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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Currently Not Accepting}


Lover of not you
The form below will be how you are requested to admit your character, the form will also be used for my character.

Character Form

Adopted Name: Charles Hawkes

Street Name: Stallion

Gender: Male

Age: (Thirteen to Eighteen) Eighteen

Appearance: Stallion is quite handsome and mysterious, with bronze skin and dark, secretive eyes. His hair is raven and in the style of a quiff, soft to the touch. He has thin, caramel lips where pearly teeth hide inside. Stallion possesses a strong and muscular body where many scars blanket his back and chest, all trophies from previous gang bangings and fights. This fighter is from London, and that is all clear when he speaks with a British brawl.


Personality: Stallion is a king who is secretive and not friendly and open when you first set eyes on him. He is sarcastic and will push you to observe how far you are willing to go for The Blood. He has an eye for Artemis, his right hand woman and is very open to her and his third in command, Slim. Both members have been with him since the beginning when the pack was created.

Background Story: Stallion was originally part of a rich family who had quite a reputation, but he was neglected and battled with his other siblings for attention from his busy parents. Soon he did anything to be noticed, terrible grades, detentions and even criminal activity. Once his father realized it was time to talk to Stallion, he did talk that much in that minute before he went off to another meeting. Stallion was lonely and let his home without alerting anybody at the age of fifteen. In that time he was picked and thrown out of many gangs, all of this 'experience' allowed him to own and operate his own gang.

Extra Information: He likes to talk about his scars and seems very proud when the topic of how they were earned arises.

~ I will create another character to be Artemis (Stallion's second in command and right hand woman). Would anybody like to be the third in command, Slim? You can create any other details and information about him, but he must be called this street name.

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Character Form

Adopted Name: Meredith Potter

Street Name: Artemis

Gender: Female

Age: Sixteen

Appearance: is fair, if not strangely pale. Her raven waves go just past her shoulders and she has grey eyes. Her lips are a little thin but have a nice nude tone to them. Artemis may be small but she makes up for it with her surprising strength.

Personality: Artemis is quite fiesty and always has her walls up she defends those who she cares for and despises those who laugh at the fact she is a girl and second in command.

Backstory: Artemis' mother died protecting her when thieves broke into their flat, when her father came home to discover Artemis' mother laid on Artemis' lap with a pool of blood surrounding them, he never looked at her the same again. A few years later when Artemis turned age ten, the family of two had welcomes stepmother Grace and her daughter Rachel. Artemis felt neglected and left her home at age thirteen, a few months later she did turn up to only realise everybody was fine without her. She was indeed devestated and walked the streets, hungry and cold. She then met Stallion, a boy at fifteen whom she fell in love with. From then on she would regularly see him with different groups of people, it was only till recently they started their own gang. Artemis has no idea how she would confess her love without sounding weak to others and especially Stallion.

Extra Information: Feels slightly insecure when any other female communicates with Stallion and acts harsh with them afterwards.


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Adopted name: Adam Gray

Street name: Slim

Gender: Male

Age: Seventeen

Appearance: Slim is quite handsome, nothing like Stallion though, quite a pretty pale with auburn hair and emerald green eyes. He is quite tall and his muscles stand out.

Personality: He is friendly and easy to get along with but when Stallion is around he does try and act sarcastic to others but he comes out harsh and a little dominant, hence put into the position of third in command.

Backstory: Adam was a little depressed here and there and eventually left when nobody understood him, he quickly recovered when he realized that the street life required everything a person has. He met Stallion and Artemis and watched both pf them wander lonely, he then got positioned third in command when stallion formed his own gang. Slim does admire Artemis for her bravery and tenacity.

Extra information: He is aware of Artemis loving Stallion but cannot help but have a twinkle in his eyes for her.

Sorry for the brief application, I may hav to leave soon but I will attempt to come back and add in more detail if I am able to.
Adopted Name: Jasemine Wright

Street Name: Amber

Gender: Female

Age: Seventeen

Appearance: Amber has adopted the appearance of Shay Michell. (Yes, Pretty Little Liars fan right here.)

Personality: Amber is quite possessive of certain people (like Stallion) but is quite optimistic.

Backstory: Amber was abandoned and raised by thugs where she grew to learn their ways, their family soon got caught by the police and arrested but they did one more thing before surrendering, keeping Amber safe in one of their warehouses where there was enough supplies for her to survive.

Extra Information: She is attracted to Stallion and dislikes Artemis.
[] Coriolano Malatesta

[] Male

[] 18

[] Italian

[] The Blood

[] Straight


[] Has two black plugs on his ears, septum piercing

[] He was born in Italy, the son of Ndrangheta boss Nino Sallustri. Since he was a kid he started to come in contact with the mafia, and as a teen he already had his ways into drug dealing and stealing. But when his father got murdered for betraying the Ndrangheta, so many would have turned their eyes on Coriolano, the sixteen year old decided to flee. Using his 'political' abilities he survived as a drug dealer, until he met Stallion and became part of The Blood.

