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Realistic or Modern ☆ the big plan


𝖺 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗒 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋

the big plan
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it wasn't real
i fell for you by mistake

Muse A is a wild-child and is considered the “black sheep” of a very wealthy family.

After graduation, their parents tells them via phone call that they have arranged a marriage between them and mr/ms rich-fam-friend’s-kid in the hopes of getting more rich and lowkey making Muse A behave for good.

Suddenly, they got fed up with their parents always being disappointed, and relatives always bad-mouthing them behind their back as much as the whole family got tired of their “bad kid act” so, instead Muse A comes up with a plan.

They head over to Muse B who happens to be the nerd from down the hall of their dorm building (who they also pay to complete their assignments, papers, thesis etc.) for them, and asks Muse B to do one last assignment.

Muse B is the bread winner of a not-so-fortunate family. After graduation they are expected to work just to compensate for the needs of two parents (one is about to retire, and one is a house wife) and 3 younger siblings.

One kid could only take so much and they were sure they wouldn’t be able to enjoy their first paycheck.

So, when Muse A comes knocking on their door, offering them a whole lot just to pretend to be Muse A’s outstanding boyfriend/girlfriend, they couldn’t refuse.

Money, some time in the Hampton’s, and a smokin’ hot fake better-half didn’t sound too shabby for their first job offer.

ALL ABOUT MUSE A - constellation constellation
Name ; Sang, Jae-hoon. [상재훈]

Occupation ; Pfft... as if he works.

Age ; Twenty-three.

Faceclaim ; Woo, Ji-ho (Block B's Zico).
Personality ;
Growing up with everything being handed to him, Jae-hoon understands that his name alone grants him power. Power of a good number of the staff members because no one wanted to piss of the son of the mayor who donated a couple million dollars every year to the school. Power over even some of the students whose parents worked with and for his father. Having all of that has made him the type to want whatever he wants and demand that gets it. On one hand, that goes to his relationships. Loyalty is one of his biggest pet peeves and desires as it shows the closeness of your relationship with him and whether or not he can trust you. And Jae-hoon honours that value more than anything and he's damn well possessive of his people. He wants what he wants and he gets it, end of story. What's his is his, there is no other way around it. And he's hardly privy to just letting anyone go, especially when they mean so much to him.

Despite the assumption that Jae-hoon is just this easy going guy who is just an open book, he's actually not. Oh, he is still very much an easy guy to talk to and a guy who's just looking for a bit of fun. He seemingly does not do drama and just really wants to live out his life with the occasional swerve to the dark and dangerous side. But for those individuals who happen to piss him off, know that it is quite easy to piss him. He's very erratic in that sense that while he's happy-go-lucky Jae-hoon hanging with friends at a party, he can also be ready to snap when someone irks his last nerve or mess with someone he cares about. Again, Jae-hoon might not acknowledge this, but he's a bit more manipulative than he gives himself credit, oftentimes playing this unassuming character when in reality, he is ready to go in for the kill. Because the second you - you who has done him or anyone else he cares about wrong when all he has asked of you is respect in those regards - spill your guts or let him know something you didn't want to know, you'll find yourself with your reputation tarnished and possibly needing to leave the school.

However, most people don't see that version of him, or if they do, they don't acknowledge it for it is a bit intimidating. He's a ticking time bomb waiting to happen and the damage that would be left in his wake might be more catastrophic than anyone - himself included - are ready to see. Everyone else sees this fun, charming, and just really easygoing guy who happens to be one hell of a teenager, and someone anyone (who's worthy) can hang out with. Jae-hoon doesn't call himself a bully, but he is one, just a tad. The type to probably never actually mess with anyone himself unless they've actually pissed him off. At the same time, of course he loves it when girls and guys stroke his ego by fawning over his attractiveness and his skills, respectively. Of course, he's the type to like winning and hate losing, and doing whatever it takes to get the end results he desires. And of course, he likes the perks of knowing that he gets an invite to every exclusive party, gets to be fawned over, and just gets to be on top of a world that most only get to dream about. But not so much when it comes to his teachers and grades. But he's also just a guy who likes hanging out and having a little fun. He's just not as unassuming as people give him credit for.

