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Realistic or Modern The Big Easy

I'll have a CS by tonight, trying to catch up with a lot of things. This looks interesting, it'll keep me busy! :D

Hello! I've already stayed up way too late tonight, but I'm interested in the last male spot and will work on a CS later tomorrow if no one has claimed it by then ^.^ Also, I love the bright colors and images used in your codes for this RP!
I believe everyone has an open... but yeah we're all mostly waiting on replies at the moment. Tomorrow I'm going to start the next scene, which is basically the transition being the bus taking off and the scene being them arriving at the hotel.

You're absolutely fine @Keira Winston ! Busy happens, just wanted to check with everyone since the RP has been a bit barren
I think I was the last person or one of the last to post an opening, sorry ^^' I forgot to turn the notifications on. But I can go reply soon, I just wasn't sure about the pacing. I think a couple people have posted since I did, so I'll go take another look
Oh you're fine! It was just a reminder to everyone mostly, since I understand alerts not being on. It is rather annoying when the website does that.

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