[] Manipulative, Cunning, Sassy, Vindictive, Sarcastic, Jealous, Narcissist, Flirtatious

[] Enjoys music, tattoos, piercings, cigarettes, ladies, weed, stealing

[] Dislikes cocaine, police, lawyers

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Name: Dirk Cardona

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance:6'2, decently built, tan skin since he's Salvadorian. Has various Salvadorian gang tattoos around his body and some on his face. He has a scar running down his left eye which he is blind out of. He received the scar in a prison brawl when he was serving time for murder in Salvador. He covers it up with an eye patch. He has a dreadlock mohawk.

Backstory: Dirk used to run with a drug cartel called Los Muertos in Salvador. He was eventually arrested and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a rival gang member. He escaped the prison during the mass prison riot that he lost his eye in and has escaped the country and found refuge with The Bloods. He has pledged loyalty to Stallion.

Extra Information:He is very aggressive towards those who would bring harm to his new family.



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@Couldyoustfu Your character has been accepted!

@Drowse Boy Your character is accepted, even though your character is over eighteen {and I would normally ask you to alter your application but I was impressed by the backstory your character possesses.
My bad I missed that detail. But if its alright with you, then thanks! And thank you for the compliment for the backstory too haha.
Adopted name: Elizabeth Jones

Street name: Red

Age: 16

and deep blue eyes

Personality: She is fiercely loyal to her new family and always loves a good fight, having grown up on the streets since she was 10.

Bio: she ran away from her real family at ten, having had terrible and neglectful parents. Her father and mother were an alcoholic and a crackhead, leading her to hate that trait in others, as well as any drugs, although she found she had an if finish for whiskey. She found the gang and joined up, devoting herself to helping her new family, even when they don't always get along. She try's to maintain a good relationship with everyone, as she doesn't want to see another family reject her.
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@Altaynna You may begin roleplaying as a fairly new member of the group, where you may still be getting to know others and earning their trust, but you have Stallion and Artemis' approval and friendship.
Name: Junko Masaru

StreetName: N/A, due to keeping up an "image"

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Backstory: Junko is a perfect child. Atleast thats what her parents think of her. Ever since she was young she had this air about her that seemed to give the idea that she was a pire and innocent child. She would be obediant and never lie. Hell she was learning an instrument, even still is on the down low of things. However at the same time, she becane affliated with drugs due to some friends stealing from their brothers stash. Of course she had to try some, how couldn't she? And of course she got addicted. Nothing like heroin, but ecstacy. As she is now living its clear she never overdosed or was even caught, since her school was one that had mandatory drug tests, and knew it wasnt worth the risk. So while she had horrible effects of withdrawl, she didn't want out of the life. The one of the excitement of doing things that are illegal. So, what is someone to do to be in the drug life without using? Selling it of course. Her friend ended up so far into using, that they started making the shit themself. Junko convinced her to make more than she needed however and paid her off, just to go sell the shit for double what she paid. The feeling of raw cash in her hands was enough motivation to keep going, and to expand her market. She started talking around, using her appearance which was starting to "blossom" to her advantage, and got in touch with people who made and traded other drugs, like said heroin, and meth. Now this wasn't breaking bad scale, but if caught would land her a long time in prison. That being said, she would never be caught. She looks too innocent and plays the role too well. That brings her to how she is today. She still lives in the brunt of gang territory, and deals to anyone who pays, but only because she knows theyll come to her for something or another one day, and having cash in hand most likely.

Michelle "Mitchy" Price



Gender: Female

Age: Fifteen

Personality: Mitchy seems like the last girl to join a gang. She's childish, easily frightened, and artistic. She acts quiet and obedient, but she truthfully is a sneaky liar. Her foster parents think she has after school clubs and is doing technical crew for the school play. She's going around town, spraying paint over any blank wall she can. Sometimes, her obedience comes with an air of judgement, other times it comes with loyalty. It depends on who is telling her what to do.

Background Story:

For most of her life, Mitchy lived with her mom, her dad, and her twin brother in a suburb of New York city. They were happy. Her dad was a car salesman, her mom was a retail worker, and both Mitchy and her brother were doing well in school. That changed when Mitchy was in seventh grade. Her father lost his job, and turned to alcohol for comfort. This resulted in him hitting Mitchy almost every day. Mitchy's mom lost interest in her father and started sleeping around, holding six different affairs at once. In the midst of it all, Mitchy's twin committed suicide.

In eighth grade, a social worker saved Mitchy from her family and placed her in a home for girls. There, Mitchy was bullied relentlessly. She regressed into silence. She was moved four times in one year, until a foster family finally took her in. She's been with this family for three months.

Other: Her graffiti art

Gale's sketchbook

Adopted Name: Katherine black

Street Name: babycakes

Gender: Female

Age: Seventeen


Personality: babycakes is a dare devil. She uses her beauty and body for her advantage. She cancome into your life and seem like the ideal women, but then stabs you in the back. She tends to be sexual when she needs to. She has a heart of stone, she made it so she can never love. She can get herself out of any situation. She is very athletic, and knows how to use a gun. Babycakes loves a good deal. she also loves when people owe her. She will finish the job, matter how difficult it is.