ALL ABOUT MUSE B - allure allure
Name ; Kim, Hayu. [김하유]

Age ; Twenty-one.

Occupation ; Student.

Faceclaim ; Jo, Ha-seul. (LOOΠΔ)
Personality ;
Kim Hayu is the person your mother compares you to in order to make you feel bad. She seems like the perfect daughter: docile, gentle, giggles behind her hand, not to mention a certified genius with an IQ of 150. As a double major in Mathematics and Astronomy, a member of the university chamber choir, a guitar teacher for young children, and a tutor for her fellow students, it's a wonder how the girl survives. Her secret to a haphazard existence is 3 hours of sleep every night and lots of caffeine tablets. Hayu's few friends - who has time for friends when you're late to a tutoring session and have a report on Trans-Neptunium Objects due in half an hour? - can testify to the fact that she's always in a rush to finish one thing and move on with the next, just barely holding everything together in her giant file organizer binders. Hayu can't afford to stop and smell the roses because she's too busy looking at the stars both figuratively and literally, knowing that her dreams are just beyond the mountain of assignments and responsibilities.

It's quite clear that her lifestyle is dictated by an unfortunate sense of urgency, and she rarely ever allows herself to relax. She doesn't really have a choice but to be independent when a family of five is depending on her success, and she is used to doing everything by herself and on her terms. She's not a confrontational person by nature and is actually pretty eager to please when there's something in it for her. Hayu's used to sending her checks home and scraping together spare cash for convenient store ramyun, and she's a crafty opportunist at this point. Picking up odd jobs for random people, charging high rates for tutoring and homework completion, and giving her professor's children guitar lessons are all things she does to earn a living. Her first instinct when meeting someone is to assess how beneficial they can be for her. It can be hard to capture her attention and keep it, especially when she considers casual small talk with strangers a waste of time.

Business aside, Hayu seems to have two different sides to her that make appearances depending on her company and her mood. The first gave her the perfect daughter image, and although she purposefully uses it to impress others, it comes naturally around people she genuinely likes. This side is encouraging and optimistic, affable and serene. She's almost motherly in the sense that she wants to make sure everyone around her is safe and happy. She's very easily flustered, whether the cause be unexpected praise, embarrassment, or PG-13 content. When stress swamps her life, as it so often does, Hayu does a complete 180. She makes insensitive judgments on just about everyone. Dry sarcasm and snarky levels go through the roof because even though she's the perfect daughter, she's also the girl who looks into the camera with death in her eyes.
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Jae-hoon was dying. It had been three whole minutes, and his ears were bleeding. Listening to his parents go on and on about finding a partner was dreadful. But finding out that they had found a girl for him to get married to, was even worse.

”I already told you, Jae-hoon. You’re twenty-four years old, you should be getting married soon!” His mother spoke down the phone, as the boy rolled his eyes. The only question running through his mind was – why should he be getting married?

Now that he had graduated university, he finally thought he’d have more freedom - to get out there and be free. But his parents? Nope. They wanted to stop that no matter the cost.

But, then it hit Jae-hoon. All he had to do was tell a small white lie. Springing upwards from the couch, he grinned widely. ”You didn’t even bother to ask me if I already had a girlfriend, mother.” He spoke, pacing the room back and forth. “How mean.”

And although Jae-hoon thought it was clever, what his father said next… definitely slapped Jae-hoon in the face. This small white lie… was going to turn into something much bigger.

“We want to meet her.”

”She’s going to say yes, Hae-woo.”

A little “tsk” escaped his friend’s lips as he followed behind the blonde male, shaking his head in disapproval. The moment Jae-hoon had explained the whole plan to Hae-woo, he thought the man had finally lost his mind. Anybody would have thought that it was reckless and stupid… But Jae-hoon? He thought it was clever.

