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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. Morning, Scarlet!" Carl chirped, shoving a bit of one of his eggs into his mouth alongside a piece of bacon. There was still enough for Eric and Jenna, and he was curious to when they'd be waking up again. Mm. The bacon and eggs weren't raw, either. Tom had gone right ahead and done Carl proud - he'd be winning the Father of The Year award at this rate. ".. Okay--.. I'll help out with the stuff you said, daddy." He grinned at him. (@Soul OMU)


Eric rolled over onto his side to face Jenna and then snuggled up to her, giving her a gentle kiss on her lips. ".. So, beautiful, are you going to join me and come downstairs for some breakfast?" He asked, smirking a little. (@Soul OMU)
Tom looks over at Scarlet for a moment and watches her, then looks back at Carl, "Sounds like a plan, little man." Tom continued to eat his food, "There is some food on the stove if you want it, Red." Tom looked back at her and smiled, "And judging from the way Carl is scarfing it down, I did pretty good this time."
DrTrollinski said:
".. Morning, Scarlet!" Carl chirped, shoving a bit of one of his eggs into his mouth alongside a piece of bacon. There was still enough for Eric and Jenna, and he was curious to when they'd be waking up again. Mm. The bacon and eggs weren't raw, either. Tom had gone right ahead and done Carl proud - he'd be winning the Father of The Year award at this rate. ".. Okay--.. I'll help out with the stuff you said, daddy." He grinned at him. (@Soul OMU)

Eric rolled over onto his side to face Jenna and then snuggled up to her, giving her a gentle kiss on her lips. ".. So, beautiful, are you going to join me and come downstairs for some breakfast?" He asked, smirking a little. (@Soul OMU)
DrCompton said:
Tom looks over at Scarlet for a moment and watches her, then looks back at Carl, "Sounds like a plan, little man." Tom continued to eat his food, "There is some food on the stove if you want it, Red." Tom looked back at her and smiled, "And judging from the way Carl is scarfing it down, I did pretty good this time."
Scarlet smiles a bit and ruffles her hair a bit more. "Alright... Thanks for telling me and morning boys." She said as she walked over to the stove to get herself some food.


Jenna slowly opened her eyes and smiled a bit tiredly. "Mm... Maybe in a bit... I'm still a bit out of it..." She mumbled and snuggled into him."
Eric yawned and settled back down beside her, gently hugging her and rubbing her back a few times with the palm of his hand. He smiled and then lied back a little more and ran his hand through his hair. His hair was sort of oily, which was a sign that he needed a shower. He needed to use the bathroom as well, so it wouldn't hurt for him to take a shower before he went for breakfast.

".. I'm gonna' take a shower, alright? You going to get up while I'm gone?" He asked before playfully tickling her for a second. (@Soul OMU)


Carl stayed sat at the table, peacefully eating his breakfast. He had table manners. He didn't put his elbows on the table and he chewed with his mouth closed - that was a big task for a five-year-old. He looked up at Scarlet and smiled as she got some food for herself, and then looked back to his own plate and waited for her to sit down. This would be a great family breakfast if Eric was here as well. And Jenna, but technically, she wasn't really family just yet, but Carl still thought of her as an older cousin or something, and seeing as Eric was in love with her, that kinda' meant that she was part of the family just as much as anyone else. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Tom watched Scarlet, probably a little longer than he should have, before looking back down at his food to continue eating. He covered his mouth as he let out a small yawn, "Maybe that extra couple of hours didn't help." He smiled a little and started to finish up his plate, he only had a couple of slice of bacon left before the plate was empty of food. @Soul OMU @DrTrollinski
DrTrollinski said:
Eric yawned and settled back down beside her, gently hugging her and rubbing her back a few times with the palm of his hand. He smiled and then lied back a little more and ran his hand through his hair. His hair was sort of oily, which was a sign that he needed a shower. He needed to use the bathroom as well, so it wouldn't hurt for him to take a shower before he went for breakfast.
".. I'm gonna' take a shower, alright? You going to get up while I'm gone?" He asked before playfully tickling her for a second. (@Soul OMU)


