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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Jared thinks for a second before taking one of Lewis' hands and positioning them on specific keys,

"Alright, I think we should go the easy way of teaching you, so you just play a couple of notes and then you start to add some on. It should be pretty easy." Jared says as he changes the setting of the keyboard and making sure that Lewis' hands were still on the specific keys,

"Alright, here we go." Jared starts to assist Lewis in playing the song at a slow speed.


Lewis smiled while it was being done. This was pretty awesome - he recognized the beat of the song. He'd heard it before, even if it was going incredibly slow. His father used to teach him to do things like this, but it was mostly within sport and other activities. His mother never had the chance to teach him because of her job, but he didn't mind too much. Life before this wasn't too great, and after it, it got even worse when he met that one abusive man that was still glued into the back of his mind, but now, at this exact moment...

Things didn't seem all that bad.

The smile on his face was priceless. He looked so content while Jared guided his hands over the keyboard, and it was nice to finally have someone to spend some time with aside from his mother. He eventually began to learn some of the patterns they were going in, and started to get a bit more confident in his movement, and eventually, he started guiding his own movement.

"Lewis! Come down from breakfast, sweetheart!" Alyssa yelled up the stairs. Lewis quickly pulled his hands away from the keyboard and then looked up at Jared.

"I gotta' go eat. Are you gonna' come, too?" He asked, smiling. (@Stew)


Jared chuckles as he gets up, he then sighs before speaking,

"I'm sorry little guy, but I have to attend to other business of mine." He says before rustling Lewis' hair,

"Well, I'll talk to ya later, and make sure to practice what I've shown you so far, ok?" Jared asks with a smile as he leads Lewis downstairs and back to his mother,

"I'll talk to you two later, I have to go back to my house for some business." Jared says as he walks back into the kitchen.

Lewis stuck at his side while they went downstairs and eventually went and sat at the kitchen table before having a plate of food placed in front of him. He didn't start eating right away; he just looked down at the table while he held his knife and fork. Alyssa ruffled his hair and went up to Jared, smiling at him.

"Thank you for coming by today. It was lovely to meet you." She said, then she gave him a gentle hug and pulled away, looking back at Lewis. "You going to say thank you and goodbye to Jared, sweetheart?" She asked, Lewis sighed and then slowly rose up, walking over to Jared and hugging his legs for a moment.

"Thank you, Jared..." He mumbled sadly, sounding a little disappointed as he pulled back and went back to his chair to begin slowly eating his breakfast. Alyssa sighed and looked at Jared again.

".. I'm sorry... He's just taken a shine to you, it seems." She smiled weakly and patted his shoulder. ".. Please stop by again." She said. "What house do you live at?" She asked in addition. ".. Maybe you'd like to come by for dinner later?" She offered.

(Honestly, I have no idea what I'm going to do after your character's left. It's going to leave us at a point where it'll be down to you to lead things. @Stew)

Jared pats Lewis on the head when he came over to his leg,

"You're welcome, little buddy. Anyways, I will come by, my house is the one that's two lanes that way, my house should have the number twenty three on it. It was fun being here, and I think I will come by for dinner later, that should be fun. Well, I think I'll take my leave." He says with a smile before walking out the door and strolling back over to his own house.

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Lewis continued to stare down at the table and slowly ate his breakfast. Alyssa walked up to him with a sigh and draped an arm over his shoulders, sitting down beside him.

"What's wrong, honey?" She asked. Lewis simply shook his head and said nothing as he shoved some bacon into his mouth. "You sad about Jared leaving?" She asked. Lewis simply nodded and sniffled a little. With a sigh she hugged him with her one arm and kissed the top of his head. "Don't worry, sweetheart... He's coming over for dinner later on. Why don't we get you in the bath once you've had breakfast, and then you can draw him a picture for when he gets here?" She suggested with a smile. Lewis thought for a moment but then perked up, nodding as he started to eat a little quicker.