With a grin plastered on his face, Jae-hoon glanced backwards at Hae-woo as they headed up the stairs of the dormitory complex. ”Yah, you’re meant to be supporting me on this one.” But with a sceptic look on his face, Hae-woo couldn’t help but let out a hesitant chuckle.

“She’s going to think you’ve lost your mind.” He muttered, shaking his head. “It’s one thing to do your assignments, but this-“

“This is pure genius, Hae-woo.” Jae-hoon interrupted his friend, clapping his hands together as the two reach her floor. “All I have to do is make my parents believe she’s my girlfriend, and I’m off the hook!”

Walking towards the same old door he used to come to in the past with a new assignment, Jae-hoon pulled out a white envelope this time from the inside of his jacket. Giving one more glance towards Hae-woo, he tilted his head and shot him a wink. ”Just watch and learn, dear friend,” Raising his fist, he knocked on her door a couple times. “As your clever best friend – gets himself a girlfriend.”
[ JAE-HOON. ]​


[ MOOD. ]
Chill, but very anxious.

Jacket, hoodie and jeans.

Please let this work... It has to work.
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Three hours. That was all she asked for. Three. Hours. So why in the everloving fuck was someone banging on her door at the fucking asscrack of dawn? Hayu groaned as she rolled over in bed, briefly considering raising her volume to a scream so that it would scare away the inconsiderate little shit who had decided to disturb her. She quickly decided against this course of action - if anything, it might just get more people to come check on her and make sure she wasn't being ax-murdered.

There was sunlight streaming in through the blinds. She reached out to her bedside table for her phone and squinted at the screen. 12:45... okay, so it wasn't exactly the asscrack of dawn, and she had gotten a lot more than three hours of sleep (for once) but that didn't mean she was any less disgruntled. Honestly, she was even more annoyed at herself for not waking up earlier. And who the fuck was at the door? Hayu slid her glasses on and shoved a piece of her hair out of her face as she crossed the small distance from her bed to the door. Maybe it was Seungjin returning her stellar collision model to her. She swung the door open with little ceremony, leaning against the doorframe to steady herself as a sudden yawn overtook her. Her eyes first focused on the taller of the two figures in the doorway. "Oppa?" What was Hae-woo doing—oh my god it's Jae-hoon. What the fuck. What.

In Hayu's head, the camera was panning out on the ridiculous scene. Hayu, with her frizzy bedhead and sleep-crusted eyes, wearing a shirt that read "MY GRAVITATIONAL PULL IS STRONGER THAN YOURS" and Kumamon-printed pajama pants. Sang Jae-hoon, infuriating as always with his stupid sex appeal and ozone layer of entitlement. Hae-woo, whom she had trusted to not bring entitled rich kids to her front door, looking pained and not nearly as scared as he should have been considering she was thinking about a stellar collision ocurring between her fist and his face. Well, maybe she was being unreasonably harsh. She opened her mouth and eloquently, politely asked, "What the fuck are you douchecanoes doing here?"

supremely annoyed

t-shirt and pajama pants

how dare this soggy noodle disturb my slumber

The moment the door to Ha-yu’s room opened, Jae-hoon hadn’t really… expected to see what he saw. From what he remembered, or could remember, Ha-yu was always that innocent looking girl. But today… well, today was different. With her hair messy, and her body clad in… strange pyjamas according to him, Jae-hoon couldn’t help but grin widely because it was definitely humorous.

”Nice to see you too, Ha-yu. I’ve missed you very, very much.” He spoke, his tone full of amusement and joy as his eyes glanced the girl up and down.

For a moment, the boy questioned himself – was this the girl he really wanted to bring home to his parents? And yet, deep down on the inside, he was screaming ‘hell yes’ because the look on his parents face was going to be priceless when they actually see a girl with him.

Jae-hoon wasn’t the only one who thought the scenario was amusing, because Hae-woo did too. Even though he wasn’t close enough to Ha-yu, they were on mutual terms and never, ever, had he seen her like this before.