Carl stayed sat at the table, peacefully eating his breakfast. He had table manners. He didn't put his elbows on the table and he chewed with his mouth closed - that was a big task for a five-year-old. He looked up at Scarlet and smiled as she got some food for herself, and then looked back to his own plate and waited for her to sit down. This would be a great family breakfast if Eric was here as well. And Jenna, but technically, she wasn't really family just yet, but Carl still thought of her as an older cousin or something, and seeing as Eric was in love with her, that kinda' meant that she was part of the family just as much as anyone else. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
DrCompton said:
Tom watched Scarlet, probably a little longer than he should have, before looking back down at his food to continue eating. He covered his mouth as he let out a small yawn, "Maybe that extra couple of hours didn't help." He smiled a little and started to finish up his plate, he only had a couple of slice of bacon left before the plate was empty of food. @Soul OMU @DrTrollinski
Jenna squeaked a bit and lightly slapped his hands. "Maybe! Now go take your shower or whatever." She said and huffed at him while curling back up.


Scarlet smiles a bit and shakes her head as she makes her way over and sits down with her plate and a cup of coffee. "That's exactly why I slept in..." She said while starting to eat.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Eric laughed as he stepped out of the bed and then wandered out of the room and to the top of the stairs. He leaned against the wall and looked down them - he could hear the other three in the kitchen. Interesting stuff. He could smell one nice breakfast, too, but he could wait. Jenna needed to get up first, anyway.

"Dad! I'm just gonna' take a shower before we come for breakfast!" He yelled, and then turned and went into the bathroom and locked the door. He was quick to slip off his underwear and hop into the shower. Ah. The hot water really did wake him up. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"I'm not tired at all!" Carl grinned. ".. I'm happy we slept more, because now I feel more awake and happy." He smiled at them both and then continued forking bacon and egg into his mouth, occasionally murmuring under his breath in happiness. ".. Daddy, can we start workin' as soon as we're done with breakfast?" He asked Tom with a smile. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


A happy town with happy people. How quaint. It made him so... Envious. Jealous. Angry. He wanted revenge. Revenge for everything that he'd lost while these fuckers were sitting comfy on a nice town with no problems. He saw kids running around in the park, and happy people doing happy things, such as having happy interactions with each other and all the rest. Strange.

The only problem was, one man couldn't do it all by himself.

He turned his car around and sped off South once again. He had a plan that would work just fine.
Tom perked up when he heard Eric, then heard him go into the bathroom and the shower start. Tom smiled at Carl, "Sure bub, we can get to work right after breakfast." Tom looked over at Scarlet and smiled warmly again, watching her. He stood up and took his plate to the sink and began to wash it off, "You wanna help Carl and I? We're just doing some basic stuff that way the surprise for Carl isn't ruined, and he helps out cause he wants to be an adult already." Tom winked as he scrubbed the plate clean.
Eric spent a little while in the shower and washed his hair so that it went back to the original silkiness and texture that it once was. Hooray. No more oily hair. It was nice to feel clean, even though he showered only yesterday morning. Oh well. With a sigh he turned the shower off and then hopped out, and then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

Next problem. He had no clothes with him. Oops.

He slowly walked out of the bathroom and then into his bedroom again, looking briefly at Jenna. ".. Don't mind me.. I forgot to take any clothes with me." He chuckled a little and went over to his dresser, and then pulled out some of everything - a pair of underwear, some socks, charcoal-colored jeans, a white polo shirt, and that was all he needed. He went over and sat on the foot of the bed for a little more privacy, and then he quickly put the underwear on. That's better. He looked over at Jenna while he started slipping his jeans on. "You can go down and get breakfast, if you want. I'll be down in a minute." He said. (@Soul OMU)


Carl sped up to eat his breakfast as quick as he could, forking pieces of bacon and cuts of the egg into his mouth by the forkful. He made himself feel a little sick, but he didn't care. The breakfast was good, and now he was excited to help out Tom - just like Tom said. He wanted to be an adult already. He wasn't a shy kid - he wanted to get out and explore and do everything there was to do. He was so young that everyone helped him, and he took advantage of that.

He loved it.

He put the knife and fork together on the plate once he was done and then carried the items over to the sink; he stood on the tips of his toes and then slowly lowered them into the basin, and then smiled up at Tom.