(I'll move things forward for us soon, @Stew)
Later That Day

It came to about six o'clock in the evening. Alyssa was stood over the stove and occasionally checking the joint of beef that was roasting within it - she'd gone out and got all of the fresh ingredients from Chef, and now she was cooking up a storm for when Jared got here. She was certain that he'd like it; it was one of Lewis' favorites, and he came first before anyone.

Lewis was lying on the floor up in his room, a piece of paper rested on a large book; he had crayons and pencils at his side and was happily scribbling away, trying to be as patient as he could while he waited for a knock at the door. He was sure tonight was going to be a good night - he took a heavy liking to Jared when he realized that he was actually quite a nice guy. (@Stew)

Jared was dressed in his best clothing, despite the fact that it looked like it came straight out of the 60s. He walks up to the door of Alyssa's house and knocks on the door, a bag of several movies and a little toy for Lewis in one hand and a small box of some handmade chocolates for Alyssa and Lewis in the other.




As soon as a knock struck the door, Lewis instantly sprung up and dashed out of the room and down the stairs, jumping and clearing the bottom three steps. He beat Alyssa to the door by a longshot, so she went back to cooking her food.

As soon as Lewis realized who it was, he grinned excitedly and hopped on the spot as he pushed the door open fully.

"Jared!" He yelled cheerfully, quickly hugging his leg. It was nice to hug someone other than his mother for once, and someone he could trust. (@Stew)

Jared chuckles and slides both bags into one hand before patting Lewis on the head,

"Hey there, buddy, missed me?" He asks followed by a chuckle,

"Man, how long has it been since I've been here? Twenty or forty years?" Jared asks jokingly, he then walks inside with Lewis still on his leg. I guess this debunks the vampire thing since he wasn't invited to come in.

When he got to the kitchen, Alyssa turned around from the stove and smiled at him. She saw that he'd come bearing gifts, which was nice. She was dressed in a beautiful red dress, and she had a light layer of makeup on as well. She went over to him and planted a gentle kiss upon his cheek, and then hugged him as well.

"Nice to see you after so long." She joked with him, followed by stepping back. ".. Please, take a seat. We'll share a glass of wine." She smiled and went to the fridge. Something sprung to Lewis' mind and he instantly dashed out of the room and upstairs. (@Stew)

Jared got a tad embarrassed over the kiss on the cheek since he hasn't had a kiss in a long time,

"It's great to be back." Jared says with a chuckle before sitting at the table,

"I brought a couple of movies for Lewis and a couple of movies for us. Our lineup tonight includes, Dr.Strangelove, Pulp Fiction, Independence Day, and Fargo." He says with a smile.


(I think that when we get to a certain part of the night, we should do a timeskip. Also, should Jared wake up in her bed or in his own? *wink*)​
"Ooo... Very exciting." She smiled as she slipped on some oven gloves and then took the tray holding the beef joint out of the oven. She took a deep breath and put it atop the stove to let it cool for a little while - it was a little rare, but it was nice - she'd seasoned it with the appropriate herbs, and now it smelt delicious.

Before anything else could happen, Lewis came dashing back downstairs with a picture in hand. He ran to Jared's side and tugged on his sleeve before handing it to him. It was a picture of a man playing what seemed to be a keyboard. It wasn't the best drawing, but it was okay for a five-year-old.

"I made that for you. Do you like it?" He asked with an excited grin. "It's you!" He pointed out. (@Stew - We will do soon, don't worry :) )

Jared chuckles again as he looks at the picture,

"Well, well, well, if this isn't Picasso's work, I must be blind!" He jokes, Jared really did like the picture, though. He folds it carefully and tucks it into one of his jacket pockets,

"Hey, thanks little man. I'll make sure to find a special place for this." He says before ruffling Lewis' hair,

"Hey, Lewis, I also have something for you." Jared reaches into the bag and pulls out several DVDs,

"Let's see what we have here. We've got The Iron Giant, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, one of my most favorite remakes, Toy Story, and Ratatouille." Jared says as he hands the movies to Lewis.