Running his hand through his brunette hair and stopping midway, he shot her a small apologetic look and slipped in a little comment. ”Good morning, Ha-yu…”

Though before Ha-yu could open her mouth to speak again and possibly cuss them out, Jae-hoon raised the white envelope in front of her face and grinned at the girl. And, it definitely wasn’t the first time he’d shown an envelope like this to her. Because when you put an envelope into Jaehoon’s hands, it means one thing, and one thing only – money.

”My favourite, dear Ha-yu,” He began, ”I have quite the proposition for you. And no, it doesn’t involve you writing essays.”

Jae-hoon hadn’t bothered to wait for the girl’s response as he reached out for her hand, placing the envelope into her palm and slowly balling her hand into a fist to close around the envelope. Whether or not she did decide to go for it, Jae-hoon didn’t really care if she took the money. There was a lot where that came from. ”All you have to do is pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my parents tomorrow.” He told her casually, a toothy smile plastered on his perfect face.
[ JAE-HOON. ]​


[ MOOD. ]
Chill, but very anxious.

Jacket, hoodie and jeans.

Ha-yu, you better say yes.
Hayu's eye twitched when Jae-hoon's lips quirked into an amused grin that was all too familiar considering they hadn't seen each other very often even before he graduated. His tone of voice dripped with superiority as he looked her up and down in what was clearly less of a hot damn and more of a what a hot mess. She crossed her arms across her chest, trying to come across as intimidating rather than self-conscious. Hae-woo's slight smile only made her scowl more intensely in his direction. She was wearing the expression that was often called her "angry mom" look. Though Hae-woo's demeanor took a turn for the apologetic, Jae-hoon's smug smile didn't flicker in the slightest. He was confident that things would turn out in his favor, whatever that would entail. Well, he had another thing coming. Now that Hayu was free from his tyranny of book reports and lab reports and oh god, what if he wanted her to do his taxes now?

Probably sensing Hayu's growing displeasure, Jae-hoon pulled out something that effectively silenced her. Imaginary won signs popped into her eyes, and they immediately focused on the envelope. She licked her lips hungrily. He placed the envelope into her hand and closed her hand around it and—holy shit that felt like a thick wad of money. That was the thing she had missed most about Jae-hoon: his extravagant payments. He used to pay her five times as much as any other student paid her for tutoring them, and the was the only reason why she had agreed to take on his academic workload in the first place. This envelope was heavier than any of the ones he'd given her in the past, and this revelation almost distracted her from what Jae-hoon said next. Her mouth dropped open and she pulled the envelope to her chest, trying to ignore the way her mind was swirling with confusing thoughts. Of all the girls Jae-hoon knew, he wanted her to be his fake girlfriend? For his parents? "Wait, tomorrow?!" she burst out. "What the fuck, how could you just- how am I supposed to- I-" she turned around and slammed the door in Jae-hoon and Hae-woos's faces.

Hayu ripped open the enveloped neatly with her fingernail and dropped the cash onto her bed, counting the bills with practiced ease. ₩560000. Damn. If this was just a one day job like it seemed to be, then it would be a piece of cake. Hayu, the perfect daughter, was great at impressing adults. So great, in fact, that her services might be worth more than the amount on her bed. And with Jae-hoon, there was a constant struggle between wanting to jump him and wanting to punch him, so physical contact would have to be kept at a mimimum. Sundays were usually when she gave the Jung kids guitar lessons, so she would have to remember to call and cancel. It took her about thirty seconds of silent thought to come up with a suitable plan. Hayu swung open the door again and poked her head out. "I need a schedule," she began, clipped and businesslike, "with times and locations. You're giving me a ride everywhere. I'm charging extra for every physical interaction I have to do with you in the name of convincing skinship." She smiled sweetly then, the first time she had smiled since Jae-hoon banged on her door. "If you do all that then I'll charm the hell out of your parents."


money money money

t-shirt and pajama pants

*the crinkling of crisp won bills*


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