"Breakfast was great, daddy! Let's get to work now!" He grinned excitedly. (@DrCompton)
"Well, I gotta clean these dishes first dont I pal?" Tom reached down and hoisted Carl up and sat him on the counter and handed him a towel, "Dry them off and stack them, the faster we get this done the faster we can get outside alright buddy?" Tom took Carl's plate and did the same thing he had done to his own, scraping off the excess food bits and wiping it down with soap. He looked over at Scarlet for a moment, "You feelin' fine, beautiful?"
DrTrollinski said:
Eric spent a little while in the shower and washed his hair so that it went back to the original silkiness and texture that it once was. Hooray. No more oily hair. It was nice to feel clean, even though he showered only yesterday morning. Oh well. With a sigh he turned the shower off and then hopped out, and then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist.
Next problem. He had no clothes with him. Oops.

He slowly walked out of the bathroom and then into his bedroom again, looking briefly at Jenna. ".. Don't mind me.. I forgot to take any clothes with me." He chuckled a little and went over to his dresser, and then pulled out some of everything - a pair of underwear, some socks, charcoal-colored jeans, a white polo shirt, and that was all he needed. He went over and sat on the foot of the bed for a little more privacy, and then he quickly put the underwear on. That's better. He looked over at Jenna while he started slipping his jeans on. "You can go down and get breakfast, if you want. I'll be down in a minute." He said. (@Soul OMU)


Carl sped up to eat his breakfast as quick as he could, forking pieces of bacon and cuts of the egg into his mouth by the forkful. He made himself feel a little sick, but he didn't care. The breakfast was good, and now he was excited to help out Tom - just like Tom said. He wanted to be an adult already. He wasn't a shy kid - he wanted to get out and explore and do everything there was to do. He was so young that everyone helped him, and he took advantage of that.

He loved it.

He put the knife and fork together on the plate once he was done and then carried the items over to the sink; he stood on the tips of his toes and then slowly lowered them into the basin, and then smiled up at Tom.

"Breakfast was great, daddy! Let's get to work now!" He grinned excitedly. (@DrCompton)
DrCompton said:
"Well, I gotta clean these dishes first dont I pal?" Tom reached down and hoisted Carl up and sat him on the counter and handed him a towel, "Dry them off and stack them, the faster we get this done the faster we can get outside alright buddy?" Tom took Carl's plate and did the same thing he had done to his own, scraping off the excess food bits and wiping it down with soap. He looked over at Scarlet for a moment, "You feelin' fine, beautiful?"
Scarlet nodded as she sipped her coffee and finished eating her breakfast before walking over with her coffee and empty plate in hand to put it in the sink to be washed.



Jenna nods as she gets up and makes her way out and downstairs for breakfast, tying her hair up in a loose ponytail as she walks downs. "Morning y'all.."

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"Okay." Carl dragged his chair over to stand beside Tom and then grabbed the dish towel, and then began quickly drying off any dishes that Tom sent his way. He still wasn't dressed, so that was something he'd have to take care of once they'd done this.


Eric finally finished getting dressed and then put his socks and sneakers on and made his way downstairs and grabbed himself a plate of breakfast, and then went over and sat down beside Jenna, he smiled around at everyone while gently setting a hand down atop Jenna's leg.

"Morning, everyone." He said. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
"Okay." Carl dragged his chair over to stand beside Tom and then grabbed the dish towel, and then began quickly drying off any dishes that Tom sent his way. He still wasn't dressed, so that was something he'd have to take care of once they'd done this.

Eric finally finished getting dressed and then put his socks and sneakers on and made his way downstairs and grabbed himself a plate of breakfast, and then went over and sat down beside Jenna, he smiled around at everyone while gently setting a hand down atop Jenna's leg.

