• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The Big Easy





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Got it! I might wait on a CS or two before accepting any characters, like once Aio's is done I'll probably look through the three and see which ones I definitely already want in, but yours looks amazing! @Tsiwentiio
Looks good @Keira Winston ! :)

Anyone know someone who might be interested in creating a male character? Also you are allowed to have multiple characters, but only if you think you can handle it. I know I have trouble some times x3
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I can make another male, not too many people make males any more, and it is sad cause I loved playing girl roles but now I only do guys

@Smoaki I don't mind Creating another guy, (I kinda forgot how to create girls now it's been so long lol ) I just wanted to bring up the fact that not too many people can/want to create guys
Looks good! I'm waiting on a couple more guy characters before I accept any other girls first though @Oasis
@Darth Gangsta your character's interesting, but I'd like a little bit more personality to him. This is a detailed RP and I think the characters should be pretty well developed.
@Oasis hey thanks for tagging me, super interested :)

@Smoaki so i am interested, the only thing is i've applied for so many RPs in the past few weeks that idk if i would be able to. i think i'll most likely apply, but if i do get accepted i'll have to warn you that i might drop out, so a back up would be great in that case. sorru about that, just a warning, but it most likely won't be a problem :)
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@z e p h y r go ahead and apply then! I don't mind perhaps you needing to drop out. It's always nice to have interest though! :)

@Darth Gangsta don't worry, I won't delete it. Everyone has until 6/30 to apply and fix anything up

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