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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Alyssa smiled and sipped on her own drink, and Lewis also did the same. Lewis stayed mostly quiet while they started tucking into their food; Alyssa ate some of the beef she had on her plate and chewed it for a minute or so before swallowing it - it was nice and tender, and had a good level of flavor to it as well. She was happy with herself after that.

".. So, Jared... What did you work as before?" She asked softly. Lewis also looked up as she asked - he was also quite interested in that, as well. (@Stew)

Jared was eating his food until he was asked a question about his previous line of work prior to the apocalypse,

"Well, I was actually going to college there for a while, I used to work at a themed restaurant." He says before taking another sip of his wine. Jared remembered how cool the restaurant he worked at was, it was a 60s themed restaurant and he was an extra who just had to look cool.

"Ah, I see." She smiled at him and ate some of her vegetables. ".. I used to work as customer service at a vineyard up in New York." She said, smiling at him while she sipped on her wine. "What State are you originally from? If you're not from Wisconsin, of course." She chuckled a little and rested her elbows on the table, and her head in her hands. (@Stew)

Jared leans back in his chair and crosses his legs under the table,

"Well, I'm actually from Scranton, Pennsylvania. It's that state where the show "The Office" is based in, that's the main reason why I'm proud to be from the state that Dunder Mifflin is from." Jared chuckles before taking another sip of wine.

She laughed a little. "That's great. I was originally born in Kansas, but my parents moved us all to New York when I was four. They didn't like the schools in our area. Well... They didn't like our area in general, to be honest." She laughed a little once again and smiled warmly at him. ".. Lewis here was actually born when we traveled to California for a week. He's been right across the country." She laughed.

(@Stew - You can move things onto the point where Lewis is about to go to bed in your next post, if you'd like. Anywhere around that time- Your choice.)

Jared chuckles at her remark about Lewis and finishes the food on his plate, he then finishes off his wine before looking over to Lewis,

"Hey, Lewis, why don't you sleep on the couch while you watch the movie?" Jared asks, he wasn't wanting to be pushy about saying that, but he wanted to be alone with Alyssa for a little bit. Jared looks back at Alyssa with a sincere smile.

Lewis was done before the both of them. The kid could certainly eat, but he was so slim built and lightweight. He smiled at Jared and then hopped up - he was about to make a run out of the room, but then stopped at the exit and turned back to face Jared after thinking for a moment.

"What about you and mommy? And how am I gonna' watch it if I'm asleep?" He asked as he tilted his head a little. Alyssa simply rolled her eyes and chuckled. This boy was sometimes too smart for his own good. (@Stew)

Jared walks over to Lewis and kneels down on one knee,

"I know this may seem confusing, but I read this book Called Flowers To Algernon. In this book, a man listens a a TV while he sleeps and that ends up helping him to get smarter, he watched tapes that informed him about all sorts of important things. The man remembered what happened on the tapes while he slept, so wouldn't it make sense if you remembered the movie while you slept?" Jared asks before turning to Alyssa and winking.

He thought for a moment but then smiled lightly. ".. Okay." He said with a shrug. "Are you and mommy gonna' come in soon?" He asked again, Alyssa gently giggled as she poured two more glasses of wine and then looked off at Lewis and Jared once again. ".. I thought we could watch the movie together." Lewis smiled. (@Stew)

Jared looks back at Alyssa and sighs before looking back at Lewis,

"Hey, buddy, I was wanting to spend some time with your mom. Is that alright with you?" He asks in a sincere manner.

Lewis dropped his smile for a moment, but then realized that it'd be good if Jared and his mother could get on well - that could lead to good things, without a doubt. "Okay, Jared." He smiled and hugged him, and then wandered off upstairs and dragged his blanket from his bed and into the living room. He climbed up onto the couch and started the movie whilst wrapping himself up tight. He wasn't going to eavesdrop on his mother and Jared - that would be rude. He was tired, anyway, so he'd probably be asleep within half an hour.