"Morning, everyone." He said. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Scarlet sipping her coffee as she sits back down. "Morning you two... Have a good sleep?" She asked whil Jenna lightly shifted a bit and put her hand on Eric's. "Mhm... More or less..." She said softly while pouring heraelf a glass to drink.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Tom patted Carl's butt once they were done, "Go get dressed." Tom walked over and sat next to Scarlet, "morning guys." Tom smiled as he waited for Carl to run upstairs, "Are you still able to entertain Carl while I build the tree house? I've got some stuff him and I can do that won't give it away for now."
Johnathan followed Mark and began to rummage through the cupboards. All he found was a cup of Ramen noodles and a box of cereal. He put his finds in his backpack, ignoring Maria's fight with Cole, and leans against the kitchen sink. "Hey Mark, I think we should hit up a school after this. You up for it." He turned when Maria screamed out no. "No? Why?" She walked into the kitchen and handed Cole to Mark. "School is the last place I want to go to during an apocalypse!" Johnathan rolled his eyes and turned back to Mark.

(@DrTrollinski )
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"Okay." Carl smiled and then hopped down from the chair and shot out of the room and ran upstairs to his bedroom. He was going to get dressed and then run back down to help out daddy. Fun times. He couldn't wait - he was going to be the new man of the house in no time!

".. Yeah, we can do that." He smiled at him. "We'll take him along to where I told you about and he can help us out for a while. Any idea how long you're going to take?" He asked. (@DrCompton)


Mark took Cole in his arms and gently rocked him. The little one-month-old infant was still so fragile, and that made Mark worry. He didn't want anything to happen to him, not one bit. It was his duty as his... New father? To make sure that he was going to be alright. He looked up at John and then shrugged a little. "Sure, but why?" He asked. (@AvidElmV2)
"School bus. That's why. I wanna move in safety my friend. Plus, if we find some more people, we'll be able to take them with us." Johnathan went outside and loaded all their stuff into the minivan's trunk. He came back in and stood next Maria. "Plus, we could ditch that princess car were driving around in." Maria gasped and smacked Johnathan on the back of the head. "Look, you guys can get in your school bus but I'm keeping my 'princess car'.... It has sentimental value now." She walked into the front room and sat down on a couch. Johnathan rubbed his head and smiled.

(@DrTrollinski )
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(Don't forget, where we last stopped off, we were in a Police Station. We haven't had any time advancements on our side since then. We will be having a two-month one to catch up with the other groups, though.)

".. Sure--.." Mark shrugged a little and then looked over Johnathan for a few minutes, sighing a little as he did so. He looked back and smiled a bit at Maria, and then gently rocked Cole to make sure that he wasn't going to suddenly burst out into tears, or something. He looked back at Johnathan with tired eyes - despite just having a hot shower - and then nodded. "Yeah, that's fine... I'd rather we just stuck as a three, though... It's easier that way." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
"Uhhh, I can get the main parts done by 2 or 3, then whenever you bring him back stop, then I'll finish the rest tonight and have it up by tomorrow morning." He yawns a little, "if that works for you?"
"Yeah, that's fine by me." Eric shrugged a little and smiled. "If we're done with the first thing before three, we can take him along to the music store and I'll give him another guitar lesson, or something." He explained. In that moment, Carl suddenly came shooting down the stairs and right up to Tom's side, smiling as he tugged on his shirt and started jumping on the spot.

"Let's go, daddy!" He yelled. (@DrCompton)


Slowly, they came closer. It was back in the town of the mall, but slowly... Ever so slowly. They'd be here soon.
Johnathan smiled and started to search for more food. "I'm ready when you guys are." He sighed when he found out the cabinets were completely bare. He hadn't checked in awhile but he assumed that they were running low on food. He walked outside and sat in the car, slowly driftring off into a deep sleep. Maria's attention turned to Mark and she returned his smile.

(@DrTrollinski )
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Mark sighed and continued to rock Cole from side to side, and then looked down at him for a few moments before looking back up at Maria with a gentle smile. ".. Do you think we'll find a place that's worth staying at? Somewhere nice for Cole to grow up?" He asked, his voice close to a whisper. "I mean, we'd manage even if we didn't, but... It'd just be nice." He shrugged a little. (@AvidElmV2)
Maria nodded and dropped her head. "Ya... That would be nice. Maybe one day we could. Hopefully." She gave him a half smile and walked over to them. She took Cole from Mark and pulled a hand through his hair. She looked up to Mark and laughed. "I'll be outside with John until your ready to leave. She walked outside and jumped into the front seat, seeing as Johnathan fell asleep int the back.

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