So, what town do you suggest we go to first, Issnow or Dargame."
"Then let us be off." He grinned. Kingdro snapped the rains of the horse and he sped off.
Once they were outside the city limits Kingdro decided to strike up a conversation for the ride. "Have you ever been to Dargame."

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