"Heh, honesty goes a long way, doesn't it?" Alyssa smiled warmly at him and then sipped her wine. "I poured you another glass, by the way." She added. (@Stew)
After waiting for around 2 minutes in which she intensely stared at the pan moving it from time to time,Caitlyn attempted to flip the pancake.

First strike,second strike ... third time's the charm. The process was a little sloppy...pretty good for a first time,but definitely sloppy.

"Did I do it?"

She asked Alex. Caitlyn had her eyes closed haflway through the process.

@Soul OMU and @DrCompton ))
"You did it, yeah." He smiled at her and then took out a plate from the cupboard. "Give it a few minutes on that side, and then you can flip it onto the plate." He said, ruffling her hair gently. "So, you're going to grow up to be a professional chef and an artist, huh?" He asked in a gentle and playful tone.

(Soul's preparing for finals, so she's taking a break and only gets on when she has a little spare time. I don't know about Doc, though. @DryPunishment)
She looked at the pancake slightly surprised. She did it! Weirdly as it was she actually managed to get that pancake on the right side.

"I have more than a talent I guess. Maybe one day Chef will teach me how do make harder foods like the nuggets!"

She looked at Alex and smiled.

@DrTrollinski ((Hopefully she passes with flying colors. And hopefully Doc Compton makes a bad-ass return soon enough...I also need to get a post up for Harlequinn...gonna work on that at some point.))
"Heh, that's not hard at all. I could teach you how to make nuggets at some point." He smiled at her and then took a deep breath, looking at the pancake. "Alright, flip that one onto the plate, and then we can put what you want on it. Lemon juice and sugar? Chocolate spread? Jam?" He asked. (@DryPunishment)
She nodded and then tried to put the pancake on that plate. Caitlyn succeeded in her first try. That wasn't hard.

"How about maple syrup? Do we have that? If not then I can have some chocolate spread."

So nuggets weren't hard to make? Huh...cool.

"Yep." He smiled and took a bottle of maple syrup from the cupboard and placed it down on the counter beside her. "Put as much as you want on, sweetheart. Save some for me, though, don't use too much - last thing you want to do is make yourself sick." He said as he went and pulled a chair out at the table that she could sit on. (@DryPunishment)

Jared nods as he gets up,

"Thanks, honesty can go as far as you can make it." He adds on to Alyssa's previous comment. Jared sits down and proceeds to talk with her over the span of the next hour, both of them having a wonderful time.


Jared wakes up to a beautiful morning, he felt better than usual and even a tad bit tired than usual. He quickly realizes that the bedroom he is in is not his, it seems oddly familiar, but it was not his. As he lays there, trying to figure out where he is, he suddenly feels the covers next to him shift.

"Well... Good morning to you." Alyssa smiled at him as she rolled over and looked at him, reaching up and stroking his cheek with one hand. Her head was pounding, but that was because of all the wine they drank.

"You're quite the drinker... Among other things." She winked at him and then laughed before snuggling up under the blanket and reached up to pull him back into bed a little more. "It's still early..." She yawned. (@Stew)
DrTrollinski said:
Carl started eating his food as well. Yummy. It was a nice change of food from his father, and he was happy that it was well-cooked. It was good food, without a doubt. He wanted to wait for Scarlet before he started eating, but he was too hungry.
".. Can I help you work today, daddy?" He asked. It was a shame, because that would ruin the surprise, but Eric and Jenna had something planned for him to help out with. (@Soul OMU)
(@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
"Well, Im not sure bud, I dont wan't to ruin the surprise with what Im doing." He looked at Carl and smiles a little, "You might be able to help with some of the early stuff cause I don't think you'll be able to guess what Im making, although you're pretty smart." Tom ate his food with Carl, wondering when Scarlet would wake up. @Soul OMU
Scarlet yawned as she slowly woke up and got up carefully, cracking her back lightly as she makes her way downstairs after ruffling her hair up a bit. As she gets onto the ground floor she makes her way into the kitchen. "Morning.."

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