Lewis instantly scrambled up onto his lap to see what he'd been given. Gifts were always nice. He sat there and looked over the movies that were placed in front of him. ".. I wanna' watch that one." He said as he placed his index finger down on The Iron Giant. "I ain't seen that one yet. Can we watched that one?" He asked with a smile. Alyssa looked over her shoulder while she drained the water from the vegetables, and smiled when she witnessed Jared's and Lewis' interaction. (@Stew)

Jared nods at Lewis' question and sets him on the floor,

"Why don't you go get it ready? We'll be in there in a little bit." He says as he walks over to Alyssa,

"Well, I'm glad that I made a good impression on him." Jared says as he looks upon the roast set atop the stove,

"Man, that should be pretty good. But next time, I'm cooking." He says as he looks at Alyssa.

"Okay." He smiled and dashed off to the living room with the movie under his arm.

"Oh? You think you can cook better than me, do you?" She asked with a chuckle as she moved the beef onto a cutting board and started carving it. Mm. No fat, slightly rare, juicy, and succulent. She worked at plating it up rather quickly, as she didn't want it all to go cold. She'd made a massive pot of gravy out of the beef juices, and some gravy granules she'd dug out of the cupboard. It all looked pretty good, with carrots, green beans, potatoes, and popovers, too. Yummy. "I would love to see you try. I've been honing my skills since I was ten years old." She winked at him and laughed a little. (@Stew)

Jared kept a straight face, spare a smile,

"Well, I can make a mean cup of cup ramen, you have my word on that." He says followed by a short, stifled laugh. Jared then decides to go check on Lewis real quick,

"Hey, I'm going to go make sure Lewis gets the movie on, I'll be right back." He says before walking towards the living room where Lewis was.

"Okay." She smiled warmly and continued dishing up all of the food onto the plates until it was all neatly arranged, and everyone had a bit of everything on their dish. With a deep breath, she poured some gravy all over each one - not too much, but not enough. While she was putting the plates down on the table, she thought about Jared and Lewis - it wasn't like Lewis to open up to men like he had today. Ever since his father died, he'd never been very trusting of men - it's probably because she never encouraged him to get friendly with them like she did with Jared earlier. She got two wine glasses and filled them both with some white wine from the fridge, and then poured Lewis a glass of juice.

Lewis was fumbling about with the disc and pressing every button on the DVD player except the one to open the tray. He was convinced he could show how grown up he was by doing this, but he was starting to lose hope. With a sigh he put the disk down on top of the movie box and rested his head in his knees. (@Stew)

Jared walks into the living room to see Lewis having some trouble with the DVD,

"Everything alright?" He asks as he strolls over to the DVD player and starts to set up the movie,

"Hey, don't let this get you down, technology is pretty difficult to deal with. I used to have a computer that would always act up, no matter what I did it kept freezing or going REALLY slow. But one day, I came to my senses, I promptly took a shotgun and blew the thing away to timbuktu." Jared chuckles at his story as the DVD comes up on the menu. He looks at Lewis and nods towards the kitchen,

"We should probably get to dinner before we watch this movie." Jared says as he walks towards the kitchen.

Lewis smiled a little and took him by the hand to go into the kitchen. He sat down beside Jared's chair and then picked up his knife and fork and waited for his mother and Jared to sit down.

"To a good night." Alyssa smiled as she raised her glass of wine outwards towards Jared. The dinner was hot, and looked very nice as well. (@Stew - this'll be my last reply for tonight. I'll respond to your next post in the morning. :) )
(Ok, I don't think I'll reply seeing as how I'm trying to do a 1x1 RP with anyone who's interested, goodnight.)

Jared sits down and looks upon the beautiful feast that Alyssa has laid out for them. He then picks up his glass of wine and gestures with it,

"To a wonderful night!" He adds before taking a swig of it.

(Sorry for taking so long, I have a lot of ideas and I'm dealing with signing up and all that jazz.)


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