Backstory: She had a few run ins with the police. Her parents then had enough and dumped her on the streets. She was on her own, until she found the gang. She still holds that anger against her parents. she still wonders what her life would be like if she wasn't on the streets. She joined the gang at a young age, that's why she's named Babycakes

Extra Information: has a criminal record




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  1. Name Helena Mary Stewart
  2. Nick Harley
  3. Age 17
  4. Personality Very flirty and possessive, wants everything to be hers, but also empathic and sensitive. If you insult her about something she cares about, she'll get mad. Very respectful of those who are in command.
  5. Appearance

  6. Backstory Helena's mother was a prostitute in an horribly kept motel, once she was found out the poor nineteen year old had to leave, and she roamed the streets in search of help. She was helped by a group of little criminals, and died once given birth. Little Helen was raised by the gang's leader, Vernon, and she grew to be a thief and unafraid to kill. But once she reached age fourteen some of the boys in the group tried to assault her, so she ran away. It all changed when she met The Blood, in which she peacefully, for now, lives.

(I read that you're not accepting characters but I made this in case you changed idea)


Street Name: Quarantine Zone

Gender: ♂

Age: ??

Nationality: British/Russian

Specialty/Role: Weaponry expert—rocket launcher, Katana, gun, Swiss army knife, you name it, he's got it all! But just because he's got it all and knows how to use 'em, doesn't mean he's a total expert at all of them. His specialty, of course, are just about anything poisonous, and anything that goes BOOM. But his psychotic side tends to use things that go an eerie SLICE, too.

Appearance: Possibly the two things that stand out from Hardy is his hair, and his face—or rather, not seeing his face. His hair is dyed platinum blonde, almost white, and kept in the graduation style. His skin tone is almost as pale as his hair, and his physique is somewhere between lanky and skinny; however, he probably has just as much muscle as Stallion does. By not being able to see his face, I mean that he wears a gas mask at all times. It covers his entire head—the exceptions being his hair, most of the back of his head, and his ears—, and thus no one has ever seen his face before. No one, except for a little rat.. (I'll ask someone through PM. ;3)

Personality: Exciting +, Dangerous/Unstable -• Flirty(a bit) ±• Humorous +, Sarcastic -• Brutal -• Erratic -

Backstory: Hardy, like most gang members, didn't have the best life before becoming a gangster(though, he still doesn't have a good life now).

Orphaned as a baby, all he had from his parents was the basket he was put in and a blanket with the inscription Hardy Buck. He showed signs of being slightly insane at a young age, seven, and would often be considered a burden and a handful. Eventually, it was all too much, and he was sent to an asylum. Two years in the asylum got most of his sanity back, but he mysteriously disappeared. At the age of eleven he found himself on the streets. Because of his previous psychotic nature, he still had the strength of a full grown man, so defending himself never was a problem. He jumped to gang to gang, and landed himself in The Blood around the time it was starting. But just because he's in The Blood, doesn't mean he has full loyalty to one leader in particular—Artemis.

Other: He's

, so beware~

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"I'm the one that got away."

J O A NX F A - L I N
Street Name: Yuè(Month), after a Chinese swordswoman. Also known as Yuàn(Rose/Beauty) to The Wolves(none of The Blood gangsters know this). "Month lof the Rose."

Gender: ♀

Age: Eighteen

Nationality: French/Chinese

Specialty/Role: Gymnastics, Taekwondo, Dim Mak(nerve strikes on pressure points), and Speed are her useful talents in the gang. Her specialties, however, are interrogation and the snapping of necks.

Appearance: Joan, quite possibly, is the very definition of beauty. With auburn-colored hair that is layered in ringlets and stop at the middle of her back, any girl would be envious of her luscious curls. Her eyes are a soft, emerald green, but there are rings of gold near the pupils that stand out like diamonds. Owning a curvaceous body in the shape of an hourglass, and a prominent bust, even men won't refuse to take a couple of glances at her. High cheekbones, slender neck, an elegant collar bone, and soft, full lips give her her more lady-like features. Too bad she never tries to use all of her womanly features(on purpose, that is).

Personality: Warm, friendly • Manipulative, liar • Showoff, proud • Helpful • Unemotional/hating towards those she doesn't care about • Plays innocent

Backstory: Not much is known about Joan. Her father was a high-ranking member of the Triad, and she was kidnapped by The Wolves and rescued by Stallion--but those are simply rumors. Considering she's grown up in a Chinese family, she knows more about martial arts/fighting than a lot of the gangsters. It's rumored that she's a black belt in more than eight--but that's just downright crazy! At any rate, Joan has been to a couple of countries and at least one hundred cities--more, maybe. In those countries, in those cities, she has been a hired assassin. But of course, she figures most of the "wimps" in The Blood would despise her for that, so she keeps that bit a secret.

Other: She has a tattoo of Chinese symbols running down the middle of her spine.

No one knows what they mean, and she refuses to tell a soul.

"Don't even bother. I'm never coming back."
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